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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Are Ya Winning Son Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

>Wixoss Pastebin

>Force of Will Pastebin

>Dragonball GT Shadow Dragon saga rulebook

>Gate Ruler Pastebin

>Build Divide Pastebin

>Flesh and Blood Pastebin

>Ashes Reborn Pastebin

>Netrunner Pastebin

>Fusion World Rules

Play with /acg/ through voice chat! No text chat so coordinate in thread to get some games in.

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
What casual games and formats do you enjoy playing?
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Apparently 170/200ish entrants for the North Carolina regional were ToPku as well. It really is a tier 0 format from the looks of it.
I dunno I actually hope they hit something. I am all for a proactive use of banlists rather than letting broken shit stay broken.
Cheating card in plays for no cost is always broken in any TCG. When will they learn.
To be fair DBSM was built on cheating out cards, so it makes sense FW would go the same way. Past set 1 in Masters there was no card that cost more than 5 that you would actually pay its cost for.
>flown out to japan to be the lead commentator of games new set
>can't keep the horny commentary in check for 3 days and get fired before the event is over
>flight back home is maybe in jeopardy because it was company paid for and you got fired

Someone check on him lads...
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>They really aren't. And I enjoy lorcana, as a super casual game.
Yeah, Lorcana is perfectly reasonable for what it was intended to be: a tcg that parents can play with their kids.

>Cheating card in plays for no cost is always broken in any TCG. When will they learn.
Ezra's power level in SWU is pretty reasonable. It's also not strictly "free" in OP's case, it does cost a card. Not saying that makes it balanced, but FW *is* a game about hand advantage after all.

>170/200ish entrants
holy shit lmao

dunno the context but I bet they probably spent the whole run-up to traveling fantasizing about japanese porn and soaploands, but then got there and were too chickenshit to actually get laid so they just spent the whole trip horny on main
>check how is the meta in OP07
>Law RP, Luffy BY, Lucci OP07, Enel, Moria, Bonney, Boa, Yamato GY, Nami
Future is looking good, bros
He really got removed? Never liked him but I do kinda feel sorry for the guy.
James White personally ended the stream and its all been wiped from youtube lol

his fab career is over, probably all card game involvement desu
just card games full of thinskinned trannies who dogpile any minor offense
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So really he's banned from all nerdy hobbies, not just card games. He's doomed to picrel now.
i dunno not much is lost desu, he considers himself a professional commentator and the shit he was saying on stream is not something a professional would do lol, they are cringe "jokes" but completely out of place for the stream

is the dog pile necessary, no but meh , its not difficult to not be creepy
The problem wasn't just his comments but where he did it. LSS going into Japan was a big deal for the company. This faggot couldn't control himself and now this has blown up and has basically been what everyone has been talking about for the past 24 hours.

It is fucking stupid, I wanted to enjoy the fucking release and now this shit is all everyone who is connected with FAB is talking about. I don't think what he was saying was that bad desu but he probably was told multiple times to tighten up and he didn't. Because this event was big for LSS they needed people to be on their best behavior and he wasn't.

Stfu faggot. This dogpile has basically overshadowed the release. This is probably the last thing LSS wanted. Drama is not good. Is this gonna hurt the launch? Probably not. Is it dumb? Yes.
>Stfu faggot. This dogpile has basically overshadowed the release
nothing i said is wrong loser
My guy, I've read through the thread. You have been talking about this drama all day. Get over it. He got fired, good. Talk about the game or get out.
>wahhh my game has relevant controversy to discuss for a day please stopppppppp
make me :) the final day start stream in 10 minutes, i hope flake is there on a fuckign cross
Oh, it's just the usual shitposter. Got me fooled with the woke concerntrolling for a while.
Seems insane for balancing, but it also had more points and options for interaction, right? If everyone can cheat and everyone can interrupt cheating, it worked?
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It basically means the "cost" written on a card aren't the costs of the card. E.g. this isn't realy an 8 cost card, it's a 5 cost.
Are there cards that attack/disrupt between zones? Like a ground unit firing at space units, or a shield generator preventing space units from attacking ground units?
Just curious. I bombed countless shields generators in Rogue Squadron and mediocre-but-useful cross zone effects seems like an inevitable design.
Whoops, I meant not really a 7 cost. That's how irrelevant costs are. This card was the finisher for 2 different decks I played and I still don't remember what its cost was, because it was never relevant.
The zones are basically just what they can attack. Space units fight things in space, ground units can fight units on ground. There's no restriction on effects unless otherwise specified, e.g. a ground unit that says "Attack with a Rebel Unit" could let you attack with a Space Rebel Unit.
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>Are there cards that attack/disrupt between zones? I bombed countless shields generators in Rogue Squadron and mediocre-but-useful cross zone effects seems like an inevitable design.
Your pic related
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One more example. Airlifts one of your ground units back to your hand.
Kneel, /acg/, our whore inquisitor is here !

>The Deverenians are an empire of typically evil aligned humans. Their Church of the Storm worships the disembodied Soul of the Great Dragon! (the one who ate the elven gods and tried to destroy the world)
>While the church and Deverenia's royal families have parted ways, the church has not lost its connection to the Storm. They still harness its power to subjugate heretics which, if you don't devote your life to service of the Storm and its church, includes you! (and every other sentient Accordlands creature)
>High Acolyte Hellene has been rising in the ranks among the Church of the Storm and is a newly appointed High Acolyte. With the divine power of the Storm behind her, she will stop at nothing to spread her faith until all are kneeling before the Storm.
>Mechanically Hellene calls her missionaries, priests, acolytes, inquisitors, and paladins to her side by reducing their entering rank. Additionally, when using her magic she can force an opposing character to kneel (spend) before the power of the Storm.
redpill me on this game
Wonder if we'll see Echo Base Ion Cannon as a ground unit that can only attack space stuff. Would be kinda neat.

Man, they really cheaped out on the background for this card, huh?

I play everything casual. Probably why I struggle to find communities for card games.

I will say that I like drafts and sealed events just because it feels more skill based than bank account based.
Huh. Decent strike and AC, although her skill seems low for what feels like a support character.

Those abilities seem pretty dope, though. Deploying level 4 characters as if they were 3's is nice, and getting to force spend enemy units is pretty great.

So how often do you see people running stuff higher than level 4? I was looking at some cards and the dragons are all like 7 and 8 which seems almost impossible to get that many ranks. Every game I've watched first turn it seems like ranks ate just getting cleared in an instant.
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>Oops did I ruin your world premier? Kiss kiss
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>Oops women have to wear power armor to feel safe around me at FaB events
Thanks. Airlifts and bombs are exactly what I was imagining.
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This shit writes itself guys
>I play everything casual.
Got a group of friends mostly into board games that I play tcgs with casually. Decks I’ve made, starters, etc. Love to be competitive but it’s also fun to throw monsters and shit at friends while we catch up.
>Blitz is being pivoted into an intentionally casual, "social" format
>PvE "not coming out for a long time" (despite being announced two years ago)
>entire lore writing team was freelancers who they no longer employ

This all seems a lot worse than one random caster being shitcanned?
It’s a big milestone. Someone posted the numbers before and if I remember correctly if you make it past year 2 then around there is the next hurtle. 2-5 sets or 5ish years.

