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Previously: >>10987990

-Mafex Rogue teased

-Marvel Legends Carnage (Let There Be Carnage) Announced (Mainline release, pre-order 5/15)

-Marvel Legends Retro Venom announced (Walmart Exclusive Summer 2024 pre-order)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warbird announced (pre- order May 9th, Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk announced (no pre-order date, Pulse Exclusive)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
That looks pretty nice. If he looks that good in person I'll probably skip Mafex Venom and grab this one instead.
The tongue head looks like crap though. Would couldn't we just get no tongue, big teeth Venom?
It does look a little weird yeah, eyes are too squinty
Venom be looking like Brolly over here with those shoulders.
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i prefer my venom
the trapezius area look like dogshit what the hell

how is he gonna put his hands up inn the air
That's pretty accurate for some depictions of Venom. It's not like he's supposed to have realistic proportions and anatomy.
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Big trap muscles aren't the problem. Locking the shoulders below them is. Other companies solved this issue by using balljoints and floating cap pieces instead of archaic butterfly joints
If they release a blue marvel vs Capcom version I'll get it but I'll stick with king in black venom
We know, you guys bring it up like every thread.
His shoulders are tiny though, his neck bulge is enormous.
His bulge in my neck would be enormous.
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My eyes. Learn2colorbalance
Oh fuck, this Venom will have butterfly articulation?
Think of it like the Omega Red body Venom but with the pec ball joint and waist ab crunch. I dig the head and I just like having Venoms so I better be able to grab him when he goes up as I've seen Walmart horror stories.
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Are you ready for Walmart's Revenge?
Ah damn, one reason I didn't pick other Venoms is the lack of butterfly shoulders. I guess I will try my luck with this one.
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Man I love BBTS's pile of loot feature.
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This and the haul videos make me wanna just order a bunch of clearance crap so I can open a giant box of it.
>so I can open a giant box of it
I kinda was the "Christmas" experience as well
Been saving that one up for a while huh? Based. Get opening anon, you have quite a collection built up.
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I tend to usually save up at least four or five figures in my PoL before shipping it. It's always fun getting a huge box of toys. Pic related was my April haul. This is easily the most toys I've gotten in a single month. At least I'm only getting Mafex Knightfall Batman this month to balance things out s bit.
As someone who has always known Venom having a tongue, I wouldn't mind if more companies took a break from it now. We've already got the best tongue head anyway with KiB
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I can't get over the shoulders. The proportions look a bit off.
If Hasbro could just upscale this figure, then I'd be golden.
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No Darwins. Big disappoint.
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But no fear, we’re on our way.
There's nothing at all wrong with the shoulders, autist
screeching because someone doesn't like a toy makes *you* the autist, anon.
The sequel to a true classic.
Why can't Legends have titties like this?
Them hips too
I still need someone to buy the Spiderverse Jessica Drew and tell me how those hips look on normal figures.
>still wont clean his dusty shelves
at least you picked the figures up
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It is a problem, how could you look at picrel and say it looks anatomically correct? Because of the placement and size of the shoulders, it makes his traps look larger and disproportionate compared to his underdeveloped shoulders. >>10997190 is an example of how shoulders should look and be placed on a figure. The shoulders here are filled and placed correctly on the body, making the silhouette look good. Funny how the one calling everyone autistic can’t see past these noticeable flaws. Whether you’re just a retard or obsess with the hascock is lost on me.
Man, opening and tossing all that garbage in one go would be really tedious.
How do you guys have enough space for all this stuff?
Holy shit you're autistic
Hey you should screech about Venom some more for another 15 threads. That'll show Hasbro what a big boy you are.
I own a house and don't live with my parents?
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Red Hulk is/was in the movie
It's an issue. I'm always selling old stuff.
The only defense a retard like you has to say is: “hur dur you’re autistic!!”. You can’t tell me I’m wrong because if you do then you’ll admit this figure sucks.
Pathetic shill.
Look at how mad you are. Over a superhero toy. There's nothing wrong with it, but you bitch and bitch and bitch anyway. Get a life. Get laid or something.
and i thiiink harrison ford is supposed to take the role of ross due to william hurt dying
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Chill out dude. They're just toys. You're taking this way to personally.
That's right. Everyone kinda figured Red Hulk would be in it because of Ross.
If you want an actual argument, I'll humor you. He's a dude in an polymorphous alien suit made out of black goo. He shape shifts and changes size regularly. The anatomy for Venom doesn't need to be 100% accurate to real life anatomy or proportions because he's a fucking comic character that is known to shift and change his size. So yes, you are absolutely being autistic by whining about this. Shut up already you fucking dweeb. The other guy is right, you need to get some puss.
this movie will bomb horrifically

