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post cuts/scars
You first op
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all i have are old pics and i didnt cut very deep here
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i forgot it rotates oops
slightly deeper cuts
>inb4 nail polish
im not a tranny just emo
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I'll post the others now hold on
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Final one, I don't do it anymore because my razors got thrown away and I'm on meds but I probably would if I had them
how old are these?
>hairy disgusting male cutters
You know this is intended for women, right?
The newest ones are a couple of months old, there's more since that picture but not really notable
Oh, sorry I didn't realise
its not for women. he's just being a dickhead.
these are quite nice

this is a little chaotic for my tastes, but I think it might look very nice, but as they fade over time I think they might become very aesthetic
post backs of thighs omg
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Did this on arm not too long ago hehe
Why are yall getting small cat scratches, If you're gonna cut, Just cut?
Emo tiktok retards.
This is a cut
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any girls that like to show off?
every girl I've seriously dated had scars, why do I keep falling in love with you?
Because men are attracted to BPD traits.
how do u cut in shapes like that?
with a scalpel or the blade of a pencil sharpener because it is small, it is easy to cut shapes, the only complicated thing is to cut circles. ^_^
cool now take the next step , all of you. you can do it , power friendship ! or some faggotry shit
ive always had a hard time with the circles maybe ill try my precision knife again
Your legs are so nice but these are kinda not appealing im crying vomitting throwing up thank you for posting
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Not super deep but whatever.
post pics later!!!!!
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Old pic and they were already starting to heal
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old pic from my twitter (private)
i tried with my exacto knife but it doesnt go that deep

is the white old scars or stretch marks?

looks nice, i need to be better at organizing them like that lol

cute legs
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finally some good fucking thread. pic from a few months ago.
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most recent one
what did you use? i only have a shitty flimsy bic razor blade that i’m thinking of replacing soon
same for me. just removed the razor from some cheap razorblade and used that.
Now I just really really really really want to do more but I can't because my parents screen everything
im the girl who posted the miffy and kaomoji cuts btw
Show more of your legs. Why cut them though?
are u gonna leave the stickers on?
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found another old pic
nope. i want to cut more later and place more adorable stickers at the night :p
Do you have any scars that aren't recent and bleeding?
how do you do this and not get scared of the awful scars you'll be left with
post when u do

at first i liked the scars but i think im regretting it now
i have scars on my legs but they are ugly and small since they are from cuts years ago. i hate them :/
I'd like to see them. I have a thing for scars like what you described.
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cuts from last night + older scars
me again!! i could not cut deeper because my cuter is no longer sharp im so sorry :<
You should show the 'ugly and small' scars. I'm curious now.
very cute i like the stars

might do my wrist later its been months since i cut there
i tried to take a picture but the scars are so small and old that you can't see them on the camera, they are not the dark scar type, it's the white type so :<
Do what you want then. But I'd really like to see out of curiosity even if they're hard to see on camera.
i can't attach pics to a post answering you, i don't know why. if you want you can leave your discord, ill contact you and send you a picture. ^v^
>they are not the dark scar type, it's the white type so :<
do you know what determines what type of scar it will be?
fast and thin cuts leave white scars, slow and thick cuts leave dark scars. i don't know if it's true, i read it on shtwt a while back LOL
hmm seems true from my experience
What the hell is wrong with you people lmao
mental illness :P
can you add me on discord? I want to talk. > - <

discord is patheticnoodles
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I wanna see too
Add my disc:
me too!
now this shit is quality
Add me as well, im rather curious. The name is "forever_wanderlust."
Want to talk to you.
what a dogshit fucking thread
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This was the freshest picture of my arm I could find
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I also used to cut my thighs. These are old cuts, and the name carved into them has since been covered up with more scars
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Was awkward to wear long sleeve shirts to the gym after this
add orashar on disc if u wanna talk
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do u guys have to shower after getting this much blood everywhere ?
How do you guys deal with the pain of a strong cut?
How does it feel like
I want to try
I only have burned self
Cutting seems more intense