Possibly skewing the numbers is licensed games that lose their support after 2-5 years but that timeframe (2 year increments?) is 100% speculation.
Medium rng, no "mana screw" type bad end, uses d20s, grid/placement-matters, uses a lot of table space, quite rules-heavy, tons of old cards exist, tbd level of local/producer support
>Blitz is being pivoted into an intentionally casual, "social" format
>PvE "not coming out for a long time" (despite being announced two years ago)
Nobody cares
>entire lore writing team was freelancers who they no longer employ
while blitz is still a thing I don't see it as a bad thing for it to be a more casual format.
Honestly it felt more like an off-hand comment. Disappointing but not surprising.
That is shocking desu. Genuinely surprised that they have not yet gotten a real team to do lore for them. They need to jump on that.
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I kneel, Hellene-sama!

Please punish me! Sit on my face!
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Dragon Reach decks generally have ways to decrease EP ranks. For exemple pic (that is not really usually played in those decks) other would be Bem Kaundodo (lvl 4 SR: reduce EP by one before you put a character in play). Also those dragon decks either have most of their dragons at lvl 5-6 or they have ways to cheat them into play like playing a Dragonlord.
Keep in mind that dragons are always 3+ hp and have high AC, they are hard to take down, one a Dragon deck gets going they throw dragons to the first rank to tank.

About the Deverenian Warlord: she is fine, having lvl 4 devs enter in rank 3 when you want is kinda good because devs generally doesn't have good lvl 3 characters.
Feel like the FB02 format is going to kill Fusion World they need to hit ToPku before it's too late.
Flake 'The Snake' caught himself a dangerous fever. The yellow kind.
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>Flake 'The Snake'
Big kek. This guy was always reviled. I thought he acted completely unprofessionally across his entire career at fab. My favorite comments from today were:

>erm, we're not sure what he did, but we never liked him anyway XD

I can't WAIT to sweat with Perona next set bros and if it goes horrendously I'll just pivot to BY Luffy or Moria
Tell me the new lore on the fallen FaeceandBile shill
>Law RP
Gordon should be banned tbdesu
People already asking for a banlist in Fusion World. IT'S JUST SET 2 LOL. HOW ABOUT YOU GET GUD
I get the Japanese FAB style characters to cosplay but choosing to cosplay THAT?
Nobody wants to play in a t0 format
in a game in its infancy that is already seeing a mass exodus from the One Piecefags that already dropped the game it can be a death sentence.
Nerf Topku to 5 resources
Literally just ban the leader.
Being able to cheat out 7 energy worth out power for 1 is so fucking stupid it's unreal how the fuck that shit makes it past QA is beyond me
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How about you put a lolipop up ur ass.
Did Bandai not learn from OP02?
No one cares, tranny.
I really don't get the crusading against a mildly popular game in a 50 man general...
Ban Kefla maybe? It's the real problem.
Is Kefla a problem in other decks? If not, why ban it over ToPku?

If they ban Kefla, they're going to need to be very careful about the power level of all 20k Red ToP cards they release going forward. But if they ban Goku, then there's less risk of accidentally making Kefla OP again.
I'm tired of hearing about some retarded drama about people none of us know about.
Most FAB players probably don't know about the drama because most people don't fucking watch tournaments
>Did Bandai not learn
It's the usual shitposter who found something to latch on.
I'm tired of hearing about some retarded drama about people none of us know about.
Most FAB players probably don't know about the drama because most people don't fucking watch tournaments
What's your opinion on "one per deck" mechanics in TCGs? Cards like Ace Spec in Pokemon or Legends in Rush Duel, where you can only have one card of that type (not name) in your deck?

I personally never liked them but I'm noticing more and more games with this mechanic, so I'm guessing it's popular?
I hate them because 99% of the time there is one clear choice.
I'm playing my first pre-release this week and I know nothing about combos but I sure hope I crack open a bunch of cool stuff for Nuu. Seeing a playable prostitute assassin sure is a refreshing idea considering I'm coming from MTG
Neutral, pros and cons, you likely just look at the cons but it allows them to add cards and mechanics they otherwise 'couldn't' for various reasons.
Yeah, they're usually kinda lame. Either you just tutor them out anyways, making the line of play super static and the uniqueness just a cludgey enforced combo; or else they become a huge RNG topdeck problem. And like anon said, they lend themselves to obvious choices. Japanese games are really into godawful forms of RNG for whatever reason (fucking pachinko based culture) so they appear a lot there.
Put it in a game like Weiss or Rebirth where we’re neck deep in RNG and top-checking and casual play and I don’t mind I guess. Like >>92834894 says it allows for otherwise unprintable effects to be added more “fairly”.

Anything past that and I don’t think it fits. Never played Vanguard but of all the players I know none of them have ever said, “oh the overtrigger card is such a good mechanic.”
>Wonder if we'll see Echo Base Ion Cannon as a ground unit that can only attack space stuff. Would be kinda neat.
I'm sure they'll explore that kind of design space eventually. I appreciate that they're taking it slow, not trying to cram every idea in right away.
I like Battle Spirits' version of it, where you have one type of Contract Spirit which starts in your hand and stays on the field even if it loses a battle. Makes it feel like you have an actual partner card and not just a big beat stick which will just get removed by your opponent before you can use it.
I think there's a difference between a card type that you can have 1 of and always have access to and a 1/deck mechanic.

The former I like because it gives you something to build around, like Leaders/Phoenixborn/Identity cards. The latter I is a mechanic that I think only serves to add more RNG.
Wait, what actually were his comments? If the videos were taken down, I can't watch what he said.
He said Finance and Bolts has been mathematically proven to not be a game and that it has no strategy or card economy.
Well, that's a given. But what did he say about Fannies and Boobs that got him fired?
No one except for twitter trannies like you cares about this
in terms of consistency, yeah those things are pretty much opposite. and intentionally so in most cases. an on tap ability and/or creature is more consistent than any card in your deck. and at least in the case of the most well-known singleton format (the highlander / EDH family) it was explicitly created because the regular game was *too* consistent and players wanted something lolrandumb.
They might need to ban her eventually once dual color leaders start being a thing. Imagine Goku Black into Kefla on a U/R leader. Sounds like bullshit.
But for now yeah I genuinely think ToPku should just be banned I don't care if it's a week old format.
its a bandai game, you should go in expecting bandai to ruin whatever interesting gameplay may have been possible. not a single one of their games is balanced.
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>its a bandai game
How balanced are the western tcgs in /acg compared to the Japanese tcgs in /acg
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>top 2 players as Vegas and Texas GP will compete in Japan
>with japanese decks
>in japanese meta
damn that's ygo bad lol
She worked on that all year so far, she didn't know what Japanese Character to base her cosplay on psychically. It's pretty great for what it is, but I might have not used craft foam for the roll cage myself.
I like them actually especially if it's stapled to harder-to-pull cards so if you get one from a box or something, you're good to go, and if not, you just have to buy one rather than a playset.
Haven't really played with a one of type deal like you mentioned, so I'm not sure about that, but I guess the same principle could apply.
I like deck building restrictions in general.
Allows people to cheat more easily
My perfect Sunday is having pancakes and eggs for breakfast and afterwards reorganizing my card collection as I listen to podcasts or perhaps some kind of regional broadcast event. Shame I can't marathon the Tokoyo event, but what can ya do?
Jesus Urith. We are lucky that Wixoss is a niche game. Other than the couple of cards that was censored I think everything else went unaltered. I hope this trend of 0 censorship continues.

