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Will any company do her right?
Another fellow /tv/ poster I see
and live action collector
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>Will any company do her right?
If you are asking if Disney will do her justice, then the obvious answer is no. Hope you're ready for the most inclusive and bad ass non-binary storm the world has ever seen. Bonus points if the movie tanks and then Disney uses it as a 'comic fans aren't inclusive' talking point.

Halle Berry is already the best live action Storm we have ever (and probably will ever) get.
>Halle Berry is already the best live action Storm we have ever
Lol, lmao even. Just when I thought subjectanon couldn't get shittier taste.
>Already 38
>5'0 compared to Halle Berry's 5'5 and Storm's 5'11
Isn't this rumor like three years old? I guess if Wolverine can be a foot taller Storm can be a foot shorter, but you'd think they'd cast younger for longevity. Toywise, no, your marvel legends will not have titties like this.
Yeah casting younger actors would make a lot more sense given the X-men are basically the last hope for the MCU staying relevant and they are going to have to use them for the next 10-15 years until they reset everything. She’s going to be in her 40s by the time they actually get around to filming even 1 x-men movie.
This isn't the worst take he's ever had, not by a long shot. I forgot that another actress had even played Storm until he mentioned it. And even then, I couldn't tell you what she did, or even which of the newer X-Men movies she was in. It could have been Apocalypse or Dark Phoenix. Possibly both. Can't remember. Both were pretty awful and forgettable.
I never implied whoever this bitch is is better. Not that it takes much lmao. Halle Berry is not a good actress.
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i rarely collect legends, i was hoping more for imports to do her justice
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>black storm
tired of this woke shit
Unironically, they should race swap her to a white, ginger actress.
Should get Lizzo. She'd shake up a storm.
Based and saved.
i rather consoom my marvel characters with my fav actors tyvm
I love her, but yeah to short
I can't even imagine the seethe.
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Like Jonathan Majors?
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Why won't they ever hire someone who looks the part?
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I love Janelle’s music, the Metropolis inspired albums were GOATed. So I will watch this mid tier marvel show.
NO she needs to be dark! get an actual African holy fuck
these are out of stock since 1863
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Storm originally looked like a San (indigenous bushman) African with golden skin and slightly Asian looking facial features, except for her Main Character Hair. Now YOU are the racist for not knowing about African phenotypes!
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Monae would be better as Dazzler, or a "weird" character like Destiny
>inclusive and bad ass non-binary storm
So Storm?
Marvel doesn't seem to care about age that much. Mahershala Ali is 50, Pedro Pascal is 49. There's also the possibility she's playing an entirely different character, or if she is Storm, she may be an older version that serves as a teacher to the new students. Then you have younger performers for Scott, Jean, Bobby, etc.
she's topless?
Grace Jones?
>xavier brainwashed a goddess
>leave villages in africa to dry
>put her taking care of kids
>force her to fight mutans
atleast she married black panther
>movie toys
just wait til it ends up at ollie's
Charles is a dick
Tf is that Eminem or the rock?
Looks like pre-roided rock
Having her marry black panther was the gayest shit ever

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