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For virgins to post and for everyone to read
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Had to create this thread to post lol
Im 21 and i've been trying to find that special someone for quite a long time, i may be a bit picky but i just want to make sure we both actually like each other to the point that the relationship will last, if not forever (ideally), for the longest time possible. The thing is, most ppl just date anyone that asks them out, just because of physical attraction or because they want someone to fill that space and not feel lonely i guess, and i dont really like that, it feels like anyone can get anything from you in a short time if they just say the correct things or if they are there in the correct place/moment and then oh surprise, you broke up, who would have thought :/
And also, i dont wanna do it myself, dont wanna make out with "anyone" (not literally) or be a slut and fck with "anyone", probably cause i dont like most of the ppl but still.
So yeah, thats kind of a turn off for me but seeing that a real lot of you are like that, ive also been thinking about giving up on that and just start my sexual/romantic life and do those things with ppl i know wont be my soulmate :/ loneliness hits hard i guess
What do you think? Does anyone else feel like that? Ty for reading and sorry if it was too boring or cringe
Disc: pls.dont.text.me
interesting read but this reads like an elaborate catfish lol. sent a fq as a fellow robot
Catfish? Cant you read my discord name? XD
In fact id be better if anyone that is sending a fq just replied here
Another virgin here, I also suffer a similar fate. Everytime I get close and start a relationship with a girl they lose interest with me or “get busy” and if they are too busy to atleast text me atleast before bed then it’s pretty obvious they don’t really care and don’t want to invest time with me. Since I only want another virgin girl and want her to have genuine interest in me, it feels almost impossible to find. I don’t understand how to build meaningful relationships in this era anymore nobody seems to wanna try and grow and use a significant partner as a support beacon and rather just use them as temporary entertainment and for a little loneliness distraction
A lot of dating is just right place / right time. If you want someone that is purpose built for you, I'm sorry, it doesn't exist. Love; real love, is something you work towards. A lot of people start dating based on stupid, arbitrary things, but they start to assimilate parts of their partners interests and grow together. If you want instant passion, the type that you see in the movies, it isn't real. Most of the time that's just lust from, again, arbitrary points.

What determines whether you and a partner love each other and stay together forever is how willing both of you are to fight for one another and maintain that relationship. Feelings are part of it yes, but so is a sense of commitment and duty. Honeymoon period dies eventually. After that, what's left is how committed you are to each other, a love that runs deeper than that earlier, superficial feeling.

For every instance you have of your partner cuddling and spending time with you under a warm blanket, you will have an instance of your partner irritating you or doing some other small, dumb thing. How you and your partner react is what will determine if that relationship continues or dies. Want something that lasts forever? Give your partner the same leeway you give yourself when you misstep, and continue to show them you care. You will see that in time, your interests will intersect way more than at the beginning of your relationship, and the person that was once right place / right time will be the soulmate you always wanted.

But none of that can happen unless you give people a chance. Yes, sometimes you'll be left heart broken. Yes, sometimes you'll be incompatible. But, it only takes one lucky try to meet the rest of your life.
try being almost 30, it always feels like im running out of time to find someone
same anon that sent you friend rq here. there nothing wrong with wanting to pursue something deeper than something superficial. but i think its important to realize that fantasy and reality are different things. “soulmate” is an invention, but a person who loves you unconditionally for who you are is somewhere out there. but it most likely isnt gonna be your first partner, or even your second or third. a lot of people get married to people they love only to hate each other 10 years later. you dont need to fuck “anyone” but you can find someone you like out there and take a chance. but you need to go out there and explore. just go have fun! im a virgin too and ive been putting myself out there and working on my confidence. maybe someday ill get a girlfriend too.
>I dont want to be like those whores, I want something meaningful

smells like coming from a high schooler who tries to oppress his horniness by differentiating himself and thinking he is smarter and culturally more advanced than his peers, which is a typical teenager reflex to build a personality and stand out.

