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Previous Thread: >>22630238

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

rainbow diaper
No, they are all shit.
Rinne is the best written female Rider in Reiwa.
Don't know how you're typing this since you're obviously blind.
I can see just fine, and those suits are crap.
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The catalog says Nijigon is the 101st Chemy.
Meant for >>22633236 instead of >>22633270
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Has anyone else noticed how Lachesis has two pairs of shoes? One with high heels but without laces. And another pair with laces but no high heels.

And there's no in-universe explanation for this. Her footwear just changes sporadically. I guess she changes to whichever pair it's more comfortable to fight with when she needs to fight in human form. Probably more of an IRL or meta-reason for this to happen.
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cont. The other pair.
Most likely much easier to fight in
Kys, Lachesisnigger.
Oh, boy. I predict more deleted posts if this continues. Thread is barely starting and the shitposter(s) is already spamming it.
stop fucking replying to him you stupid fucking faggot
Pretty basic rule of stunts is to not do shit in heels if you can get away with it.
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>Losing trust in Alchemy Union
>Learns that his “black flame” is inherited from the Abyssalis King himself

He’s gonna get punished again…
No that's Izu.
Finally, Gotchard can maybe be good again without Legend
One is for display and the other is for fight scenes. You're not supposed to notice that her shoes have changed any more than you're supposed to notice that Gotchard's hard plastic belt with functioning card slots has been replaced by a molded piece of rubber that won't break or weigh down the actor when he's trying to do stunts. It's usually only noticeable when there's an issue with the props, like that time Buster's sword was clearly made out of floppy rubber, or when the prop is just that wildly different from the display piece, like Night Rogue's undersuit or the Gamer Driver being squashed down to half the size.
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there is nobody on earth who wants another shitty BETRAYAL arc
Dogshit series
This shit couldn't be gayer
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But Nijigon was supposed to be “the first Chemy created by the human heart”, so it’s nee.
At least it's not revice.
Why is the Rinnefag assaulting /m78/ specifically?
Ah, for a moment I thought Lachesis was so vain, she liked switching pairs according to her mood. But meta-reason makes more sense. I mean, I would totally buy she's the kind of vain girl who values her looks and attire choices.

To add another example to your list, the situation that broke my immersion the most was Hotaro's stunt double showing his obviously older and different face as he's being thrown around.
He just shits up every toku thread here. Usually they’re smarter than /krg/ and just ignore him.
>the situation that broke my immersion the most was Hotaro's stunt double showing his obviously older and different face as he's being thrown around.
You learn to notice this in every season desu. Actors aren't allowed to do much of their own stunts unless they've got some kind of pedigree in it and even then, usually in limited contexts. I remember a few scenes in Drive where the beanpole Shinnosuke is suddenly much stubbier looking when he does an elaborate move.
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Rainbows are cool, it's people like you and the gays that made it gay.
watching zero one right now, feels like fuwa has the most awkward henshins. He's cool but the gun is too small
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My wife Yua is cool, too
The midsection makes him look really stretched out.
This form comes out of Houtarou's butt?
Finished stronger, this was awesome and seeing the others first was absolutely worth itbut I'm not done yet, it’s skyrider time, let’s fly
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Literally, yes.
So kabuto is a cooking show. Got it.
I fear they'll do an episode with Houtarou pregnant like they did with Green Sai in Liveman...
But he can't be the 101st if 101 exist already, and Hotarou creates this one
No more ass-pulls for power ups. If you want that upgrade then you fucking earn it.
>Gotchtards are awake
Just legit region ban SEA
"It's been a while since I stayed over at someone's house.
I said I wanted to go home suddenly.
I love my best friend who is too kind to let me stay over even though I suddenly said I wanted to go home.
I wish he was my boyfriend.
He understands me so much
My best friend who is so dependable like a mother that I can't believe we're the same age.
It's a miracle that we have the same name.
Yuna, thank you!"
SEA hates Gotchard though...?
>They posted in /krg/, /ssg/ and /m78/
>Probably more
Just range ban holy fuck
It’s just one fag who evades their ban.
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It was her female best friend, also named Yuna. is that selfcest
The best friend?
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>inb4 it's just SteamHopper but punches REALLY EXTRA hard
Well yeah that's usually what a final form is.
name a singular final form that isn’t just this
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Kagami is one of my favorite mcs now by far. Dude is surounded by guys who are effectively perfect while he is flawed in so many ways. he falls flat constantly only to pick himself up again and again to surpass them all. Absolute legend.
Tends to be what it is when they've already used the "every power encompased into one" for the penultimate form.
He is a true Kamen Rider and that's why he has a fanbase.
Kagami is one of the best secondary Riders we've ever had. He's easily top three alongside Hikawa and Banjou.
Put Rintarou up there too.
I dont see him as the secondary at all. Kagami is the main character. If that wasn't what was intended by the showrunners then they fluked the whole show.
What's the point? It's a freaking raid from Euzeth Gozzo. If anything, they should be nuked off posting on all boards. Permanently.
Kagami is the POV character and arguably the main protagonist, but he's also the secondary Rider.
Guess who's here!
Of course he's the main character, but he isn't a Rider for a good third of the show outside of the short period he gets to be TheBee's host, and that's not to say that to discredit him at all because he is a great POV character with a strong story of growing and earning his way to becoming a hero, predestination stuff aside, but it's why he's one of the greats.
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GOD I want an Ultimate Haouken Xross Saber.
@ me when it's Xross Saber's turn. Jingles were disappointing in this one.
>doesn't come with the books
I miss Tomoko
Best goth
None of the Ultimate's do, they don't have readers either. All the sounds for the combos used *are* built in though.
fat and ugly

They don't make secondary riders like they used to.
>fat and ugly
Yes you are, but what does that have to do with Shiho?
Hopefully this means we're not far behind an announcement of it from China
The new Rainbow Rare Cards seems to be part of its gimmick.
Probably works like Iron and Platinum, with different achemies able to be used with Nijigon for attacks and whatnot. The cards all use the same barcodes as the standard chemies, so it's just a cosmetic difference for the show.
He's the secondary rider dude, Kagami is the POV character but not the MC. The MC is Tendou.
can you actually put it in into the Driver?
What are your rankings on Gotchard and his upgrades?
looks good
looks good
It's okay
It's twice the width and at least three times the length, no
8/10 6/10 9/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 9/10
lame, they can do that in the show
>Jingles were disappointing in this one
But imagine if it has both versions of Bahato's henshin. The movie one where all the background noise goes silent after the "Battou!" and you only hear Bahato's laugh before the jingle resumes, and the show one where he does the "Shhhh" instead.