shit got rewrote 4 times in atleast 2 years
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This venom is pretty bizarre
>It is a problem, how could you look at picrel and say it looks anatomically correct?
Gonna repeat what I said in a previous thread, if you're looking for correct anatomy and proportions then Venom is not the character to expect either from. And if this figure bothers you so much you must not have been collecting Legends in the ToyBiz days.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, who gives a fuck about any of these characters?
So is Ruth!
Marvel just did a terrible job setting up anything past Thanos
Yeh, Marvel's pretty much dead to me past Infinity War.
X-Men '97 is the most overrated thing I've seen in a while.
Man, I love these figures but those leg-hip articulations are absolute crap.
Is it true there's gonna be a continuation to Spiderman TAS?
I've only seen rumors due to his cameos in X-Men 97. As long as they got good writers team and the original VA's I'd be all for it.
Everyone wants them to go under but I'd rather they pull their head out of their ass. GotG3 and NWH were great. Just take the characters we already have and add the X-Men, F4, etc but do it like you give a damn back pre IW.
Was Eternals a flop because it had too many characters without enough introduction?
Would be up for it as I think the original ended on a cliffhanger.
It helps not to live online. It is genuinely good. The best thing Disney has ever done with marvel outside of the guardians movies.
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Doesn't really tell us anymore than what rectangular leaked. It's a shame youtubers pisses him off since now he is withholding info just out of spite. Think he said he knows what a couple of the figures in the strange tales wave will be, but isn't gonna say.
Nice job doxxing yourself.
>thinking a gamsetop address is a person.
Holy fucking kek get a load of this retard!!!! Hahahahaha
>Riders Prof X reissue
thank fuck
fuckk I'll get 3 of these for the green suited body, fuck eBay fucks and their $100 listings
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>post pictures of Spider-Man
I wish I could justify getting the Colossus/Juggernaut 2 pack. I couldn't the first time around because I have the Juggs BaF and the Select Colossus and I don't think I can do it this time either. I guess I'm never getting a Legends Pitor in his classic costume.
That's not even my pic you dingus. It's from another site.
Your expectations were probably too high for a continuation of a 90s kids cartoon.
Probably. I mean, it's good, but it's not like it's the best thing since sliced bread.
No, but it's easily the best Marvel property to come out since NWH.
solid gOLD news there!
>And if this figure bothers you so much you must not have been collecting Legends in the ToyBiz days.
those weren't good either.
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Shulkie came today from Amazon.

