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Hey guys, new bike day for me. I pretty much just ride for exercise but the road bike has gotten a bit boring... So I bought an entry level trail bike and although I likely overpaid I'm still happy for now. Gonna try some easy trails in the next few days and see how it goes. How important is it to have knee and elbow pads? On the easy stuff?
Also how much hate should I expect for going with a trek?
lol just realized I still havent taken off the reflectors or dork disc yet
that's a sick bike

Love the matchy colors, (don't do more).

I've done a fair bit of mtbing but always on rented/borrowed or old and or shit bikes. Would love to get more into it on something good.
It's just so expensive and i loathe driving to ride a bike. Hopefully you're lucky to have trails out your back door. Some cities are like that and I want to move to one.
My favorite trails are the epic back country XC ones though. 2-3 day rides with huts on them.
Don't think i'll get bored of road biking. I like riding up hills more than down them and that's most fun on a road bike.
Have fun around all the ebike boomers on the trail btfoing you

Scraped knees isn't that bad. If you're worried about grazes on your arms then just wear a long sleeve shirt, that will stave off some of it. How likely you are to hurt yourself is really up to you. Having a newish and well fitted helmet is the only important thing in a crash, i'd say over half of even serious cyclists wear a helmet which is badly adjusted or has already had several knocks.

Those tires could be upgraded.
thanks for the kind words
>Those tires could be upgraded.
I'm sure many things can be upgraded and when they wear out or break will be when I do it.
>entry level
>modern full suspension
uhhh yeah.
That's a lot of bike and you can do black trails with it once you skillmax after a couple years of riding.

>knee and elbow pads
If you are just starting I would wear a long sleeve athletic shirt(if warm/you sweat) and maybe some loose pants that you put the pant leg in your sock. Just an extra layer of clothing helps a ton with mild OTB, or low side crashes.
Gloves and helmet I would recommend, every fall you will likely impact your hands somewhere and rocks hurt. Make sure you land on your forearms and never stick out your hands alone, since that can tweak your wrist.

Knee pads are what I would do if it's cool or you plan on hitting some sketchy stuff. I run a camelback and would ride to the spot, then put them on since they kinda suck to ride in.
Trek's are fine, just uninspiring. I started riding on a bontrager which wasn't related to trek at the time but is now after trek bought them.
Many of my friends rode and ride trek since they were big even 12 years ago.

Just ride, stay loose on the bike, and try to carry speed through sketchy sections sometimes.

Oh, and experiment with tire pressure, don't run max recommended unless it's a road only ride.
Experiment with fork and shock pressure, and settings.
>once you skillmax after a couple years of riding.
hopefully some of my "skills" will come back I was actually sponsored for bmx about 20 years ago, and I still hit the cyclocross bike a few times a year. I know its not the same though so we will see.
>entry level
>modern full suspension
Thats kind of what I am thinking too but multiple reviews were saying the same thing... I'm hoping to hit some bike parks at the ski resorts later this year after I get a few dozen rides in.
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Probably (bike market 2024), but you can't go wrong with Trek, so at least you got a solid base for the money.
Hit some real trails with it and have fun!
>How important is it to have knee and elbow pads? On the easy stuff?
I always wear a helmet and knee pads that extend a bit lower to protect the shins also (more against the bike than the ground). Everything else is optional and really only necessary on gnarly rocky stuff.

>Also how much hate should I expect for going with a trek?
I've never heard of anyone getting hate for riding Trek. They're fantastic.
>driving to ride a bike
Why would anyone do that ? You have a bike.
Is that what the boomers in their cages with pedal assisted electric motorcycles on a rack do ? Post-modernism hits hard.
>I'm sure many things can be upgraded and when they wear out or break will be when I do it.
Right on. Don't fall for the material meme. Your bike is perfectly capable of everything you'll be throwing at it.
>I'm hoping to hit some bike parks at the ski resorts later this year after I get a few dozen rides in.
Yeah, do that. Bike parks are perfect for learning technique.
Best to watch one of the billions of beginner's guide videos on YouTube for basic cornering (and jumping?) technique. Just so you know what to focus on when you're there.
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dont be a wrenchlet that doesn't do suspension maintenance
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I.... like sparkly oil
>Why would anyone do that ? You have a bike.
That's why mountain bike people shouldn't be considered cyclists
pretty sure they dont want to be considered cyclists either
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Nah, I'm ok with not being a cyclist.
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>Hopefully you're lucky to have trails out your back door.
That guy looks much more pleasant to interact with than the average MTB guy
lol no
coming from road biking to now doing a little mtbing all I have found in the hills so far is friendly people, in the past when I ran into road bikers they were usually stand offish and judgemental d-bags.
We've learned from experience. You guys are the ones road raging at us in your SUVs on the way to the bike park.
bro I'm OP, I literally bought my bike 3 days ago and that was my experience so far having ridden 2 days on some local mtb trails. Its also been the same when I would go riding bike paths.. the road bikers always had an attitude but when you called them out on it they would just speed off after pretending to be a victim.
nice rig. rotate the bars so they have some rise instead of only sweep.
pads are personal preference. i haven't felt the need for them on my local trails, but i will be picking up some knee pads for bike park days.
nobody gives a shit what brand bike you are riding.
>nobody gives a shit what brand bike you are riding

I do. Seeing a trek on trails means that it's time to stop riding there
If everyone you meet is an asshole...
>says everyone he met in the last few days mtbing were nice and friendly
>says meeting roadies were usually d-bags

nah brah your just proving my point. Go troll somewhere else
I've met one or two roadies who seemed like jerks, out of hundreds. The vast majority are friendly and have good manners.

Most MTB people I meet are obnoxious low class boors.
Ok you win, I hope some good happens for you today
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dumb leftcel
My experience is the opposite. Roadies mostly tend to be grumpy sourpusses and mountainbiker are much more likely to be happy and friendly.
Sounds like you're an anxious beta cuck who's intimidated by loudmouthed guys.

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