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Katawa Shoujo General #3996

Saturday night edition

Last Thread: >>476191785

Official Website: http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/x6tv3
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: http://cripple.booru.org/
Hanako Image Database: http://www.hanakoisbestgirl.com
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: http://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: http://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: http://katawashoujo.wikia.com/wiki/Katawa_Crash
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hf0x-rFjBzSqcSMD0ohxaai_zS_OVzyy
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
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Woke up from my nap and saw the last thread archived, to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement, /ksg/.
Will be posting more now.
Paturday, btw
>go to work
>thread dies
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At 4000 we need to retire for good. It's time.
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Never give up
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
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Same, 2015 or 2016. Saw a ks/b/ thread with this as the OP image and was curious. Read a bit, downloaded the game intending for a quick wank session, and here I am almost a decade later. Also, same: Emi bestgirl and also Shizune.
Goodnight anon, sleep well.
Goodnight anon.
Latecomer here as well. One of my friends played it. I didn't know there were ksg threads until 2018 or so.
>already ded
>Emi bestgirl and also Shizune
mah nigga
Emi's hot sweaty ass.
>blind girl
>deaf girl
>no anosmia girl
What gives? Why no Katawa that smells like shit and doesn't realize it?
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Didn't get to finish this last night, so here are 2 versions.
That doesn't look like proper sporting attire!?
Why is the one on the right looking at me?!
What is happening inside my pants!?
I need Hanako, like that, for research purposes
>That doesn't look like proper sporting attire!?
Depends on the sport
>Why is the one on the right looking at me?!
Emilly isn't congenitally blind, so theoretically, she can point her eyes in the direction of sounds she hears.
>What is happening inside my pants!?
It's fun to see how she's evolved a bit over the past couple of years.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Don't die
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We live in a post-Paturday weekend.
Sunday is Cunnilingusday
Deaf people irl are cunts too for some reason.
take your pick. Or use them all. Katawas being nuns & buns having fun.
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Everyone's out having fun
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Good morning /ksg/.
Good morning to you anon
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Didn't drink enough water while exercising and almost fainted... Emi would be disappointed... Shed a tear...
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You have to stay hydrated anon.
So we agree the only girls that might've had braces are Lilly and Akira right?
Since they have a non-Japanese parent.
Why? Is it because the Japanese are known for having perfect teeth? And not wonky fangs?
The opposite.
Crooked teeth are considered cute in Japan.
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Didn't know this but apparently they're rare there.
Good thing though, I think braces are disgusting as someone who had them. Don't get people that find it hot
That's what I was getting at.
Wait a minute this is the wrong thread.

Which 4 Katawas would you want to be members of your crew?
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They can handle my balls anytime.
Emi has such a cute mad
That picture needs some sweat patches...
Is these all new Doggos?
The Lilly-as-Akira isn't new I've seen that one but the other three are.
Doggo is being very good to us.
Thanks, guys!
I hadn't thought of that. Maybe this was before a match?
Emi & Emo
Lilly (purely so Akira doesn't miss her)
ai hanako
climax variation of an old one
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
There'd be a lot more than two Em*s if i was married to her that's for dam sure.
I'm fucking high and I fumbled the only person that will ever want me for me and I played Katawa Shoujo and it made me feel better but it gave me this shitty stupid reliance on these characters that also won't want me for me FUCK THIS GAY EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha

don't worry buddy, maybe you are just imagining it
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It's (not) going to be okay anon.
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AI anon generate Hanako sitting like this.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Is Rin bipolar?
no she's just autistic
wearing what
Anyone know if google curates your search results or if it's the same for everyone? Because when I did an image search for headpats I found Hanako.
That being said, Hanako was 21st place, while Donald Trump shared the 13th place with five other cute girls.
google using 1 gorillion tracking cookies is extremely old news.
But if you just run an image search of headpats, will Hanako pop up?
use an incognito tab and find out
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Same happens to me weirdly enough, it wasn't even 21st place it was top 10
In that case a follow up question. Do you participate in Paturday celebrations or do you just observe them passively?
hugs >pats
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hugs + pats = hugpats > pats > hugs
Good morning /ksg/.
sexysanta lewd hanako: check
bunnygirl lewd hanako: check
swimsuit lewd hanako: check
halloween lewd hanako: hmmm

