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Welcome to Plastic Building Blocks General!
Previous >>10945480
Archived Threads:

Here, you can discuss foreign and domestic clone brands. Show us things that you've recently bought, built or discovered!

Top brands (not exhaustive):
>Qman (formerly Enlighten)
>Mould King
Dishonorable mentions:
I picked up two of these thinking they were five bucks and was happily surprised when they each rang up a dollar. Post more of that kitty and ship I missed your last post before this one went up! I’ve been scrolling through aliexpress all day.
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That ellie has seen some shit. Finished the Harbin Z-19 after the last game (cuz dumbass nucks had to choke, no OT) and it's a pretty sweet model. Been really enjoying this Kazi Military Power line, think it's a People's Liberation Army anniversary series or something cuz it has examples from across their armed forces. Been steadily collecting them and this copter definitely hits top tier for design, detail and playability. Will do more angles later, Oilers about to eliminate the Kings
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Does anyone else here really like the ¾ scale mini blocks? By now I've gotten 4300 loose parts from disassembled sets and I'm starting to want to build mocs. Has anyone else here experimented with combining ¾ with regular parts?
I haven’t touched them because I don’t want those incompatible parts floating around.
Is there a reason you just copied and pasted the OP?
It’s the plastic building blocks general where we are free to discuss alternative plastic building block that often are less expensive and higher quality than other brands which shall not be named. For example this was a dollar.
Not the OP btw. I got two of these but am gonna go back for the rest. Lots of very useful parts for the castle setup. The equivalent would cost 4-5 times the price in l*go.
This was ~$13 after tax just screwing around with dollar tree parts.
looks about right
bro you could build this with less than $13 in lego bricks
Show me a Lego baseplate and 572 legos for less than than. I’ll wait. Fucking tourists can’t handle the lg debacle need to stay in their lanes.
FYI if anyone needs 32x32 baseplates that have stud receptacles underneath, Strictly Briks makes that. They're pretty cheap too. And exactly 1 plate high.
BUT the corner where the injection molding happens is a bit thicker on the underside and doesn't sit perfectly flush on top of whatever brick you put under it. It would also be really difficult to clean that up and make it sit flush, without damaging it in a visible or functional way. It is only one corner on each plate that has this problem.
And they don't sell singles or same-color packs, you can only get retarded assortments like picrel.

I'm using them as the foundation of mils plates because they're cheaper than official lego baseplates and the color doesn't matter. Also for the floors in a speed champions parking garage, though obviously they will bow without supports.
I’m telling you go check out dollar tree. >>10974704
This is just a trial run to see how the quality of the baseplates and bricks are. I made that little guy and gave it to my four year old to destroy. I’m really just testing to see how the baseplate holds up and if it cracks any bricks. If they’re good after another couple months I’ll start putting them together and I’ll use the interim time to get some wood and build the table. 12 baseplates for <$16 after tax.
This is how things are going after three weeks of preschool play.
I once bought metallic 32×32 plates out of curiosity once. Two bronze, one silver and one pearl gold. Quality ist pretty decent imo, just the colours I chose made them complicated to use, so dumb decision on my part lol
As God intended.
Haha right the shiny useless trinket deal. I guess for a mildly fantastical factory or laboratory floor they could be useful
So has KiddieCraft been a success? I saw a few of the shills talking about the sets but otherwise it seems like a turd.
Moon landing was faked

My dollar tree bro, glad the kid is having fun with the castle. I just built another portion of boardwalk, but am holding off on buying more baseplate to really expand it.
Hey buddy! I hope you’re doing well. I love your videos and I’m glad you got the space baby. I’ve been on the lookout for it! What was your free comic book day haul? I was on the lookout for Conan but have limited options where I’m at. God speed and I understand I move at the speed of molasses. I hope these baseplates hold up because I’ll use the money I save to buy actual wood to make a table to hold the medieval pirate mashup.
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Need to take more time with Sluban fig shoots I think, this could've been better but I was trying to do too much that day.
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Unpossible, Daniel Radcliffe himself was on hand for the launch
Harry Potter sucks
Not really the thread for this but the Harry Potter Lego sets we have are very playable.
Who’s we?
My wife and kids.
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You're right, they should've consulted with Samurai Himmler on such matters.
>Hiro Himler
It was sitting right there anon.
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I havent posted in a while, but i got these 5 boring shipping containers yesterday, and while they are nothing special, i just wanted to share them, because the quality is very good. Price was less than 4€ each.
They are super versatile and i will (after painting them in different colors + a bit of rust effect paint) use them as terrain pieces for games of Warhammer (hence the miniature for scale).
Nice pickup anon! Feel free to share your off brands. This is a nice place for nice people not brought to you by le goo.
Where did you get these?
Aliexpress ofc.
For example:

Just look for "lego container"
Went back for more baseplates and grabbed the alligator. Already built and took apart the elephants. I’m thinking about doing a little jungle temple out of them.
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I see Blue Brixx is still hot garbage.
It sure as fuck is. I still get them sometimes, because I got a Bluebrixx store with loose parts around the corner, so instant availability and no shipping costs. Sucks tho, I'd rather get Gobricks instead.
>I'd rather get Gobricks instead
Thats the thing. Isn't BB using Gobricks already? If I remember corrently they used them in their castle sets.
I heard they use different sources for different sets. Don't have much clue about the sets as I never buy any. The loose parts however are Xingbao I believe, and those suck.
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German Bluebrixx revealed their first Star Trek minifigs renderings. Thoughts?
I think they also showed off some Pirates and Soldiers in a recent video.
I'm okay with those figures. If it helps them sell stuff, why not.
About Star Trek, i dont care at all. But if they release a decent range of knight figures, i might get interested.
I don’t know anon. I think they copped out with the printed brow ridges for worf. They clearly have the ability to mold head parts and make exceptions for his hair why not add three bumps to that shit?
Can't wait for the next lawsuit about it.
What lawsuit? These are oficially licensed. And they are not designed like lego minifigs.
>And they are not designed like lego minifigs.

This never stopped Lego. They will 100% try to stop it, because so far (at least in Germany) its not 100% legally clear how close a minifigure is allowed to look like a lego figure and which features are not allowed.
For example, Cobi and Sluban figures are allowed, but Qmans chibi figures were declared illegal, even tho they are no direct clones, even if they had smaller heads.
Why doesn’t Lego do Star Trek sets? The ones I’ve seen are not good.
It's funny how much Germany cucks to Denmark, still making amends for 40-45 I guess.
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Kre-o and Mega both did Trek, neither were very successful unfortunately.
Ah, the green shirt with the sideways insignia... it's a shame red became the command color going forward, that lime top was striking.
The kreo is the only one I knew about before now but both lack a certain flair and the kreo is just boxy and weird.
Star Trek really isn't that popular i'm afraid.
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im the anon who posted about a "team city" motorbike a few weeks ago
It turns out the actual brand is "Sembo", i looked it up and they have some nice sets !
I dont think theyre particularly cheap though ? In which case i assume the build quality must be up there ?
Lego is kidding themselves if they think they can outdo this kinda bug propaganda.
Thats actually an amazing set, thinking about it. I want such a book for my ww2 germans
I bet they have something like that? Those slant eyed bastards will make anything for a shiny American nickel.
Any good scores lately?
If you don't care about the boxes, you can get them cheaper strait from Aliexpress.
With time, i've bought all the Cherry blossom line (save for Wuhan Uni set around covid outbreak).
Sembo is good quality.

Exemple (check for other sellers) :
>dont care about the boxes
Not really no.
>check for other sellers
Ive never bought on aexpress, i assume you mean watch the sellers' ratings etc ?
Sellers rating, how old is his "shop", how many he sold of the set you're interested in.
I'll tend to avoid nameless shop (Shop1245369875), those with 0 sale of stuff i want and that have opened very recently.
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My efforts to acquire the entire Kazi Military Power line continues apace, with two more batches arrived today (one had been MIA for weeks, freaking Canada Post). With another pair of sets also in transit I should be completing the series with one more order soon.
Gotcha. Thanks anon

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