or you're a femanon who thinks she would end up being like those "sluts" if she fucks with a guy, she isn't emotionally that connected. it's not black and white anon
Yeah it sucks, but at least now you know they were not worth the effort
Totally agree with you on the first part but theres 8000 M ppl out there, theres more than 1 that could be my soulmate, thing is if i would ever know them, why would you date for arbitrary things? Shouldnt you date to almost everyone then? To give everyone an opportunity? Id say that unless you are one of those who get bored to have the perfect one just because you already have them, honeymoon period/passion doesnt have to die, and i dont wanna force others or myself into liking their/my things i think thats quite stupid unless you have never thought about those things and you actually like them but never tried/thought about it
Ofc im not perfect but i always try to aim towards that, and im not looking for someone "perfect" either, just someone perfect for me c:
Yeah, i may give it a try like everyone else, hoping im gonna be lucky, idk, ty anon <3
30 years actively looking and still? Hopefully i wont make it to 30 lol
Yeah im stupid and its a stupid thought, never said it wasnt
Not oppressing, im just a human and can control that, not an animal :/ its not like im superior for that, like i said its just something stupid that i care about
Not a slut for fcking with one, but if i end up doing it, it wouldnt be just 1 or 2
I dont even ask for unconditinal love, thats almost impossible, just real love, share some interests, moral values, thoughts...
I am in some dating sites so im out there, and yeah, i could for sure start dating rn.
Hope you can find a girl anon
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it feels like ever since the lockdowns shit has gotten alot worse, but desu it was even bleak before them, the internet ruined finding good people bros...
why even bother having sex if you are going to be abandoned, i feel like that
40 years old here. I've had oral sex and whatnot. No penis vagina sex. I think a big problem with the world is we treat each other like blowup dolls. I only want to have sex with someone I have a real connection with. I don't need warm holes for my dick - I need comradery that makes sex spiritually fulfilling. I don't just want to hit it and quit it. I want to go on adventures together, read books together, play board games together, travel together, exercise together, and also fuck. If I can't have the whole gamut I'm not interested. I've met lots of girls that wanted to have sex, but they couldn't provide me that fun comradery I was looking for. I'm not even sure what age I should be looking for. Younger women want to ride the cock carousel and seek volatile exciting men. Older women are almost universally bitter, jaded, overweight, and unhappy, likely due to spiritually scarring experiences on the cock carousel. So it seems impossible to find a happy, confident, grounded, down to earth girl that actually wants to build something long term and life affirming. Those are generalizations of course. I'm sure there are women that I'd get along with out there. Sure is hard to find them though.
yeah haha... im just too much of a shut in to socialize and find someone half decent... i just stare at stock charts all day and trade because i grew up thinking money > everything
>thinking he is smarter and culturally more advanced than his peers
Well he is, not hard to above the average person these days to be fair though. Most people need drugs just to function and something like 75% of the adult populace is fat now. Anyone with some level of morality and discipline will stand out.
M 25 here. Coming to terms with just not being desirable. I think I will be fine some day
Chin up bro. As a fugly friend myself took me all of high school to realize I can't be fugly and depressing/lame. Developed a sense of humor in college and now got a job making stacks and cutie 3.14. The more time they spend laughing the less time they gotta look at you xD
im a virgin and getting fat i need a girl to tell me to stop eating
My point was more so that you won't know they are your soulmate until things pan out. I'm not saying date everyone, but what I am saying is that typically people put forward a version of themselves that they want you to see. Sometimes that means stuff you would like about them could be potentially buried because they find it embarrassing, not proper, etc. but you will never know until it plays out and they lower that mask. Don't underestimate a spark.

For a fact, the honeymoon period does, indeed die. It doesn't mean your love dies, it just means you start to evolve past superficial things as a couple. That's good if they love you for you, but it's also why a lot of relationships can be dead in the water afterwards; because some people were only interested in something stupid and superficial about their partner. The honeymoon period is your body, chemically wired to overlook flaws in your partner because it is driving you to reproduce. Once that period ends, you either love each other for who you are, or the relationship has run its course.