Not talking about shallow cuts
i wonder the same thing. i’m too much of a pussy to cut deep but i want to.
Does shooting meth and having hardcore gay sex with random men count as self harm ?
could you add me too?
disc is beetlebugy
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Dad just died. Wanna cut a lot. Any requests?
fan you cut 'fat' into a soft part of your body?
i'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and large soda
This >>33111352
but make the word ‘orphan’
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perfect, thanks!
how is life as a fat orphan going so far?
It be what it do
I'm sorry to hear about your dad anon. I don't have any more requests beyond 'degrading words are nice', but I'd like it if you kept posting pics of cuts
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keep em coming
i dont cut particularly deep, but the pain is somewhat cathartic honestly. it helps distract. part of why it can become addictive
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awhile ago
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pic made me fucking laugh

sorry im not a cute bpd grill
where are you from?
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did your cat do that?
retarded ass thread just off yourselves or start doing hard drugs
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How about some cuts across your chest?
i only end up cutting deep when i'm drunk because then i don't have the foresight to think about that
anyone ever want to cut but feel too lazy
yeah but once i start i can't stop
lotta things in my life are like that, showering especially
somehow im too depressed to cut i dont even know how that works
hot, would pound your frail corpse into the pillows
maybe smother you afterwards :3
add me?
update :p
Why do you cut? Is it pleasurable?
add? d0beraa_47697
cut more
Slaping and punching myself whenever I want to self harm myself is suddendly a more reasonable choice
Not to be mean over you but how can some in this thread brag about it ?
yes, i do it for pleasure and satisfaction. plus i like the way it looks.
show more cuts
hey scar doll, add me on Disc I've got so many cut questions

disc: perry4486
chill bro she dont want you
Thanks for the info. You’re very cute and it’s a little sad to see you hurt yourself that way but whatever floats your boat.
who cares, post more
thank you!!! i really appreciate you telling me that. i cut my legs because i hate them and they disgust me, i think if i cut them and fill with scars they will look nice. i really appreciate that you think i'm cute!!!!!!
add me or post more
very cute, scar doll
cute doll
I think you and your legs are really cute anon. I can empathize with your feelings of wanting to hurt yourself because you’re disgusted by yourself but I don’t get that disgust at all.

If you want to chat more, my disc is squatsoverhots
do you have an actual pic? it looks really pretty, i would like to see how it is healing!!!! :3<3
post more doll
Cute non the less
They were cute, I probably shouldn’t be encouraging you to cut but it is a cute way to do it I guess
No need to go too deep please
doll post
i used to sucker punch myself in the head over and over like fight club or something lol. i gave myself a black eye a few times. i did stop doing it though cause i was worried i might get brain damage if i kept at it
Such a cutie, they look good on you.
Can you show your arms in a similar pose?
shitty cat scratches bc i’m an attention seeking fag who’s too afraid to cut deep but here’s something from this morning
Ok where are they all then
I have a bunch of scars from smileys and other stupid shit
I regret it sm but at least burns are more inconspicuous ig
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why does it seem like there so few muscular/buff people who cut? feels weird to me that it's often considered an effeminate thing to do, or even that it's gendered to begin with

been "clean" for around 7mo now and don't feel the urge to cut right now. when i do, it's because i crave the opiate-like sensation of endorphins washing over me after cutting to help lull me to sleep. why do you cut, anon?
i think slightly more girls cut than guys but its weird that you dont hear about male cutters at all
maybe its seen as a sign of weakness for men or smth
fuck its sideways
those scars are so pretty it's killing me
aw thank you! i'll have to get a new picture. honestly they're fairly faint, but pretty visible in sunlight. did more near shoulders and those are more visible.
if you ever want to chat about sh, im 'yky' on discord.
Mind adding me as well?
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fascia on wrist.
did you go to the hospital after this?
yeah i did, got it stapled up. also got locked up for 2 weeks lol. the healing process was gnarly but no infection thankfully
lucky about the infection. glad youre okay. whats the scar look like? and if you dont mind me asking, what caused you to cut that deep?
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ngl it isn’t anything too profound. once i started cutting deeper i just kept doing it. it’s hard to go back once you start
thats a pretty gnarly scar
>once i started cutting deeper i just kept doing it.
i feel that
I just want to find a cutie with scars on her legs that I can run my fingers up and down over
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26M, Europe

After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up) meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.
Someone who self-harms.
Someone who is lonely.
Someone who desperately needs something or someone to live for.
Someone who is fucked up.
Someone who has kinks that are deemed extremely unacceptable by society.
Someone who is perverted.
Someone who has always felt like an outsider.
Someone who is a loser.
Someone who is desperate to escape their current reality.
Someone who needs a kind soul to talk to.

