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You are Mouse, the ogre. Although raised by humans you found yourself in service of the dark elven queen - and with her blessing you have embarked on a quest to purge the corruption plaguing the very world you live in.

You are not alone. Your mission is shared by an eclectic band of companions:
-Phineous, the sophisticated orc of culture.
-Smutkin, the formerly depraved bard who took your mission for his own
-Sparky, the formerly warped imp that was, by touch of holy power, transformed into something else
-Tithe, the diminutive yet vigilant gargoyle
-Chloe, the shadow of the queen sent to safeguard you and your mission.
Your band has since grown with additions no less colorful:
-Elle, the royal courier who has since sworn herself to your quest
-Harriet and Janet, the twin scouts you've rescued from the mercenaries
-Diana and Minerva, twin golems you've freed from their questionable service to the old order
-Her majesty queen Olga Discordia, the dark elf ruler turned exile after the Beast possessed her minions into mutiny
-Mercenary princess, Maia, seeking to confront the man she loved
-And quite literally in spirit, a fragment(?) of the goddess Laurentia you had wrestled from the clutches of darkness (and in doing so, likely forced the enemy's hand to the desperation he was showing...)

And on top of that, a group of thirteen penitent mercenary men, turned into unholy abominations by a dark ritual, but purged of its taint when Sparky healed them. They seemed earnest about their intent to atone for atrocities they had committed even with their lives, prompting you to bring them along so that they get their chance.

You were drawing close to your goal, having entered the misty wetlands that were, if you remembered the topography correctly from your maps and dreams alike, the final stretch you needed to navigate before reaching the mythical lost city of Atlassia, and in any case a major locus of power of the cult of the Beast.

Powerful adversary was waiting ahead.

But you were not without help, either.

Be it your bond with your companions, powers of light channeled by Laurentia, or your own dedication to that spark of light bequeathed to you by your parents, you made it through the swamp into shelter of a hidden grove that formed itself before your eyes, as a gift of respite.

One you were happy to partake in. And so, presently, you found yourself drifting off into the realm of dreams...
"She's late again..." A sweet voice pronounced mournfully. That was wrong. Her voice was made to sound playful, cheerful. Laughing with joy. Crying only when moved by happiness. It was not right to hear it heavy with concern, especially not a concern justified by the grim circumstance of war.

If this could even be called war. It was a butchery, a tempest of fear, desperation and adrenaline, contrasted with cruel, malevolent glee, only made worse by the glimmer of consciousness behind it, fully embracing the darkness it visited upon its victims.

How could someone, or something, capable of thinking, derive delight from suffering of another?

How could someone, or something, actively seek and revel in it?

Just knowledge that such a force existed was enough to inspire despair. But that was something she could not afford. Not for herself, not for those who depended on her.

"She will come. You know that as well as I do." She said. A different voice, one close to you. Even though it may not have been very confident in her vision anymore, she more than made up for it in hope and faith she came to appreciate in new light. And perhaps there was even more than that... in either case, it was enough.

"I... I guess so. Still, I wish she took me with her this time." The first voice spoke, with some of the light restored to it.

"You need to put at least a little bit more trust in me than that, Prim." New one enters, and as the focus shifts, you take in the surroundings. A tent, lit by dim light. You recognize owners of all the voices, and a few more faces besides. Their faces are a bit worse for wear than you remember them, their clothing marked with exertion, and especially in the case of newcomer, injury.

"Cuz! You're hurt!" Prim stops herself just short of crushing Alicia in a hug.

"It's just a few scrapes." The blonde princess shrugs it off, and to your relief she's not lying, you can make out a bruise and two shallow cuts, most of the blood mixed with dirt seems to be of monstrous origin.

"Nonetheless, allow me." Celestine raises her hand, and soft, warm glow connects her palm with the wounds, mending them instantly.

"My lady, I wish you spared your powers for those who need it more." Alicia says.

"I'll have all the strength I need to see this through." The elven hierarch speaks softly, but again with confidence beyond what she could back with just cold numbers.

And again, at least for now, it seems to be enough. Alicia's expression softens. "Thank you."

No longer restraining herself, Prim restrains Alicia with an embrace. "Cuz, I was worried! What happened?"

"Oof. Careful, the rib is still sore."

"Anyway, there's not much to say." Alicia sighs. "The raid was a success. We didn't lose a man."

"But that's great?"

"It is, and I'm thankful. But there's so many of them. We've sacrificed the keep, and it doesn't seem like there's a dent in their numbers!"

"Alicia, the keep will be rebuilt. The important part is that you saw your subjects to safety."

"Thank you, lady Celestine. But they're not safe yet. If the horde gets through us, they will be free to roam and move against Cathedral City or into Levantines' rear."

"We won't let them." Celestine says resolutely. "Besides, we don't need to defeat them all at once. Don't forget about Mouse's quest."

Alicia's serious expression thawed into smile for a moment. "Mouse..." She said, and frowned with concern. "He better return soon to us that I may thank him for that final spar. It may well have saved my life..."

"He's doing well and will succeed. I'm sure of it." Celestine says, smile gracing her gentle features as well.

"Have you... seen it?" Alicia asks cautiously.

Celestine shakes her head. "No, I know I cannot rely on my powers. But I feel it in my heart. That... I believe I can trust."

"I... see. I suppose - no, I am certain - thank you, lady Celestine." Alicia says, composing herself. There was still a war to win raging outside.

"Cuz?" Prim inquires. "You're not going back out there right away? You need to rest!"

"No... no, you're right. But I can't put that off either. Thank you, Prim."

With that the blonde swordswoman turned to leave, but before she set into motion, two more men walked in.

"Highnesses." The first one started with a bow.

"Commander Hanig. And Robert! You bring news from the Levantines'? How are they holding up?" Alicia asks.