Since what Hotaro and Rinne are wearing next episode matches the leaks, does that mean Kamen Rider Girls are also showing up in these next few episodes…?
>Kamen Rider Girls
More like Kamen Rider Hags
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Youre telling me this is the sex outfit Rinne was wearing that made the extras swoon? Also Tsaki is directing this week's episode, not Sakamoto as the leak said he was
This’ll probably be a multi part thing where he retains the same clothes, the episode they were talking about already had Nijigon out of the egg and with Hotaro (the final form’s debut, most likely)
I hope they push for more of the supplement upgrades for a lack of a better term. Sometimes all we need is a big power boost to the default form and most of the Q1 form changes rather than moving on to a whole new suit.
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You can already see the creases in the crotch area, maybe having diaper armor was a bad idea.
What are you confused about? It's just an episode preview.
Are you telling me we might see Lachesis, Izu, and Poppy sharing screentime? That sounds way too good to be true. Will it be the same cast as Remix? Or mostly the same cast?
oh what a good time to beat my meat
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Daily reminder.....................
reiwa sucks we get it
>Yuna's staying over
>you wake up at 1am and realize you forgot to hide the knives
>Saber eternally BTFO of these Dyslexic SEAchimps
How do we fix Ryuki?
How do we fix Sabore?
Buck status
>[x] Broken
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Slit your throat
That's how
Anon, the chart doesn't mean anything for Rider because the results have been extremely consistent ever since W. There's a little spike around Zi-O and then a drop back down to the same place it usually is. The chart is meaningful for Sentai because you can track the ongoing decline and fall of the franchise with major break points where it loses a quarter or more of its value along with a sustained downward trend. Rider is apparently doing perfectly fine and while the Reiwa shows have their problems, those problems clearly aren't enough to have a meaningful impact on sales.
Nah idc nips like gero-one compared sabore

Not to mention in the NHK poll sabore riders never made to the top 20s lmaooo
>01: mcuposter, vulvabadposter, yuafag
>Saber: saboreposter
>Revice: sakurafag, yurifag
>Geats: takebe retards, plotfag newfag
>Gotchard: ygofag, rinnefag
Now we wait for gavv edition..
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Damn, that's a cool custom
It's not even covered on the crotch, it makes it stick out so bad lol the arrow strip looks really cheap too.
Waga Maou wins as always
>plotfag newfag
That belongs to Gotchard.
Diabetes and or dental fag
Nepanon will return.
If you think that's a diaper then I don't wanna know what shit's on your search history.
Reminds me more of a garterbelt sans panties lol
Yuafag. Sakurafag and Rinnefag are all the same anon.

And why do people ignore that he posted aboout Neon just as much as the others?
What's a good season to recommend to a friend to start with so he can be put off by it?
Revice. Let him suffer.
Honestly if you have nothing better to compare it to is Revice actually *that* bad on its own
Black Sun.
If you want him to hate Rider for some reason, then it's hard to beat Amazons or Black Sun.
Amazons will make him question if the showrunners actually knew what the fuck they were doing, Black Sun will make him question the writing team.
If my own experiences are of any use, believe me when I say that even a complete newbie to the franchise can feel the drop in quality of the show and be scared out of it.
The chemy inside hotarou is actually his father turned egg/power up/chemy.
>where did you get this retarded theory
Ace revealed it to me in a dream
Well, can't argue with Ace-sama.
>Ace revealed it to me in a dream
So it's fucking bullshit then.
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Not a big fan of the color scheme, but sheesh, the shoulder and hip pieces look completely out of place.
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>Spanner, I am your father
The thumbnail feels like this form could belong to Build or OOO
The eyes give a Geiz vibe, too
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Someone already finished Phase 4 and it not even out yet...
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Sometimes I think about how one day, I'm going to watch my last episode of Rider and wouldn't know that it's my last and then I get sad.
Trash suits
Trash opinion
Probably made the cards himself
That's everything in life. Hell I got sad recently since I've decided to live minimalistically, not buying so much junk like rider toys anymore.
Not an opinion, just a fact that they are trash suits from a show no one liked.
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Why does Revice live rent free in your head? It’s a kids show take your meds
And both it and kinoshita should be punished for ruining the 50th anniversary of Kamen Rider.
What's really sad is you're wasting time posting on here about this instead of just being out enjoying things. S
eek therapy.
Naming and cataloging these faggots is part of what motivates them. It gives them the attention they crave, they don't care how much you call them fags.
>revice with bad sales
Proof no one liked it.
>makeup battle
Im dying
I also get the feeling the villains will try to use Spanner's hate for the academy to their advantage, so ironically Lachesis needs to help Hotaro and others to calm him down or win him back to their side.

To be fair, the alchemy academy has done shit to help Hotaro and co. If anything, they tend to get in the way, be villains, or help Geryon's side. It's such a corrupt and incompetent institution, outside of Minato and Kyoka.
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>Valvarad GT is the uncontrolled berserk form

We SEE Gigist hanging out with academy members in photos for this episode. Spanner is lashing out when he sees Gigist there. I don't think Spanner's rage is meant to be something that's moving him away from the rest of the cast. I don't see Houtaro and Rinne deciding Gigist is a good fellow.
>thats just geats ix attachment
Nijigon a cute
>kinoshita should be punished for ruining the 50th anniversary of Kamen Rider
Like seriously, what the fuck were they thinking hiring a newbie? I get that they've been hiring new writers for their shows but difference is that the likes of Urobucchi and Muto both have experiences, and Kinoshita's lack of writing TV absolutely shows.
>No more ass-pulls for power ups. If you want that upgrade then you fucking earn it.
>but gaim is alright with his handies
The Geats brainrot is strong in this one.
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>Screams to his mommy
>Gets powerup
It never works when I do it
Your mommy has to be an ancient wish fulfilling statue, anon.
Your mommy needs to love you first.
Point out in his post where he said Gaim is okay. if you can't show it exactly, complete with screencap, you're a gay Mexican nigger.
If Ace's mom actually loved him she wouldn't have abandoned him to go become the DGP's wish-granting statue despite being a literal goddess.
What if even after Gigist is defeated before the finale, the Alchemical Union won't give a shit to what just happened as well? It will be the final straw to just destroy the old union and bring forth a new era where humans and Chemies live in harmony. I mean, the Union's corruption is the very reason Fuga even left the Union.

