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Rule 63 Edition

ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>40926501
Blueblood is based.
What would a ride on each feel like?
butterscotch is getting too popular among str*ight authors and artists. we need to reclaim him as the ultimate femcolt icon he is.
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But Rarity already had a penis.
Why do they keep giving Twilight hair that looks like uneven noodles.
lets talk plot size
bubble berry would have a nice round shape
not as big as pinkies but still a very nice rear to look at
Kek the last panels.
I like this Dusk, he's like a r63 version of the MAS Twilight. Is that any more?
Where does the "Rarity is a gelding" thing come from? I swear I read a green like a decade ago and never found it again. Would be great if someone knows what I'm talking about.
Anyone have any good CYOAs?
>Stallion Thread
just call it gay general
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There is nothing gay about loving stallions
Because it's a thread about stallions. It just happens that a lot of people on this board want to have sex with the horses and like to post about it.
the whole board may as well be called gay general
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Is it strange that I find Twilight far more attractive as a stallion than as a mare? Like, I can't help but envision scenes from the show featuring her as Dusk Shine and think about how much more endearing and cute her personality/mannerisms become because of it. I'm not even a Twifag.
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right youre not a twifag, youre a duskfag
I love Dusk Shine but I think he needs a better mane style
dusk shine's hair looks much better here than >>41004851 here where he looks like raggedy andy
I think the reason dusk shine is so appealing is he's generally drawn without wings, which is my preferred twilight. It's like nothing bad ever happened to him. He just stays cute and unicorny.
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Nope. Because he does look that much cuter as Dusk Shine. A sheltered, powerful unicorn stallion sent to the podunks to learn about friendship. I'm just speculating how his personality would differ, if it should differ at all, from Twilight.

Artist is Trotsworth on Deviantart. There are three more pages with Dusk, sadly the comic finishes with Dusk and Barb meeting m!Rarity.
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I think Berry's mane actually looks cute
This page comes just before >>41004856 , personally I'm glad the artist decided to injure Dusk even further.
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thats sad, I wish he met everypony, the humor of the pages that exist are great

I do too, I love Berry's cute mane
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>Rarity is a gelding
I have never heard of this concept, but I know I hate it.
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I remember those little pringles cups. do they still make those?
I'm pretty sure I saw some at the store the other day, but I wasn't looking at them closely.

Amazon says they're real.
But I wouldn't believe Jeff Bezos if he told me the sun was shining. Check your local store to be sure.
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I love him so much. So perfect. So sexy. I won't deny a sexual attraction to stallions, but I feel the sort of deeper attachment for Big Mac that I tend to only feel for mares.
I want to kiss a stallion
I want a picture of Big Mac and my OC.
I always thought Twilight was really ugly (compared to other ponies) and that's also true of the R63 version. Not a fan.
god berry is so cute
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the weird mop hair a lot of interpretations do isn't great.
guy-twi should have sleek hair like normal twilight has, or even just normal twilight bangs and a short cut back.
how come? what about him makes you feel such a way?
Give him normal-Twilight's hairstyle, so he's the horsey equivalent of an anime pretty-boy.
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he's byootiful
>The pink pony bounced excitedly.
>"Your hair is perfect! Of course I'll follow you into the cursed forest to chase after an ancient monster from the moon!"
>The orange pony facehooved.
Way better. It bugs me that the R63 stallion designs just crystalized around a small number of designs and no one tried to improve on them.

Rainbow Blitz's eyebrows are terrible.
It’s been like 10 threads since I last checked in on the thread and the “pretend to be gay” meme is still a thing?
Come on guys cut it out now it’s not funny any more
There's no pretense needed, my triple stealing shill friend, I'm gay for my big red boy.

I remember coming across a couple different drawings with alternate rule63 manestyles, but like hell if I can find them now.
R63 rarity's manecut is just superior, mare or stally
You just know it comes with a cock addon
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I want to tenderly hug him
buggy boi
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it better!
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he's cute
Would fuck
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me right now