(it represents a stable yet fun relationship that lasts through the seasons, through the years)
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Planning on redoing this soon. I got as far at the initial doodle and didn't like how it was coming along, especially her midsection, as it's creeping into fatawa territory..
The build is similar of course to Emilly, but softer in the thighs, thinner arms and virtually no traps.
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Good morning
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Thank you anon.
Haven't seen those commercials before. Very nice.
>creeping into fatawa territory
Please no. You're our only hope.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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We're really deed aren't we?
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Whoops wrong one.
I made chicken and rice for dinner tonight.
Whats the difference?
Is that you Can'tSeeHideakiAnon?
Rin and Em* plz
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Spanish rice and italian soda. I like to make my own sodas since canned or bottled are heavy and unwieldy.
I guess?
This is how you get Evil Lilly
>look up headpats
>hanako appears
>look up hanako
>Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun appears
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Goodnight /ksg/.
no page 10
pretty based desu fampai
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I did one chunky Rin as a joke maybe 5 years ago, but that's all.
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Happy birthday to me, /ksg
Heya KSG

its been a hot minute since i last posted...
been super busy and super stressed lately, but feeling better.

just finished a 5km run, with the local running association! yeah i finally joined the club, to do it "officially" instead of faffing about.

otherwise, hows everyone doing?
hbd anon
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Happy birthday Anon! Have some birthday headpats!
Happy birthday, anon!
good one fellow runcel
it's our destiny...
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Rolling for Lilly and Emilly
Whoops meant for >>478519149
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Good morning /ksg/.
Happy Birthday anon.
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>Shizune taught Lilly the sign for "grab my ponytail and use my mouth like a pussy"
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If consent can be taken-away retro-actively, then it can also be given retro-actively.
If she makes breakfast for you the next day, that is consent.
next time the thread is on page 10 just ask which katawa fucks niggers or something
Emi got raped? hot
The best part about dating Meiko is molesting Em*
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In Soviet Russia, Em* molests you!
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BTGR or Em*
I'm rolling again after midnight
By then she'll have you desiccated.
If I'm lucky.
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Thanks y'all. You are the best
I'm gonna have to start rolling my own bump posts at this rate.
Emo pls
I'm rolling again after midnight.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
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Goodnight anon.
Goodnight anon.
BTGR plz
>Goth? Lilly
9/10 would listen to music with
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Emo pls
I'm not sure if this is better or worse than Demi. Demi would probably lose control and fuck you to death by accident whereas Succzune would be in control the whole time she fucked you to death.
Wouldn't her taste in music suck though?
She's goth?
hold on lemme draw more
>whole genre is bad
Post some goth music then I'm open.
The Cure, Type-O negative, Velvet Underground, fucking Joy Division, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Bauhaus
It's not my favorite genre, but there's some dark gold out there, anon.
>The Cure
Oh that counts as goth music? I've heard of them.
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Disintegration is arguably their best album (pictures of you, Lovesong, lullaby), but The Head on the Door, especially In Between Days or Closer to Me is as good as an introduction to The Cure as anything.
I think goth? Lilly would want to put on an album and make-out through it's duration.
Rolling for Goth Lilly then
>nun Lilly
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Goodnight frens
Goodnight anon.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
This looks like a severe case of not getting enough headpats.
Good Morning /ksg/
she deserves emotional support and orgasms
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no I mean more like, intercourse, imitation of sex, and/or stimulation of erogenous zones
>stimulation of erogenous zones
for Hanako it's top of her head
she didn't fuck emi, she's pretty sensual and craves male attention
>she didn't fuck emi
There's no conclusive proof she didn't fuck Emi
>There's no conclusive proof she didn't fuck Emi
Where is it even remotely suggested, hot as it sounds.
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It isn't really suggested anywhere but you can read between the lines
>Emi is sexually adventurous enough to get buttfucked in the sports shed
>Rin has trouble getting herself off
>Emi helps Rin with a variety of things
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When I played this years ago I got the drinking on the roof ending on the first run and then did Shizunes route.
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>be a wizard
>replay katawa after many years
>don't look at flowchart, pick choices I would do if I was MC
>manly picnic
it's so over
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Whose route should I read if I feel like I'll never find a significant other in my life?
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After Hisao masturbates Rin she mentions that she just lost her virginity so no, they didn't fuck
Good morning anon.
Good morning /ksg/.
Emi has small hands and focuses on the clit
>she just lost her virginity
I don't believe that's what she said
>listening to this at work and so glad I have headphones kek
Do you have the one like this but it's bullying?
that's a nice one
Gonna have to agree with >>478751673
I like a nice leg
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But she's wearing a hat.
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pat those thighs
You can't lose your marital purity to a girl.
Don't you know anything?
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Could I make a request?
I'd like a Hanako taking a nap in the library and someone jerking off and cumming on her while she's asleep.
I was going to say that's not a cool nor nice request but...
A palindromic number, then dubs and then trips in one post... I can only kneel...
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maybe tomorrow or 2 days, I'm reviewing the old works to correct any mistakes
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
If i get a zero i want Akira.
Shizune's loud farts
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It's over
AI is getting pretty uncanny.
Also why the fuck is this girl so famous? She looks like a Grey from x-files. Now she's going to play Young Charlize Theron in the new (not) Mad Max movie.
Who? Kudos to her dedication, going as far as to gouge her eyes out for cosplay
Rolling for Rins
How many months does Hisao stay at yamaku?
As many as it took to get 6 samples of cripple poosy.
Hisao's heart attack happens on February, he gets enrolled in Yamaku at the start of June, Japanese school years start in April and end in March (with breaks in between ofc)
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Shizune, rin, lilly, Hanako and emi (from left to right)
Goodnight /ksg/.
Goodnight anon
Why is Hanako L shaped?
cosplay thread
katawa shoujo 2
play as a new student
fixed hanako and shizune routes
misha route
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Yuuko, Femji and Emilly routes
Femji's good ending features a petite mort
It's still unbelievable that Hanako's route was ruined so badly.
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since I already accepted 1 ai request I can't complete today, does anyone else want something?
cute feet
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Lilly being cute (non lewd), yamaku uniform
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Good morning /ksg/
sorry I forgot to say the rules.
>nothing from/resembling Hanako's route.
incidentally this means nothing meant to hurt or offend another fanbase because that would resemble Hanako's route.
>none of the Hanako route writer's favorite characters
lilly, miki, suzu

