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Alright /out/ with turkey season wrapping up for most of the country, how did we do this year?
Ill start. I harvested my first bird in a decade of hunting them. I got it done in the Cleveland National Forest in San Diego county
Congratz anon!

This was my first year hunting turkey. I didn't get a bird, but I feel like I learned a lot and I'm very hopeful that I'll get my bird next year. I'm self taught. YouTube and hunting websites. I'm trying to find someone local that can listen to my calling and give me tips on what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. I've reached the point where reading and videos aren't really that useful anymore and I need practical experience.
^^Norcal Mt. Shasta and Mt Lassen areas

Looks like were on the opposite ends of the state
Turkeys wander across my property all the time. I kind of want to shoot them, but I feel like they'll stop showing up if I do.
saw a shit ton, didnt get any, because im retarded. coming from southern illinois
I hit a turkey yesterday morning on my way to work. Female. Car was fine, micro scratches in the paint. 2022 Trailblazer. This isn't an add but I'm just sayin'.
My neighbor said he saw a motorcyclist collide with a turkey going 100+mph so he stopped to check on the guy and he had fused with the turkey; it was completely embedded in his chest cavity.
This was by Cleveland National
The Shawnee is a tough place to kill a bird and all the good state sites get hammered during the first few seasons. I’ve had success over the years in some select spots but I spend pretty much my whole season dogging the crowd.

Good to know there are other anons shit kicking in the oak woods. See you around. :^)
Haven't been out a single day all season. Taking a week off work coming up here and gonna try and kick one up the last week before it closes.
I'm Canadian. our turkeys don't look like this nor do we have a hunting season for them. fuck you
Manturkeybike is real! I’m cereal, guys!
They absolutely will stop pretty quick. They've been shown to hang out in the open right until hunting season starts and then avoid humans more till it's over. Smart birds and high selection will do that.

But you'd probably get some before then if your area hasn't had other hunters
Missed my shot when he moved, knocked off some feathers and he flew across a creek never to be seen again. Hunted some others, couldn't get the henned up toms across that creek and the other ones just kept moving away from our setups. First year hunting turkey, need to find a closer spot, work on calling, and get a high quality hen & jake decoy for trying to hunt that area again. Relative can't move well after hip surgery so hunting with him is limited. Definitely want something I can mount a scope on as shooting off my knee definitely blocked a lot of the turkey's body off and either a thumbhole or pistol grip, but a new gun is expensive. Maybe in 20ga. I'm west side WA so the open public land with lots of turkeys is a 6 hour drive across the state.

I had a good time, I still kick myself I didn't get the Tom I shot at. Needed to spend more time. Still a fall season and have to the end of may before season ends, but I'm busy flying and doubt I'll be able to get out. Need a friend my age willing to spend a few days out scouting.
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Group flew across the creek. Roosted up on the other side.
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About 30 yards across. Relative knocked one and a coyote stole it before he could get across to retrieve.
a group of 6 toms is always roaming my backyard so i just take one of them, turkey isnt worth going any further. i take a tom, and somehow 5 months later a fill in shows up.
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why u killed that torkey? he did nun wrong.
mm chikemn....
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He pretend sleep for photo, hes okay
Still trying to get one southeastern indiana. Feels like the kentuckiana methheads keep beating me to it. public land hunting truely is pain.
I am a first-time hunter who just passed the hunter's ed course. I am located near Colorado Springs. I want to harvest 1 or 2 turkeys this year in the Fall draw. I have plenty of rifles and shotguns that are applicable for turkey in CO.

I guess I'm looking for a first-timer's guide. My family circle has no contacts or land info for hunting (assuming I get lucky in the draw.) I'm a suburbanite who wants to bag my own turkey for my family this Thanksgiving.

Does anybody have any info sources for folks in my circumstance I could learn from? I an experienced shooter and hiker. Just new to hunting with zero info sources IRL.
Hey I am also a first-time hunter this year hoping to head out this fall for late season hunting. Could you share your learning sources? I would really appreciate it. Located near the front range in Colorado if that matters. Weaponry is no issue.

Good luck in your hunts in the future anon!
I don't know if Colorado publishes an introduction to turkey hunting, but I know Washington department of fish and wildlife gives a quick primer on turkey hunting, you can probably look it up easily enough.

From my experience:
Scouting is important, go out before and look around with binoculars or go to an area you think might be decent and try using a shock call - either crow call or practice making an owl call by yourself. Turkeys respond to sudden noises with a "shock gobble". This lets you locate them initially, but don't shock them too much. Turkey are generally very noisy when they are roosting, but you won't be able to get them to move from their roosts once they've started. Find a roost and set up in between that and where you think they'll go.

You can try calling turkeys with various tools, box call, pot call, mouth call are general types, which one works varies on the bird. You call to bring a bird to you, it'll be looking for a hen. Some birds make noise, some come in silent. Decoys are good for this. You can also go without a decoy and try and be in their path. The key thing is turkey are quick and skittish, camo helps, not moving helps more.

The area you want to hunt is generally going to be the edge of a field in a transition between field and trees. Turkeys want fields to display and eat in, tall grass to nest in, and trees to roost in.

When you set up, either have a chair and a long bipod, or sit your butt on the ground with your back against a tree, and keep your gun up on your knee to shoot off of, this keeps your gun up and ready but you aren't destroying your arms trying to hold it up. If you need to lift it off your knees it's still less movement. Get relatively comfortable, you may be there awhile.

Don't wear red, white, or blue, you may get shot.

One of the coolest things is getting calling down well enough they'll talk with you, it takes a long time on a mouth call.

Look for state turkey publications.
Meant this for >>2733924
not >>2733095
my bad.
Should've had one person get to the other side and the other watch the turkey. Coyote comes, give him one or two (no doubt) 3" 12ga turkey shells in the face.
That filename is a bit bait

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