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Elusive is such a fag, I wanna mount him
Luna but male
this is very wonderful and great. I also adore dash in that pink suit getup, complete with that huge mane, cute and gorgeous
Boop stallion tum
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I spy with my little eye...
I still remember when the R63 general existed.
That's never coming back. You'll just get a bunch of angry zoomers shrieking about trannies
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I want to snuggle up with Sunburst while I make him tell me in great detail about the night he got spitroasted by Shining and Cadance.
Imagine the embarrassed stammering when you press him for details about how Shining's cock felt or tease him about Cadance calling him a good boy.
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What's the R63 name for Derpy?
Don't think there's an official one, Derpy is pretty unisex but maybe "Dopey" if i had to pick one.
I miss the R63 general
Stud Muffin
sud butt
NGL, I'd fuck Dusk.
This is also what happened to the mares with flares thread.
t. ranny
t. ard
t. ongue my anus
l'm surprised no one has replied 'gladly' given the nature of the thread
Why do you find horse penises attractive?
because it's attached to my husband
who is your husband?
>Visually appealing
>Can flare
>Is attached to horses
Shall I go on?
>Shall I go on?
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Nice husband, good job.
>Perfect mix of firm and flexible
>Nicely proportioned balls on average
Gay stuff is usually loathsome. Stallion are the exception though.
Keep going if you want.
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medical stallion
>medial ring
>nice looking sheath when flaccid
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Hooly f-ffuck
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I wish to massage his back and legs
I want to sleep with sombra
I think of stallions
And then I'm happy
stallions just seem chill and nice ponies to hang out with. must be nice having such likable friends. if only i had stallion frens. sad.
Huge flare
attached to horse
looks way different than a human penis
cool poll type
I was made to suck stallion cock though
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Thought this was a pregnancy test at first.
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>>41025419 is what happens when he doesn't
S. C. R. A. M.
>pone cyclops
>no depth perception
>is still soft and cuddleable and kind
would you?
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Dopey Hooves
oh ok

also really loving the new captchas, eventually I'm going to need an entire research team for these damn things
Would keep him from running into things during walks
Me when stallions
I just got one with out a black dot, oddly.
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I'm mildly surprised Time Turner didn't get a little more porn, given the sizeable Who fandom crossover back in the day.
I really hope the Anon X rule 63 main 6 story on fimfiction gets updated. Left on a cliffhanger since 2018 is too cruel.
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Chally Wally Stally
I HAVE just kidding
Imagine your horsebando getting that excited to see you
God, I wish.
>walk in the front door
>coltfriend jumps up to say hi and cums all over your suit pants
adorable i love him
I guess I'd be kinda down with it if I was going nude. Or at least you'd have to have like a little entrance room so you could strip down before going into the house proper. I suppose there are worse way to be greated by cute little poners.
i hate the stallion design in g4, they just gave them ugly blocky faces and called it a day
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didn't ask
Shut up
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what a nice sub
Bottom bat
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I swear to God you faggots do this shit to troll me.
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Any stally pics with the genitals in the right place?
remember, be subtle
Very few. Assballs still plague this fandom.
Which stallion would you have cider with?
>Any stally pics with the genitals in the right place?
lmao even
Where do you think you are?
By "right place" you mean inside another stallion, right?
I want a stallion to turn me into a twinkie
No. He means too many images show the balls almost right under the ass. And that's total nonsense as far as anatomy goes.
Does he devour you post-transformation?
Love the idea of Yandere Dusk Shine. There needs to be more this.
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>that's total nonsense as far as anatomy goes
don't care. cock farther up the belly looks weird and is not as appealing.
>not as appealing
Bullshit. Natural stallion anatomy is peak performance.
Those are gay ass ocs
>Bullshit. Natural stallion anatomy is peak performance.
Absolutely fucking based.
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What happens in Los Pegasus...
Is gay
and hot
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What gay horses
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Stallions sharing a fuckable toy is so hot.
stallion candyass
Yum butt
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Torn on the glasses. Not a fan of the earring.
That fetlock is going to be impossible to keep clean
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i've had abotu half a bottle of irish whiskey and i have no hope for the future
I'd argue the glasses are even gayer
big red horse
little red pony
God I have had a horrible thought.