"Situation seems stabilized, for the time being. The fortress holds, and after... what we discussed earlier, there was no sign of situation deteriorating." The officer gestures at Robert. "As for how their lordships fare on personal level, you're probably better off judging for yourself."

The courier produces a scroll Alicia takes and unfurls it, skimming the text.

"Klaus's penmanship again... but in the same style as before." The princess comments as she reads. Then she falls silent.

"What? What is it?" Prim urges.

"It's... good news. They are safe, and he's making sure Claudia is not overextending herself..." Pause. "...it's curt and impersonal. I think something's eating him up, but he doesn't want to burden us with it."

"Don't be so insensitive. His dad died, of course he's grieving." Prim says.
"Yes, and in a heroic final stand, as I understand. But that's not it. I've seen Klaus grieve when their last dog died." Alicia shakes head. "I wish I could talk to him, but that's impossible."

"May I?" Celestine takes the missive from Alicia, and you can feel her spirits sag somewhat as she runs her gaze down the technically perfect script. "I think you're right that he's shouldering a burden. But I can assure you of this at least - he is not bearing it alone."

"You mean...?"

"We need to have faith in them. Whatever happened, they will overcome it, together."

Alicia sighs, but relief in it is almost tangible.

"Thank you, lady Celestine."

And that is the last thing you hear before your grip on the circumstance loosens once more, and your consciousness is swept by the currents of the realm of dreams into a restful void...

...your eyes blink open, and you take in a lungful of fresh air, fragrant with a rose blooming next to your bedroll. You're not sure if it was there when you laid down, although the thicket itself most certainly was. You rise up into seating position, overlooking the sheltered glade, stray beams of dawn's light making their way through cover of clouds and foliage above and around. Remainder of your company was still sleeping soundly. You could rouse them and set out immediately, or you could give them that little bit of peace...

>Go through some morning workout until rest of your company awakens, it should not take long. Perhaps you could even approach someone specific as they get up and discuss something with them?
>Take this moment to reach out to Laurentia, you hadn't felt her articulate much since she helped you make your way through the swamp. And chances are, you may need to ask for her help again...
>That was enough rest. Get up, pack up and set out as soon as possible. You can't be certain if it was just a dream or a vision of some sort, but you do have people depending on you...
>other idea
>Go through some morning workout until rest of your company awakens, it should not take long. Perhaps you could even approach someone specific as they get up and discuss something with them?
>Smutkin, our right hand of sorts. What do we think of the recruits?
So Lord Graves croaked it huh, I was kinda on the fence with the guy seeing what a piece of shit he is in canon but y'know, this is a good compromise of karma
>Go through some morning workout until rest of your company awakens, it should not take long. Perhaps you could even approach someone specific as they get up and discuss something with them?
>Go through some morning workout until rest of your company awakens, it should not take long. Perhaps you could even approach someone specific as they get up and discuss something with them?
we haven't talked to our piper 1 on 1 in a long time, if ever, kek.
>I was kinda on the fence with the guy seeing what a piece of shit he is in canon
isn't it the case for almost everyone from this story based on a hentai ? btw how are Klaus and Claudia there ?
>isn't it the case for almost everyone from this story based on a hentai ?
From our supporting cast? Not really. Arguably only Olga and Chloe (and Manga Prim) and even then they are depicted sympathetically. Graves though, he's dissapointed by Klaus being a studious malewife instead of a big dick knight so he rapes Claudia in front of him to make his ideal son.
>Go through some morning workout until rest of your company awakens, it should not take long. Perhaps you could even approach someone specific as they get up and discuss something with them?
I wonder if anyone else saw things in their dreams.
and what Klaus do next ? does he kill his father ? and how's smutkin ?
Oh you already know, NTR stuff. Smutkin is oc.
>Oh you already know, NTR stuff.
so he just let's his dad cuck him and does nothing ? sadge.
I would touch her breasts (consensually) if you know what I mean
>Go through some morning workout until rest of your company awakens, it should not take long. Perhaps you could even approach someone specific as they get up and discuss something with them?
Carefully, so as not to disturb your companions while they can still recuperate in such a soothing setting, you pull yourself up, and commit yourself to a workout routine, intending to make most of the pleasant air of the grove.

For a brief while, you do so in quiet solitude, surrounded by your resting companions. Soon enough, though, perhaps touched by the growing light of dawn, or perhaps disturbed by the movement - it is after all rather hard for you to move without shaking the ground to some extent - one by one begin to rise.

You don't notice the transition between Sparky resting peacefully wrapped in his wings with innocent smile on his face, and sitting on a limb of one of the mangrove trees, watching over you and the others. You do however notice the others slowly rousing and gathering their bearings, some, like Maia, actually pinching themselves to confirm they are back in the waking world as they take in the ambience that took on a distinct, warmer hue, contrasting to the moonlight they fell asleep to.

As you proceed through the array of exercises, many of them taught to you by your father - or at least the man you consider such - your gaze eventually falls on one of your oldest companions.

Smutkin, the bard, the piper. One of your first subordinates in queen Olga's army, and one of your first friends, if you could call him such.

Thinking back, it was probably the case ever since you got to know each other, after her majesty consigned him under your command. But only now, after you got to interact with more people, and made more friends, were you confident enough in the concept to recognize that.

As if in response to your thoughts, or perhaps just your gaze, the bard turns your way with a small smile and gives you a nod of acknowledgment while tipping his hat. After that he pulls out his flute and begins to play a gentle, playful tune, slightly evocative of birdsong, to accompany the company as they were just about done waking up.

To this tune you conclude your workout and walk over to keep the man company as the camp was being packed up.


"I think we're long past time where we need to maintain this formality." You remark. Even your queen was walking with you, after all - although amusingly enough, out of consideration for her sensibilities you would not make this suggestion to her.

"Fair enough. Mouse. Something on your mind?"

