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/out/ - Outdoors

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Why do you like nature more than people?
nature never told me to pay taxes
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Because modern (mainstream, consumerist and sexually depraved) society does not represent my values and ceased representing them long ago. I have accepted that I cannot find reasonable common ground with people who subscribe to such a lifestyle, and I find it hard to be around them.

I find normalcy and peace in nature and with people who enjoy nature.
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People are part of nature
Forests give me clean air, clean water food and shelter--what has society done for me lately?
Most of them don't actually think this at all...which is why they're insufferable and myopic.
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People disappoint me, nature doesn't
I like people, just not all. There are a handful of cool people I know whom I enjoy talking to in real life, but most don't get quite well with me. Nature is amazing no matter what
Because nature is more natural than modern humans, and going against everything that is natural ruins you mentally and physically. Remove this concrete Hell and let me die by a snake bite already.
Ancient humans lived till they were 30 and their teeth rotted out of they died of some horrid shit. The modern world is what means you can enjoy the outdoors instead of just suffering in It. You definitely own and use a bunch of modern tools and gear to help you enjoy the outdoors.
Every time I organize a group camp, people bail. No matter how many camps I do, nature always shows up.
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>Remove this concrete
,BLM land is FREEEEEEE!,for 14 days.,,,after 14 days the poop circle is toosmall!,
,,,,,,sidenote> HUMMINGBIRD FIGHT!!!orisit?sexytime?,
,,,op?whynot Love both?
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Nature is the constant, the unchanging, and pretty much the default form of existence. We as humans like to take control, and change the world we live in, but by doing that we make it complicated, confusing and obtuse.

It doesn't matter who you are, where you're at, and what you have or what you don't have, you can always return to that constant as it lies underneath the facade of society we've built. I think its no surprise that people who've never experienced the constant let alone established a relationship with it are unhinged neurotic messes.
how old was Diogenes when he died?
nature never called me a chud
I disappoint people, nature doesn't care.
sea is a harsh mistress
Have you ever been around people dude?? Theyre god awful.
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I had rather die at 30 as a free man, than live to 80 as a (((slave))).
>Ancient humans lived till they were 30
Ancient humans lived longer, it’s just that the extremely high infant mortality rate pushed the average year of death down.
>their teeth rotted out
Most of them had better teeth than an average modern person because they were eating natural foods and not ultra processed sugar goyslop.
>of they died of some horrid shit
Good thing that doesn’t happen anymore, right?
Go move to Afghanistan. You can live your dream of stepping in a dirty puddle and dying horribly.
Pulled up and put em on clutch
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>goyim cope

because nature brings me peace and makes me alive. Its also quiet. And farther I am from people, the more I can see the stars. And I really like stars. People are loud, I find them annoying, and they commit crimes a lot which I don't like. I happen to think big cities are a crime against humanity and the natural world if Im honest
all of this is correct. There's no real evidence that people simply spontaneously died around 30 as if it were old age for them.
People are often loud, overbearing, and only seem to be getting angrier and more on-edge. I often feel like I don't fit in or that there isn't a place for me in most social spaces. Even in the company of kind, generous folk who I might otherwise enjoy I often feel like I'm intruding, infringing, or otherwise inconveniencing them in some way. Probably my own insecurities bleeding through. Guess that's something I need to work on and make peace with.

Nature doesn't impose any of these feelings upon me. I feel that, in some sense, I'm meant to be there. I feel comfortable and without pressure to present myself a certain way. Both cities and nature are teeming with life; with the former, it's very in-your-face and you're forced to partake. With the latter, it's vibrant and lush, but just barely perceptible beneath the surface.
>they lived longer
>except for the ones that didn't
>but those don't count
Should have left that point off, kek
this anon is right
we live in the best time as long as you stay out of the big cities
just scam welfare and neetbux instead of doing your retarded ass suggestion you dumb bitch.
Nature is uncaring but people are malicious.

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