Really nice figure, the joints feel kind of loose though. She also smells really strongly of like...paint thinner or something.
just give us the tits and ass comparisons
Thanks for the heads up. They seem to have the whole wave up except for Shulkie who's temporarily out of stock. Meaning, they'll get her in hopefully in few days. Ordered my three Iron Men and cancelled my BBTS order except for Shulkie. She may show up there soon too.
>the cope
LMAO you're out of luck, kid
For what?
Oof, that knee color. I can't believe they got it that far off.
interesting to see how she'll fair on the pegs. shulk is liked by adult coomlectors but little billy is always going to be embarrassed about asking mom for a female fig.
Yeh, why is it always the knees? I've noticed it a lot with DC stuff. Does it have to be a different type of plastic?
>Does it have to be a different type of plastic?
Oh... that actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks. But, like, do different factories mess up the paint or does the plastic just take it differently?
Typically the plastic just can't take the coloring to be an exact match.
It can, you just use a different color to get the match, but why do that when basedboy faggots will buy it anyway?
Different plastics take pigments differently and Hasbro are too cheap to do the necessary R&D to ensure the plastics match.
Little bit of both. Different factories make different parts and the joints being a harder plastic than the limbs they attach to makes matching the colors a challenge sometimes. I've noticed it's a problem with yellows and greens.
My McFarlane Joker is kinda wonky.
Does anyone here have a Sebastian Shaw and any of the Kraven figures? I want to know how well his head fits on that body and if his skin matches any of them.
Who's the pink lady
Red Hulk better point at someone in this.
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spider bros, i dont feel so good...
Hehe sure, kid. See you soon ;)
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No contest.
Is that a meme?
What's with the scale creep on Venom? Eddie Brock is at most a head taller than Peter.