On a different note, is there even a list of hacked sounds for the Legend Kamen Riser? I was wondering what happens if you set GigantLiner on there, as it's among the only hacked sound bytes not even hacked for the Riser.
Ultimate Revi & Vice are the weakest cards on Zein's arsenal like holy shit they did fucking nothing
Spanner's hate is just a chemy lodged into his brain and controlled
I wonder if Evolt will do something to allow Zein to reuse cards. According to its Tv Asahi stat page, the whole card destroying mechanism was a safety measure implemented into Zein to avoid probably exactly this scenario (AI going rogue). He was spamming cards for little reason in this last episode too, like even against a RidePlayer.
I mean, there's not much you can do against someone that's virtually immortal.
Because they aren't real kamen riders.
Be thankful Zein erased them from existence.
The very first episode post-Geryon hints at Spanner and Minato working towards a change of the union's leadership. Show will probably end with Minato as the president or something.
If Fuga remains a hermit or retires from being an alchemist. If he returns, he would be leading the Union himself and excommunicating the corrupt.
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We're approaching Gotchard's final arcs and I don't hate it like I hated Revice.
It's an inoffensive show.
Revice's final arcs were offensively bad. Gotchard's are... fine. I don't hate it but it's not super interesting.
I'm looking forward to Sakamoto's directing of Rainbow's first transformation/fight though.
I would hate Gotchard if the adult cast, Kaijiki, and Atropos didn't counter my dislike for Hotaro and Rinne.
Gavv's leads can't be any worse, right?
Don't jinx it.
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This image looks like he is sodomizing her
Banjou 2.0
more like he's humping the wall
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He's top tier secondary. Up there with Banjo and Ichijou
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izu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssss cute
>He thinks Zero-three and Kuroto aren't big draws
It would actually be embarrassing if having both in one special couldn't beat the weekly episode.
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Where’s the edit of Thouser getting dunked on by everyone?
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When are you getting range-banned?
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>toei misses Omori so much that they're letting Gotchard do his alien rape child meme again

so heartwarming
Been catching up on Gotchard since I'd been out for a couple months and I gotta say- All the Legend stuff in the recent episodes just feels like noise, for lack of a better term
Like they're just throwing a bunch of stuff at the screen hoping it does something, but I really can't bring myself to care when having Legend around completely nullifies the stakes
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That's to be expected when spending three weeks doing a pseudo movie wars with a guy that doesn't even have his own show
>All the Legend stuff in the recent episodes just feels like noise, for lack of a better term
I know Gotchard doesn't have a well-written, deep, or complex main plot, but I also find it weird how cameo and crossover stuff that should be in movies or specials is hijacking the show. Zein, Legends, and now Girls? Maybe Sentai will show up next, like in the old days, to help against Atropos or Geryon.
I mean, that seems to be becoming a rule in toku now? King-Ohger stopped for two episodes and half for Kyoryuger stuff, and Boonboomger is going to have Go-On Red this week (and apparently the ToQgers later on).
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this has to be the most plastic looking sword.
I'd be slightly less thrown by it if it was a proper crossover even, but something like an Arc-One Malgam in this show that has absolutely nothing to do with Zero-One just strikes me as an odd choice
>izu before the thickening
No thanks my friend
Come on, we saw Gaim and Baron hit each other with rubber swords in the finale. At least getting hit with plastic hurts and makes it easier for the toys to be more show-accurate.
she looked normal in girls remix
it really is to blame on toei's catering
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That barely counts a "hijacking", it was literally just a promo.

>now Girls?
Kamen Rider Girls as in the idol group, newfag.
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metal cluster punches women
Isn't that far-fetched to think that we will get Boonboomger, Izu, and Evolt teaming up with Hotaro and Legend to beat the shit out of Atropos and Clotho.
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From the thumbnail I was thinking this was bara art
Crossovers for the sake of crossovers because the execs think nostalgia sells because of Ultraman.
Friendship ended with Hopper1.
Nijigon is my new best friend.
>because the execs think nostalgia sells because of Ultraman.
And Zi-O, anon. >>22634220
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so zero one was the greatest thing since sliced bread? i like it so far, i just think all the weapons except the thousand jacker look like shit
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imagine that but with the faces houtaro's actor makes
It's the first Reiwa series. You need to give credit where's it due. It still made a lot of money compared to later shows. And Geats still wasn't able to clear 23 billion yen despite having Shin Kamen Rider bucks. So Zero One did something right despite all the horrible job stuff.
Why did he leave us?
The new mortal kombat looks weird
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Honestly I'm expecting another shitshow after gotchard and have extremely low expectations after a lot of the recent series AND Omori leaving after Kingohger, something tells me he quit because Toei are adamant on driving the franchise into the ground
Wait so the egg for Nijigon is inside Hotaro? Oh man the fanart is going to get wild now isn't it?
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Alisa really looks different from the average Japanese. Not complaining.
>now Girls?
absolutely sickening when newfags not only pretend to be an authority but out themselves in the same breathe
>Has to get mpreg and give birth to his own final form
That’s my fucking hero right there.
She’s 1/4 Irish/American as far as I remembered
pick hotaro pregnant
future generations will thank you for preserving this moment
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>not secondary
>show is called Kamen Rider Kabuto, not Kamen Rider Gattack
I do love how even the Japanese rider fans went on twitter to say to his face he sucks and should never work in toku again.
Somebody made a Webm version of this with audio and I never saw it posted again
>Every other series was ramping up big shit
>Revice was a character that shouldn't have lived that long, turned to a simp attempt to transform into just a repaint slop
I wonder if the sales for Gotchard stayed strong or fell after Q1. I know it had a strong start but haven't heard anything since.
Aren't there usually one or two breaks between that time?
Q2 sales are 6.3. It's going strong.
>Zero-One, Saber, and Gotchard
A big enemy finally makes his move
>Revice and Geats
More fucking around the same bullshit
>A big enemy finally makes his move
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That's good, though still below Geats Q2 even if slightly. This was the last chart I saw of its performance.
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This is the first time Abyssalis King lets himself known to all the heroes, as so far only Spanner and Minato have been talking about him. During the Legend arc, he only helped the villain by the end and had no real confrontation with the heroes. This is the first time he's actually taking the reigns of a main villain for a time and apparently fucks up the alchemist leaders pretty badly.
>Hearing a bad joke vs. telling a bad joke.
Is Gigist a girl?
That pose looks cute.
The show's lack of ambition makes its problems less annoying. You don't have Rinne or Hotaro fighting over truth and justice for society when they have no place to do so. They're just hunting cards and being pals, with the occasional traumatic event happening to one of the characters. It's standard stuff for adventure shows so there's not a lot to be mad at.
He actually revealed himself to Hotaro during Clotho's focus episode, when he makes her go berserk.
Yes? He's about to drop some big reveal about both Spanner's dark flames and the real nature of chemies, and we know he is doing it to somehow get a hold of Nijigon.
Also the tits
True, but after that he went away and fucked around in the Legend arc. Ep 36 is the first time he's properly taking action in the story rather than just intervening here and there.
How is the new villain different from the Sisters or Geryon? Gotchard has already been playing the new bigger villain card already once and it was a complete letdown. There's no evidence this'll be any different.
>Gotchard has already been playing the new bigger villain card already once and it was a complete letdown
Glion was extremely competent for someone who only lasted like 10 episodes.
He is literally standing next to a corrupted chemmy that they showed to net be recapturable.
>people unironically call twitter X now
Too funny
I always deadname trannies and I will always deadname Twitter. I'll be in the cold, COLD ground before I stop calling it Twitter.
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I wish Toei will hire her as one of the new villains...
those colours aren't even rainbow accurate
this bitch been photoshopped so much, there's hardly anything left of her
toei wouldn't let him be more explicit with the rape
does krg like kamen rider amazons the last judgement
Amazons isn't good after the first season
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Imagine if we had a Shin Kamen Rider/Mortal Kombat crossover.
the movie is an awful piece of shit, and i say this as someone who likes the second season. last judgement is proper bottom tier kamen rider
That movie felt like 80% of it was shot intending for it to be an irrelevant side-story, then they realized there would be no selling point in that, so they rushed to make the remaining 20% a finale of sorts.
No, I thought it was shit written by a 12 year old trying to be deep
I always said Shin Kamen Rider should've been a guest character in Tekken as a way to promote SKR in the west and also due to the fact that Bandai own the toy license.
That's Asian cosplayers. It's basically expected at this point that you photoshop the absolute fuck out of yourself until you're a porcelain doll.
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i hate his tiny gun
He does inherit that axe/shotgun weapon that they kind of forgot about after Aruto stopped using SAH.
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they stopped using this shotgun thing real fast too,
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Rate them.
>two women