Them including the global playerbase in this way is really bad but I like that they are doing SOMETHING. Maybe one day we will get our own or we can somehow catch up in meta but I'm just glad it doesn't seem like they are abandoning the eng version.
The one card per deck makes it easier to cheat?
>Blitz is being pivoted into an intentionally casual, "social" format
I still maintain that Blitz is the better format. Smaller deck and faster games is just way more fun to me.

Ah, that makes sense. I just saw thebddagons, went "holy shit those things are beasts" and then saw their levels and thought "how do you even get these fuckers on the table?"

I really just need the gamete have something akin to an Umber Hulk and I'll be happy.

>Most FAB players probably don't know about the drama because most people don't fucking watch tournaments
I just assume it's some stupid little thing someone is blowing out of proportion to feed their fantasy of FaB dying any day now. Motherfuckers have been saying that since fucking Crucible.

What game is this?
>it doesn't seem like they are abandoning the eng version.
I really appreciate this. Tournies have gotten a bit better, they haven’t dropped that idea, they keep giving us old promos to fill months, and stupid prizes is still something more than Fuck You. I expected this experiment to be dead 2 years ago so I’m always pleasantly surprised when they announce 2 more months of store support and 3 more releases.

Now all I need is TT to print some stupid powerful green food Exia for Mel to abuse is All-Star.
>What game is this?
Mitos y Leyendas
>Smaller deck and faster games is just way more fun to me.
I understand your position but Blitz is also a barely maintained unbalanced mess.
If they made any effort at all to keep it somewhat in check it could make a reasonable, less competitive alternative to CC.
It doesn't help Blitz decks aren't much cheaper then CC decks either.
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People that act like there's some code to be magically cracked and people will find a counter is so laughable and so Bandai shouldn't ban anything is so fucking laughable.
Just ban the leader and be done with it nobody wants to go through 3 months of this shit.

I never found it to be terribly unbalanced. I suppose someone can break it, but they can break CC as well.

I just like the faster play, that every card in my deck feels like an important choice and the faster games.

But nobody around me plays Blitz simply because the OP stuff is all CC and that's all they give a damn about.
just got two old L5R precons (Samurai ed), mantis and phoenix to play with my buddy

what am I in for? is it better than the FFG one?
this is fucked.
Nice find!

It's more complex than the FFG one. I'm sure I'm the only person here who enjoyed the LCG, but they're two very different animals.
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>Brainstorm itself does not have an arcane damage effect. It is not modified by arcane damage modifiers.
What in the ever loving fuck does that mean? It seems to correct the first sentence entirely. And what stops people from building decks with 0 cost cards that don't do anything but draw cards without having to trigger a "hit" effect? Why isn't this card banned yet?
there was an old as fuck magic format where it was just commons at limit 4, uncommons at limit 2 and rares at 1 copy only. always thought that was nice, wish more games copied it.
of course it's not actively hostile to the consumer so it wouldn't fit the business model for most games.
anon, I don't even play this game and I can parse this without an issue.
I mean that it sounds like a one time trigger for an infinite chain reaction.
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In warlord you can only have 1 of each "lord"-type in your deck. This means you can only have 1 warlord (your main character), 1 Overlord (like pic), 1 Dragonlord, etc
If your Warlord also has the Overlord typing then you can't have an Overlord in your deck.
In the game it is perfectly fine to have this rule. Overlord/Dragonlord/etc are really difficult to play normally and are really good cards, Dragonlords are usually combo pieces so having to dig them, using "limited" search effects (the game doesn't have much search effects and the most common ones are like "look at the 7 top cards of your deck") to find is good and most of times your deck would have to be optimized to play them to even having a chance to do so.
Blue Zamasu has a chance so SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET GUD FAGGOT
Well that line is just so people don't try to use "arcane damage increase" effect on brainstorm, and pretend that brain storm makes every other draw deal 2 damage now.

Also it is not that good, there are a couple of fun deck with it, but it mainly just is a bad card.
You have 2 problem, a) wizard usually want to not draw but trigger shit via the ability, b) many draw effects might not have go again and c) wizard usually win with blowout turns, not with chip damage.

Its not really that popular of a card
Show me where it topped then you fucking cocksucker.
Are there not enough cards that cost zero and have go again that draw a card? Could I not do a one turn kill once this was played already? And wouldn't playing those cards first until I pick this one be enough for a pretty much guaranteed first turn infinite damage kill?
>Show me where it topped then you fucking cocksucker
There are nearly zero cards that draw a card, have go again, and cost zero. Play the game before you complain about "broken" bad cards.
Complain? I have a raging hard-on right now, bro.
Card draw is relatively rare and most cards that do draw are very powerful.
Card advantage is very important in fab.
any acg's with ferrets/weasels?
I'm still new to the game but I really like the combo potential in this card. I'll try to put together a deck for it, even if it'll be shit.
OTKs are fun.
>OTKs are fun.
Good luck but keep in mind that Kano (FUCKKANO) has much better OTK potential just using his hero ability.
Redwall: The Rodent Card Game (RTRCG)
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Ayayay, no leí la tarjeta antes de publicarla muchachos
Wait, Redwall had A TCG GAME? DAFUQ???
On the one hand a redwall card game mite b cool
On the other hand, ferrets/weasels/stoats had a rough time in the redwall series by and large (FUCK OUTCAST OF REDWALL WHAT WAS JACQUES THINKING)
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Thanks for the help but I prefer to suffer.
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But the most important question here is: Why she doing a footjob to a spear?
Haven't played Fusion World since launch.
Did they fix the digital client's economy or is it still fucked?
The economy has not been changed at all.
New cards will be available on Thursday though.
>look up artist
oh he knew what he was drawing.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 14.

Reorganization of the Troops
[Evol - (2R,2C)]
Shuffle your deck and place the top card of your deck to the front of your Life Zone. If this card was played by Evol, put 1 more card from the top of your deck into your Energy Zone rested.
What's the easiest hero/gameplan for fab part the mistveil prerelease?
In terms of difficulty it goes Assassin is easiest, ninja is mid and Illusionist is the hardest.
Probably Nuu. You just want to send out attacks and then use attack reactions to buff up the ones you want to hit. If you get her Mythic Helmet then you will also be able to start grabing your opponents cards.
Zen is second. you need to make sure you have a full line up of go again and cards that are either buffed by or create tiger tokens.
Don't touch Enigma. Watching pro players player her shows that she is the hardest. You can do a lot with her but you probably aren't using her to her fullest. That being said a good illusionist will go far with her.
>PvE "not coming out for a long time" (despite being announced two years ago)
goddamn. I remember joking on here about how the ashes pve was gonna drop before the fab pve even though it was announced a year later. now it's looking more like the ashes one is going to finish its entire 7 expansion cycle before we get FaB pve spoilers.
they can barely handle releasing coherent normal sets let alone designing an entirely different game mode
>they can barely handle releasing coherent normal sets
I do wanna say, that you might be in for a bad ride.
My main complaint is you a) don't really use his ability and b) you do know your deck is 60 cards against 40 life.