Also, I didn't mean you have to like your partners interests, but when you are around someone you love long enough, interests can rub off on you and vice versa, just because you love being around that person. For instance, I'm a typical man's man and I've never had a second thought about photography or flowers, but if it wasn't for a previous relationship with someone who was really into that, I would never be taking pictures of flowers like I do today. It's not something I would have thought to do, and that relationship has run its course and ended, but I still like doing that today, because someone that once loved me, loved that too.

Good luck anon, you'll find someone someday. Same goes for everyone in this thread who is worried. Regardless of how you feel about yourself, someone will love you and your flaws. You just have to put yourself out there.
36 male here. thought id for sure be the oldest in this thread, guess not though. i honestly dont really care much anymore, i just work, go to the gym, play video games and cook tasty food. its become a comfy routine for me
35 here. I don't even care that.much about sex. I just don't want to be single forever
Well you aren't a vigin.

Seems i'm the oldest actual virgin here.
40 year old male. Waiting for marriage.
Wish arranged marriage was still a thing
M 26. I don't talk to women
>almost 30
As a bonus I've never been in any kind of relationship, dont know kow to start a conversation with a female AND I have quite high standards
I know I'm dying alone but I keep deluding myself
28yo guy here. Don't have many friends and the only friend I had moved to Netherlands.
I installed all the dating apps possible but I get no likes. Today I'm in a bad mood because it is bothering me not having someone and all my coworkers are becoming parents
holy fuck are you me..

i was a mega sperg in high school and ran away from some girl who asked me out.. i asked a girl for her phone number in college and she gave me it and i never texted her.. i went over to my friends sisters house to spend the night and i didnt fuck her.. idk what the fuck is wrong with me
I did this in highschool and I'm hoping I learned my lesson. I'm a virgin because of my own retardation

> i just want to make sure we both actually like each other to the point that the relationship will last

22. i relate with what you say. i haven't been able to find a relationship in a long time because i don't trust my own mind. i get into a phase of overattachment and/or obsessing over thoughts of a future with whoever i'm talking with. eventually, i lose interest in them, probably bc the novelty of the aforementioned ideas go away. it makes me hesitant to try asking out new ppl because i might just be in love with who i saw in that moment and not for who they actually are. ideally i'd want to learn about them over a long period of time to kinda negate the feelings above but so far no luck getting past the hump of "losing interest". good luck to u
this can be helped by meeting a lot of new people. dont put everything into one person you meet
I'm a non virgin guy but I want a virgin girl.

I get that the knee jerk reaction is to call me a horrible hypocrite but I think my reasons for wanting this are good.

I'm only interested in relationships that potentially lead to marriage, anything else is a waste of time. If I'm planning on committing the rest of my life to a girl, I want her to be mine and only mine.
thanks. i've had the same friend group for so long i feel like i've forgotten how to speak with strangers. when i meet somebody, especially under the guise of starting a relationship, i get so attached to the idea of getting to know them.
I'm almost 30 and I've never felt wanted or loved before. I was bullied and abused so much growing up and I got so fucked over genetically it feels like I never even had a chance. I'm so full of resentment and self-hatred it's killing me. No matter how much I try to improve myself or act more extraverted I never get any results and it just feels like I'm banging my head against the wall. At this point I don't even think I'd know what to do if a girl actually did show any interest in me. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
i really want to get married but i dont know if im ready. Plus, im a virgin waiting until marriage, which is not something most men want. Im fat, im ugly, ive been diagnosed in the 99th percentile for ADHD, i might have to give up my dreams of motherhood and just work as a live in nanny if i wanna take care of kids.