where did kr go so wrong
Saber > Geats > Zero-One > Gotchard > Revice
You're really late on this.
We have female rivalries all the time, amd that wasn't even when she was a Rider yet.
I fixed that typo, what the fuck...
You failed.
Saber > Gotchard > Geats > Zero-One >>> shitty Twitter yuribait.
>We have female rivalries all the time
That's a goddamn lie.
Just want a kamen rider gf bros...
Geatshitters trying to minimize the damage their show did to this general. See also >>22634320

tokusatsu is an English word
NTA but Jesus they do suck.
The manga itself has pretty bad scans too.
You are the worst poster in this general
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Kabuto is the best japanese cooking show I've ever seen
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these few episodes have been a real treat
Did Japs enjoy Keiwa's edgy retard phase or something?
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Yes. Bujin itself being ridiculously popular also helped
It’s a cool form you fucking faggot
>Do Japs have shit taste?
Stop samefagging
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Cope Geatsfaggot
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She can't be the only fighting character who won't get a What's Your Fire moment, even Clotho got one...
>See also >>22634320
When I said plotfag newfags belonged to Gotchard, I meant that those specific retards and shitposters shat on Gotchard and not Geats. They are people who probably started with Takahashi shows or Build and haven't seen anything else, which is why they keep whining about the stupidest things like the existence of breather episodes.
There were no screenshots or webM's from the last episode, why would they care about ripping from this one?
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Gigist really wants the baby...
Going by the pattern, Rinne’s upgrade form will be shortly after Rainbow, right? Still no word about that, but they hid Wind super well, so who knows
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>inb4 Gigist is Houtarou's dad but consumed by malice.
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Poor Chesis
The form itself is cool in terms of design but it also represents the lowest point of Keiwa's already insufferable character and a low point for Geats as a whole.
If you really think about it, Lachesis only changed sides because her evil "bosses" suck but not her "co-workers". If it weren't for Geryon or Gigist, she would still get along with Clotho and Atropos.
They're probably omitting green because the greenscreen
teen pregnancy...
why is there like, one or two autists who keep harping about lachesis changing sides as if its the most baffling out of lief field event in the show
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Abe....this is what you wanted right?
our promise...to you.
I think a wrestling themed Kamen Rider would be very cool.
Nah, too singular of a theme. I'm fine with a rider doing like a lariat sometimes but otherwise.
Just regulate it to a secondary then, like how Meteor always fights with exaggerated Kung-Fu.
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Not at all. You know how varied in style and genre wrestling can be? Watch the first season of Lucha Underground and you can see how wide an array an options just going "wrestling Rider" can give you. It even has a Kamen Rider.
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izuuuuu iiiiiiiiissssss cuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeee
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I wonder if there are sexworker Humagear in 01 world
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Oh, no. Anons were right. He may get brainwashed or seduced to the dark side. Looks like Gigist is trying to manipulate him. Probably another Evolto-Banjo situation.
This show has my interest piqued. So is it just psuedo-storylines interspersed with real wrestling events (although, I guess this is just what wrestling literally is)? Seems pretty fun.
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I miss gorilla-man..
What does Hyoer Fumetsu do that sets it apart from Hyper Muteki?
ep 25 is very close to being almost just a recap episode, how often does kr do this?
There's always a framed recap episode around the middle of the season.
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oh okay
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if izu went on more walks like this she wouldn't have gotten fat
Fumetsu is Invincible as in doesn't take any damage thus impossible to kill.
Oh, so it's vulnerable to status effects but doesn't take damage anyway. Neat.
Almost every toku show has a mid show recap episode. It's a holdover from the pre video days when the show aired once and then was done so it's possible some people actually missed episodes or otherwise forgot what had previously happened.
Pave way for Valvarad GT I hope
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Predict which suit will Dread 2.0 kitbash from
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I'm weirdly happy that Ore Journal was able to move into being a smartphone app.
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We really just doing this every show now? Why not give that role to Rinne considering she's the secondary supposedly.
Rinne will get one after Supana's turn is over.
Makes sense to be happy, it's always tough to be an independent news site not connected to some big corporation. Good people are Ore, they deserve our support.
die posthaste
Of course Rinnefags would threat others to death. They are that insecure.
Did you reply to the wrong post?
No. Fuck off with your death threats.
Imagine if Valvarad GT isn't an upgrade but is just Lachesis's Rider from like Over Demons
>because of Ultraman
because of *Zi-O >>22634220
You don't belong here if "death threats" disturb you this much.
No, just no.
I wonder if Houtaro got fertilized during his time in the Chemmy realm as a child.
You are all overthinking it. Spanner will probably turn briefly "evil" just so Chesis can demonstrate she's fully committed to helping the good guys and earn their trust by helping him. As for the next Valvarad upgrade, it's probably for Spanner because Repli debuted only two episodes ago.
It's misdirection. Meikoku Rinne will be happening soon enough.
hahah what a gavvot
Have you laughed at any jokes or gags in KR?
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stab ur enemies in the heart
and ur bf in the bussy
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The suits are so good
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Terui is a married man again
which show is the most goonable?
I literally couldn’t take my eyes off Maya
Murder Mystery Drama? Looks interesting.
Wizard and Fourze
Revice, Geats, and Saber, courtesy of Miyazawa
Weak! You lack hate!
W and Fourze.
Rinko is definitely a hot piece of ass
I buckle myself into my goon throne and put every Sakamoto-directed episode on, on loop.
Transforms with Daybreak Tenliner
I like his directing but the man really need to do more location instead of the same warehouse.
The warehouse was built on a leyline of JUSTICE, which is why all Riders must fight there at least once.
Can Saber be topped in writing?
I like Saber and think it's the best of Reiwa but it was already topped by basically all of the seasons before it.
It's topped by literally every other rider show in existence.
I laugh a shit ton. I like japanese humor, at least what's doesn't require the language skill. the fart jokes kill me.
I would do anything for a monkey japanese girl girlfriend
you can probably guess who wrote em
KINOue at its finest
Anyone has a webm of Kagami's father flying away during the Hell's Kitchen segments? When he declares the winner?
name three
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Are we ever going to get back the original CHEMY X STORY opening?
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This and Hikawa-thinks-Toru-is-Agito gag made Agito into the top comedy season.
Probably not. It may even get replaced by that new song that BACK-ON and Beverly sang at that Gotchard Festival thing, though that could always just be Rainbow's insert.
I still think about the "sticking a finger in a fish mouth" scene whenever I think of KR comedy. Also the scene with the tofu.
Though the last thing that made me burst out laughing was the "Magical Girl Beast" scene in Wizard.
The episode of Ryuki where Kitaoka has to deal with the woman marrying him is entirely hilarious. Ryuki honestly as a lot of great comedy in it.
>tfw we will never have a political figures themed kamen rider.
So, Build?
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From Color