"As a matter of fact, I intended to pick yours." You say, keeping your voice low. "What do you make of our new companions?"

Smutkin nods. "Yes... hmmm." He hums. "How many stories do you know... Mouse?"
You raise your eyebrow at this response, and think on your answer. It was surprisingly tough to answer, as you jogged your memory, as the further back you went, the more difficult it was to unravel various tidbits and trivia from a number of tales from each other. Although as you proceed, you realize your parents seldom told you an entire coherent story.

Turning your attention closer to present, reviewing what you learned from texts brought back by Phineous and Smutkin, few of these tales ended in a satisfactory manner.

"You understand what I'm getting at, don't you?" Smutkin interprets your silence. "On the path I had walked previously, I familiarized myself with dozens, hundreds, and variations for each besides. And perhaps it comes with my bias, in all the variety, some themes were recurrent." Smutkin pauses. "Tale such as theirs, one of defeat and mercy, is not that infrequent... but universally, and without fail, leads to treason."

The bard turns to look you directly in the eye.

"Before, even as late as when we set out from the ruins... I would have urged you to caution." His small smile turned slightly bitter at his next remark. "As ironically as it would sound from me, specifically. I could not imagine a different outcome."

He looks back over to where the men have assembled themselves at the other side of the glade, ready to depart. One of them seemed to have come up with some sort of prayer and the others joined him as they waited.

"But now?" You prompted Smutkin.

"Now... I think we find ourselves in an entirely different story." He said.

"One with a happy ending?"

The bard grips his flute that a concern passes through your mind that he might break it.

"As long as I have anything to say, yes." He says, locking gaze with you.

In a silence that ensues you decide that enough has been said. You acknowledge the man with another slow nod and survey the glade to see that everyone stands ready to depart.
It was time to get a move on. The question was, how exactly? You could think of several options, but all had its drawbacks. The most obvious one would be to call upon Laurentia's power once again, and you felt her wordless reassurance that she was ready to help in any way she could. But you also knew previous day's efforts must have been taxing for her, or at least you feel that way... on the other hand, pressing onwards without her aid meant a choice between speed and safety, with some amount of restriction to both.

Looking between the trees, the fog was just as thick as the day before, confirming supernatural properties of the enchanted glade - and urging you to make a choice on how to proceed.

>Take the mundane approach, and take it slow. This will cost you time, but at least the scouts shold be able to find a path for you; and you might find some time to spend with someone (although presumably none of the scouts).
>Take the mundane approach, but try to maintain a balance between carefulness and speed. You are confident in your groups' ability to navigate the swamp, but it will tax your focus and may lead to you emerging from the swamp rather spent.
>Call upon Laurentia to help you again. Tiring or not, this is quite possibly the greatest benefit you could get from her powers, at least she seems to suspect that.
>Try to meditate. Perhaps you might be able to at least ease the burden off your spiritual companion?
>other idea
Thank you for elucidating for fellow Anon's benefit, Anon.

I think I'm not revealing anything particularly surprising when I add some context to the dream:
When Graves learned that Claudia is expecting, he had an attack of conscience and revealed to his son what he was thinking about committing, and as his way of making up for this, and for benefit of his unborn grandchild, he charged off for his heroic final stand during subsequent attack of the horde. Klaus could not bring himself to keep what he learned secret from his wife and they are both coming to terms with what the fuck happened, in between repelling waves of orcs and demons.
>Take the mundane approach, but try to maintain a balance between carefulness and speed. You are confident in your groups' ability to navigate the swamp, but it will tax your focus and may lead to you emerging from the swamp rather spent.
>Try to meditate. Perhaps you might be able to at least ease the burden off your spiritual companion?
The dream kinda urges me to keep the current pace. So far there's been minimal losses but they are getting spent, and I dont want to sour our good ending.
That does make sense. Kinda tragic, knowing what we know about the world maybe it didn't have to come to this but at least he went out on his own terms. Now, Klaus having to carry that fucking SUCKS.
>Try to meditate. Perhaps you might be able to at least ease the burden off your spiritual companion?
well, that sucks but at least he got a better ending. a shame klaus and claudia have to carry that.
>Try to meditate. Perhaps you might be able to at least ease the burden off your spiritual companion?

Fucked up but at least he didn't go through with it.
>Take the mundane approach, but try to maintain a balance between carefulness and speed. You are confident in your groups' ability to navigate the swamp, but it will tax your focus and may lead to you emerging from the swamp rather spent.

Klaus probably wishes his father took that to the grave with him.
Waiting warmly
It is not without hesitance that you make the next call. It was obvious that to maintain some semblance of tempo, you would have to call upon Laurentia's gift again, but somehow you felt unsure whether she's fully recovered from expenditure of power over last day's travel, to say nothing of the spectacular boon of the enchanted grove. This consideration led you to contemplate walk

In the end you decide to try and meditate yourself. Perhaps that way you would at least be able to ease some burden off the luminous spirit you've gotten rather fond of - with reciprocation, as a warm sensation caresses you.

"It's time to depart." You nod and exhale, collecting your focus. "Sparky." You address one of your oldest friends, and he glides over back to his perch on your shoulder.

"I'm with you." You hear.

With that reassuring message, you immerse yourself in the realm between the realms, your consciousness slipping into a sort of routine, although in fairness you feel at least part of it is in guidance Laurentia provides.

You shed just enough of your mundane senses to be able to tell in which direction you need to go. Technicalities and details of your companions expressions, ranging from serious to awed, slide away from your perception - what remains is the invisible links and bindings you nonetheless can tell are there... the hopes you share with them, and the hopes they place in you and each other.

From your oldest companions, through your human followers to the dark queen herself, and her shadow - the nimble half elf, whose features have, ever so slightly, softened, even as her focus and ability grew.