i know i can get better at cleaning/cooking and i know i can lose weight and hopefully be attractive enough to land a fellow virgin until marriage, im just struggling really bad with depression and lack of motivation. I think i can do it if i try hard enough, i dont want to give up but im so close to it. I will do my best to improve.
Never lose hope!!!
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feed Me your irl girls and I'll send you a link to my collection. 10 inches. kik animalspeople
I think I already missed the biggest moment in my life that i can get a girlfriend.i should had chance to go out with some girls in college but refused them and stayed in my home just for play video game and watch manga all day.now since i graduated i can’t find a good girl they become more mature and only care the money
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I gave my virginity at 30 to a girl I (still) very much love and I'm very very happy with her but... I wasn't HER first, and the one thing I want is to just have ONE time with a virgin girl so I can have that experience. I obviously can't hire a prostitute for that or even find it on tinder, I really don't know what to do.

if you can help in any way add my discord:

yeah I know there's an astronomically low chance I'll find anything but I have to try
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You sound like a female version of me minus the ADHD, how old are you?
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26 M, other than online dating since my anti-social ass could always just clock out when my social battery burned out, commitment is also what scared me off of any possible real life relationship. I don't see that being fixed at this point since I burn out from social interaction very quickly, friendships or otherwise. My humor being entirely 4chan related and as such incompatible with normalfags is another thing but anyway,
From how often I've burned myself out just trying to ignore such a concept, it pretty much bricked my social life. I at least have 4chan to shitpost on for social interactions.
Not getting any further than burning out from hanging out with someone I like for more than 5 days in a row sucks, but it is what it is.
Me and this sweet girl lost our virginities to each other and cuddled and stuff but she became normal, stopped wanting kids at all, got cold, went into medicine and lost interest in me. I feel torn because now I'm not a virgin and have experienced sex. It's the best thing ever minus cuddling and kissing when it's with someone you love. I'm now lost because how do I even meet girls who like trains, lego, board games and telecom/RF? I feel like any love I experience after (if at all) her will never be as pure and happy. Women don't want to get married or have someone to just be content with, they want the best of the best and will settle for nothing more. Being autistic won't help my situation either
you had ur chance sex havers, dont ruin it for other girls
26f total virgin
>3/10 face
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18 m, typical geek with no life outside this machine. i do go outside and talk to people from time to time, but that virginity is probably gonna stay with me for a while, if not forever.
not at all helped by my weird fetishes, which hardly have anything to do with sex in the first place, to the point where most cant even fathom someone finding such things hot (picrel).
if youre interested in hearing more about this, you can add me on discord - uberhiccupz
[not interested in anything sexual with guys, just thought id put that there to be safe]
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soon to be 23, male KHHV
i want to fucking kill myself
you stop caring after a while
31 here
peepee went in but i got nervous and didn't end up doing the deed correctly (still got footjob later though)

what's the council's verdict
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Verdict is in and it says you're a subhuman. Sorry chief.
No because ganondork slays mad gerudo pussy on account of being the rare one in a million gerudo male.
i wanted to be crenando
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I don't know enough vinesauce references to reply to this properly so just have a shitty meme
that makes me feel slightly better
thanks man
Beardy Branson seems cool and doesn't afraid of anyone
I'm a virgin in my late 20s, I'm not really surprised anymore, pretty much nothing in my life has gone like I expected it to, almost exclusively for the worse. I don't really care about losing it anymore, I think I cared a lot more when I was younger and more insecure in my teens and early 20s. If it happens, great, but it's not really a priority anymore, and I'm not going to force things just to not be a virgin anymore. Besides, how else will I get my wizard powers
I only had sex with my ex when I was 25, that lasted less than a year. After that I felt like a virgin again and I still do. Haven't had sex since then, I'm 31 now. Can I be a honorary virgin because I sure feel like one.

40 year old virgin here

I do want sex, but at this point I think it's probably impossible to get it with anyone I want to have it with. I'm almost never attracted to women my own, younger women have no reason to date me.