But I hope with the new Venom release, the price of Headdie Venom will finally come down. I skipped on Headdie, but then I saw /toy/ friends turning him into a meme and I kinda want Headdie just for the funny pics
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What ass?
jesus they turned her into a man
You may as well rip your own dick off if you're going to try and argue the old one is better just because of boobs.
She would look so much more buff and heroic if her head wasn't so damn big. I don't know why Hasbro keeps handicapping themselves like this. It would be such an easy fix, just have a automated 75% scale pass on the noggin before the file gets sent out. It would fix so much in one swoop.
The new figure is amazing in every way except the torso which they fucked up massively. It's so frustrating because I'd love to buy this figure if it was competently done. Also, you know they're gonna make endless repaints and reuses with this shoddy torso, 'cause Hasbro gonna Hasbro.
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The old one may be fucked, but it at least understood what She-Hulk was. The new one is way too cut, she almost never has bulging muscles, and she certainly never has such a squat torso.
This is why I hate Hasbro's tendency to make characters less curvaceous and/or sexy - it often defies basic logic. Unlike titties, a booty is massively influenced by how muscular you are. Even laymen who don't lift know that doing squats increases your booty size and definition. By making She-Hulk flat as a pancake they're making her look less muscular, which totally contradicts her character! Notice how her massive legs attach awkwardly to her tiny lower torso. It looks like a bad kitbash.
I guess you'll always find something to gripe about. Must be tough living with such high standards.
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>it makes his traps look larger and disproportionate compared to his underdeveloped shoulders
I feel like if I ever rewatched the MCU, I’d finish it with a double feature of Spidey 2 and 3, then capping it off with GotG3
mafex knightfall is dropping this month?? also sick haul
All it needed was a crunch or ball jointed waist.
One fucking job, Hasbro
What? Serve pervert losers on 4chan?
yeah time to find that A Force set
they had one job
In case you haven't noticed the things those pervert losers like equate to sales. Boom.
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I wish that the team who designed the Wolverine 2 packs worked on the mainline because there's now way the same people who made Psylocke and Lilandra are the ones behind She Hulk and Ms Titless
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night and day, makes me wonder if this will be the beginning of a ML Upgrade Kit business like those SHF/gunpla/Transformers kits
It's genuinely pathetic how much you guys care about plastic boobs on children's toys. You guys need to get some puss.
and yet, you will never be a woman freak kek
It is equally, if not more pathetic, that the only argument you dorks have is to accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being a tranny. Just proves you don't have a real argument outside of being a coomer.
Based, troons hate boobs for some reason.
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There's a guy who kinda does this already
These threads are ruined by these fucking losers
Why'd you reply to yourself?
why does neca display anon hate big boobs?
It's even more pathetic that you let some random poster on 4chan live in your head rent free.
I was of the same opinion at first regarding Ms marvel, but then when I went back to check the source I realised it was accurate as the fabric does stretch across like that so there is no boob definition.
youre so easy to spot lol
You caught me! I'm the fabled neca display anon! I'm also secretly Kanji, subjectanon, and Athena too. Glad to know the dumb faggot who keeps derailing these threads with coomer bullshit is the same retard who's been seething about some random anon for years.
nope, just neca guy. kanji doesnt post like a retard and subby is equally easy.
Why can't you incels stick to your general?
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Not coomer gen
You're an obsessed freak
how much does it upset you that you cant see ip counts anymore lmao
I keep forgetting about GotG 3. That was pretty good. But I attribute that to James Gunn more than Disney.
Don't need IP counts to see that you're the one shitting up the threads.
Really weird how you keep bringing him up out of nowhere.
Man I'll get some of those
kill yourself Nerdy, we all know it's you, bet your miserable ass jumped after reading that
I thought I was neca display anon.
I watched a video recently that only 5 of 20 xmen comic teams are complete. How do you xmen collectors stand that?
You're pathetic
If you complain about small shoulders, it's ok.
If you complain about small boobs, you're a coomer.
Honestly, I think both complaints are pretty nitpicky and petty.
Or, conversely, both complaints are justified.
The shoulder shitposters are just as bad as the boob bitches
If you insist. Personally, they're not something that bothers me. I'm more irritated about the shitty QC we get. Could I get one, just one fucking pinless figure that doesn't have overly tight or too loose joints? Honestly, I'd rather we go back to pins than have overly tight joints that I need to take to hot water just to get them going.
I agree.
enjoy your subpar figures from the largest US toy company
I will thanks.
Have some dignity, you milkfed gimp.
Low shoulders and small bewbs don't bother me. Sorry that it rustles your jimmies.
Sorry you don't buy toys at all
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The issue is not the definition of her chest, that's an artistic / stylistic choice. The issue is that her chest is much smaller than she's been commonly portrayed for years, and that doesn't properly express her character as a powerhouse hero. If that upper torso was used for Kitty Pryde, for instance, there wouldn't be an issue.
>Marvel Legends Retro Venom
i don't buy Marvel Legends figures much, when is this available to preorder? I heard it's a Walmart exclusive, is there like a site that tells you the minute preorders drop?
Read the OP. Jesus.
>doesn't properly express her character as a powerhouse hero.
Did you need big boobs for that?
No, just sick minded perverts do
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Is there any chance of a refresh of the Giant Man and Wasp 2 pack, or do I have to pay a faggot on ebay?
Huh? Never thought about Brock being Eddie.. Brock
You're talking to someone else, try to keep up
Why are you reddit spacing tho
ok Nerdy
I'm hoping bbts gets it like other pulse exclusives
I only buy high quality Hasbro figures like Power Princess
X-Men has way too many characters to ever get full representation through merchandise. At some point you just hope your favorites get made and that'll be enough.
Pulse does tend to do restocks. There will probably be one around the time of release.
It's okay to want a company to do better, you're not going to hurt their feelings, anon. Telling them they should fix their figures won't make them get upset and stop making toys lol
I don't feel the need to collect characters I don't like just to have some sort of completion in my life like some kind of autist.
What makes you think I don't like the characters if I like the team? Generally speaking, my favorite versions of any particular team are the ones that I like every member of. And I only really collect my favorite versions of any particular team, or even on my eyes, an idealized version of it. My Avengers and X-Men shelves aren't comprised of any single team, but rather a mishmash of all the various staple characters from said team, all of which I like. Personally, I think that's the best way to go about it. Just pick all your favorites and make an idealized version of the team you like.

Although, in the same breath some teams are reasonably popular and easy enough to complete nowadays. I won't lie and say I don't have some specific X-Men teams like the Jim Lee era team. I'm patiently waiting for them to round out the Astonishing team.
Do you need a character to have long limbs to represent speed? Do you need a character to have a large, bald head to represent intelligence? Do you need a character to have a soft, youthful face to represent innocence or a hard, rough face to represent toughness?

No, you don't need any of this, but these traits have been used by artists for thousands of years to quickly and clearly communicate the essence of a character to an audience. They are known as archetypal traits, and if you had any kind of cultural consciousness beyond toys and comics you wouldn't need me to point this out to you.