If you have the card once on the field you have have to have basically 52 cards drawn to OTK someone.
Rathetimes does have a article about that card.

But if you want a OTK (and don't want the current Kano otk), a chip otk, Viserai might be cooler.
Or Vynnset with Dimenxxial Crossroad.
But If you are coming from magic, I do want to add, learning heroes first before going for building weird shit is probably best
Versai OTK is not very good but it's the next best after Kano. Count to 52, runechants+damage, pretty straightforward but also pretty boring.
>Redwall card game
Excuse me?

Funny enough, I was just talking to a buddy about how I'd love a Root card game.

Co-op Mouse Guard card game when?

>soldiers in armor and full uniform
>leader in crop top and hot pants
Seriously, Japan, what the fuck?
Massive retard moment by Bandai by printing a replacement and not thinking everyone would just run 8 Gordon's instead of 4
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OP02 had 2 bans, Moby Dick and Cabaji, but they weren't in effect until OP03 release
All the Blue Aces are fully clothed too
Altamira looks like a guy here
>two people effectively hijacked FaB discourse because one dude was an ass to them once
Someone wrote their impressions of the holo tcg in case someone wants to bother translating
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Only 1 legend card in the entire deck I'm not a fan of but if it was like you can play as many legends as you want but each legend can only be a 1 of then in that way I kind of like it, it's basically a ban list limit with out having to go through the process of blindsiding people who have play sets and allows you to make strong cards with out worrying too much about people breaking it by playing 3-4 copys of it.
I come from weird powercreeped to hell ESL ACGs. Weird combo decks that only work 30% of the time are my bread and butter. I much prefer the low chance to break the game than to be consistently competent. I guess that it's a gambler's mindset.
But you're right, I should get around to exploring the basic decks more first.
Whitebeard was still dominating though....
if it's tier 0 bad then you might get what Digimon did which is hit the problem cards one month after release.
So unlike One Piece Digimon actually does what you want.
There is only 1 banned card in Digimon and that's because the card is so easily abusable and busted that it has to be banned while every other card is just limited to one
what card is she?
>Fusion World release in February
>Unlimited release in March
>Fusion World reduced to a t0 meta immediately upon set 2 release
>Unlimited meta still changing and evolving two months in despite only being on one set
I think he means Star Wars
As someone who actually plays FaB (semi-casually) the price point is the biggest issue but what actually irks me the most is that they only ever play top 8 at bigger events.
I got 10th out of 200 players at a battle hardened and got a pack of sleeves. I feel like other games at least play top 16 at that player count.
Yeah, but it depends. Sometimes events make cut size decisions based on time constraints, to avoid playing out an additional round.
Yeah but it wasn't a tier 0 meta where 95% of all tournament entrants were whitebeard
Yeah but in FaB its always top 8 no matter what.
At the event I mentioned I think the best x:1 got in but everyone up to place 20 or so was x:1 as well. It would actually be more competitive and eliminate variance if they cut to top 16 instead.
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>they only pay out top 8
Battle Hardened is a side event, bro. You played in a qualifier tournament.
Higher level events all have more prize money allocated and larger payout ranges.
how many rounds Swiss? for 200. You can do a smaller cut size if you're doing more swiss rounds than average, the extra rounds just act like defacto cut rounds. If it's a normal number of rounds then I agree, that is a strange decision.
>Yeah but in FaB its always top 8 no matter what.
Not really. The top 8 cut is for the highest prices, but for example in PT and Callings, they pay out more than reasonable prices to places 9th upwards
No worries, just saying that there are more fun weird build possible.
If you wanna be a true gambler Brutes, Aggro Levia, Vynnset and wide Azaela are good gamblers.

If you want to use underused cards Kano, Mechanologist and Runeblade have fun tools, people are wary to experiment with
What digimon does is still consider just a regular ban list, you buy 4 copy’s and then Bandai comes out a couple months later and says never mind you can only play 1. I actually play digimon and I use to play Lilith loop so I know all about mega digimon fusion.

I’m talking more in line with the legend system that rush has, see pic >>92834829 that legend symbol on the top left means you can only play 1 copy of it. I want something like that where the card is specifically made to be at one from the beginning but I want to be able to play as many different legends as I want where rush duel only lets you play 1 monster legend, 1 spell legend, 1 trap legend.
I feel like that has a lot of the same problems, it's either too inconsistent to be worth running the card, or else the card is too strong that it justifies it which adds a ton of draw RNG, or else the game is too tutor-heavy which introduces its own entire category of problems.
This is genuinely the worst meta I've ever seen for a card game. Maybe people who've been in tcgs longer than I have remember a time even worse than 87% of swiss on the same deck, but holy shit that's bad.
>how many rounds Swiss?
I don't remember but I want to say 8. Still, place 7 to around 20 were all x:1. Its just better to play top 16 at that point to reduce variance.
It's true that they pay out more but they still make a top 8 cut.

idk, maybe its not as much of an issue as I think it is but I think other games make larger top cuts which I like more.
Thanks. I've been eyeing the runechant decks but the banished zone play thing made my head hurt a little.
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Vynnsetts play style is definitely very interesting. She is a deck that is requires you to set up a board state to really use her to your fullest.

Your go to cards are Revel in Runeblood, Mauvrion skies and then Deathly wails. These cards will either generate runechants or give you go again to use the created runechants to send another attack. Your banished cards are free actions as long as you have the runechants that let you play them.

She is a fun hero and the lines she is able to do can be wild. Good thing is if you don't like her then you can switch to Viserai is isn't as skill intensive as good ole Vinnie.
Thanks. I'll try it soon.
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Today's Build Divide reveals are a Super and Normal rare from set 14.

"Nine Dragon" One Who Manipulates, Gerbera
[ACT] (Normal timing/Attach 1 Command card from your hand as +1000 Aura to this unit without an Aura): Place up to 1 (Dominated Soldier) from your D Deck onto the field rested.
<Territory> Power +3000.
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Dominated Soldier
So I skimmed the rules and summoning is throwing me for a loop after seeing this card. So you need to make enough ranks by playing new units until you have 8 ranks in order to play this card? And you start at 3 ranks?