I stay reasonably fit, I'm a lot more well adjusted than most 4chan virgin types, and work made me social enough I think I could actually get a relationship at this point, but I would need to change who I am and become extroverted, find hobbies I'm not that interested in, and I don't think it's worth the time. I have gotten used to solitary shit.

I get women all have a past now, but the thought of being in a relationship with a woman who might reasonably be interested in me, the same age as me but with past relationships and a totally different life, and having to compromise with her and have time obligations and stuff, just doesn't seem worth it.

So, looking like probably lifelong bachelorhood unless I stop caring about potential robbery and legal risks and go for escorts.
>Wants a virgin for a one night stand
Literaly kill yourself in real life my dude
khhv, probably till i die. not because i other people dont want it. i mean im ugly and fat and weird but that doesnt matter for women most of the time. plenty of guys would still fuck me. but i cant even handle letting my parents hug me. i cant deal with being touched. and in recent years i havent even been able to deal with speaking. its been almost a year since i really talked to anyone aloud.
Lets talk about whats on your mind anon
Do you have a contact, id love to able to talk it out with you
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Come hangout, daily VCs, active chat, Low moderation

Sounds very similar to me also lol.
>Constant female attention in high school.
>Went to school in a upper class area
>Start believing that if the girls find out that I'm not disgustingly rich like the rest of them they would instantly reject me.
>Walk from school while listening black metal.
>Ultra doomer
>Super cute chick runs up to me and takes my and while I'm walking.
>Almost start crying
>Hide from women until 27 y/o
>tfw sensitive young man unironically
27F, here. No teeth downthere as of yet, will keep you posted.
26M. Spent a decade bedrotting, since I was 16. Only recovered now, getting a job and in shape and my own apartment, but I'm completely alone.

I can't even remember having friends, much less speaking to a girl. I don't even know how.
wat would you do if you woke up one day and your vagongie was replaced with chain chomp
Let me fix you, my disc is woogiexp
That's rough bud maybe try getting out more or talking to people in VC on discord or something. Just work your way up at a pace you are comfortable and try to keep it up until you don't struggle so much.
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26 f southern Cali
femcel virgin, had plans to lose my virginity with two different men at one point but plans fell through and they ended up dropping all contact with me. I had hook ups but not all the way.

currently planning on going all the way with a new man I met in december, but we're just meeting up for sex not in a serious relationship.

discord tag is chickenclaw3 if you're a fellow virgin who wants to shoot their shot, I only accept people with vtuber/anime profile pics
25 f latina married and looking to cuck my husband. I have a soft spot for pathetic virgins so shoot your shot. The bigger your cock and the more obsessed and pathetic you are the better. Now be a good boy and send me your cock for a rating.

Kik lovingwife22
So here's the deal. I'm 30, autistic, and I can't deal with most of the rest of the world. I live with family, and I just kind of don't exist. I go for walks, but that's it as far as outside is concerned. I would say in theory my interests are arts/crafts, video games, and reading. I say "in theory", because I'm badly addicted to the internet, so forcing myself to actually do things is increasingly difficult.
Women, I don't know. I think I like the idea of them, but I like them from a distance. I think I'd like to be noticed, and validated by them. I have very mixed feelings about sex as a thing. I don't know if I'd enjoy it. I don't know if I'd enjoy the demands of a relationship, since I have a pathological need for privacy. I also feel embarrassed by the idea of my family knowing I'm doing these things, as pathetic as that is. Part of me still feels like they would make fun of me.
So, I think what I need, before I even start seriously entertaining the idea of girlfriends, is someone who would basically be willing to be a therapist or surrogate parent to me, and push me to do all of the things I should have done as a teenager or in my early 20's, but didn't do, because I was mentally ill. I've been trying to find professionals, but that's harder than you would assume it is. I may just need real friends, who are respectful and supportive toward me, like the ones I had as a kid never were. I don't really know where to begin though.
21m from socal


i like to draw and work out and write in my journal and play acoustic guitar.