also, naming an artist to imitate the style of is greatly encouraged. don't be afraid to mention a setting/background. the AI takes as much juice to draw an entire city as it does to draw plain white. the city would have errors though
Your talking about my request of napping Hanako getting jerked off on, right?
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>not even an hour and already page 10
Same request, but with Femji. If Femji isn't allowed, then Rin.
Background, Yamaku classroom or gymnasium
Artist? Don't care, have fun!
this thing can actually do outfit swaps if you use the 1girl tag but name 2 girls, and I think it can do gender swaps if you use the 1girl tag but name a boy.
but since kenji has little art, it might need to rely on an image. if you can post some stuff that represents him as well as possible, more than 1 is fine, I can try it that way
yeah it's not too late to change it
I don't have any Kenji pics that aren't already in the booru. Is there another character that's close to Femji in appearance, that you could just add a uniform/location and scarf? if you can do 1girl but name a boy, it's harry potter, right?
I don't think the booru has his sprites or shaman eyes, those would be good
>yeah it's not too late to change it
I can't really think of any artists.
That doesn't matter. she can have regular glasses or coke-bottle glasses.
You should be able to cuck hisao with her katawa until he gets a heart attack
>Femji and Emilly routes
Can you join the team if you're not visually retarded?
>put on blindfold
>just start grabbing things
Just like one of my Japanese filename.
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how nice of her to make something for hanako
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Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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Emi, are you okay?
So, Emi, are you okay? Are you okay, Emi?
Emi, are you okay?
So, Emi, are you okay? Are you okay, Emi?
Emi, are you okay?
So, Emi, are you okay? Are you okay, Emi?
Emi, are you okay?
So, Emi, are you okay? Are you okay, Emi?
Emi, are you okay?
Will you tell us that you're okay?
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I want to give kisses to Rin!
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I want to reenact that scene from ALIEN where they land on LV-246 to investigate a distress signal and John Hurt falls down through that fog barrier and disturbs the eggs causing the facehugger to hatch with Rin.
>have heart problems
I'm one step closer to the dream bros
finally, a pro!
to die?
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
>Fine. I'll come back after you're asleep and then we'll rape.
I said WITHOUT sounding made.
That's totally not mad.
i have a family history of cardiovascular problems
Goodnight /ksg/.
Damn, I shouldn't have posted disapproval.png so early on.
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>this general is almost at thread number 4,000