>Theatrical Boss Mode is when the handle is closed.

>When the handle is pulled away, it transforms into TV BOSS mode

>Because one of the features of the new belt is that the empty circle in the middle of the handle is filled into a panel

>The content of the panel is the three eyes of Gigist, and the circle around the LED screen is changed to a tail-biting snake.

>So it's reasonable to suspect that Gigist will be using the belt with the changed colors and molds to turn into a new boss to fight!

>And the theatrical version of the BOSS is very likely to be Geryon now, after all, the side card slot has a golden Rubik's Cube exterior.


>The new belt changes the silver areas of the original Dread Belt to a brownish-red color, and the door, Tesseract Exterior, and tube are gold.
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Rinne: She made fun of my grief for my father and tried to kill me.
Hotaro: She almost made Sabi kill me and nearly murdered innocent civilians.
Sabi: I will die young because of her.
Renge: Didn't she turn us into stone and contribute to a massacre 10 years ago?

Lachesis: Yeah... Sorry.
So surprise surprise Gigist is the show's final boss using a modified Dread Driver
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All these dark riders returning, yet they never return back to the worst of them all.
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Gigant Liner is in Phase EX 02
i've never thought of micchi as a dark rider, he was more of a douche than anything
The song you mentioned is Rainbow's insert. We could hear it by the start of June, as it is the debut of Rainbow.

Say, where does GigantLiner fit in? Is it for the movie or the V-Cinema? And will it be a new belt attachment like advertised?
Arguably the most divisive character in the franchise.
Phase EX02 is suspect to release in July. So it will debut in the show.
I love Micchy he's such an entertaining incel cunt
A bunch of upgrade potentials for Valvarad
He redeemed himself by the end
Well looks like the rumor of the Rainbow insert being done by KR Girls was a fake then
The rumors was 2 song. 1 duet and 1 trio.
Doesn't help when I know its cards will be in the final card packs. I just heard the damn thing is gonna have a physical toy, but what does it even do? Is it a weapon, or a belt attachment?

And by the way, Hopper101 and TokkyuLiner should also be in the same Phase:EX:02.
Can't wait for next week
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Wtf is this lyric tho
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Recently it Yoacerberus Malgam spit-out Houtarou food
The entirety of Zi-O Supplementation Project. That shit saved early Zi-O for me.
Shinnosuke was just a funny dude
That's more because of the writers of Gaim were toying around with this woke "no real villains" plot point in the later parts of the show
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Legend seems kinda OP tbqh
how is that woke?
I hope Legend fight Zein one day. They both OP as fuck.
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Zero-One, Geats, Ghost
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That spoiled brat can’t fully access the powers of other riders.
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>his clones still can't top him
Is single father a good base for heroism?
Only if that father is a good man who cares about his children.
Might not be single for long when Rinne is around. There's no real choice.

