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/m/ - Mecha

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Is tenchi muyo /m/?
There's a spin-off that's a mecha show. War on Geminar.
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Absolutely not. This franchise is a whole bunch of nonsense on top of nonsense on top of nonsense that you might as well call it doujincraft.
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But it has cool space ships
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Are spaceships /m/
It's funny how Tenchi in Toyko gave Sasami a robot that only gets used twice throughout the whole show.
At least it has the arc where Ryoko returns to space piracy, while Mihoshi and Kiyone try to infiltrate her organization.
Meh, the tenchiverse has stuff like Dual! or Geminar that are full on mecha, and mainline itself has different degrees of space opera. If anything, i think people underestimate the autims depth that the tenchiverse has in terms of lore as a fictional universe.
It's a space opera, and space opera is /m/.
That's why I can't get mad at the newer OVAs, even if they're super cheap. It amazes me that 30 years later, Kajishima is still coming up with new lore and characters -- even though they're donutsteels, that just adds to the charm. It also amazes me how Tenchi avoids the usual harem cringe and is genuinely engaging and funny. The franchise peaked with the Universe TV show and the 3 movies (especially movies 1 and 3), however. Hiroshi Negishi truly is an underrated /m/ director (he made the Tenchi TV show and movies as well as Webdiver, Borgman, and NG Knight Ramune).
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>>22634786 Tenchi Muyo is generic harem with a spaceopera backdrop (at best) and does absolutely nothing special with either.

It only includes mecha/bunny suit because it's popular in Japanese media and vaguely fit into the setting. Does it count as /m/? sure? But it's not a mecha show by any means, it's hardly even a space-related show.
Maybe you could say that about the newer entries or something like Saber Marionette J, but the novels, movies, and original TV show have lots of sci-fi lore and hijinks. Also the two In Love movies have barely any harem stuff -- even the other entries aren't like the typical harem anime because only two of the girls (Ryoko and Ayeka) are actively interested in Tenchi, and Tenchi isn't really interested in them either.
>even the other entries aren't like the typical harem anime because only two of the girls (Ryoko and Ayeka) are actively interested in Tenchi, and Tenchi isn't really interested in them either.
That's only the Tenchi Universe tv series. Tenchi in Tokyo explicitly had everyone in love with him, and so did the OVAs.
Duel and War on Geminar definitely are.
Is rocky /m/ ?
Paulie has a robot
If you have to ask your thread is shit.
The /m/ parts are /m/. Them existing does not make the work as a whole relevant to this board. Also >>22635173.
>does absolutely nothing special with either.
Y'know, apart from the space ships being living magical trees some of which are the embodiment of the triumvirate of old gods that created reality...
Then go talk about it on /out/
This is the mecha board, not the faggot trees board
Only that one movie
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What about mecha made out of faggot trees?
>Tenchi Muyo
what a joke
I think he made Tekkaman Blade as well?
This is Touhou but harem anime. None of its contents make sense, and you have to switch off your brain to enjoy it. That's why I hate Tenchi and Touhou equally because it's nonsense on top of nonsense on top of nonsense.
100% more /m/ than whatever that Symphogear thread is

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