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I just opened the figure, was trying to bend his leg and snap! Anyone else had this issue? Otherwise it’s a good figure, but this is extremely disappointing since I had to go to 3 different targets all across town to finally find him and then this ruins it all.
You dinguses still have't learned that "collectible" figures are not made the same as kid's toys. You can't be rough playing with them. You can pose them and take pics, but you should not be slamming them around or throwing them across the room.
That sucks, always heat them up, but thank you so much for saying you did it and not “ it broke right out of the box” like it magically happened on its own, that one makes me laugh on this board
Yeah, i had a peg snap on a jason vorhees figure. It was a wrist so i could glue it in but with neca you need to use hair dryers to loosen the figures up, its fairly common to do this across most toy lines, but neca arent really toys you play with so they need a bit more tlc.
This. I know you shouldn't have to but always heat up a NECA figure with either a blow dryer or hot water before messing with anything
This, OP you should never try and "bend his leg" like you said. Collectible figures are meant to be treated like precious heirlooms and not simply placed into an industrial shredder as you've done. Next time, hold your breath while even looking at an action figure and don't so much as even contemplate moving its limbs after purchase.
What if the figure has non-removable soft goods? Do I just break out the hair dryer?
Yeah it’s a good idea to do that with pretty much every figure that isn't a kids toy. It's more the plastic than the maker that does this, still gotta do this with Mondos every time too. I don't recommend hot water though, a lot of figures have sealants that'll dissolve then your figure starts lookin all weird in the spots that were in the water down the line sometimes
Yep. Move the hairdryer around so you don't end up melting the plastic though.
You want to heat up the plastic all the way through and not just on the surface.
The other option is a drop of silicone shock oil if the joint is still stiff after heat treatment. I had to do that with one of my Mythic Legions because it still felt too tight after heating it up.
Those knees are useless anyways. Should have just made the legs one piece. Old school.
All part of the game
This was a known breaking point on the Ghostface figures too so I'm not suprised.
You are such a pathetic troll
Good morning to you too Necaanon
damn really i got a neca ghost face figure as a gift not too long back and i took it out of the box to start posing (i was excited) and that leg piece broke on me too
>hairdryer=melting the plastic
motherfuckers really think plastic is made out of chocolate.
No it didn't. That never happened, you're lying through your teeth because you think you can take advantage of the situation to shitpost.
You failed to give your figure its NECA approved hot water soak. You must be new to NECA, and I'm not trying to poke fun or tease you, honest. It is a necessary step though, before being able to pose your NECA toys.
They should put a disclaimer on the box, that would save a lot of figures.
Neca shill
It isn't a necessary anything. Try not being a spazzy little mong when you buy a toy.
It won't turn ithe figure into a puddle of goo, but it can deform the plastic. It does depend on the quality of the plastic, obviously. And we are talking about NECA plastic.
>And we are talking about NECA plastic.
Which doesn't mean anything. So why say that?
Fucking hell, I'm that thing hasn't happened to me yet. My xenomorph is still kicking.
Twin thread screw. Or cut off the head of a regular one.
Was NECA being a "spazzy mong" when they made that instagram post? I said NECA APPROVED for a reason. What's with you? It is 100% undeniable that you need to soak or heat up NECA figures.
You're 100% a fucking idiot. You do not.
So why did NECA make that post about soaking their figures before playing with them?
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NTA but Neca did officially post that
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You're an idiot. Everything needs to be heated up if it's resisting or too stiff. Are you really that new to toys?
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Funny how I don’t have to do any of this with any other line of collector figures, almost like NECA are shit at engineering action figures or something…
I guess all those other collector lines just do that to fuck with you huh? Retard.
I’d probably just return it to the target unfortunately
Target actually just updated their return policy and “open or defective collectibles” are not returnable. I mean, they’ll probably still accept the return, but its a real ymmv situation now that they put that in writing.
I never need to heat or soak any toys I buy, whether Figma, Mafex, Chinese soft goods Figures, Hasbro or even Mcfarlanes. Says a lot about Neca.
>actually just updated their return policy and “open or defective collectibles” are not returnable.
This is a lie and every single Target will take it back. Fuck off retard.
Nah, it says you're a lying piece of shit. Because all of those have required heat too. Figma and Mafex especially.