Sunburst is gay. His mom is in denial. Her molesting him and her domineering nature is what made him that way.
Something tells me you fantasize about children being molested fairly often.
Is that supposed to be Sprout?
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
sunburst's mom could be domineering with me if she wanted to
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oh daym
Gay stallions
dicks too long
How floppy?
there is a point in penis size wher eyou just think "that wouldevicerate them" but i try to block out suck thoughts
>suck thoughts
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I believe that ElusivexRainbow Dash is a fun pairing.
Nuzzles are best
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Look at this dork
I'd kind of like to see a Spyro version of a kirin.
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That I just found
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i love him
Ranked by size from smallest to biggest:
>r63 Twilight
>r63 Pinkie
>r63 Applejack
>r63 Rainbow Dash
>r63 Fluttershy
>r63 Rarity
What size are we talking about here anon? height? something else?
Their sizes down there of course. If we're talking about height, then from shortest to tallest:
>r63 Twilight
>r63 Pinkie
>r63 Rarity=r63 Fluttershy
>r63 Rainbow Dash
>r63 Applejack
every time I do it makes me laugh
What has you thinking fashion horse is biggest? I just can't see it desu
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It's subtle, but r63 Rarity has this masculine confidence and sheer presence despite engaging in what most would consider feminine work that makes me think he's 100% packing. Also the ease with which he acts around r63 Fluttershy who everybody can agree is extremely well endowed. It's not just that he can be friendly,open and confident with r63 Fluttershy, it's also that r63 Rarity can sort of act as a mentor and help the shy stallion come out of his shell. In short, r63 Rarity has the most big dick energy out of all the r63 m6. I could potentially see him being slightly smaller than r63 Fluttershy, but that's about it.

By the way, none of the r63 m6 are exactly small, even r63 Twilight who has by far the smallest dick is average.
There is no way r63 Dash would be larger than r63 Ponk
Agreed, RD should be in last.
Honestly, a lot of this can apply to normal female rarity. It's why I like her so much. And why I like her as and think she works well as a shemale.
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That explains the fake eyelashes
Eh, r63 Ponk, r63 Applejack and r63 Dash all have similarly sized cocks, so you aren't wrong in believing that r63 pinkie is packing. The gap between r63 Pinkie and r63 Twilight is quite large, much bigger than the gap between r63 Dash and r63 Rarity+Fluttershy. However, r63 Dash is a jock, has naturally great genes and is a peak athlete, definitely not someone to use steroids that would shrink his otherwise large package. Therefore I believe that he would be the biggest of the trio. R63 pinkie would have the bigger and more virile balls though.
They definitely can, she's a wonderful pony and one of my favoirtes. I find that those traits become even hotter when they're put on the sophisticated hunk that is male Rarity. But I don't think Rarity works as a shemale. The fact that male Rarity embraces his masculine features even with his penchant for fashion and style rather than trying to hide them by pretending to be female builds into his confidence and presence.
I think that ponies meeting male Rarity for the first time are generally surprised at how overtly masculine he is. Is he an elite clothes designer? Sure. Does every mare in Equestria yearn for his exquisite and feminine designs? They sure do. Is he empathetic and perceptive of other's emotions? He always knows what to say. Then why is the stallion before them built and handsome rather than the typical feminine fashionista prettyboy? Because male Rarity makes it work and he won't ever settle for not being the best him he can be or to hide away parts of himself. He will shine like a diamond.
Not really, men have naturally bigger and fuller lashes than women. At least in humans. That's why women wear lashes in the first place.
That doesn't apply to ponies.
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Horse bump
I'm not sure exactly why but this stallion's mane and expression and the way he's holding the batpony's tail... unf. Makes me feel more homolust than most actually gay pony pics. Imagine getting BRED like that. ignore the silly mare she's not important
What mare?
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>browsing stallion thread on phone at restaurant
>posts start talking about r63 dick size and getting bred and shit
>this is too gay even for me, close thread
>not 1 minute later drink I ordered shows up
>tall glass, purple liquid with a lemon on the rim, looks totally fucking gay
well fug
You can't run from your destiny
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Especially when it has four legs instead of two, and was bred for millenia for running.
Horse cock
Corse Hock
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That is a Cock horse
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I wish he got all the art instead of Gallus. Cursed to live exclusively in the last seasons, but he's a cutie.
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angular horses
Rule 63 mane 6 are fucking shit. The only one of note is Applejack and that's because he's basically just Braeburn.
Braeburn is a bottom. R63 AJ is a top.
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>Clicks on video expecting a cute Boy x Boy Braeburn x Soarin slideshow
>Is forced to sit through a 30 second yuri intro
I can't have anything nice
Horse hock
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Such a cute moment, even if I don't understand this ship
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unf hocks
>>41055973 nothing forces his ass in the air, why is he assuming breeding position on his own?
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I'm in a bad way lately. Any words of encouragement?
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Don't feel bad, Anon. No matter how hard things may seem, at least you can thankful you're not some kind of faggot, right?
Every time I see that pic I get reminded of this one post:
>"Anon, why are you looking at me like that, eh "In time of war, any hole is a trench?" what does that mean?"
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>Any words of encouragement?
every day that passes is one less day left to suffer through
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>when you are sick of people accusing you of objectifying stallions so you pack your things and leave
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Bros before hoes
Give your stallion belly rubs
Only if you are willing to accept the consequences
What consequences could there be?
Me: https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/2/14/828359.png
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Now touch balls
Petting your stallion bro is perfectly straight.
Depends on where you pet
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Head, snoot and neck.
I really really really like this image.