So this would be unplayable in the main deck unless you cheat it out somehow so it basically locked as a Warlord.
Set 2's second legendary, Finalizer.
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>11 resources
>Needs board presence to be effective
>Hard countered by Superlaser
Seems unplayable
>Needs board presence
It'll capture one thing in space itself, so as long as you have like your leader out, that's 1 unit per arena sealed away. Superlaser thing is true, but such is life.
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The overlords and Dragonlords (and medusanlords, but you will probably not see it irl) are originally part of the organized play program. When they were released they came in a premade deck that the store owner would use to beat the crap out of players until eventually someone defeated the deck. Once they lost they would give up the whole deck or just a copy of the Overlord to the player. This program happened after tournaments and the top 8 in tournament placement order would try to take it down.
They were not designed to be playable in normal warlord games, but they are playable in the normal decks.
Deima is an exemple of early overlord design, her ability basically only works when she is being played as the overlord of the event.
Also, yes, it is really difficult to legit play them into a formation, until rank 6 it is somewhat viable for most decks, after that it is basically not playable unless you have lots of way to cheat things into play.
Warlord "spoiler" this is the Warlord for the deverenian starter deck

>Tancred leads a brute squad tasked with locating special gifted Deverenian citizens. While Saturday's spoiler, High Acolyte Hellene, spreads the Church's message, Tancred spreads its violence. His company takes those the Church sees fit to bring into its eternal embrace, and silence those who might speak of it.
>Church Enforcer Tancred is simple but powerful in his design. He can open a game by punching a hole straight through the middle of a 2hp starting formation. Or he can save his ability to use on himself or a higher level character who has made their way to the frontlines.
>Notably his Limited Order isn't faction-specific, so Tancred is more than happy to employ characters from the Mercenary Guilds or elsewhere so long as they earn their keep. Hit hard and fast with this Deverenian enforcer!
so 1 event = enough data to say tier 0? Card Pool wise there isn't anything to counter Topku?
>It'll capture one thing in space itself
Yeah, but not really worth it for the price, especially since the captured thing comes back if you Vanquish it (or the new anti-big removal it)
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The fuck happened today?
People cancelling
I puzzled that out. I just wondered if they'd done something specific to get people to cancel. You know, beyond their lack of vision or concrete plan for organized play - but they've hat those since launch.
There's already enough tcgs in the market. We really expecting Warlords to kick off?
I just noticed the kefla people are asking to be banned so you basically cheat out bodies for cheap.
We had this scenario with Masters later on. Fucking Bandai never learn, idk why you people even bother with the game.
I'm guessing Capture is something we'll see outside Bounty sets like how Smuggle will stick around.
Think it's time I tried learning FAB again
Personally, I scaled back my pledge in the last 24 hrs, but it wasn't related to anything specific they've done - I just don't think Box of Greed is getting anywhere near the full potential card list, so I'm not sure I want to buy more than one.

Tbh the campaign hasn't given me much hype. One banal update per day, no meaningful retailer outreach I've seen, no OP plan, etc.
I think it's a fair criticism for sure. I know a decent chunk of the Pro Scene has been complaining about the prizing::payout ratio for Battle Hardeneds specifically for quite a while, since when they're tacked onto larger events they tend to far exceed in size compared to the standalone BHs. They tend to need to add additional rounds to even get to a point where a top cut can be made (AKA above ~150 players where Swiss triangles don't split cleanly to top 8) and tend to have very unforgiving prizing for a full-day tournament.

Callings, US Nats, and PTs/Worlds tend to have decent prize payouts to 9th and later, but it still feels bad not to make the top cut. FAB likes to spend the entire 3rd day of 3 day tournaments making a spectacle out of all Top 8 matches, though I think they could try out MTG's recent "Top 12" system. I don't think there's too much of a benefit for the game/the competition either way though.

I don't expect it to make waves desu. It's fine as a casual game but there's a reason why it never achieved mainstream appeal, and I don't think that essentially re-releasing it will do much for it.

It's better than the other two TCG kickstarters going on right now (Oshi Push and Wonders of the First), but that is not saying much at all.
I released my pledge
Honestly If I wasn't paying other things right now I would probably pick like 10 BoG as a investment, yeah, le big bad investor. From what I have seen all the big cards are played in the older format and haven't been reprinted for before the KS, or had been only reprinted once. If the game takes off and new players join then I m sure it would have enough audience to make prices spike, and the box sealed would be worth at least $160 (more if I m optimistic).
Just like the 20th anniversary packs that costed less than $20 and 1 year later were being sold (actually sold on ebay) for $40+.

honestly, If the box of Greed get to up to 80 cards before the end of the Kickstarter I will probably add the 4th one.
Seems green/villain has something of a reanimator subtheme. "Somehow..."
We also got Y-Wings, which are a weird side (but mostly down) grade of A-Wings. Instead of 1/3, +2 on attack; it's 1/3, "opponent chooses something to take 2" on attack. Of course, they'll pick whatever matters least, but the upshot is that you can run it in any hero deck instead of only hero/red. So it's probably draft filler, this set's version of Alliance X-Wing?
The wording of this makes no sense for multiplayer. Can people just choose not to be the one to receive the damage?
omg someone literally called this when set 2 was announced
With "an opponent" effects, whoever controls the card picks which opponent it is.
Dude, he seems pretty awesome. Get a big, high level, bruiser up front and have him dish out extra wounds. Can toss someone else out to attack an enemy Warlord while keeping your dude safe from strikes. Seems like he double support and just getting stuck in himself.

Also looks cool as fuck.

I still maintain that their biggest fault in the KS was not having an easy entry point for new players. A $30ish pledge for two starter decks and a pair of plain ass d20's. I'd have found a way to make that work, but I don't want to invest $100 for six decks if I end up not liking the game.

>More sequels stuff
Oh man, can't wait to see the rage from this.

Seems a bit odd, but I do love me some Y-Wings so I won't complain.
Did they really not have a 2-4 deck buy in pledge?
Nope. There was no way to buy single starter decks. Only option was to get all six. And I like five of the factions based purely on theme (Northrog being the only one that holds no appeal to me, really), I ain't dropping $100 plus shipping up front.

There either needed to be an option for two starters, or they needed to make a dedicated two player starter set for newbies.

I get a lot of the target audience is existing players and fans, but I'd think they'd want to entice new people as well.

I wish I could have found some other folks locally to split the $300 level with. Everyone gets a starter or two, a handful of boosters and relevant faction cards from the Box of Greed.
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The new star wars set kind of looks like shit so far. Smuggle seems mediocre and the cards that care about smuggling seem bad.
I'm sure it'll be fun in limited but I don't think it's going to shake up the premier meta too much.
On the contrary, oft talked about as the 'real shit' concern for how to conduct your turns is agonizing over what to stash as a resource and what to hang onto for later. Smuggle says do both. It's actually quite strong to turn some face down no text resource back into something dynamic that can serve you in a different way.
I mean pick your poison, make a trash set 2 that doesn’t shake up the meta or power creep set 2 and end up with 80% red goku decks in a big tournament.
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Going to a local onepiece tournament for the first time. Wish me luck.
So far only 4 people including me signed up. All I have to do is beat 1 person and I take 3rd place
Im planning on running Smoker as he's my strongest deck. I haven't bought any cards since OP-04 but I reckon I probably have a shot still
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Sure but the smuggle costs for most are way overcosted. Like playing pic related for its smuggle cost is just bad. I get it as late game hand extension but with how the game works I feel like if you're smuggling out these cards late game you're just fucked either way.
And that's not even taking the fact that you put the top card of your deck into your resources. It probably won't happen often but there will definitely be games decided by someone smuggling something and putting the card they need into their resources.
Like I said, I just don't see how this makes a major dent in the meta game.
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Yeah that's fair. I don't think it's completely bad, I like several cards and I'm sure people smarter than me will find homes for more.
I like pic related for my mono yellow Jyn deck, though I hope we get some underworld synergies.
The floor for a free card, even a bad one, is pretty high. Smuggle is nearly a free card.