What the fuck do you guys even talk about here?
Katawa Shoujo
Hanako and headpats
Hanako getting headpats
Headpatting Hanako
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your katawa is real and loves you, but you get her disability
Hard mode: no misha
>I now really really like headpats.
Where's the downside?
>Im now Emi's spare parts
I can live with that
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I don't like CAL nor its fandom but I noticed a certain someone in the background
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Feeding Rin
So if he's a HanaFag, what is she? I don't know anything about that VN(?).
I'm impressed the route was so fucking horrible that this is the only scene that gets positive recognition overall.
even though the scene was competently made, it was still just a midpoint instead of an ending.
It's not a VN, it's an indie game that got popular in certain spaces
She'd probably be an EmiFag
>downblouse and pantsu
looks like a good game
sorry I was supposed to be doing requests but did this instead
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Paturday tomorrow. Prepare for pats.
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>3 sets of 10 reps of hand stretching
>2 sets of 12 reps of petting street cats
It isn't? I thought it only had reading. There's gameplay?
Not too much, but there is. Walking around and interacting with stuff basically. Kind of like the older tell tale games
i went back to pick a better artist for closeups and it genned something the headpat guy will like. even though I have no headpat tags in this mess, and in-fact told it to not gen any hands in the first place.
completely depends on context
>Uh, okay... Did I do something wrong?
>Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to be a bother.
>Aww, I was hoping to stay and watch! (sarcastically)
it's been hard to keep it alive lately
File deleted.
this was the end goal, of course
>using a gun as a dildo
Kinky. Which girl would do this.
little wonky neck, this one is better
Now imagine how much she'd be enjoying it if there was consent.
Not nearby as much I'd wager.
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>days without /ksg/ bring up katawa rape
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disclaimer: I don't know jack shit about guns, gonna assume this one is unloaded because I think none of them would do it with a loaded gun
way too cautious, undoubtedly has a "don't play with weapons" policy for herself, wouldn't do it
would be open to using a fake gun if it's obviously fake
too willful, doesn't know (or want to know) anything about guns, and would probably be scared of them - wouldn't do it
would definitely consider it, but her sense of "this object can hurt me" would kick in when she picked up the gun, and she'd lose interest
even if she did try it, she'd lose interest pretty quickly after the novelty wore off
would be willing to do it after learning more about guns and firing one herself a few times, but not before then
would totally do it with a fake gun
never, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from imagining the consequences of the gun going off, and that'd be more than enough to dissuade her
I think being unable to see the gun would prevent her from being confident in her own safety, and she'd also just find it pointless
might do it with a fake gun to humor you, but wouldn't enjoy it
Any of you guys doing anything interesting in what's left of this Friday Night?
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oh, yeah, silly me forgetting the side chicks
would never be confident enough in the safety of it - "what if I'm so clumsy that I accidentally put a bullet in there," etc
I... I seriously don't know
uh... I think she'd probably have a "don't play with weapons" policy like shizune, I think she's more responsible than she looks
she'd totally do it with a fake gun though
she's self-conscious about her missing hand, which means she used to have it and then lost it, which means she knows how awful it can be when people get hurt by things going wrong - I'd count her out
Just playing Cyberpunk
doing some drawing
Who is that?
Just got home from work. Going to shower then reheat side leftovers and play vidya.
tried making some french toast casserole
it came out kinda shit
now I'm gonna either play games or listen to erotic hypno audio
>listen to erotic hypno audio
What does that do?
I googled. Does it actually do anything?
I think you;re forgetting having a hunk of steel shoved up your vag would be incredibly uncomfortable.
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>>using a gun as a dildo
>>Which girl would do this.
Emov but not for herself.
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results so far have been nonzero, but nothing dramatic, and that's after quite a few attempts
I'm very skeptical about some of the more far-fetched things people say about it
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
I want my jizzed on napping Hanako!
Goodnight /ksg/.
>/ksg/ asleep
Wmi eife
Have a great Paturday!
real question isn't who would, but who'd keep doing it
sounds like it would be rather uncomfortable after you get over the exotic novelty of it
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SAT should say PAT!
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>Like 90% of the cum is on the beanbag chair
Gonna have to agree with >>479140005
Also you don't need to have the dick in it. Just having cum on her face/ on he hair is enough.
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Feeding Emo
Feeding BTGR
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guy has better aim now. not to complain but making many changes without disturbing the anatomy etc is a really long and hard process
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that's definitely better