Oh hey, look at that, right into trolling! What a surprise.
Oh look, it's this lying faggot again. Stay mad, they'll take back anything at all stores. You will always be wrong.
Thats how I know you dont own any imports. If you had any youd know that heating up figures before playing with them is just not the norm and unnecessary.
This is how I know you're a liar. Because even imports require heating up. Even fucking nendoroid includes "heat up" instructions. Even third party items need it. Get fucked.
Heating them up to tighten sockets or loosen them to fix or disassamble figures is a thing simply posing the figure out of the box doesnt need any such preparations. Import joints are really smooth with none of that ratcheted or gummy shit.
Thanks for proving you don't know what you're talking about.
So, has NECA's QC just gone to total shit in recent years that they have to put out a statement like this or are they just covering their bases? I've got 18 NECA figures, mostly from older video game lines, and have never had any breaks or needed to heat anything.

NTA, and I don't collect nendos, but I've got probably 100+ imports from SHF, Figma, and Bring Arts, and have only needed heat a few times to get a weapon/accessory into a stiff hand. Unless you're unlucky and get a frozen joint, it really shouldn't be required at all initially.
No, it hasn't. Literally all companies have notices like that now. Or are you blind to >>10974661
And so many more.
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Cope subhuman, you dont own a single import and will always be wrong.
posting target's actual policy isn't lying. that's what the policy literally says.
>literally all companies
>only posts sub-NECA level micro companies
Those are all much smaller companies than NECA where too many broken figures and bad word of mouth can ruin them. I haven't seen any official notices like that from any of the other domestic lines I collect like McFarlane and Marvel Select, though I'll admit I haven't gone looking for them either. If it is becoming the norm to include this/make official posts with domestics, I wonder if plastic quality's just decreasing across the board.
Oh you're an idiot then! You should have just said that.
Didn’t this not sell well originally? Weird they’d release them again
Fricking awful bro, I hate when that happens anonino bro!
Aw look, Bitch Baby is mad he just got unbanned!
fell apart faster than the arguments claiming no jury would convict him
Oh boy, it's a /toy/core music thread!
Why do NECAs have to be hair dryer'd while most other stuff does not?

I actually got a Predator recently from NECA and had no problem though.
They don't. It's moron trolls shitting up the board.
You're an idiot. Everything needs to be heated up if it's resisting or too stiff. Are you really that new to toys?
You're a fucking moron and what's left of you should be found in a forest somewhere.
Toys never used to be like that. Only with the advent of "COLLECTOR" figures did that become a thing. I never had a toy in the 80s or 90s that had a stuck joint
Or, more likely, you're just an idiot that comes up with increasinly stupid scenarios in an effort to keep from slitting your wrists.
You're an idiot
You're still being a Bitch Baby, you should really grow up.
You need to die
>you have to heat your figures up before posing them
Why don't they just do that at the factory? Are they lazy?
Theres no point, the plastic will just cool down and the joints restiffen when the figure gets boxed and sent out to be sold.

Thats why lots of import figures have their swappable hands on plastic pegs to prevent the holes from shrinking and becoming too tight to partswap. That being said, most figures dont need to be heated. Import figures have very smooth precisely engineered joints and western figures use ratcheted joints that works even if the joint is a bit loose.
Can't stop the music!
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Thread theme?
Thread theme.
>Guitar riff
Sorry this happened to you anon, truly. I still haven’t found him in the wild.
Jigsaw was not included in the final howlathon drop, so we’re on our own anons. Good luck.
Oh no, I was really banking on this final drop having jigsaw. I guess I’ll just wait for a more available black robe version.
That will be more accurate anyways. This one was just for people who absolutely needed it now or people who wanted to put the pig head on it and act like it’s Amanda since it’s close enough. Hopefully for the black robe version we’ll get an updated headsculpt.
Why the hell do these fucking things cost 35+ dollars if they use such shitty plastic?
Like they clearly know it's an issue why haven't they fixed this?
They don't use shitty plastic, and it's literally all companies telling you how to keep from damaging figures: >>10974661
And those figures cost even more than thirty-five dollars.
Okay why don't ANY of these retards fix this glaring issue?
If its not shitty plastic it has to be shitty engineering.
