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Discord Thread for Artists! (since the last one died unceremoniously)
>Art Style or Inspirations your art takes from
>Describe yourself (any extra hobbies you wanna talk about is fine here)
>Looking for
>Not looking for
As special optional rules, because I'm quite the cunt:
-You can post upward to 3 pictures of your own works, make sure to tag them to your post for convenience sake and them being representative of your work
-Have small talk here. It's fun, lets gush out about eachother's art like if it was an /i/ thread. So I recommend posting discord tags after the fact.
I'll start in a bit myself, oh and keep the horny to a minimum, yes you can post horny shit but let's keep it moderated or tasteful so everyone can enjoy, spoil if you think your art is a bit too extreme for some tastes.. I've seen way too many dicks in this board. I've never felt so turned off.
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Trad, usual pen and paper, paint sometimes
>Art Style or Inspirations
Hard to say, I'd say japanese-like illustration but this very specific kind that mixes elements of Art Nouveau and classic literature illustrations.. or at least that's what I wanna achieve.
>Describe yourself
I get told I'm like a small cat, not in the sexual way, but in the Goofy goober kind of way. I like cute things, I could gush over them for a long time, vidja, japanese culture and how wild it is, oh and I guess I'm an IT engineer.. My favourite pokemon is Togepi, which goes back around to the fairy thing.
>Looking for
Girl friends, yes the space is intentional, or a small group of artist where the Male to Female ratio isn't dominantly male. People I can enjoy practicing and sharing with.
>Not looking for
Sex pests or people who cannot take criticism (When asked to be given it). If you dont wanna improve that's your problem, but I'd rather not deal with you.