This even extends to the twin golems, although that should hardly come as a surprise. You did see them grow from devoted automatons to a pair of distinct personalities finding their own path, and as with all other of your companions, you count yourself lucky that their choice aligned their paths with yours.

One of your current companions stood slightly apart from the rest.

Mercenary princess Maia, the red haired tomboy.

She is committed to our cause. Laurentia lets you know. But her heart lies elsewhere. Well, of course. That's why she volunteered to go with you. I worry for her. I... can relate. Laurentia adds, but stops short of elaborating further, though you can gather that she is referring to what she herself endured in the past.

The notion brings your own focus back to the now, and what you need to do.

You stride forward. You don't need to confirm your companions follow - you know they do, and more than follow. They travel alongside you.

And ahead of you, the bog and the fog make way.
One step after another, you proceed with little concern, but not without fatigue.

As you resolved, you pour what will you could muster to support Laurentia as she eagerly channels her power over nature to clear your path. With more confidence and less care than yesterday, your companions also put their faith in the path that keeps opening itself before you. It's kind of endearing to see them accept the boon of the goddess so readily, and stride through the formerly treacherous landscape with a spring in their step, further enhanced by a subdued marching tune provided by Smutkin.

You couldn't bring yourself to ask the bard to stop for concerns of stealth. Partly because his music was probably not that meaningful a difference next to sheer number of footfalls, considering the size your company has grown to, but also partly because it helped you to maintain focus as well. The effort you managed to push forward was surprisingly taxing, but Laurentia's relative silence convinced you it was a worthy investment regardless.

You don't need to be so concerned for me. Laurentia lets you know, with a backlight of appreciation, and undercurrent of hope and joy. Even so, you sense a "but" behind it. In the brief pause you can feel her internal struggle, and realize it is not between admitting something to you, but perhaps even herself. Eventually, she relents. It is true that when I realized that there was a way to help you on your quest, I... may have poured more of myself into it than would allow me to keep my presence in its current form.

What does she mean, "current form"?

I am unsure myself. But it would most likely lead to me being unable to manifest as a distinctive entity. Possibly ever.

Your reaction to this revelation fits snugly into the opening of dread she had been anticipating, and almost leads to you interrupting your marching trance, but whether it was because you partly suspected your ethereal friend's selflessness might lead her down similar path, or due to knowledge that things seem to have worked out somehow, you are able to compose yourself in time.

Still, you need to ask, and you need to have her formulate a reply.


There's that pause again.
I was afraid. You are told, somewhat reluctantly - again, reluctance seemed to be directed at herself rather than at you. Towards yourself you felt she was worried you would feel betrayed.

Afraid... of the enemy?

Yes. Laurentia says. I wanted to do my best to help you, and the way to shape the terrain for you seemed something I was perfectly suited for. But it takes a lot of strength that I cannot replenish without exposing myself to... to the world.

And the underlying corruption, you add to yourself. But it was not the fear of her own corruption she was referring to...

No... no, it was my fear of confronting the Enemy directly. That I would fall and turn against you and your cause. That I would fail. That... I would watch you fail. Again, a pause, though this time there was not much left of the struggle as she seems to have come to terms with her self-assessment. I have felt that if I gave myself trying to do what I could do best, then if it meant I'd be spared all this... perhaps it would be for the best.

So that was what it was. She was fine with fading away, rather than face the uncertain outcome and possibility of having her hopes crushed once again.

You couldn't hide from yourself, or her, that the sentiment did bite you somewhat. Although you'd like to think it was because you were bothered by idea of losing a friend this way, rather than from indignance at her assessment of your chances.

After all, you yourself knew that in purely mechanical terms, odds were stacked heavily against you. When you set out, you had hardly an idea of where and how to proceed past some immediate steps you could take - and a reason to do so.

You thought back to what had moved you in the first place. That spark of light bequeathed to you by your parents, joined by flickers of hope you saw in eyes of your comrades.

You kept that spark close to your heart. Even if you were to fall and fail, you would do so sheltering its flickering warmth, knowing you did what was in your power and more besides.

At the same time, could you begrudge Laurentia for feeling the way she did? Would you have felt the way you did if you had endured what she did?
For a while you travel in silence, processing what the goddess shared with you, and her own quiet introspection joined with relief at having been sincere with both you and herself.

And as you mull over your respective outlooks, another realization strikes you.

She was speaking in past tense, and her strength seemed undiminished. If anything, she was rather optimistic when you chose to press for her to elaborate. So what happened next?

In truth, I don't understand that myself. Laurentia answers. I felt at my limits when we stopped for the night. I found myself back in my dream, and at peace. And... a bit guilty, as I didn't know if I'd be able to help you again. But then... It's not exactly the same as when you wake up, but when I realized that the dawn is coming again, and I felt stronger. And a bit embarrassed for some reason. But recovered. It occurred to me that maybe I've underestimated my reserves. But I think that's not it. I can't be certain, but perhaps it's your own quest and purpose that allowed me to go on.

She didn't... remember?

I already told you, I don't consciously know everything about me. There was a tiniest hint of indignance and embarrassment in that admission. I'm still discovering things. Some I have forgotten. Some I may have chosen to forget. But some... some I am certain are new for this world.

With that she falls silent, and you get a sense of quiet contemplation from her.

Hopefully, this time she would not be so quick to throw her existence on the line.

You accept the tiny spike of annoyance, embarrassment and affection that comes in response to that last internal remark of yours with a mental equivalent of a friendly squeeze, and allow your mind to settle on what to focus on next...