The designers were smart to undercost it on first introduction, if they're planning to bring it back.
Do you discard before or after draw with her?
sorry, I mean draw for turn not her attack trigger if that wasn't clear
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Free cards are free cards. Mind, yes, *some* smuggle cards you see absolutely are draft chaff. Whenever there's a non-unique common unit, draft should be at the forefront of your mind. Sometimes they make premier decks but those are heavily designed around limited play.

But also, smuggle is just, really good. It's card advantage in mid/lategame *and* increased unit flexibility, the effect of that is one or the other method of play (from hand or smuggle) needs to be on the weaker side to offset those advantages. I mean, think how strong it would be to be able to resource your lategame units like Avenger or Luke when you draw them early on, *and* still guarantee having them in your hand later?

"Start" of regroup, so before you draw.
finally, we made it bros
they weren't based enough to put it on the flavor text
This is just cope, all the best players had the perfect opportunity to bring a counter yet none found one
Meta discussion is always backwards-facing. Even if some new deck emerges, it'll remain true that as of now we were in a t0 meta. It's not that topku did well at one large event - it's that virtually nothing else even showed up. I mean, shit dude, over 80% of a 200 person event all brought the same deck. That's apocalyptic, end-of-days type shit for a TCG.
oh no no no....
There is no counter to barfing out 7 energy worth of cards for 1. If you're not playing Red you're actively gimping yourself.
Fusion World was 6+ months after the whitebeard meta ended
>Fusion World bros left One Piece said they hated Whitebeard meta
You made this up. WB was limited long before FW came out, retard.
Alright I'm stupid for that but the point still stands, ya'll left One Piece for Fusion World.
Keep coping with your tier 0 format you fucking faggot
More like some DBS masters players left their dead game to play Bandais newest game then went to FW when Bandai tried to revive DBS

One Piece is popular as ever at my LGS and the few guys who overlap between OP and DBS play both
>Deletes post
>Y-you're coping.
Loving every laugh.
>Posts gay porn.
>Calls other people faggot.

Freud would blush at such levels of projection.
looks straight enough to me
Hey you're right, that is a titty. I didn't open the image fully.

There we go.
Fusion World players be like
Yes, I am going to all 3 of my cities fab prereleases and no amount of fuckfab posts will dissuade me.

Fabgots, how good do you think this set is looking? I really like it but I hope it's more or less a one off and they don't continue down this less gritty path.
read that as
bro I've been staring at swudb too long
The art should've been Oscar Isaac.
Good luck anon, in my experience the applicant number on the app isnt a very good gauge of numbers because a lot of people will sign up once they're there. My local there'll be 1 or 2 sign ups before it starts but there's around 12 of us there playing
>56 ST10 Law
>20 OP06 Moria
I hope you lawggers get banned
It's one of the few fun decks in the game though.
I like the set. It is one of the more skill inensive sets that they have released in a hot minute. I am hoping to play Enigma but I have never played Illusionist before so I will probably just stick with Nuu since she seems easiest.
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It's just another version of red Goku, "oh I get to play a 4 drop for free and kill something also" totally fair and balance.
I can't wait to have this card for my ulti gooning collection
Can't wait to run OP07 Bonney with the new Basil Hawkins to shit on bottom deckers
Decks like Enel deserve to be punished and rushed down with the amount of 8+ drops they run. Healthy. Moria is the boring type, literally just play slightly better than curve.
>fuckfab and fabgots in the same post
I won't take any posts seriously that choose to use those terms endeeringly. It all screams as false-flag so you can post those words and not get taken down by a mod.
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>wow you beat me when we both had no knowledge of each other's decks! time to put a pile of silver bullets in my deck for the next round so you can't even play the fucking game! isn't this fun?
sideboards are cancer and i wish people would stop putting them in games
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 14.

Shut up!
Choose 1 of the following
-Target 1 of your opponent's units, during this turn, it gets Power -4000.
-<Territory> Target 1 of your opponent's units, for each card in your hand, it gets Power -4000 until the end of the turn.
This just writes itself. 2ez.
it looks fun but I do think the support for old classes is ass.
The set itself support the chi heroes, Uzuri and Fai, and Katsu, thats about it.
For the other heroes we get 1 or two cards but nothing really mind blowing nor a new archetype enabling. (except kindle).
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Go fuck yourself card when?
fuckfab card when?
kek, pathetic
>it looks fun but I do think the support for old classes is ass.
Almost every "regular" set is like that, rarely do the heroes not present in the set get much support.
As for the supplement slot, it seems it all came down to not making Teklo completely unplayable after new Arcane set drops.
>See shitposts whining about fab
>Urge to discuss fab increases
Anyone else feels the same?
No, I actually like fab. You're just trying to stealthily post your anti-fab rhetoric while appearing to be one of the fighters.
>likes fab
Yeah no shit. You’re retarded
Cool, so can we all just agree you're pulling a wolf in sheep's clothing and move on? No self-respecting fabulous warrior is going to wear your F*BG*TS nametag.
Wasn’t me, schizo
Okay fine, but that's literally what is happening here. They posted both their hate terms in one post and made it seem like they're just one of us. If I see that shit, I'm ignoring it; so if you want to discuss flesh and blood, refrain from those phrases.
Didn’t ask
>I'm willfully adding to the discourse by using putdowns, showing that I really do care
Who are you quoting, schizo?
>Normal fab discussion gets interrupted by the schizo arguing with himself
You're much more obvious then you think, buddy.
Follow any urge to talk about card games.
This honesty seems common in games. Even when every color/faction is always printed the expansions are more focused on archetypes or aren’t trying to spread itself too thin.
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Ordered this last month and just figured it was permanently lost in the mail. I was pleasantly surprised when it just got delivered. Always nice to have another game represented in the binder.
I absolutely love it when card images form a bigger picture.
What's the world record for that? I only saw that famous 5 piece thing from Yu Gi Oh.
Pretty sure I've seen somebody post even larger ones here from Z/X or something, but I could be misremembering.
I still need to get the three-part one from Digimon with the big blue dude and big red dude on either side of shiny yellow boi.
Wixoss has one that’s 9 I think. A 3x3 of level 0 LRIG cards so bigger but you couldn’t see it mid-game.
Don’t know about bigger combos but Z/X has the more regular mechanic of two cards stacking into one big card.
>Wixoss has one
Could you please post it? I don't know how to look up Wixoss stuff.
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Fire Emblem Cipher did this a lot. Usually like 2-3 cards but the last set had both a 9 and 13 card set.
That's nice. I wish that it would loop around on the sides, so that one could put them around a cylinder and spin it around.
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maybe I'm coping but the few games I've played with it this card feels way better than it reads because it reads like shit
That's wild but we need to go further.
I can see it, assuming there's playable <Earthlings> in other colours. I know Blue has 1 drop Earthlings with decent ETB abilities, so being able to bounce something on your opponent's field, reset some of your advantage engine AND draw 2 cards sounds playable, side deckable at least..
Yeah against red specifically, the big bad of the format, it hits some big cards back to their hands and draws 2
remember when DBShitters were talking shit about ScoreZ and PanZ because they used anime screenshots? i remember
Don't worry, the DBSM players hate FW as well.
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Kylo leader for set 2, and his corresponding legendary-rarity ship, introducing a new self-discard archetype.
watch out you dont piss someone off because you will get harrased on twitter until you are forced to leave the game
"Somehow Palpatine Returned" slides easily into him it seems.
Can play Vader a turn earlier or Palp 2 turns earlier.
Also combines well with force throw. Gets two cards out of your hand and a big force unit into the discard, as well as blowing up something on the field.
I swear the designers for this game must be some of the least creative people in the industry. 99.99% of cards in this game are shit like "give a creature +1/+0". It's infuriating that they do have the framework to make something decent, but just refuse to do so.
t. hasn't played the game?
he's got a point, they are literally phoning this shit in
>I swear the designers for this game must be some of the least creative people in the industry
Have you not seen Fusion World?
I did, over TTS tried meta decks with a friend. IRL only tried precons and got disappointed.
admittedly, no, it looked like another reskin of the Bandai TCG.
Firstly, the game is excellent, not "refusing to make something decent". Secondly, the share of leaders that "just" hand out a stat boost is small, it's a factually baseless criticism. The vast majority of leaders have a non-stat based effect.
cards* The cards in total are very uncreative. This isn't restricted to a card type. Their creativity peaks at something like two things can attack at once and get +1/+0.
The Smuggle mechanic alone proves you wrong.
That, again, describes like a quarter of the cardpool if I'm being generous. And that's mostly commons that are draft filler.
Shill bot
>makes claim
>”b-b-bot! s-s-shill!”
So I couldn’t find all the cards next ti each other. Thought I had that saved but maybe not or I lost it. Here’s the picture.