However, it's pointless to discuss anything this nuanced here when even basic discussions of human physiques are railroaded by obnoxious, juvenile, sexless, prudish, pearl-clutching, coomer-obsessed white knights who won't abide any discussion of "scandalous lady parts," because, in their sex-starved pea-brains, one cannot critique any female sculpture unless driven by a raging libido.
When ever in history have large knockers been used to convey power?
>A paragraph and a half is an essay
The public school system at work.
In Ms. Marvel's comics, like the one that was posted, like the one the figure is supposedly based off, like the one the figure doesn't resemble in the chest area.
Wow, you really got me there. "Hey this company did a bad job building my car! Guess I'll go build my own then, since there's no other option." Why are you wasting your genius here instead of running the world?
I don't think there's any real parameters on the length of an essay, anon.
First of all, comic art is wildly inconsistent. She isn't always depicted with giant tits. Mark Brookes, who drew her for years, doesn't make them as large as say, Frank Cho does. Second of all, have you ever actually seen female body builders or women that are legitimately strong and powerful? They almost never have massive titties. The figure resembles the character fine, just because she's a cup size too small for you doesn't ruin the figure for everyone else.
We just make you build them both for slave wages :)
I don't know if you can't read or are pretending you can't read, but either way you sure fooled me.
It's a bot. Stop replying to it.
eat shit neca bitch
You're on /toy/ dude
>just because she's a cup size too small for you doesn't ruin the figure for everyone else.
The persecution complex is palpable. No one ever said you can't enjoy the new Ms. Marvel figure. It just happens that some folks dislike that her chest has been deflated, but whenever that opinion is muttered the anti-coomer brigade springs into action and accuses anyone who criticizes her figure of being a creep on behalf of women everywhere. It's lame, tedious, and pathetic.
Case in point.
>No one ever said you can't enjoy the new Ms. Marvel figure.
Have you even been in this thread? >>10999660

>It's lame, tedious, and pathetic.
Somis constantly whining about the boobs on a children's toy being too small. Pot calling the kettle black.
If it's not the Moonstone body it's shit. End of discussion.
>Have you even been in this thread? >>10999660
I don't count trolls as human beings.
>It doesn't count because I said so
Fuck right off lol.
If you equate obvious trolling with sincere opinions then you have bigger problems than toys that need addressing.
Trolling or not, there are still people in this thread telling others they shouldn't buy this figure because the tits are too small. Son your point is completely invalidated.
That seems to be very common in Marvel collector communities. They "build teams", there may even be more team builders than casual buyers.
If you don't like the majority of the characters in a team, can you even say you like the team itself?
Probably not, but people need their latest injection of plastic, so they find some reason to buy these releases.
You're hyperfixating on the phrase "no one ever said" as if it was literal, when it's clearly a figure of speech, in order to avoid the substance of what I wrote, which is her chest being too small is a valid opinion, and the anti-coomer brigade is both wrong and annoying, neither of which have been invalidated.
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I just want a good lizard figure bros..
Not at all what I implied. If you like one or two characters from a team, just get those characters. But if you say you like the X-Men, the implication is that you like most, if not all of them. Basically, just buy what you like and don't try to fill out a team if you don't even really like it.
Whatever bro, your point is still invalidated. Stop trying to play victim.

>which is her chest being too small is a valid opinion,
It really isn't. It's a nitpicky gripe at best.
Your projection about playing a victim doesn't hide the fact that you can't tolerate certain opinions.
Pot calling the kettle black right here.
Am I projecting about projecting or intolerant of your intolerance? Your ambiguous wording makes it easy for you to slink away without admitting defeat, but I'm dying to know what you really meant. It sure had nothing to do with criticizing toys, I know that.
doesnt this mean you have it too?
Who even is this?
The faggot who calls everyone coomers
This thread sucks.
And we got 4 days until Rogue is fully revealed/up for preorder, too. This isn't going to stop.
I can't wait for these same faggots to find something to hyperfixate on and whine about it endlessly, despite the fact they had zero intention of even getting the figure in the first place.