>Laurentia seemed at peace for now, but if she is that worried about failing, you could reassure her of your trust in her?
>Laurentia seemed at peace for now, but if she is that worried about failing, you could encourage her to trust herself a bit more?
>There was something else you wished to talk with Laurentia about... (what?)
>There was nothing to say right now. Keep your peace, and your pace. Atlassia draws near.
>Perhaps you could take this chance to reach out to one of your other companions (who? what about?)
>other idea
>There was something else you wished to talk with Laurentia about... the dream.
Correct me if I'm wrong but that one was waaay more real than the ones we are used to. Must be a transcendence thing.
Also, Laurentia Route, anyone?
>There was something else you wished to talk with Laurentia about... (what?)
If Laurentia fears to replenish her strength through exposing herself to the world, perhaps she could replenish her strength through ourselves and our companions.
>Laurentia seemed at peace for now, but if she is that worried about failing, you could reassure her of your trust in her?

>Laurentia seemed at peace for now, but if she is that worried about failing, you could encourage her to trust herself a bit more?
trust in the me that trust in you kinda thing.
>Laurentia seemed at peace for now, but if she is that worried about failing, you could encourage her to trust herself a bit more?
Wait is NSFW stuff allowed on /qst/?
not exactly, it has to be indirect or through pastebin links, but don't worry there's no nsfw stuff here, aside from war brutalities.
No I had an idea for a Pokemon Girl Harem quest and NSFW was, not lying, part of the storyline. I'd have to skip or write pastebins for it right?
yup, but since you said that's gonna be a big part of it, wouldn't it be better to do it on akun than having to make a lot of pastebin posts ?
I have no idea what Akun is. I suppose even I am a newfag in some ways. Though I'd rather not go to a whole new board. Pastebin it is.
Akun is fiction.live. I suggested it because if smut is gonna be a big part of what you want to do, doing a lot of pastebin posts might not be good for voters.
Oh. Thanks. Will check it out. Its /ss/ though
>checked terms of service
Damnit. Here it is. Or nothing.
>checked terms of service
>Damnit. Here it is. Or nothing.
wait, is shotacon/lolicon not allowed there ? though luck.
"Depiction of minors" usually is normie code for "No fictional anything. Drawings are real. I stand with Dr. Pizza" and whatnot
Hmm, I’d suggest you to ask people there because I’m pretty sure there’s stories there with minors, like MHA smut for example.
As you mull over what you've learned, you decide you can't just let it slide. Even though you had faith in Laurentia's earnestness, the idea of not at least trying to support her somehow just didn't sit right with you.

That, and you still had a thing or two to ask her about. In fact, perhaps you could open up with that.

In the slightly awkward spiritual silence, as the goddess awaited the query she felt you would be making, you bring up the vision you saw during your dream.

The dream was vivid, and felt much like you were observing the meeting in person. It was quite different from both the dreams and nightmares you remember from your earlier life, and from these transcendental experiences you were apparently getting used to. You found it easy to believe you saw something that had actually taken place - could it be some form of clairvoyance? Perhaps akin to what Celestine, and Laurentia, could do? Was it also some sort of boon from your spiritual companion?

A vision? came back in a somewhat concerned tone. No... at least, not by choice. I have been careful not to extend my reach past your aura of defiance, out of fear that I would invite corruption. Laurentia hesitated. If it came from my powers, it would have to be when I was recovering, but that means...

You reach out towards her in a reassuring manner. Nothing ill seems to have happened; at least, from the reception itself. Although it was worrying to watch your friends in peril, and some of them actually enduring some sort of distress, at least you saw them in good health and resolve.

What exactly did you see? Slightly relaxed Laurentia prompted you.

Under normal circumstances it would take some effort to describe everything faithfully, luckily though, your bond with the goddess allowed you to share what you recalled simply by willing it.

How strange. This does look like a vision I should be able to call forth, were I to take the risk. And the concern was back. It seems likely I've unwittingly granted you this boon while I was dreaming, myself, thus exposing both of us. That was careless of me.

You sigh internally, and renew your effort to let her know of your trust in her. From the warmth of her light, through the boons and words and emotions that she shared with you and exposed herself to you, to the trust you could feel coming from her - and the fact that she retained ability to all of this even after the untold aeons of torment suffered at the hand of the beast.

If she is bothered by bringing up the painful past as a point in your assurance, she doesn't let it hamper her joy at your confession.
But you're not satisfied with that. As much as you appreciate that she's averse to taking risks that would endanger you and your companions, you still feel she's selling herself short, an understandable sentiment perhaps, but one that cripples her and could pose a weakness, rather than an advantage, in the coming confrontation. After all, when you are goint to face Vult and the force driving him, she's going to be there with you, and you wouldn't want her paralyzed by her fear.

What might provoke an indignant response from a human only inspires thoughtful silence from the goddess. Although there is, you feel, a tiniest pang of bitterness - for a goddess, she spent most of her existence as a helpless toy, be it in form of a captive spirit, or a broken reincarnation.

As her thoughts go back to Celestine, you feel fondness that joins with your own. Thank you for helping her grow... beyond what I could have given her.

And you are returned to the topic at hand. Perhaps that is not so. Perhaps she could do more than she admits to herself. Perhaps the vision was a token of this potential. It reached across the physical distance, from where you were very near the focal point of the enemy's power, and no harm has befallen either of you.

Assuming it was indeed my unconscious boon to you, rather than some manifestation of the light you carry, Defier.

Perhaps. But was there a way to determine which was which?


There's an awkward silence as she realizes what you're getting at.

I see. Perhaps I'm only putting away something I will have to face, one way or another. Perhaps it would be better to do so on my own terms.

For a while, her voice fells silent and her presence shrinks, and you get a vague impression she's sorting her own thoughts and feelings, leaving you to travel forward in silence and peace, and for the time being you leave it at that, taking comfort from the subtly luminous haze accompanying you through the mists parting before your small company and rejoining behind it, the bog around none the wiser for your passing.
I have not been idle. Laurentia shares at one point, entering into the steady rhythm of your footfalls and echo of Smutkin's tunes, but without disrupting either and with her voice an undercurrent of resolve joins the eerie symphony. From all that we've talked about, through what you allowed me to see through your eyes, to all I've been able to discern on your nature.