if any of that interests you and you a biological girl feel free to add me on discord:
fuck im rarted

I'm a 35 year old virgin that's never even been kissed. Most of you are but babies, not even wizards yet.
f virgins may contact me
discord: coolanewname
t. 29m khhv
You got discord? 20f here, I also love anime n video games :3 Timezones might be mismatched tho
Obvious catfish didn't even post a location
I'm a 24 yo virgin. Feel like holding out for a virgin wife. But in this day and age, I can't help but feel like I'm fucked either way
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Get a fucking grip holy shit
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Hey, fren. New server. If the invite expires reply to this post and I'll send a new one.
it expired heres the new 1
No, it expires in seven days and I made it today.
Don't know why I'm even posting, no one will ever want a fat 27 year old virgin like myself. But in case there is that one women who does, especially in the dc metro, my kik is Chubbylover1996
You messed it up by not having discord lol
>forced vaccinations and lockdowns made things worse
yeah you dont say. Everyday I pray ww3 comes sooner rather than later.
I guess I could include it
server for what?
M, 18, haven't held a woman's hand or been in a relationship let alone lost my v-card. Stay home basically everyday and just kinda goon the day away when not playing games. Sometimes I write but it's been getting a little infrequent. Just down to chat with anyone.

there's just a general channel.
>New channels are created by the members of this server based on what you want. This applies to emotes too. If you want me to create a channel for xyz just ping me and I'll make it, if it dies withing 1 month - it gets deleted.
We have a thread right here...
A long walk, fren
good lord I am going to die alone. I'm just constantly angry at everything at all times, who would ever spend time around me?
It'll be ok fren
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Honestly, don't even care about getting laid. I've grown to like the idea of making it to wizard status just for the meme.
What I do wish I had was literally any girl to just be romantic with. It's been at least 8 years since I was emotionally serious with a girl and I miss it so fucking much. I just want a nice qt I can wrap my arms around and cuddle up with.
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Your tag didn't work. Might've blocked you before but here's mine. uwuowouwuowouwuowouwuowo

There's plenty of people who believe in soulmates though so don't worry about how long it takes you to find someone. Your soulmate spent that same amount of time looking for you, too.
once you lose your virginity you becomeworthless so losing it to a man who you don't care about is the stupidest most life ruining thing you could do and you can only end up like a whore after that
Tfw 26f
This existence is painful
What's your story? How'd you get here?
My dad used to beat me up and I’m deathly afraid of men.
I been a shut in all my life
I provide virgin removal services for women add me on discord imliterallyjustbread
>beat me
Shame. That probably wouldn't go well with my sadistic side lol
>shut in
well that's just horrible, I wish I could help you get over your phobia/trauma
Always found that interesting since the inverse seems rare by comparison. Do you just fear all men you see in public and never talk to any of them at all if you can help it? Seems like the sort of thing exposure therapy is meant for.
>shut in
>exposure therapy
As someone who used to stay in his cocoon, it's very difficult to find your way out after a certain point.
Well, where would you even go?
How do you start putting together a life after years of avoidance?
How do you explain what you've been doing all this time to other people?
There aren't good answers to these questions.
All there is is maybe you stumble upon someone who likes you enough that they effectively adopt you. Hasn't happened to me yet.
I mean, I haven't really had much of a problem explaining to people that I used to just be a homebody for a while. The younger they are the more understanding they tend to be.

As far as "where do you even go" that's just trial and error. The biggest hurdle you'll have to get over is actually being open to conversation and not just giving nervous one word answers, which just comes with practice. I'm biased towards telling you to find a real church that preaches the Bible and not whatever "current thing" is. There's usually a good community at those.
I can't pretend to be a Christian if I'm not. I've tried before.
Try listening to Haunted Cosmos and Lord of Spirits. They get into the real shit.

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