There's a dedicated person or couple of people that go out of their way to shit this general and this board up.
Yeah, it's embarrassing. Thread after thread...
I want a Wolverine and Morph 2 pack, removable pants for both of them
At least the jannies have seemingly cleaned up the riff raff
>her chest is much smaller than she's been commonly portrayed for years, and that doesn't properly express her character as a powerhouse hero
this is the funniest attempt at justification i've ever seen. coomers are so fucking embarrassing
and you will never be a woman, you're the only one shitting up our threads because you hate boobs, something that you'll never have
We heard you the first time.
get some new material already damn this shit is so dull
Still mad Nerdy?
Since when is Logan gay?
Probably the same shits that argue in the dc general. Im not sure why you would choose to waste life energy in this way but what do i know.
For at least like a decade when an alt universe version of him and Hercules hooked up. Try reading a comic.
Jokes on you. Amazon just updated me saying I'll get her a week from Monday.
That doesn't make it not dumb or out of character.
lmao that's not how it works
>Morph: I can be Jean for you tonight
>Morph: They changed my powers so now I can replicate everything about someone's body including their scent
you faggots need to go
Ok, if that's what you need to tell yourself.
They are going though
Going to the bedroom
sounds like you're the one coping that you missed out lol
Here's the (You) you so desperately crave.
LMAO of course its you
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If you're concerned about gays in the X-Men, I'm sure Professor X would be willing to discuss it with you
Fuck off you obsessed freak
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Yeah. I dunno what this is. Looks like bad fan art. I stopped caring about new interpretations of these characters a long time ago. This is my mindseye version of carol and the figure works for me.
You should army build more guardsman for a battle scene. They are still dirt cheap.
Is Iron Man red and yellow in your mindseye?
Still bigger boobs in that panel than the figure has
Not really
It's okay anon, the boobies won't hurt you
I like tits but they're not particularly big in that panel
He's red and whatever color visions cape is.
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Ka-Zar is basically everything you could ask for in a Marvel Legends figure short of an alternate head. Multiple accessories, multiple sets of hands, almost every single POA in their catalog, good face mold, the works. If you were thinking about buying him, I say do it.
>phase I clones
Looks nice. Anything that looks like the leotard with the neck like picrel?
And pre-slit wrists, nice
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Magnificent, aren't they?
I don't get why people complain about this, when the thigh cut is even more egregious. I know one is functional, but aesthetically they are just as bad.
>I know one is functional, but aesthetically they are just as bad
That's exactly the problem though, pretty much every articulation point takes away from the design but we accept that they're necessary and provide a function. The thigh cuts serve a purpose, the forearm cuts are there for no reason except that Hasbro wants to keep reusing the sculpt.
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I don't know what else to tell you.
You didn't actually answer the question.
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i touched it up for ya
4 units with a million more well on the way...
actually thanks for reminding me that I need to paint in the black parts of the one that I just got the other day
yeah the weirdly realistic generic face sculpt is awesome. The giant cavernous gape in the torso articulation is also top notch. The sculpted glove lines are magnificent.
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It's time for Mammomax!
No one is forcing you to buy it
Appreciate you Anon
Historically, in most cultures, large breasts are associated with fertility, not strength or power.
Nta and I'm not particularly fond of this trope, but tvtropes used to have a page called Boobs of Steel describing cases where the bustiest female would also be the strongest. There is a mental association of "bigger boobs" to "greater woman".

Not really. Ford actually does point a lot in his movies. It's kind of funny when you notice it. I think it's a boomer thing.
>The issue is that her chest is much smaller than she's been commonly portrayed for years, and that doesn't properly express her character as a powerhouse hero.
I'm a girl but this offends me a little. Does that mean that ever girl with huge boobs is a weightlifter or something? Flatties are shrimps?
That's just comic book wish fulfillment. Pretty much ALL comic book women have the same size boobs, even the civilians.
I don't count anything that's listed on tvtropes as actual human history.
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On the subject of female bucks. Gonna try for a pinless hellcat.