You get the impression she's not talking of your nature as an ogre. But then, what?

I'm getting to that. Although there's not much I can tell. Your existence seems aberrant to the world. Or at least portion of it that makes you what you are, and what allows you to keep your rapport with your companions.

Well some of that is what you've been asking yourself occasionally, but still no answers or explanation.

And there won't be any, at least for now. Laurentia says. You are the limits of my sight. And I infer that it is the same for the Beast, and part of the reason why he is afraid of you, or perhaps that spark you shelter and carry. The goddess falls silent. This is not nearly the first time someone had defied him. He can grant immense power to those who embrace his offers, but as is my experience, simple refusal does not foil him. You have met people who did refuse, and without your intervention, their fates may have been grim.

You look around you, the cluster of luminous figures advancing in front, behind and to either side of you.

Yes, your companions, and more. My vessel, my daughter... There's another brief wistful pause. I do not yet feel or understand what exactly it is that makes the difference here. But I've come to feel that there IS a difference that can be made. And... I feel that I've been touched by it, as have your friends. I feel it allowed me to go on when I shouldn't - didn't expected to have.

You grimace internally, reminded of how she seemed ready to lay down her.. existence? ...to not endanger your mission.

I believe I've been given a boon I'm not going to be quick to squander, as, I believe, the men you've spared and taken with you. And I also believe... that I have been given that boon for a reason. So... There's a downright human moment of hesitation, as if drawing her breath. If I am assured that you'll be there with me- She is. -then I've resolved to make an attempt. To test myself, and my conviction, against the darkness. It is as you say. If I truly wish to be of help, I'm going to have to dare and go out in there, look into the abyss and not blink.

As her proclamation concluded, you could feel the resolve behind her words. She took your trust and made it her own.

Still thee was an air of expectation. Wordlessly you acknowledged her, and she knew, but even then she was waiting for your input.
>Do it now. No time like present, although you couldn't tell what would happen, and how Laurentia's exercise would impact your travelling trance...
>This looked like something that would demand your full attention and freedom from any possible distractions. Terminate the travelling trance with securing a tiny strip of ground and have the company stop.
>Although you welcome her resolve, perhaps it would be best to leave it for when you've stopped for the evening, to ensure you would be able to rest after what might turn out to be a harrowing and exhausting experience.
>other idea
I will. But odds are its gotta be here.
>Do it now. No time like present, although you couldn't tell what would happen, and how Laurentia's exercise would impact your travelling trance...
No balls
>Do it now. No time like present, although you couldn't tell what would happen, and how Laurentia's exercise would impact your travelling trance...
yeah, usually when it says no minors on akun it basically means don't go full pedo. 15 or 16+ seems to be the minimum (as long as you want to be safe). I've seen it go as low as 14 for the mc in a smut story.

>Do it now. No time like present, although you couldn't tell what would happen, and how Laurentia's exercise would impact your travelling trance...
i will live by my name
>Do it now. No time like present, although you couldn't tell what would happen, and how Laurentia's exercise would impact your travelling trance...
Perhaps Laurentia faltered and gave in to the beast in the past because she had no one to fight for beyond herself.
"Do it."

You're not entirely sure if you spoke aloud or just conveyed your input wordlessly, but Laurentia received your intention all the same.

Perhaps it was more than just daring, perhaps even a bit reckless. After all, you were still marching onward in your trance of light, and one way or another reliant on your connection to the goddess.

Or perhaps it was expression of trust and faith. In your convictions, in her resolve, and in the inner strength you believed she possessed.

She takes all of it, and confers to you her assurance, even if it comes across a little bit forced. But its foundation is true, you can tell that much.

For a few moments, you proceed as before, the soundless conversation ended. But even then you feel the tension beyond your own concern for your friend, with faint pulses of light echoing in your own hands like a distant drumbeat, shifts of force you're only able to perceive because of your closeness to their origin. There's several of them, like breath exercise or stretching of someone about to undertake a major exertion.

You hold your breath yourself as the pause between them extends into an expectant silence.

And then you feel it. Like a miniature sun gliding elegantly away in periphery of your perception, and a faint note of sorrow like when a close one breaks intimate contact, with only gentle touch of their fingertips brushing against you as they head out--

--and then all hell breaks loose.
The music stops. Someone cries out. You're not sure who, it may even have been you. There's a rumbling sensation that makes it difficult even for you to retain balance, and of your companions only Chloe with her preternatural agility and Diana and Minerva with their innate stability keep themselves from stumbling or tripping. The fog outside the bubble of light darkens, deepening the contrast, and from swirls of mist, as if crawling from behind edges of reality itself, the creeping blackness you've since become familiar with, oozes out to press towards you and your companions.

Steel is drawn. Even though you realize that alone won't do much, the stance it represents might, as your companions' eyes survey the area, eclipsed by darkness yet somehow still bright on the inside. Smutkin has already recovered and began to perform another, considerably more puissant tune, with fervor you don't recall seeing before. And in this situation you are almost surprised at your relative calm - perhaps that would be the effect of your consciousness still straddling the boundary between material and the shadowy realm, or perhaps it might be the soothing presence of Sparky at your side -

-on that note, you do spend a precious moment of your time assessing the situation on the transformed imp. The sight was not something that could be easily grasped.

On one hand, you could tell that it was Sparky, the companion, whom you shared adventures with. Playful, faithful and always helpful.

On the other hand, where in the past was a tiny, scrawny runt of an imp, the boy enveloped with radiance with his wings spread was a sight that would make his erstwhile tormentors and peers, if you could use that term so loosely, scramble for their lives, or grovel for mercy.

