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I think one person like this is equal to 5 serial rapists
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Ayo, Tyler Ban K., Tyler Ban K. 1471 AYO!
This post is latino erasure.
I thought these were cartel associates playing god by bumping their dogs together in their garage to see what happens. Do they really have cloning labs? Since when did cloning become so widespread?
we've been cloning plants since ancient rome. animal cloning has been getting popular since around 2015 among rich people, and you don't need a lab. there are companies that clone pets commercially for big, big money.

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If the rivers of literal shit don't kill you, the leopards will. Such is life in the UK.
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Given the influx of pajeets on the Isles, I quite fully expect that the source of the DNA is because they've been smuggling exotic cats in from their homeland and they've been getting loose.
It's both human nature AND noble to be a truthspeaker. If you don't find the value in spreading news of novel discoveries and proving them, then you've got something wrong with you. As in, lower-than-NPC-type-behavioral-issues.
these sightings didnt start recently. might as well be someone rich bringing in a couple during colonial times and then quietly letting them go after finding that feeding big cats can get pretty expensive. or a circus at some point in the last century not being able to afford their kitties any more.
they won't stand a chance
Always have been

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I know this is like the 43898458568976457875469847183656478274839472982948 thread about pitbulls but how is it possible that people can make their minds up about this particular dog type? Sounds like autism at this point and everybody will eventually start to make tip of the iceberg memes about how these shitty debates from both side of the coin are becoming beyond autistic
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my cat can kill pitbulls
I don’t know man, I think it’s far more likely the entire country collapses in on itself by virtue of its constantly imploding infrastructure before we ever see fully functional chinese test tube babies
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Nta anon but I don't understand how you people can believe in evolution and epigenetic memory and at the same time be absolutely stunned that a bunch of people that lived in a climate where no long term planning is necessary for survival and where brutality is omnipresent would develop to be low iq and and violent.
If any other animal would be in question, you wouldn't bat an eye but when it the human animal you go into a fit.
You guys are absolutely dogmatic in your beliefs
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Hitler didn't just order the last of Berlin's defense to kill civilians because they wouldn't fight for him.

He ordered it because he concluded that the aryan people were inferior to bolshiviks and deserved to be eradicated by a superior "Race".

Feel free to continue thinking otherwise.
You're just strawmanning against a made up caricature of what a "racist" is.

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Okay don't misunderstand me, i don't beat her too much but i only recently started handling her out of her cage to clip her wings, and she bites a fucking lot. I have another quaker, male, and he never bites. Not even the first time i handled him. Now i let him loose in my room and goes and comes, eats from the hand and fears me not.
I assume he is a male because of how tame he is.

Now about her. Is 5 bites per second homding her. Tries to fly away and almost took a chunk of my finger off. So i started tapping her head brutely everytime he bit me until she stops. Is it ok to give her this negative reinforcement? I wear 4 latex gloves now just to hold her. Tbh it seems scared but wont try to escape anymore and just stays by the boy. I wonder is it dangerous also? I tap her with enough strenght it might at least bother her if not hurt, but idk, cpuld it give it brain damage? are quakers prone to seizures? With such a low mass density i assume they are quite resilent no?

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Quick question someone here might know the answer to

Is it safe to feed store bought, pet food jerky, that was bought a year ago, to dogs?

tl;dr - I like to buy my dogs treats for their birthdays. Two of my dogs are 3 years old yesterday. I bought them some chewy dog biscuits this year. Last year I bought them some "soft venison jerky" which they seemed to enjoy. Early today while doing a bit of a clean up of my laundry closet, where I keep their dog food, I found a sealed plastic baggie with a couple of left over pieces of jerky that I never gave them. There's no mold or signs of it having gone bad and it smells normal. Is it safe to give to my dogs? Or should I just throw it out?

Hi there :3
bitch bath

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A man in his twenties or thirties with 2 or more cats is a red flag
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people who want to live in a place with a bunch of cats around them are mentally ill
none apparently just a 4chan shit pass, tate university degree and caring too much about (((politics))).
A man in his twenties or thirties using 4chan is a red flag, so you may as well splurge on cats.
Cats are pretty. Cats are nice. Take your chances. Roll the dice.
>past a certain age a man without family can be a bad thing

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Are snakes the only animals in the entire history of life on Earth to ever hunt prey by wrapping their bodies around it and squeezing?
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pretty sure most of the heavy lifting of an owls kills are its talons but I guess squeezing helps
hm if you think about it snakes kill by hugging to death
Abelisaurs did the same
What fucking drugs are you using?
A lot of big cats' killing is done not by ripping put the throat as previously thought, but just crushing the windpipe and choking them out.
But yea that's pretty far from snake constricting.

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Leave Earhart to me.
Is that thing hue shifted or do they actually get that blue?

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Elephant and Dog friendship general
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Doesn’t happen
Is there any actual recorded case of that happening
>Doesn’t happen
do you see the video I posted in the OP of this happening? How do you explain that?
Liking dogs is a sign of high intelligence
*happens extremely very rarely
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would they have more fans and acceptance if they were this small?
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my vote goes for
Lol made himself dizzy.
>Tea ceremony decoration: This mini crocodile tea figurine can be used to decorate the tea ceremony. When you pour tea on top, it will make it smoother and more delicate, adding a sense of tea ceremony ceremony ceremony.
fat fuck

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If XL bullies are allowed to be kept as pets then I should be able to own a lynx or a bobcat, it's just that shrimple
I want a gray fox
they're not even dangerous
they eat mice and voles
Also they're really quite tolerant and friendly to people in the wild. I think they want to be pets. They will enjoy it.
oh my god

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She's lived a longer life than Longcat now.
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>says the side with an omnipresent metaphorical (sometimes literal) gun to the head of anyone that goes against their narrative(s)
I have a sneaking suspicion you are the britbong that believes the Labour party is right wing. You have been perusing a lot of threads recently.
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Feel old now?
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Based and life piled, death is cringe.

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I did it
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he's my emotional support gator now

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