Speaking of...
Just watch the entire first box of this custom maker. This is proof that Rainbow Rare and Nijigon Rare share the exact same pool, meaning you will have a high chance to get locked out of a Nijigon card when worse comes to worst. But don't fret, for only the Egg is the primary target of this banner, and many already got it.
guarding his womb
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So the same characters merging into one (Geryon and Gigist), but different results. This is why it says "Movie Version" and "TV Version". And with confirmation that the movie delves further into Daybreak's story, it makes sense.
Can I say the name of the belt is the Ouroboros Driver?
>but it was already topped by basically all of the seasons before it
It's better written than Zero-One, Zi-O, Ghost, Wizard, Decade, Kiva and Hibiki imo.
It's not, it's worse than all of them.
Shut the fuck up already, saboreschizo.
So can we expect Dread Tsuishiki to debut in July and the Final Boss Rider in August?
>Final Boss is once again a rider
When was the last time we had a monster final boss? Unless they make Dread more monstrous looking the Rider.
Gigantliner arriving can mean a lot of thing, since it can be used to upgrade either Valvarad, Legend or Dread
>When was the last time we had a monster final boss?
Uuuuh, Wizard I think?
Depends on who you consider the final boss of Revice. If it's not Giff, then Zi-O was the last time the final boss was kaijin.
Zi-O kinda
Juuga was more of a sub boss to pad the run time of the show.
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This guy spending the entire series being salty at Hikawa
Ahh Hojo. What a lil' whinge bitch.
>Micchy bad!
People don't realize that Mai turned him into that. The message of the story is that women ruin everything.
George becoming an ultimate Rider was planned from the start though, they just completely nuked the lead up to it since after watching the Beyond Generations movie Revice's writer decided he'd feel bad making him an evil person in the show.
Bro really thought his Metal Hero knockoff would be better then G3
Modern woke shows habitually redeem their antagonists
Toku has been redeeming the villian since forever
I miss when bait used to believable
I don't see the point of Gigist needing to be a Rider when he's already an all powerful kaijin dude. But Geryon being the movie Rider makes sense since Daybreak is the timeline where he won.
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Best sword.
No, saber is still the worst kamen rider show.
Gigist's kaijin form might get its ass kicked by Rainbow.
t. Incel
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watching him slowly go insane as the show went on was so entertaining
Despite being a wholly owned Toei property, I think in the future Kamen Rider should take some inspirations or adapt certain aspects of Metal Hero. Both share some similarities.
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This could be a cool gimmick for the next anniversary rider.
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Revice was bad, but at least it brought this masterpiece along
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His finisher is whooping your ass with a leather belt.
Demons was based on Spiderman and Evil was based on Batman. It’s just more western shlop.
I wonder if bamco wishes this were the main suit given how popular it ended up being
Yeah it would be fun to see a Metal Hero inspired Kamen Rider design.
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Every scene of him interacting with modern items is gold. His assisted henshin was pretty funny too.
meh. I don't like the Back-on collabs, they end up overpowering the other act too much. I'd much rather this be a Beverly solo track
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This moment was genuine hype. People waited in anxiety for his transformation since he already failed the Revice bowl.
Shame that they didn't know what to do with this character afterward
change the belt knees and i'm in
And to think the only good saving grace was supposed to be killed in the very first episode...
Good luck trying to bring back this popular pretty boy
>Waga inochi wo kakete...
Hiromi was great
No, that suit is trash.
It wasn't. No one cared about him. The character was bad and annoying.
Hiromi is just a microcosm of the show's problems.
Later on he became annoying because Kinoshitter hated how he drew all the attention away from his yuri romance.
He was annoying from the start.
Fuga return next week but Spanner is mysteriously not in the cast list despite showing up in this week episode.
He will be going by a new name: Rennaps.
so does reiwa just suck ass after zero one or what
Probably Gigist has taken him prisoner
>after zero one
no it doesn't. It sucks start from about a third into Zero-One, gets good again during the first quarter of Geats, then goes back to suck
I keep forgetting Michinigga had a whole "I NEED TO HAVE SEX WITH GEATS! BRING HIM TO ME" arc
Reminder: He never betrayed anyone
This is the casting information for episode 1
Not yet updated
Last week's episode 36 was like that, too
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>About your father, he wasn't even dead, stop complaining. We killing his clone actually got you closer to seeing him again, so you should thank us. And you, I never actually did KILL those civilians, did I? No harm no foul. And about your lifespan, maybe stop complaining and eat your veggies? Like, I'm technically not even alive, and do you see ME whining about it?
>Dread base form but golden

No it sucked after Zi-O which showed the suits you didn't need competent writing or complicated plotting to make money and that you could just wing it on anniversary nostalgia and serve slop to the viewers and they'll just accept it without question.

Zi-O killed the writing on Rider and we have been paying for it ever since.
Yes, at every single one of Aruto's jokes.
>No it sucked after W which showed the suits you didn't need competent writing or complicated plotting to make money
>W killed the writing on Rider and we have been paying for it ever since.
> you didn't need competent writing or complicated plotting to make money
That isn’t true and you know it.
It didn’t work for every Rider afterwards and especially Sentai
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No, only saber sucks.
I loved how his popularity continued to skyrocket even when he was gone for a good amount of the show. I'm still baffled to this day why Kinoshita actively tried to get rid of the one good thing in the show then disappoint everyone further by teasing his return with Over Demons only for it to be a background character that barely had a name at that point become Over Demons out of nowhere.
He left because he had other shows he was acting in, if anything kinoshita didn't want to let him go.
t. Mochizuki
Geats sucks even more than current Goshart, dumbass
Just finished Fourze (series + movie).

Is it ever explained what happened to the people sent to "Dark Nebula" after the series' end or are they stuck on Tachibana's satellite/ship/whatever?
they get saved at some point when someone in the toei building remembered they needed freedom
The Next anniversary Rider's forms should be based on previous villains.
It's apparently explained in the Fourze Novel by Tsukada.
>Still using Sempai
god TV-N Was a mistake.
Hi heat
Ivi never mentioned Gigant Liner in his posts last night. and i think the person in this post is speculating not saying gigant liner is in phase ex2
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Best seasons to watch Heisei shows:




who's the most schizo rider
Early Garren or Ouja at any point
The Dans.
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>get mindbroken
>turns emo
These two are great
Garren, for sure. The dude litterally schizod himself nearly to oblivion. he halucinated about turning green and exploding like 7 times.
The one that is literally written to be schizo.
Hes autismo not schizoid, get it right.
Is Leangle not as much as a schizo as Garren?
What do you think of Genms first appearance compared to this current persona?
I wish he had a Shakariki Sports version of Hyper Muteki.
actually cringe kys
He was being mind controlled its not the same as being green and exploding
He at least has the excuse that he is being manipulated by an undead, even if it is a flimsy excuse
leangle is just an edgelord garren was literally dying because he thought his belt would kill him if he got too scared, which was just a lie someone told him to make him scared to create a feedback loop
also he ate that puzzle piece
>also he ate that puzzle piece

why did he do that again
That should have been his Maximum Mighty X equivalent. Ex-Aid’s Level 3 was a game about mechs, and MMX had Mighty piloting a mech á la Planet Robobot. Genm’s Level 99 could be a collection of extreme sports rather than just BMXs.
Eating disorder
In the novel it's shown that Gentaro and Ryusei went to the M-BUS to rescue them and pretty much ends up being the trigger for all that happens there. Pretty entertaining read, if you interested.
> by teasing his return with Over Demons
But he didn’t. You retards thought he was gonna be Over Demons for some reason
Man this is fucking killing me, I'm trying to find a kamen rider music box set but it doesn't seem to be anywhere to download.
Seems like there are a ton of cool covers on it too.
仮面ライダー 50th Anniversary COVER SONG ALBUM if anyone is wondering or somehow has it.
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It's time for the final stretch