Which Sparky you knew would give without hesitation. But right now the boy's face was a mask of grim determination. The force you have stirred was not interested in mercy, beyond as something to be dangled in front of a captive.

"Don't worry. We got this." He tells to you, the mask momentarily breaking with a smile.

You take his word for it and resume your assessment of what was actually going on, and what you could do to impact it.
Almost immediately you come to conclusion that, at least in terms of physical interaction, not much.

Your allies have clustered closely around you, in a defensive formation. Weapons at the ready, and in case of Minerva also a soft glow of her magic. Olga simply sat next to you on the ground, kneeling in meditation or prayer. And in fact it didn't seem like force of arms was called for - the onslaught of crawling darkness looked intimidating but, for now at least, ineffectual.

Then again, the actual battle was not taking place in this swamp.

And so you focus inwards, ease your breathing once again, and shift your consciousness to where the action is.

You fail. At least, at first. Perhaps it's because of the distracting spectacle outside. Perhaps it's because of the concern for your friends, including the goddess herself. Perhaps it was something else entirely, such as the guilt - perhaps it was not after all the greatest idea to spur Laurentia to leave her "comfort zone" after all?

You never doubted she was earnest. But what if you were wrong in assessing her resilience?

Calculating part of your mind suggests that even that would be something better found out now than under even less favourable circumstances, but you quickly rebuke it. You've come this far without treating your companions as things, and you were not going to start now. Or ever.

Abandoning the pretense of quieting your mind into a state of serenity, you instead opt to ride the wave of your feelings and let your longing to take you where you need to be.

Longing for your friends' good health and smiling faces.

Longing for the dawn breaking the hold of darkness.

Longing for that which can not be taken by force.

The landscape shifts.
You find yourself once again in the shadowy realm.

This time, however, something, everything, is different.

The landscape is ravaged, scarred. Shadows ebb and flow around tears both in ground and in the reality itself, there's a red undertone to the formerly colourless ambience, and the air(?) you breathe(?) has an ashen quality to it.

None of this matters to you, though, as your attention snaps onto a blob of golden radiance collapsed just outside your circle of light, blob that immediately resolves itself into a female form.

Your heart sinks as you propel yourself towards it, and in the next moment you find yourself cradling Laurentia in your spectral arms. You feel as if a great weight drops off your soul when you feel her warmth, her breath steady, her heartbeat peaceful (Whatever those things meant in this context).

And then you felt your spirit soar when she began to laugh. It was a gentle, soft, ringing sound. Not loud, or aggressive, biting, but it was enough to shake the ground a bit. You didn't mind.

I did it. You hear familiar voice ring. Thank you, Defier, for being with me in this moment. I think I need a reminder to not let this sensation into my head...

You ask her what happened as you set her down on her own feet.

I did as you suggested. I confronted the darkness... and endured.

She was okay? But she was fallen when you found her...

I am not saying it was easy on me. Laurentia conveys with mirth sidelined for a bit. The assault was swift and savage. I fought against it, as you can see. There was a moment where I thought I had lost, failed again. But then, something happened. I'm not sure how or if I remembered myself... but I realized something.

There was a pause. Eventually you can't bear it and ask - what was it?

That there is a reason why we can - shall - succeed. That the darkness can be defied. That other path is possible, and cannot be forced on us. I held onto that hope, and the beast recoiled. Laurentia makes a pause and locks her focus on you. Although the nature of it still eludes me, Defier, I now know that the same force that allows you to go on, I can also rely on it. Look!

You're about to ask where you're supposed to be looking, but then you realize the world is changing all around you.
The shadows thin, and something unexpected emerges among them.

Grass. Flowers. Saplings.

A small, humble, sparse, but a garden emerged around you, surrounded by a faint aura of light, not entirely unlike the one what seemed to surround you.

The beast withdrew, and I was able to draw some strength from the world it vacated. She says. It's nowhere near anything that could shake foundations of the world itself. But it shows that the beast is not invincible. It validates every hope I had for you, Defier, and then some. I still have much introspection to do. But seeing as none of this would be possible without you, I'd like to hear if you have an insight of your own to share.

Laurentia looks at you expectantly.

In return, you feel/think - it's kind of difficult to distinguish...

>...that darkness you face is an unnatural rot that needs to be purged with holy light so that the world is free from it.
>...that the darkness you face is a wound upon reality that needs to be mended so that the world is made whole as it should have been.
>...that perhaps you need not as much destroy the darkness as allow its captives to successfully reject it.
>...that you don't have anything to add to what she's already sharing with you, and you with her.
>something else
>...that perhaps you need not as much destroy the darkness as allow its captives to successfully reject it.
Darkness is natural and its contrast gives the world depth. Accepting its role but not its hegemony is the key to growth I think.
>>...that perhaps you need not as much destroy the darkness as allow its captives to successfully reject it.
>...that the darkness you face is a wound upon reality that needs to be mended so that the world is made whole as it should have been.
>...that perhaps you need not as much destroy the darkness as allow its captives to successfully reject it.
You think.

Which is something you've been doing before on this subject. Laurentia is aware of that, as you made no effort, conscious or otherwise, to conceal your thoughts or recollections from her. She's after all been through worse than you - even taking the worst moments of your life into consideration. But that was not the matter at hand right now.

Or was it?

How would you even consider this darkness that enveloped the world, darkness you've been told was an integral part of it. Perhaps you could go as far as to say it was the sole reason for its existence.

But was that right? Was that all there was to it? Or was it a rot that only took place over time?

Or was it, as you've briefly considered, akin to a wound, a festering gash across something that was meant to be beautiful, good, or perfect?

Then again, what is perfection, and what sort of standard would you hold a world to? You could, if you spent some time on it, try and put to words the rules you yourself try to live by. Many of them would be taken from your human parents, with perhaps some inspiration drawn from elements of tales Smutkin brought with him, or Phineous shared after picking through leftovers discarded by his orcish peers as unworthy of being looted.