Damn that’s a lot. The unaligned cards at the bottom are neat too.
And a few of the cards.
Also I was mistaken, they’re Arts cards not LRIG cards. All the same card named Selector. If you wanted to find these to get yourself you could search “ セレクター 来場者特典” on yuyutei or maybe even tcgrepublic.
Any examples of English-origin tcgs using nonEnglish card titles only to have a tiny translation so players can still know what card they’re using?
I don't necessarily hate sideboards but I kinda hate cards that really only work out of the sideboard, mostly cause I don't bother with sideboards with my circle
He doesn't seem very good as a unit with that negative effect but I guess he does come out early so that's the appeal. Still doesn't *feel* cool that he doesn't do anything overtime as a unit except maybe fluctuate power. He seems better as a non-unit and coming down early increases the likelihood he'll just die and go back to being one
>Still doesn't *feel* cool
So it's thematic design.
Digimon TCG has options which are usually Digimon attacks which some having foreign languages.
Gewalt Schwärmer
Schwarz Lehrsatz
Mugen and so on but that's not unusual for anime/manga
He said English Origin, anon. Digimon started in Japan.
is this from the new set?
I am judging based on the meta decks, cards I've seen, and cards posted here. Go ahead and post an interesting card.
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Me and a friend put the precon decks through their paces today in preparation for prerelease. These heroes are weird, man. Squeezing more value out of blue cards, playing a blue and then instant speed transcending feels great, their weapons are all pretty tame but have modest potential and one hell of a reckless but flashy late game plan. I don't think they're very well represented by these blitz precons, but it is nice to see what LSS deems as their approach to the middle of the road for their playstyle. I think out of all of them,

Enigma's deck is weirdly playable and competent, but the other two feel like a bit of a stretch and are too thin in the areas they need to win. For instance, not that many combo cards in the ninja deck, so there's less pressure to transcend with Zen that much. Nu also has only one bloody dagger, I mean come on... I guess the math just didn't add up for them to include it, probably because of all the other tokens they've put in there. I guess LSS is expecting you crack those three packs and at least one of them has a matching pair for the mist knife? Harsh, but possible.

Anyways, I'm not so eager to buy this set now after trying them, just didn't wow me. However, I'll admit I do want the nice mat and storage box, just because I like nice things. Shame the decks are really just proof of concepts for the new heroes. A lot of the precons are like that, but I think the last three times they approached this product they did a lot better with the deck lists.
One mechanic alone doesn't disprove anything. The argument was about quantity of varied effects. A singular mechanic existing inherently cannot disprove that.
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>I had 2 life cards, opponent had 0. I knew even if he countered my attack I could tank his next turn so I swung with smoker for 16000
>Opponent emptied his whole hand of counters
>No problem, like I said I can tank his 2 attacks next turn
>He unrests, draws, and plays pic related that lets him take a whole extra turn for the win
Well that felt shitty.
FW isn't even direct anime screenshots, they paid people to replicate the anime scenes near 1:1
Skill issue

You played against R/P Luffy you should no 90% of those decks run G5 as the finisher
>I knew even if he countered my attack I could tank his next turn
>I can tank his 2 attacks next turn
lmao guess you couldn't bro
I mean this was my first time playing a tourney but yeah lesson learned. Feels kinda shitty that I had to sit there and take it, this is why MTG has instant speed interaction.
Except I could and did. I couldn't tank the attacks he made during the extra turn he took right after you silly goose.
Instant speed interaction doesn't mean shit when you aren't prepared for what the opponent is playing

>b-but I left open 1 red and he played a haste creature with 4 life
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good job tanking his next turn bro
too bad about OTHER turn
Y-yeah. That was what the original post was about. Are you pretending to be retarded?
I don't need to pretend, dipshit
Idk anon I would have felt pretty prepared if I had a counterspell
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He seems like an interesting card. Getting weaker for having cards in hand, ut also having stuff to discard with him will be fun. I can see him working, butbI don't think he'll be easy. Hoping we see his lightsaber to give him a boost to help counteract the penalty for having a hand.

Either way, this dude is gonna fucking love Smuggle.
God damn, I just love the character this card exudes.
This is the deck you're looking for, don't watch if you want to brew. Ignore the faggy editing.
It's a funny deck but it's more delicate than normal combo and you're doing it on your turn so your opponent will have a full hand to defend with, unlike normal combo where you're responding to your opponent ideally tapping out. Notice that he's winning against a complete meme build.
If you're looking for OTK, try Stack Viserai. It's worse than Kano but much easier to pilot correctly.
>flesh and blood is still the only real alternative to creature battlers
fuck fab man, what kind of deck should i play if i wished there were more than one instance of getting "life cornered" in a game?
Nice, thanks. I'm not interested in buying them though.
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i have the core set and that's all i'll ever have
is this card as much of a piece of shit as it seems? does it not trigger when accessed from HQ?
It triggers anywhere except archives, the reveal line is there because the Corp normally doesn't know what card the runner is accessing in R&D
Huh? Nuu's deck comes with two daggers. Every single JP box had it, and the blitz deck videos they put out on their channel has it.
Thanks. Yeah, that's pretty much how I put it together too. Cheap draws and opts, blues and items. The average deck will curb stomp the shit out of it for the most part but I'll cream my pants when I can actually kill somebody with this stupid combo on a CC format.
I wonder what heroes are particularly weak to a silly deck like this.
You are giving us fabgots a bad name by being so uptight over a humourous moniker. If the word really does offend you, your best bet (especially on 4chan) is to just ignore it, screeching about it and getting triggered only makes it more alluring to use and gives the word more power. I'm guessing you're probably a fabgot in the closet.
>Still doesn't *feel* cool that he doesn't do anything overtime as a unit

A leader is the deck they enable. The earlier they deploy, the more balls to the wall aggro they encourage you to play. Kylo seems to be a gambler's fever dream, slamming cards on the table and either winning or having it blow up in your face.
I've yet to test it but now that I've built a deck I see the appeal more. I suspect it's gonna be fun
That sounds based. How do I play this game?
Short version:
It's like hearthstone with 2 battle areas, with specific units for each and you draw 2 cards per turn but need to spend one to get a mana crystal. Also you and your opponent alternate doing things rather than the classic your turn, their turn.