Realised that I can't just use black because hasbro did the head, hands and feet in a navy blue. Gonna have to see which tamiya is the closest match.
No one cares bro
You'd be surprised. There are a lot of redditors here.
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Had an avalanche the other night and found my display in a pile :) threw then back up in neutral poses for now. I need to thin it out
You ok?!
Thanks for the blog update. What did you have for dinner?
Something yummy I'd hope
Best wishes, man, I hope you can untilt your room.
Where'd you get that ruin display?
Time could be saved by not opening it.
The way some of you whine about people enjoying their toys, it makes me wonder if you guys even like toys?
They are strength over men, because they control men and make men obey their holder.
We're talking about an indication of physical strength, you dumbass autistic.
Wait, were you talking about a metaphorical avalanche because you have too much shit?
It comes it 2 sets. I got mine from amiami in the clearance sale, but bbts still have it.

Yes, sorry. An avalanche of toys. They came down like a house of cards.
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Yeh, that base looks way too small to have all those in more dynamic poses.
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If the head fits on regular IM, I'll get it. I doubt that though
No that's hulkbuster
I am for some reason reminded of the Hulkbuster from Armored Adventures and now I wish they made ML toys out of that.
This is some serious mental hoolah hoop jumping
Oh yes, I will take one.
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Oh nice, he'll be easy to get
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What hulkbuster model is this and why do i feel dissapointed?
>that waist cut
I'll keep the Select this shit looks awful
Why do they make new molds with old articulation? A balljoint is better especially on real big chunky characters.
Looks an awful lot like a little kid's toy to be honest.
They could've just made it a solid piece and it would've looked better and still had the same range
Damn you don't say
If I already had the Select I would probably skip this, but I never picked it up because I didn't really have a big IM collection at the time. Now, I have a pretty full roster of suits and the comic Buster is a big gap in that collection. Too bad the Select is expensive now.

The waste cut doesn't really bother me, it's an action figure, I expect to see joints, and cuts. Could it have been done better, sure, but it's not enough to bug me.
G8 b8 m8 I r8 8
I’m gonna preorder three just to make you even more pissed. Lol
sure you will Nerdy
This looks cooler.
To a child lol
Who is this Nerdy you speak of, nerd?
sure thing Nerdy
Please, do share the TS#. This is actually a nifty little kitbash.
Will do. It's looking like TS53 currently, but will keep looking before I make my purchase.
I wish there was a definitive method for color matching RGB to CMYK to Pantone to ad infinitum
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Marvel Select clears
Does anyone here actually have it? How's that metallic red paint holding up?
Got it when it first released, it's still suprisingly fine, no blemishes or anything
If you're going to use the real world comparison excuse, it doesn't work since the figure isn't very muscular. So now we have a figure of a powerhouse character that is skinny and has small tits.
Did it come with alt hands? What's the articulation like?
This wasn't even a Hulkbuster, it was an 'Argonaut' unmanned drone
Thank god for Toy Biz
No alt hands and the articulation is alright, if not a tad limited. The Legends will move better but I doubt it will be much.
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Armored Adventures has some nice designs. I like thin Iron Man.
>waist swivel
It's a big ass robot, give it a round waist like Iron Monger ffs.
Is the Giantman and Wasp 2-pack ever going to get a global release? I've never seen a set be so impossible to get. It's already going for $150 here.

Hoping for an asia release or maybe more eurostock.
Same, idk why they did the 2005 extremis redesign and not the OG 90s Modular one. Pretty disappointed, especially since Select already did this design.
I think they're basing what art they can for IM on Geanov's designs.
Oh hell yeah
Yuck. This is the worst Hulkbuster design. Even worse than the MCU, and I am not a big MCU fan.
They probably can't due to inaccuracy. MCU Iron Monger was designed by someone who understands how joints and machinery work, and designed something that could feasibly function. Look at the pistons and flat disc elbows and ankle and knee braces, this is someone who cares about how things fit together.

The comic designs are stuck squarely in dated comic tropes, like having a flat, shapely ab section that resembles a human's.
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