which katawas would agree to let you do this if you asked first
which katawas wouldn't mind if you did it without asking
>which katawas agreed to let you do this when you asked first
>which katawas didn't mind if you did it without asking
Also yours
This is better but i was hoping for more of a close-up.
Thats on me though for not being more specific with my original request.
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Feeding BTGR right between her GTs
>Emo holding the cigarette for BTGR
It should be my dick.
Whos the bottom of the pecking order here. Emo or Misha?
>bottom of the pecking order
>rin not a choice
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She's gonna wake up sticky, if you know what I mean.
Misha. She's the only one canonically cucked. being Misha is suffering
It's hot and she has no air conditioning.
Why is Lilly darker than the others? Isn't she naturally pale?
That is an early WIP. I hadn't changed Lilly's skin tone.
Can you post the newer one?
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I don't know if I ever did anything with her past that actually.
I've only booted up HS once in the last year and that was to PIC RELATED.
Had brunch at a friend's house and then we went to the local Asian store for snacks.
I thought I saw the woman from the counter in an aisle where I was looking for frozen mochi. It was a completely different person who didn't work there and didn't speak English. My cane was in my friend's car so I just looked like either a racist or hopefully just an idiot.
Bummer. Though some more goth/punk/emo Lilly and of course more BTGR would be appreciated
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here i found this but not sure if her skin's been changed
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
I want to give her a reason to hate men, if you know what I mean.
Take solace in the fact that I'm laughing at the idea of you being considered a racist for such a misunderstanding.
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>arr rook same
>no I'm just brind
I can't go back to this store until this old woman dies.
Well unless she was in her 80s you can never go back because she'll probably outlive you.
Asian women live into the triple digits.
I don't know. She was just one of those tiny old people that all look like turtles to me.
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I know I have an image of rin and a turtle somewhere but I can't find it.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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I guess we got our solution >>479069751
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whatthefuck katawa dick is an actual common phenomenon?
Anyone know why does it happen??
It's a side effect of empathy.
o fugg :DDDD bage 10 :DDDDD
What yuri fanfic was she allegedly writing?
"Hanako and Llilly: Together Forever"
Very nice. I especially like her titties.
Hanako and me: Patpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpatpapat forever.
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Who does she ship?
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Feeding Rin
Couldn't we all?
>you will never meet someone like Rin IRL
Anons, I've been legit feeling really depressed because of it recently. She is just like me, I've never felt so connected to fictional character in my entire life. How do I cope? I'm serious.
It hurts.
you make a tulpa, duh
What did he mean by this?
valid observation. why delete?
The government got him.
Which Katawas glow and which ones shine?
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I prefer drill Misha desu senpai
>ywn make Rin a single mother
It's not fair bros.
the feds are ks devs. they're deleting content that promotes hanako love. they want you to like lilly instead.
The only reason I'd prefer Lilly is she's more Akira-adjacent.
I'd probably have a lot less Akira in my life if i was with Hanako.
good night/ksg/
Goodnight anon.
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I can share my personal experience

I think I was never of the opinion that Rin had any particular quality that I look for in a partner that is impossible in real life; however, there were a lot of such qualities that are totally possible in real life
for example, she wouldn't ask me to stop being autistic, she wouldn't be coy about her desires and intentions, she wouldn't ask me to suppress my emotions because they're inconvenient... it might be difficult, but I believe that I'll actually find a girl like that (or at least close enough, because pobody's nerfect) one day
it might be worthwhile for you to think carefully about what you love about her - what she could (but wouldn't) do differently to make you lose affection - and think about how to look for that in a real girl

however, a huge part of my connection to Rin was more about seeing myself in her, rather than seeing her as a perfect partner; for that reason, although she definitely holds a special place in my heart, I think of her as "within me forever" rather than "beside me forever," and that might make it easier for me to look for an IRL girl who's significantly different from her