That's 90% of the way there.
Kylo's in set two, but you can start with a starter box (for set 1 or 2) or try playing online on karabast. There's gameplay tutorials on youtube, Maindeck has the best one but it probably won't click until you've played a few games irl

Kylo is gonna need a lot of support to be good, but it's reasonable to assume that support exists in the cards they've yet to reveal.
wixoss is best of 1 no sideboard.
all games should have open decklists
I'm trying to catch myself on "bad matchup" mechanic designs in my WIP and adjust them when I can so that sideboards are only necessary if the game breaks in a way where a restriction list doesn't cut it. In most cases I see sideboards as evidence that the game isn't tight enough. While thematic, I dislike "hate" design because those cards don't get used in a best of 1 unless you know what you're fighting and it ultimately seems lazy to me when there's more interesting things you could be doing than having dragons get explicitly type countered by dragonslayers.

Mechanical soft countering is where it's at but even that can get hard counter enough where you need a sideboard. It's tough and I get why games resort to them or might even want one all along. There are some neat ideas I've been thinking of to use the sideboard as a sense of progression in a best of 3, but that would be intentional rather than bandaid, and I still don't want my current game having anything to do with it. I like the confidence of a static deck that has to stand against whatever comes its way.

Why? To avoid bad match ups? I would be more open to that digitally but I think it's impractical in person since the deck is gonna be shuffled. I also enjoy the intrigue of learning their deck on the fly, but I'm curious about your perspective.

>to thread:
I wonder if it's a foolish ambition to try and direct a game so decklists and sideboards aren't needed. If you guys have any suggestions to keep in mind I might benefit from that. I have been hopeful with ways I've strengthened some thematic ideas to work more independent of the match up. I'm trying not to "touch" the opponent's strategy directly. It's a little nebulous in my noggin, admittedly, so even harder to communicate. An example from SWU that is inspiring is how Bounty is given by Bounty Hunters, allowing them to supply their own dynamic.
Are my boy's cards playable? I've been hoarding gems since the digital game came out but I haven't actually played it yet, was waiting for him to be in
I'm gonna pull for these regardless, I just wanna know how stupid I am for it
Closed decklists have two problems.

One, is that players are required to play around cards their opponent may not even be running. Of course, to some, this is a feature - but I'll at least explain why I personally dislike it. With a sufficiently large pool of cards, it often means just guessing, or just making the play and hoping it doesn't get punished. If hypothetically, 9 opponents out of 10 aren't running the card, the correct decision is often to just always assume they aren't until proven otherwise. If you see it and lose, you just got unlucky, you hit the one oddball deck that's running it. But, unfortunately, there was nothing else you could've done - you made the "correct" play, and still lost. It's not always that extreme, usually you're playing around cards they probably have or sometimes have. But sometimes it is. Open decklists ensure the winner is determined by skill and preparation, not surprise or matchup luck.

The second problem, which is harder to disagree with, is that closed decklists aren't actually 100% "closed". If you have a reputation for running a certain deck, or if your round 2 opponent is best friends with your round 4 opponent, or if you volunteered to play on stream at a big event, then your deck list is known. But it's asymmetric - maybe I had a friend watching your game last round, but you didn't have the same for me; oh well, I have an advantage over you.
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I want to read/watch what the fuck is with all these new alt card games but all I get are SHILLS.

What to do? These are all cashgrabs right?
Why are people who post weeb images always so retarded?
You make a strong case. Are you in favor of limitless prep, even changing decks in a tournament? Or should a sideboard be used, similar to Flesh and Blood's, at the start of the game?
>I wonder if it's a foolish ambition to try and direct a game so decklists and sideboards aren't needed. If you guys have any suggestions to keep in mind I might benefit from that. I
I think the #1 thing to make side decks unneccessary is making sure everyone is playing "the same game". To use MTG as an example, graveyard decks effectively have a strategy so different to other decks that cards that are unplayable against every other deck you see will absolutely wreck them because they effectively have an additional resource they are manipulating. Because of this you need the ability to tailor your deck to what your opponent is doing because if you don't you can no longer effectively interact with your opponent.
I don't have a strong grasp on the actual implications of adding or subtracting sideboarding. In theory it combats matchup luck, right? But then the question is, who does that benefit? I can't imagine the benefits accrue to all decks evenly. Do meta decks get more powerful, because they can sideboard against off-meta decks? Or do rogue decks get stronger, because they can sidedeck in answers to the whole range of meta decks, knowing what they'll be? Does it benefit aggro more, or control? If you're playing the most common deck, then by definition, you will have the mirror as your most common matchup - how does sideboarding affect how you mainboard, knowing that? Does the answer to these questions vary by game/meta? I dunno, I don't have a good answer to anything.

My gut feeling is that calling the meta wrong feels really bad, and sideboarding helps mitigate that. There's also an argument that sideboarding is time consuming and therefore innately bad, and needs to prove it has benefits that justify its inclusion. I think most games just don't want to rock the boat, and do what other games do. TCGs tend to pick a couple of specific ways they're unique, and then do everything outside of those "safe" to ease players in.
The 2 cost UC is bad (0 combo, and an ability that might only trigger against Green and Yellow because Red can just reduce it to 0 power which doesn't trigger KO effects)
The 3 cost SR is really good since it lets all of your other effects hit for one higher which lets you hit some crucial numbers you couldn't before, like bottom decking 5 costs with Sinister Sickle. Also, bottom decking a 2 cost on its own on play is already decent.
The 5 cost SCR is good. Comparing it to the 5 cost Vegeta SR from the starter deck, bouncing a 5 or less (or 6 with the Vegito SR on board) isn't as good as bottom decking a 4 or less (or 5 with SR) since they can just replay it next turn or use it as combo fodder, but its still removal. Swinging twice at 30k vs once with double strike at 35k both have their pros and cons, but the longer the game goes on, the better swinging twice gets.
The 3 cost PR is fine. It's comparable to the starter deck 2 cost Goten, Both bounce a 2 or less on attack if you have 7 or fewer cards in hand. The Vegito costs 1 more in exchange for 5k more power, but you'd likely never run it normally since Goten also helps you self awaken, and being a Goten matters more at the moment than being a Vegito.
Half of them are very playable, but are unfortunately the rarest.
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