This is one of my (only) OCs, She's probably the closest thing to a comfort character I have to draw, even if I only do that like once a semester.
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>Describe yourself (any extra hobbies you wanna talk about is fine here)
I'm an aspiring comic book writer. I have several stories/concepts I've been chipping away at for years and my biggest dream is to one day make them become a reality!
>Looking for
I'm looking for an artist for a long term collaboration on one (or seveal?) projects. I'm very invested in this so the pay will be appropriate, and obviously, you will have the title of co-creator on all of our works, as well as half of the rights. All I ask is for you to genuinely like my ideas, because if you'll end up doing this out of obligation rather than passion, then it's not going to work out long term
>Art Style or Inspirations your art takes from
I'm gonna use this section to tell you about what sort of art styles I'd be looking for. I'm mostly looking for that gritty 80s/90s indie comics/Image comics style (black and white is fine) - think Eltingville Club, Eastman and Laird's run on TMNT, Faust, Evil Ernie, Strangers in Paradise, early Image stuff like Pitt, The Maxx, you get the idea.
>Not looking for
People who aren't prepared to work on a comic (keep in mind that you have to draw the same things hundreds of times, and it could get tedious too) Putting this here so people realize what they're in for early on and won't quit on me halfway through!
galaxyrobo (on discord)
Your art looks sick, whats your contact? I need more artist friends and I got what youre looking for
pencil, pen, occasionally oil pastel, very rarely paint
>Art Style or Inspirations your art takes from
not sure, i tend to doodle a lot more than anything but if i had to place a word on it, generally it's a mix of realism and expressionism
>Describe yourself (any extra hobbies you wanna talk about is fine here)
i lift weights more than i draw but i thought this was a great idea for a thread and wanted to participate
>Looking for
other people to post their art, so we can talk about it together
>Not looking for
"love"/a boyfriend/ a girlfriend
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You make it sound like you are a drug dealer, however you should post your stuff too! you never know who you might impress!
Doodles are what I mostly do too, they are so much fun and stress free to the point that I'm lacking on my inking skills..
Um chile anyways so
artis gf yippiee!!1! ^<^
You forgot the rest!!
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21 m US
Paint and brush for the miniatures and blender for the models
>Art Style or Inspirations your art takes from
Old warhammer art and 90's painting magazine scans for the miniatures and pics of old vehicles and art of war stuff and pictures of homemade vehicles for the blender stuff
>Describe yourself (any extra hobbies you wanna talk about is fine here)
Neet on that living in the middle of nowhere grind, art is a good way to keep myself busy doing something I like
Tried out drawing a bit and was alright at it, not my preferred medium tho
Getting back into miniature painting after not doing it for years, trying out really bright 90's looking paints because I just really like the style, I also make models in blender for warhammer, vehicles and guns and stuff, orks are my favorite faction, I also have a 3d printer to actually print the stuff I model, I also clean up scans of old models and stuff
>Looking for
Just other people with art or modeling stuff they'd like to show or talking about or just relatable people, I also have plenty of good reference and inspiration images for warhammer and war stuff in general if you're looking for any of that, also people to collab with on modeling projects would be epic, working on big 1:1 ork boyz model pack rn
>Discord tag
>about me
A hard working straight guy with heavy 90s vibes, few friends, and a handful of talent.
>looking for
Someone with enthusiasm for active conversation, impulsivity, and creativity.
>not looking for
Disinterested/closed off people, gooning, or gaming.
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>About me
I make and sell abstract art. I have a pretty broad taste in music, movies, and TV. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of Beetlejuice, It's Always Sunny, and Seinfeld. Nowadays, I listen to a lot of Aphex Twin, PilotRedSun, a handful of oldies, and the one hit wonders recommended by Spotify and friends. I'm always online and really hard to offend.
>Looking for
Someone to chat, VC, or hang with RL.
>Not looking for
idk I'm pretty tolerant.
>Discord tag
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hello locals
i just wanna talk about art
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>discord tag is
add me
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doodling on cheap paper with cheap pencil or pen.
>Looking for
losers and winners to casually talk about drawing, point out what's wrong with my stuff, share doodles, and vice versa. Mechanical, historical stuff could be cool. Looking for VC but anything else is fine.
>Not looking for
Nothing too intense. I'm not going to improve quickly (if I even do)and I'm fine with that.
>discord tag is
add me at will :)
Who want to be my amputee rape bf (i am the raper) (we will have a nice friendship and i will simp for you)
Who walks into an art thread and ask that question?
The raper, clearly.
let me give you an art tip. the most i ever drew was in my amputee rape phase so take that as you will. once i join cbsg it is over.
(does anyone have an invite i forgot to join)
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Consistency Improving Art Server
>post work or kick
>post once a week or kick
>weekly challenges
>active art posting
>some VCs
i could be that artist but you blocked me for having 1 family member
What the hell man
Wtf is wrong with you :d
Are there any servers that are specifically for art and nothing else? I ctrl F "art" in the server threads and it's always a second thought for egirl shitholes or gaming servers...
uh, i think you have me confused with someone else
no we talked about torrenting groups and homelessness
add my disc: jhin_lover2.0
oh i remember now
that's not why i unfriended you
you kept sending me weird things unprompted and i couldn't deal with it anymore
can i add you just to read your shit im not an artist
fine if not
i appreciate the interest, but i'd rather people read the finished product than just my scripts
oki, good luck bro love you
you too dude!!
hit me up if you want some art tips, i have quite a bit of experience

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Pixel art.
>Art Style or Inspirations your art takes from
Mainly inspired by those 2010 stick fighter animations, as for backgrounds I don't have an inspiration.
>Describe yourself (any extra hobbies you wanna talk about is fine here)
I'm mostly playing vidya whenever I'm not doing art, and listening to music. I have an interest in fighting games if that means something.
>Looking for
Someone who can remind me to finish my projects or give me ideas on what to make next.
>Not looking for
I'd say, those people who'd want a NSFW drawing for free, yeah, those people.
Bump por more artists
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written word
>Art Style or Inspirations your art takes from
science fiction/horror. matheson.
>Describe yourself (any extra hobbies you wanna talk about is fine here)
just a relatively normal person just trying to make sense of a strange reality. i like games, movies, tv, you know.
>Looking for
someone to talk to. female.
>Not looking for
creeps/skids and the like

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25yo Ukrainian guy with PTSD living in Germany. I just want friends

Slavoslav on Discord
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Women-only server for radical feminists and imageboard users who are both 18+ and female to join and interact within a small community of like-minded people. Make friends, create picrews, discuss feminism -- the choice is yours!

Autists or artists?
Autistic artist
I would date the hell out of this strawman character.
Feminist thread took 4 days and already made it to page 10. Was this supposed to be ironic ?

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