I'm open to absolutely everything and I will not judge you. Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go, and be prepared to be heavily lovebombed. I want you to tell me your entire life, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. You will be _my queen_ (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, healthy and balanced people, troons, timewasters

>contact info
Discord: homer_hesiod_and_sappho
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Dem legs is perfection
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what a gay and edgy thread

Meow quite old so I was fatter lol
More recent one !! Super light cutz
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add me if u cut
idk i would literally do anything for a bpd demon post your disc so I can add u/ girls that r cutters r so hot
I'm a skinny white guy and I did it for a bit. I fucking hate how it looks when I wear short sleeves now, whenever i see someone do a double take at my arm I know they saw it and I hate feeling like an attention whore
I wish I could give you all a really really big hug
i could really use one
Cutting thighs as a man? Fag
Your cuts are actually so pretty wtf
There there fren it'll all be ok
I would love to give you a hug.
Cutting is for women. The manly thing to do is to deal with it in silence.
Got some new box cutters so I'll probably have more content soon
“Mainly” forms of self harm do exist, just not usually cutting
But I cut to cope and do that in silence. Haven't for a while, but still think about going back to it all the time and half want to. Men drink to cope, men smoke to cope, men drive too aggressively on the highway to cope, men regularly put themselves and others in situations of undue risk all just to cope, so how is cutting any different?

Trust me, I bury my problems plenty deep like any well-adjusted man, and I intentionally avoid having anyone else around me know or find out. Why does the act itself seem to preclude masculinity?

It makes me miss an old girlfriend of mine in college. She had cut before too, mostly cat scratches and whatnot, but either way she understood the impulse better than anyone I've met since. It's why I feel like I keep coming back to these threads, just to be in proximity to other people who "get it" and talk about it for a while.
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Went over some old stuff so it scars better.
do you post this anywhere else that we could follow?
Aside from personal stuff like discord, I have a twitter that is landmine_lapin but it's whatever lol
Hey would you stab/cut inside your belly button with a knife?
perfect, thanks. just looking for a way to see future cuts.
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Oh my! you actually did it! thank you so much!
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Finally went a little deeper.
shallow is a good look, not being able to go deep is a good thing.
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Fucking hot
Why censor it?
well golly. moar like this
love the blood
very nice color
that's pretty deep
cutting is for skinny cute twinks
would anyone be willing to encourage me to cut? (while being nice about it..)
Active text chats and daily Voice Chats full of interesting people.
Feel Free to run retarded. Be the monkey to our circus

I will encourage you to be nice to yourself, seek therapy and accomplish your goals how about that bro
fuck im obsessed with how cute these are
sure. got contact?
thank you its been a tough week
Fucking amazing, thanks! Would love to see more.
I feel this, It’s been a tough week for me too
just one of those weeks i guess
ty anon
*hugs u back*
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from today lmao
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starting to heal
that cut is gaping, anon. please get stitches for that or use steri-strips.
how do i stop being into this
i dont wanna hurt people i like but seeing it just makes me go crazy
ur scars are nice

i feel like as long as ur not encouraging it its fine...
i don't encourage it, but i still get really strong urges to do it and see it...
well yeah in that case im not gonna encourage u to or anything. maybe understanding why u find it so appealing it would help
my approach is
>date people who already cut
>find their scars/cuts hot but never express that
>gently encourage them to stop and get help as required
>be a stable influence in their life
>they stop cutting, are generally in a better place
>no longer scratches that itch for me
>break up
>start dating another cutter

it's a bad approach, don't do it
former cutter, i can help you quit
hi, i'm back!! this is my last post. these are the final scars in case anyone was interested in knowing how big scars can be when cuts are small
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o.o !!!!!!!
You're so cute and your pussy mound looks so fine. The scars are nice, although fresh cuts and no panties would be a dream to see.
i understand. I wish i could just get rid of the thoughts.
Cute stripes and perfect fucking gap
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few years of mental anguish, those frens are with me forever now, were some deep cuts
need a girl to let me cum on her cuts tbqh

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