Are you ready?
No wonder he turned green
It is time
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It's Gigist time...
Lachesis hanging out
her tits?
They're trying to make Lachesis laugh to increase her humanity?
Shame they aren't funny lol
>If I kill them all right now, I could go back to Clotho...
She doesn't have tits
le final boss has arrived
Why didn't they ask Rinne to make a face of pure despair? Lachesis seemed to have found that pretty funny last time
>Shame they aren't funny
For Japanese standards, they are.
Teen pregnancy soon...
This one?
Gigist has a cool voice if anything
Hopper1 is a HAG!
Uh oh the dark flame is awakening
Hopper1 is the dandiest Chemy ever.
Suddenly Zi-O
A final boss that actually do his job instead of waiting till there are 5 episodes left?
Nice transitions.
That's one way to do a C-section
So Gigist can just change locations literally any time he wants and be wherever he wants
The king of darkness is a Chemy himself? oh my gotcha
So he's the 101st all along.
Gigast Chemy Card when?
Skebows is fucking dead
Yes, but I made a mistake and didn't clarify that I was looking for the whole box set.
That appears to be only a part of it, the whole thing has a way higher track list. https://kamenrider.fandom.com/wiki/Kamen_Rider_50th_Anniversary_SONG_BEST_BOX
At least it is something and more than I was able to find, so thanks even if it isn't totally complete.
Tear up the Rainbow Skebows you have. It's no longer happening. Not even Nijigon can restore a dead Chemy.
How do you know Gigist is the final boss?
Next week: Hopper1 goes on an adventure
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I bet Gigsit final form gonna be the CGI monster like that painting
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>Gotchard final episode ends with Houtarou befriending the King of Darkness
I guarantee you that's gonna happen
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They actually use a new Skebow prop instead of the goofy one in ep 2
Oh shit, they made an actual model this time.
They're gonna revive Skebows somehow, otherwise there wouldn't be a body left behind

Remember that this Gotchard, the least edgy Rider in a while
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they didn't waste time
They killed a human in this very same episode.
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We already know what will happen, Nijigon’s power will revive it and he’ll be a rainbow card
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Rainbow power baby
They not gonna kill any chemy
CM video.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Chemy were basically immortal.
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>Hype peak nearly
>Ruined him with memes and making his phrase "even if I have to lay down my life" constantly
>Exists show
>Forget he exists almost till he shows back up
>Proceed to do nothing with him
>Turn him into Diet Vergil later with an atrociously ugly new form
Oh you're one of those retards
My only complain is they didn't kept his goggles
THEY JUST DID. Chemies can die. If they make Nijigon bring back dead Chemies, it's gonna be possible Gigist plans to kill it too. It's gonna be like how Zein destroys Final Forms.
LOL no
What if his eyes are the goggles?
Hes the mc in my heart
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He glows
It hit a dip really
Zero One was good but the Job Wars meme arc was painful then some covid hit near end and it was a mess
Saber was great honestly and had minimal "drag" it felt.
I grew to like a lot of characters and the world.
Revice started above average and only got worse. literally minimal good.
Geats was peak and also had minimal bad scenes or drag. At least Toy shit was great
Gotchard is just pure dogshit from start and hasn't improved at all
3/5 is looking bad already for Reiwa
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Nice that they still remember the “black flame” shit
The cooler Houtarou
In that order.
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It's probably gonna play a part in Valvarad GT's debut.
Oh, his chest is a dragon claw clutching an orb.
>can't kill spanner because of the black flame
>can't take nijigon out of hotaro

gigist is actually kind of a shitter
What if the Kamen Rider Girls song is for Rinne’s upgraded form?
>Tell me the name of god, you fruity piece of shit
Oh so Dragonalos and Gaiard are the OG and they're evil by nature. Other chemies are just imitation by ancient alchemists.
He’s killed a Chemy, which is more than any other villain. Like Geryon got off the toilet once and got sent to hell in the same episode.
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>Can’t kill Hotaro
>Can’t kill Spanner
W-What's he going to do with that avocado...?
Geryon wanted to turn the world to gold, knowing damn well that he would starve to death. Bastard wanted to commit omnicide just so that he could drool over gold.
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>They're trying to make Lachesis laugh to increase her humanity?
>Shame they aren't funny lol
Then, Gotchard's cast has no chance of turning her human. Send her to the Agito or Donbrothers cast. Or let her join the Shinji bullying in Ryuki.
>Rinne's legs
I'm gonna cum
Poor tsurugi can't catch a break at all. Now his best friend and love are dating and its super rabu rabu...
>muh Donbrothers
Go back to your dead general.
>Hanging out with Tarou the creep and the lunatic brigade.

they are trying to give her humanity, not turning her into a psychopath!
I want both of their butts
How do I fix Gotchard?
You have the heart of a retard, what's new?
>reiwa era KR

you can't, it's fucked
How do we fix you?
There’s something interesting I’ve noticed about this series.

The riders that aren’t that favorable with the fanbase are the ones that often use Q1 forms in the later half (Revice, Ghost, Gotchard, etc)
the ones the fanbase loves are notorious for just completely ditching forms the moment a new one comes (Zero-One, Build, Gaim, etc)
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Oh no bro didn't...
does anyone here know japanese and has read any of the kr novels? are they any good>? I got the agito one but havent started reading it yet
There's good ones and also terrible ones.
so which ones are good
Nobody in this general is smart enough to learn Japanese. The only ones that are translated is the Ex-Aid and W ones which are good
What "fanbase" are we talking about here? Because the kind of people who hate Revice don't view Zero-One very favorably.
>Or Donbrothers
Holy zero taste braindead reddit
I'll read the agito one first then ex-aid since i liked that season a lot
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>A week already
>Still no Outsiders subs
I hate Revice and think Zero-One was fine
This is a really weird point to make.
Kuuga's, Agito's, Faiz's, Blade's and Kabuto's are all translated.
They are not going to irreversibly harm the merchandise. This is a kids show to sell cards.
>I hate Revice and think Zero-One was fine
That's just you and maybe 2 or 3 more people here though.
Revice was shit (Not as shit as Saber though) and Zero-One is great
Get better taste than enjoying Gotslop?
Okay schizo
>That's just you and maybe 2 or 3 more people here though
Realistically, how many people come here and don't samefag?
I think more people think that than you realize and most people just lurk or don't hate stuff as much as some of the more passionate people here so they don't post about it.
Besides, unless someone starts a poll there is no way to know and you can cheat those too anyway.
who's the big chungus of kamen rider?
Are you retarded bro?
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All of these guys
No, I don't like Revice.
Outsiders Ouja
It’s been 3 years. Why do you let a kids show live rent free in your head?
Neither do I, so why did you make a retarded post?
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Renge would be a freak in the sheets I bet
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Not a kamen rider show.
You said it wasn't as shit as Saber, which means it's not bottom of the barrel for you, which means you liked something about it, which makes you a revisissy.
Okay, thanks for the confirmation that you're retarded
Now tell me, were you born that way or did you practice really hard to get good at it?
Vice killed and raped my family, and Sakura/Hana turned my sister gay
>thanks for the confirmation that you're retarded
But the one who confirned he was a revisissy was you, anon.
What's your obsession with sissies anon?
It's my post, retard-kun, and I consider Revice shit but Saber was worse
Keep working on those mental gymnastics though
I'm just calling a spade a spade, revisissy.
shut up retard
Ok keep liking Revice then, revisissy.
Cope harder.
It's not.
Masahiro Inoue is browsing and posting in this general.
You too, retard, have fun being retarded
It doesn’t matter how much we hate it, it’s still called “Kamen Rider Revice”.
No, we can make them remove it from all their sites, erase records of it existing, and blacklist every actor and everyone involved with production of that non-rider show.
What your guys favorite locations for fights?
>You too, retard, have fun being retarded
I already told you I'm not the revisissy here, retard-kun.
what's the b-kabutack of rider?
You seem to fantasize about sissies a lot anon, just saying...
the warehouse of course
Both of the quarries are kino.
That's roughly when the other show is starting their new series.
That little plaza with the fountain where Hase was killed.
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I'm surprised this hasn't happened yet with how vocal fans were at openly telling kinoshita he sucks to his face.
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I miss when kamen rider was fun and good
Why doesn't it show and green color parts, or is it part of how 'aoi' can mean blue and/or green
Gotchard is fun though.
If they didn't do it with shows that had even worse reception like Ghost and Saber, what makes you think they'll do it with Revice?
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>Japanese company that makes japanese shows for japanese children listening to the outrage of western, middle-aged men
Actually schizophrenic.
Pic unrelated.
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Messes with the green screen.
Because visually they correspond with the colors of Gotchard's Riders, minus Dread and Wind.
Same reason Sentai hasn't had a single Green Ranger in 4 years.
Os was kino
He's a retard, please understand
>He's a retard
I have already said I don't like Revice, anon.
Because neither of those shows got the japanese rider fans to tell the writer he sucks to his face and those other shows made more money.
>Os was mid
They would be listening to the outrage of japanese children who hated the show.
No, you did not.
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>gets new form
>jobs immediately
it's time to admit ghost wasn't that bad.
>it's time to lie
>got the japanese rider fans to tell the writer he sucks
They're not gonna do shit for at most 5 Twitter users.