Is the back a pet too far?
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What a cute little faggot.
What if male Coco is straight?
I can make him un-straight
All ponies are bi, everyone knows that.
Does he like it in the butt like his female counterpart?
It would be peak irony if r63 Coco was a top
It should be ME in there not him!!
In where?
Look closer.
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Thank you friend. You're not wrong.
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He's just like me, we're both socially inept spergs
just scrolled this thread and sorry to say Comet is the only good stallion
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Sparkly femboy from G5
>That's a stallion
I want out. I can't tell which is which when I see these screenshots.
This is what happens when Sunburst shaves.
he turns blue?
The Crystal Empire can be very chilly for a stallion without a little scruff.
this guy's kind've a weirdo
Every time I see a dick in an ass, I think of the last time I pooped.
Let me guess, you poop more than once a day?
weird flex but ok

Unf goddamn I love him.
Deer people are, I've noticed.

Derpi trashed it, here is the Twibooru link.
>Derpi trashed it
For what reason?
An uploader apparantly cannot upload more than 2 AI pics a day.
>derpi trashed it
Nothing of value was lost.
Huh, that's interesting. The image is still there.
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Big Mac is always of value.

you're retarded for posting the download link instead of the image link, but interestingly it still downloads the removed pic
Bigmac works hard in the orchard, but sometimes when his blood is really flowing it can cause some rather bothersome side effects. Thankfully, his pal Anon is always willing to lend a hand (or mouth) to help out.
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First date
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My advice: stop being always on your phone.
Mud Pie
Would he be a top or a bottom?
I bet they smooch a lot.
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a rock bottom
They do
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Last night I had a dream where Soarin showed up and tried to seduce me in the middle of a Walmart. At first he shoved his big ass into my crotch, then he pushed me to the floor and sat on me. His ass was pretty nice. If my dreams were more coherent I probably would've ended up fucking him.
a fucking Walmart, of all places?
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Is Soarin a walmartian?
Fuck stallion in retail
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Are there any good lewd greens/fics about Dusk fucking/getting fucked/sucked/cum?
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that mouth...
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It sounded like a good idea at the time.
I don't usually mind reposts but this is a bit too ridiculous >>41079993
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thoughts on hefty stallions?
Which stallion in the show is most likely to be ZESTY?
In the interest of avoiding 'assballs', can someone provide some stallion pics that are reasonably correct?
>Pegasus corsette ties the wings
Well that's a feature.
Looks like somebody's in need of a belly rub.
There's this one.
That's a pretty tall ask, Anon. I know I saw a Selenophile pic with Mac and AJ fairly recently that was noticably not assballs. Shydale is probably a safe bet since he's an anatomy master, but I think all he has in the way of dicks is a few futa pics. a6p has some not assballs, but he's also ded. It's not gonna be easy, because most of what you are gonna see is from behind, and even artists with otherwise good anatomy tend to completely fudge it and give their pony rears a more human shape so you can see everything as if you were watching porn.
What do /stallion/aires think of non pony stallions?