Sometimes it was difficult to pick out. Sometimes it was mocked, either by chance - or seemingly so - or by explicit intent of the narrator. But even beset by evil, those sparks managed to retain their luster.

What if this backdrop of darkness made them stand out all the more?

You hesitated. It was a thought, perhaps radical, but you didn't feel entirely comfortable with it. After all, it relied on admission that the darkness could enhance the quality of the light it surrounded. As you ruminated on the matter, Laurentia too let you feel her apprehension on the notion. Yes, maybe the contrast of cruelty made the kindness all the more precious. But that could not have possibly been a justification for evil. Or... at least - for choosing evil over good.

Another word that could hold meaning from petty and trivial to world altering.

You have made a choice to embark on the adventure. But was it a foregone conclusion that you would be allowed to?

Were you truly so special?

You've met people of pure heart. Celestine, obviously. Klaus. Alicia, and all the other princesses. Elle, the courier. Surprisingly enough, Sparky.

Was their choice less important than yours? Was there something they could have done to take upon themselves this impossible quest of yours, but failed to? Was it truly your intervention into their lives that changed their fate?

"You are not the first to defy the beast.", Laurentia had told you. But their fate was the same, each of them. This world binds them to fall.

Does it - no, you would not finish this question. It would not matter to your answer, you know that much. You would go on to confront the darkness, and whatever the outcome, you would be free of regret, and you would have done so of your own choice.


Perhaps that is the key. Perhaps even the darkness cannot be wholly extricated from the foundation of the world, perhaps at least those who dwell in it can be liberated from its corruption.

Perhaps everyone's choice can be wrestled from the rot, and their choice to renounce the corruption, can have meaning.

With that, you settle, at least for now. And you feel Laurentia consider the line of thought she had prompted of you, and her warmth embraces you in gratitude.

There's a strange mixture of feelings in her touch. Along with gratitude there is some apprehension and perhaps even disappointment, along with relief, affection and resolve. Was she expecting you to say you would see the world healed of the darkness wholly? Or that you would not hesitate to see it burnt to ash if it meant freeing it from the taint? Not like you'd imagine either of those were actually in your power, but sentiment/thoughts is what she asked for, and what you've freely shared.

Once again, Defier, you've given me something to think about. Comes her articulated reply. But I suppose this will have to wait for the next time. I see trials ahead, and right now your attention is required on the material plane.

Wait, what? You blink, metaphorically speaking, adjust your focus. The shadowy realm, now considerably more lively, recedes from your vision(?).

I will be with you, always. No matter what. Laurentia reminds you, and the reality reasserts itself around you.

The reality being a wide clearing in the bog, with the fog lifted and sunshine cheerfully illuminating the green meadow that was eerily lacking in features except for two groups of people squaring off against each other. Although perhaps the term "people" might be misleading.

You and your diverse band of companions were one of those.

The other, considerably more numerous, and perhaps as surprised as yours, stood across the clearing, several score of powerfully built and well armed mercenaries led by a face that was familiar to you.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The man says, his surprised expression settling into a smug grin. "Somehow I had the feeling that this would be a good day. Although that blasted fog took me by surprise and made me second guess, it seems the luck was with me after all."

It was not your voice that was first to respond, delivering the next word much in the way you would spit after mistakenly taking a bite of an unexpectedly spoiled meal.


Mercenary thug's grin spreads so widely that if it went a bit further, the top of his head might have just fallen off.

"Her highness Maia! What a pleasant surprise. Learned that the men around the holy cow can't measure up to the real thing?"

Face of the tomboy princess momentarily warped in an angry snarl, but after a moment, rather than coming up with a retort, her features softened into a mask of calm resolve. She looked up at you and asked:

"Sir, your commands?"

For a few seconds Hicks seems to be genuinely taken aback. Then, he lets out a guffaw.

"So that's how it is! Oh damn, this is going to be good." The mercenary lieutenant looks you in the eye. "I have no idea what is running through that cavernous head of yours, but you can't possibly believe you have a shot at winning?"
>Strike first.
>He seems willing to have a conversation. Use it, and talk. Ask him to get out of your way.
>He seems willing to have a conversation. Use it, and talk. Ask him to join you because you are going to prevail.
>He seems willing to have a conversation. Use it, and talk. Ask him to join you because it is the right thing to do.
>You don't have time for this. Signal Smutkin to put them to sleep.
>other idea
(write-ins recommended to go along with the diplomacy options)

Also, since this thread is likely to hit page 10 by another update, thank you for accompanying me on this journey, Anons.
See you in the next thread.
In the meantime, feel free to update or affirm your choice of the best girl.
did we learn about that guy before or he's a random ?
>He seems willing to have a conversation. Use it, and talk. Ask him to get out of your way.
I doubt we have any chance of getting him on our side, but I wanna evade conflict due to our limited time. He probably learned about us by now and seeing our team he should be catious about outright attacking.

Laurentia has become my waifu candidate
>He seems willing to have a conversation. Use it, and talk. Ask him to join you because it is the right thing to do.
I can already tell he wouldn't want to join us but maybe some of his men would be more willing to defect.

I'm still somewhat on team Chloe but Laurentia's starting to take the lead.
>>He seems willing to have a conversation. Use it, and talk. Ask him to get out of your way.
>He seems willing to have a conversation. Use it, and talk. Ask him to get out of your way.
I can’t see this working, but we shall try anyway, just because doing so is the right thing to do.

>That there is a reason why we can - shall - succeed. That the darkness can be defied. That other path is possible, and cannot be forced on us. I held onto that hope, and the beast recoiled.
I find myself thinking of The Hound of the Baskervilles.
>But that cry of pain from the hound had blown all our fears to the winds. If he was vulnerable he was mortal, and if we could wound him we could kill him.

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