also, get yourself checked for autism if you haven't already
baka desu senpai
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did read
i'm saying that i read this but in reality i didn't
More doggo?
Draw her butt!
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Forgot pic
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Hanako has a fic of Misha with every girl at Yamaku.
Is that a girl?
Are there any 4chan archives that go all the way back to 2013~2014?
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Yes even with her
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what would Yuuko do if she say you fingering Hanako in the library? (you two don't notice her)
It's even available on fdroid now
I have no idea what that is.
Can I play it on my tablet now?
Hrm... She'd pretend to not notice, hide behind a bookshelf, and then intentionally do something loud to make her presence known in a location that's kinda close to me and Hanako. Like, she'd drop a book or something, and say "oh silly me I'm glad nobody saw me do that," but in a position that's close enough that it'd startle both of us.
And then you just keep going, right?
Yes only if you have an android tablet
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>inb4 how to install
just download the apk and install
And my tablet gets flooded with dolphin porn?
You wouldnt say that if you knew what fdroid was
fucking techlets
Goodnight /ksg/.
if it's after hours, she's not going to inconvenience the lovers, yuuko is too much of a bottom for that
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ai nsfw
hanako enjoying a vibrator
Breddy good
She wouldn't interrupt to show proper technique?
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Feeding Hanako
the last one, this one, and the next one are just redraws (without the drawing part) of old ideas
Rollin' for BTGR
>Goth Shiz
At least the guy who ships me with her is happy.
whuh oh, that was a close one
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This has been a weird one. Lots of new pics and then on life support the next day.
/vg/ seems a bit faster than usual as well.
why the heck are they on the ceiling
Vacation in Australia to visit Emu
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what is each katawa's favorite kind of tea
Emilly can't see and has her phone upside down. That's the joke.
How does she know the mirror is behind her if she's blind?
Because mirrors and walls feel different
For all she knows it could be a window.
Just because one is blind does not mean one is retarded.
She's visually retarded.
It's her place, so she would know where things are. Bonus, since she's not congenitally blind, she knows exactly what a mirror does.
In reality, the phone gyroscopically knows it's position, so it being upside down is just a joke.
Yeah well I'm gonna bump this thread
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She should just let misha take pictures. I'm sure she'd do it for nothing.
this one was actually difficult, because I couldn't stop staring at Hanako.
it's like she's used to being around you, but it's her friends' first time meeting you. she has the perfect level of poise, calmness, but still that twinkle of expectation, perhaps apprehension, maybe desire, that told her to dress just a little nicer.
Selling the sexy selfies my Katawa sends me to Misha!
>A-anon before you meet my friends I need to tell you something
> They d-don't know I drink
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
I thought visually retarded meant legally blind.
I was just shitposting to help keep the thread active.
Emilly is a SLUT.
>Your Katawa

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necromancy, definitely
with demons, you can basically make up anything weird and/or intimidating and say "it's a demon," there are no rules for what can and can't be a demon
in contrast, there are some significant rules about what does or doesn't count as "undead," and there are some conventions about undead monsters' capabilities and properties - e.g., skeletons can hold swords whereas (most?) zombies cannot
Imagine the foursome
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Nah she can have Femji set it up for her.
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I want to fill Emilly's belly button up with my semen, if you know what i mean.
Goodnight /ksg/.
can i communicate with the dead or just raise them?
Night criplfren