>those other shows made more money.
We have the charts, they made less.
>They're not gonna do shit for at most 5 Twitter users.
It was a lot more than that. We have proof.
>We have the charts, they made less.
No, we know they made more.
Stop replying to him.
Whatever you say "revisissy"
>We have proof
Post it.

>No, we know they made more
Post the proof.
Kill yourself zoomer retard
Ok, revissies.
God I wanna pound that Revussy
Just look up kinoshita around the time it ended and you will find thousands of people telling him variations of "you suck" and "never write for toku again".
>source: trust me bro
can you link some jp examples i need a laugh
>Post the proof.
We have the charts that prove those shows made more already here.
No, gather and post the proof yourself, lazy nigger.
I've been here since Kuuga sonny boy.
Post them.
which season has the best action scenes?
>Duplicate file exists here
Quote the post, nigger.
Funny newfag, because Kamen Rider was only "accepted" here in /m/ until Den-O was airing since it was exiled from /a/
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Agito, Kabuto and Kiva for Heisei Phase 1. Fourze, Wizard, Gaim and Build for Phase 2. Zero-One, Saber, Revice and Geats for Reiwa.
>Zero-One, Saber, Revice and Geats for Reiwa.
Also no.
Are we getting scans next week?
Is Next Faiz just that weaker compared to OG Faiz albeit safer? Or is Takumi just shit at using new tech?
Next month instead.
It's actually weaker. The blaster and faiz edge are explicitly weaker than the ones used by OG faiz.
what's the most silliest and most serious seasons?
Also Build
Geats, to the point it's downright schizophrenic in terms of tone.
>source: my ass
Build and Kabuto without a doubt
>first Reiwa anniversary rider
>Legend fucking dies like his idol
It's definitely much stronger, it was just a victim of Inoue not giving a shit about new upgrades. Even Axel Form would've done serious damage if it wasn't the butt of the chili oil gag. It only got overpowered by a combination of Muez and Next Kaixa who were both used by androids, which is not exactly in Takumi's favor. But yeah, Takumi is also just shit at using new tech because Kusaka did pretty good with Next Kaixa.
OG Faiz exceed charge killed muez and next kaixa while next faiz double exceed charge was tanked by an unhenshined Kitazaki. Therefore OG Faiz is stronger than Next Faiz.
>It's definitely much stronger,
It's not. From what we see it's actually weaker.
>Saber, Revice
>From what we see it's actually weaker.
How so
>Saber, Revice
Very POPULAR OPINION: Donbrothers was better than GoSHART
>OG Faiz exceed charge killed muez
After Kitazaki received Exceed Charges from Next Faiz, the Faiz Edge Exceed Charge and an attack by Mari in her Orphnoch form.
I too miss September 4, 2022 to August 27, 2023.
From today’s subtitle, those who inherited Gigist’s “black flame” did not retain human form, but Spanner somehow did.
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Maybe try again newfag becuase Saber is full of CG garbage, same for Wizard, Revice was just underwhelming in general
>not even mentioning Kuuga when it has a fuckton of amazing stunts
Thank you for exposing yourself as a giga newfag and be less obvious with your samefagging
shit + shit
I want to fuck majade. Not rinne, but the suit. Not the suit actor, but the suit. I saw that image on pixiv of anal penetration through her pants and now I want to fuck Majade through her tights.
don't post that shit here, degenerate. this thread is for discussing rider and not your fetishes.
We need a fetish themed rider season
Somebody post the Ark-One fetish finisher video.
>fetish themed riders
>series with tons of Fujos
If god is merciful I hope the fuck there isn’t
>Medic's actress initially auditioned for Kiriko's role but was apparently overly shy
>staff brings her back to play super slutty villain
Nice. I miss Drive to be honest.
I laughed when they sped up and reversed the footage for the fught scenes against Scorpion Man in the original KR. Anything slapstick and crazy Inoue does will make me krak
How would you do a kitbash for Valvarad’s “black flame” upgrade
Add a cape and turn the purple into a darker purple
exposed mouth
Fukuda KINO
It's basically Elemental Dragon repainted in black, purple and silver.
Destroy 2 suits from a good show (Gease and Cross-Z Magma) and Frankenstein them together just to piss off more people and to confirm they are never going to appear again.
I think that is the rational choice to piss off as many people as possible
Kitbashing both Shooting Wolf and Rampage Vulcan to confirm Vulcan is never going to appear again.
Now that is how a proper crossover should look like
Fuckuda = shit
Everything about these designs is so fucking ugly. The giant arm pads, the giant fucking circle in the center of the chest. These legit look like faiz bootlegs I use to see in china town.
Image limit so new thread:

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