Like if it was just the occasional figure having issues you could write that off as just bad luck, shit happens, but if it happens so often that you're releasing warnings about it then something is wrong somewhere along the line.
No, it's not. The plastic used allows for the sharper detailing we all ask for. That's why it's used. Unless you want dumbed down McFarlane2023/2024 sculpting, this is what you have to be aware of.
In box collector chads we can't stop winning.
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Even guys like us suffer, I’ve had mib deliveries broken in box
No you haven't you lying fuck. And that pic has already been floating around and is from a customizer. Doesn't even have the twist ties holding it down. It's long been opened and worked on shithead.
Pic unrelated
Well, I have news for you, it's not up on the Target website for the last week of Haulathon. Another NECA win, truly. Spend all your time and money checking Targets in the current year.
I could see them being stupid and making the black robe version another exclusive in some way. But the DCPI number for that version is out there for Target, so maybe not. I guess we'll see if they can shit the bed again for the Walmart Horror Event later this summer.
we don’t sign our posts here
I'm sorry you wasted your time thinking that was clever. End yourself.
I’m curious, why does the anti neca autist (not sure if he has a nickname) hate neca so much? And why does Necanon feel the need to defend neca so hard? Both sides just need to take a break from the internet.
I like their product and want to buy them. But they're the only company in this day and age doing this retailer-exclusive, only in-store nonsense.
There used to be a time when even I liked NECA. But that time has long passed. Ever since I spent 90 dollars on figures directly from NECA store only for them to BREAKA straight out of the box did I start to go CRAZY. That's why I shitpost about BREAKA's qc and RANDY'S BALD head.
I don’t think the OP was originally a troll, I just think trolls have turned this into a troll post. I mean clearly his figure did actually break. I don’t think anyone is gonna go around breaking a scalpable figure like that for the meme of it.
Jesus Christ anon, he bought a few faulty figures and decided to shitpost about the company and you think he should die because of it?
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Sorry BREAKAnon, I can't help myself they BROKE me.
Why are you waterboarding that poor dinosaur?
Nta but you really are a sperg. The board would be better without you
Nec-ACK! quality.
>All the other toy communities are apparently infested with Neca shills too.
Source, as always: your ass
This is the funniest photo ever posted here.
Legit practice of heating up joints to loosen them because some western (or all Neca) figures come out of the box with joints so stiff theyd break when you try to force them.
You must be pants on head retarded then.
Did you know putting figures in hot water exposes the plastic to levels of heat that causes plasticizers to leak off a figure more readily and contaminate indoor air, causing air pollution laden with VOC particles?
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Use picrel instead, you can get it from the official neca store
You are actually a moron.
You’re joking right? I had to put my neca universal monsters mummy in a hot water bath and the last thing I wanna do is die over an action figure.
Thanks for bumping the troll thread you fucking idiot
No but I buy import figures and thus have never needed to do the hot water treatment.
Im pretty sure its not boiling melt the fucking plastic levels of hot water anyways.
Huh. No wonder I went crazy when those sacks of shit broke. It just tipped me over the edge!
Even imports have to be heated up. Figma and Nendos include a sheet of paper saying so.
don’t ever disrespect neca on this board, capiche
Never done it, its always been fine
Name another company that is doing this. I know you won't, but you should really workshop your responses on this board.
I think the board has generally accepted anti-necanon as his handle.
Wow Neca Autist really got all my posts saying the Jannies support his behaviour taken down. Either knows them personally or is an official shill sponsoring this site. Cant we have based GSC as 4chan sponsor again?
They aren't even made to be removed from the box, they're for funkotroons to place on a shelf and never play with so their polycule can all chant "very cool" at it
Someday I will just find a decent mage to curse this autist, so he wouldn't be able to post here ever again. I know this stuff is real, have seen it work with my own eyes.
And same treatment for subby.
They are vermin of this board, don't have any compaction towards them.
im proud of you for recognizing it early on and getting out. don't let anyone stop you from speaking out about your experience
Recognizing the faults of N*ca and leaving is tantamount to fleeing the church of scientology or some other cult.
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I’m joining the lonely neco hearts club, op, bugger me.
this would bum me out so bad
he broke 3 rules
1. don’t take it out of packaging. leave it in box.
2. didn’t give it a hot bath or blowdrier
3. disrespected neca on this board
lmao, thanks Randulf.

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