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I'm going out for some milk, don't die while I'm gone
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God I want to impregnate each of them
Nothing at the time but later she'd call you into the office and try and seduce you but as sexy as she'd try to be it would come off kinda awkward.
>Why are you wasting time on girls when you could be with a woman?
>no results
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>seduce you but as sexy as she'd try to be it would come off kinda awkward.
I wouldn't be able to hold myself back
Shizune and Misha are out of town. Who do you trust most with running the Student Council?
Lilly and Hanako. Lilly's already the class rep, and Hanako's used to working win2dayth her.
>with her
Hanako would be terrible, Lilly would be good. Also I think Emi would do a decent job
conditional finality
I'm getting tired of saying "AI art is getting kinda impressive," but I find myself saying it a lot lately.
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I can see why serious artists feel threatened. I now I'm not gud, I just like drawing them for fun.
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Hanako's knockers definitely aren't that big
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Eh... not THAT far off...
Also, I think you'll find that they're called the "Haknockers."
Little bro, that's not even a big pair
And yet they're bigger than Hanako's
Also wrong. Congrats, you can't do anything right
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I have a feeling the new retard is from reddit.
>the new retard
please be more specific
he'll be in good company among all the old retards from reddit
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How hard would your katawa have to beg to get you to try on her Yamaku uniform? Just for a moment.
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If you want a hag just skip Yuuko and go straight to Emi's mom.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
I'm unironically jealous of you, for having never seen the rape scene.
I want a hag gf.
Fuck I don't even remember my plebbit username
She wears a boy's uniform so the only humor would be my hulking out of something sized for a small Japanese boy.
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The girls are all around 30 now.
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>>Why are you wasting time on girls when you could be with a woman?
I actually have this fantasy where I'm Emi's bf and I accidentally Meiko.
Goodnight /ksg/.
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Its honestly really comforting to be able to open this thread at any given time and feel right at home, even if its been years.
Keep being awesome, /ksg/.
there's nothing "awesome" about me being here because I'm unable to cope with a subverted story from 12 years ago by myself.
I definitely would comfort her with my penis.
dreaming of sleep
No die
better hand version
Good morning /ksg/.
>Ara ara Anon you've tried the rest of the Ibarazakis
>Now try the best
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have you considered suicide?
yeah, duh. but I want to try drugs and alcohol first. in the meantime I might even do an AI request for you, if you ask really nicely and avoid the dev favorite characters.
Not that anon but I'd like:
I can't really think of any artists.
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Rollin for Rin
Emilly also good
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You can help her practice her high kicks.
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she would probably curl like a ball behind the counter or in the library archive and wait patiently until a couple of indecent students stop violating her library and her delicate psyche
She has really long legs
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>She has really long legs
But can she put them behind her ears?
luv hana
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What's her disability?
Unlimited curiosity.
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She can put them behind my ears.
This guy gets it.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Looks a little wrong but I'm not complaining
Hey guys.
As I said before, sorry I'm not around as much lately.
Pursuing facets of humanity, pursuing wisdom. Dicking around with AI
I've learned a lot of useless shit. But it makes me a little bit more sure of my place in this existence, at least.
I'm decent at AI generation now. Tell me something Emi may do, something fun, I'll curate the image for you.
Never give up the fight, KSG.
How's it been goin' in KSG lately?
Goodnight anon.
She has to let her hair down sometime.
Been a good day. I made chicken and rice again. I was hoping to do something with the potatoes I bought but I need to use the chicken.
>Tell me something Emi may do, something fun, I'll curate the image for you.
Space Pirate.
>Tell me something Emi may do, something fun, I'll curate the image for you.
Running away from isekai Truck-kun.
Goodnight /ksg/.
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good morning /ksg/
which katawas would do picrel?
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I'm going to Alice
Where the fuck is Alice
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1 good cripl is worth 1000 normies
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good afternoon sirs
what is going on?
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Original picture was of a google maps picture and 3 school friends making funny poses at it. People drew over it with their own characters (KS included)
Ah, thanks
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Where did she get all that chest from?
Is this suppose to be in reference to something?
What is she holding?
'ate 'anako route
luv 'anako
simple as
Chainsaw man, she's not holding anything she just has a tie
Pats from sweaty hands transfer growth hormone
>Chainsaw man
Ah okay. I don't keep up with the FOTM animes.
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Now that the dust has settled, was it autism?
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Thanks anon :) feelsgoodman.png
What does that mean?
A common way Iseki writers get their MC to the magical land is by having them get hit by a truck.
Ah okay. The only Iseki I've read is Overlord (the novellas not the manga)
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don't die
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Is the whole hospital thing at the beginning supposed to be an analogy for being a NEET and getting used to the school stopping being a NEET and getting out into the world again or is it just me projecting
Good morning/ksg/
If you proposed to Rin, would you have to put the ring on her toe?
I'm sorry to say, but sounds like projection. KS was definitely encouraging people to leave their neetdom though
Is Iselin just another way for Japanese people to okay suicide?
That was a weird autocorrect.
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EmiFags: Oh Dear!
oh deer
Good morning keyesgee
Good morning anon.
Goodnight /ksg/.
Goodnight anon
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been looking for quality lily pics for a collage (itasha)
>some kind of horizontal pose, preferably exposing thighs
>drawing quality on par with game sprites or better
>not nude
scrolled through whole ksg booru, lily tags and found nothing but shitty drawings, art books aren't great either
pic related the best I could ai generate (not very good at prompting)
pls help ;_;
I care about Hanako's feelings.
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Do you want to do this with your katawa?
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only if she wants to do it with me
>that post
>that picrel
It wasn't rape
Can she get pregnant from pats?
didn't say it was, pic unrelated
actually pic was kinda related to >>479925595
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Katawa Fumo
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Is there a Shizune/Hideaki version of those two?
Anybody else use their Katawa as a standard character in RPGs and such?
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Feeding Shizune
>is it supposed to be an analogy
>can it be interpreted as an analogy
without a doubt
I think Hanako route is cute
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if it were up to me, we'd have done that years ago
and then again a few months ago
and we'd do it again in a year or two
bro is trying his hardest

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