I've been trying to find a good 'directly behind' photo of a stallion, but those kind of shots seem to be much harder to find that for mares.
those proportions are fucked up
>and give their pony rears a more human shape
That's canon, though.
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Sombra wasn't killed, he just went into hiding and crashed at anon's place.
Why does he have stairs as a cutie mark?
I don't get the 'he was killed' idea to begin with. Sombra was torn apart time and time again and he always came back in one way or another. There is nothing that suggests that his latest defeat was final.
He's protected
>"Ponies never attain greatness on their own -- they must be pushed!"
Stallion rump
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That's what he thinks, anyway.
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I'll never escape skipsy, will I
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You faggots are gay.
Stallions don't count.
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>You are a stallion
>see a femboy stallion
>you capture that stallion
>you dress them up in lingerie and make-up
>you force them to give you a blowjob

Who is that stallion?
>you dress them up
Him, God damn it. You capture a fucking stallion.
It's still grammatically correct.
Is it really? As I understood it, them in singular is only used for singular individuals when the sex of the person in question is not known to the speaker. If you know it then it's either him or her though.
They and them are and always have been a valid way to refer to a known individual, male or female. Shows up in a lot of pre-internet novels.
I can understand that the pronoun crew made it annoying enough to complain about, but it predates the current usage of gay and faggot.
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Well, while Sombra was "banished to the ether" in s03 according to s09, the Storm King was outright "destroyed", according to s08. So it's possible that Sombra was "destroyed" in s09, too.
I love them so much
Higglytownheroes is the only one who does Rainbow Blitz justice.
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>tfw no cutie farmer stallion to make moves on me
I don't like the bandaid. It's should be a one-off thing, not an accessory.
I like the bandaid
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Anybody else?
I am not gay.
fellas, is homosexuality gay?
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Not when it's stallions.
If stallions knew how cute they actually where and weaponized that cuteness it be so over
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What is this mare doing in the stallions thread?
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I have literally come hue hue hue to the point horse cock seems more natural to me than human cock. I'm almost to the point where I see it the way normal people see animal dick.
good job mindbreaking yourself you degenerate.
Homo horses
>sir please, either you have you ticket or you dont
what is this from?
Soarin. He doesn't have to give me a blowjob if he doesn't want to, but it'd be nice if he did.
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Oh boy are you in for a treat!
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I like this version better
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The good thing about this oh so hunky pic is, well, it looks androgynous enough to pretend it's female ponk with more detailed horse muscles as well - all horses have that sort of face.

Either way brb getting the lube.
POV: you waking up after taking a nap in the apple family orchard
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I want to be in a loving relationship with Sombra
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peak fluffy boi hours
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This is horse is adorbale.
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The whore said the hat stays on but he didn't say where
What a nerd, I need to breed and give cuddles and kisses immediately
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I know that feel. Sunburst's got some serious 'literally me' energy.

Imagine the excited "conversation" he has with you where he just info dumps about the most obscure subjects imaginable.
Scoot Scootaloo...
Or Snails.
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He's certainly very flexible
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He makes me so happy.
I like when they do the cute hoof raise
What a waste of good stallion cum
I found a flutteryshy in this one too.
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I want to get this high horse off
The dream
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Why does this make me think of mochi?
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He must have a nice licker
Nah all Twifag's are secretly Duskfags.
I want to breed his ponut and make him my loving husband
Do you think Big Mac and Caramel are coltfriends?
I hope, it's the best ship
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>Remares your stallion
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Where'd the ear piercings come from? Also
Needs to be a quintapod.
this picture actually makes me not hate him for once
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what in the fucking niggertits was that
I thought it was going to be total dogshit from the thumbnail, and on one hand it was, but on the other, it was actually really cool and kinda beautiful.

jesus fucking christ
Breedable bikini boy
Yeah, there's nothing quite like Tamers' videos. Highly recommend checking out some of his other videos, they're almost all like this
God I wish that floor were my face
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Kirin courtship ritual
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Not on my watch.
twink pegasus stallion aroused by something he sees out in public, humiliated by his raging wingboner, looked at with disgust for his predicament but he can't pull his wings back in
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9 out of 10
Not again!
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Imagine him getting railed by pic related.
You sure that's even possible?
I like this pony, not sexually or anything like that but I just like him, he's a bro
No thank you
Imagine if Soarin kissed you. Wouldn't that be weird?
Yes that would be weird as Soarin is married to Rainbow Dash.
It would. Soarin deserves to find a mare and found a family.
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I wish he was real..
And in my arms........
Why wouldn't it be?
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Can I get a woo woo before the tread's dead?
>proper cock placement
It's beautiful.
Yeah that's my reaction to seeing horsecock too
cum I wish that were me?
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Best dilfs
The penetration point just looks so right in this image
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everything just looks right about that image
Who's baking the next thread?
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Stealing thr last bump for the big red one!
The 500th posts doesn't bump, you idjit.
Why does it make my penis hard even though I’m not gay
new >>41124451

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