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Hello, /an/. Recently my cat (female, around 15 y.o.) started having health problems, namely weight loss and dark blood in her urine. 8 days ago I took her to the vet, who did 2 injections: antibiotics (Tylosin 0,5) and multivitamins. This continued for 3 days, with no improvements. During these 3 days, she once urinated something that looked like a small blood clot, which repeated one since.
On the 4th day, we went to a different clinic for ultrasound and x-ray, and kept going there henceforth. There, similar treatment continued, but with stronger antibiotics, the name of which I didn't get. I'll post an update once I do. Multivitamins were also present, now with some occasional painkillers. This new treatment continued for 5 days, today being the 5th, still with no improvements.
New problems have appeared, however. She became reluctant to eat, when before she was constantly checking her bowl for new food. Besides that, yesterday she had diarrhea and vomited, which luckily didn't repeat so far. At first I thought this was caused by antibiotics, but the vet said they were using ones that shouldn't cause neither diarrhea nor vomiting, so we went for an ultrasound scan.
Here are some oddities, though, which is a major reason for why I come here. This new clinic has several different vets, and there are no appointments, so which one of them you get only depends on which one is free at the moment. Strange, but ok, I thought. So, on the first day of visiting, the first vet did an x-ray of her kidneys and bladder, said the kidneys were fine, but one was a little bigger than the other; the bladder had some weird spots, which he couldn't identify, so he sent us for an ultrasound. He also tried to take a blood sample, but as my cat is easily scared, very wriggly and quick to use her claws, he was unable to do so. Second day, another vet does an ultrasound, says the kidneys are fine, but bladder has some blood and weird spots in it, and that we should continue with the same shots, wait and look out for improvements. Fifth day, as I already described above, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting. They do another bladder ultrasound, same results, but new the vet finds a growth, which, likewise, she is unable to identify. Todays ultrasound image in picrel. She then suggests that we take a break from antibiotics for 2 days, and once again look out for improvements, no certainty. Another one of her suggestions is that we swap for different antibiotics, injected each 12 hours.
I might be overthinking it, but I really just can't stop worrying for my cat. I'm at a loss here, with all the differing results, 0 certainty and no improvements. So, I come to /an/, in hope for some advice from people who had similar experiences or maybe are vets themselves.
15 is a good age for a cat honestly. It might be kinder to let her go than to keep putting her through anymore. I'm sorry anon.
Your cat is nearing the end of her life man. I'm sorry. We don't get to have their company forever. You could have them run a bunch of tests, do more procedures, and stress her out even more just to extend her life a few painful months. Or you could choose to focus on pain management and terminal care, accept that she's going, and when the time comes end her pain. I'm not going to pass judgment. It's hard, it's always hard. Ultimately it's up to you, do you genuinely think she can be saved? Or do you think it's time to say goodbye? And are you holding on for your sake or hers?
the way you phrase the options kinda make it sounds like you are judging (I mostly agree though)

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Now this problem of infected lips was in my cat for a long time and i thought it was going to fade away and it was temporary and it actually dissapeared temporarily until it came back but destroyed her poor liittle lips.

She was a stray kitten but I raised her in my house and There wasn't an actual infection but as time passed she probably got it from eating trash or getting into some acidic shit since it has the smell of fishes. Anyways the problem is she cannot grow tall or get bigger, she's permantly small (in the form of kitten), And her right lip is completely destroyed, her left lip is also infected.

I wanna help her but i'm broke as fuck to even get her to a veterinarian
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Pet for poor people
You know who could fucking tell you that? A vet.
You can go to a vet and say you caught a stray cat with a bad infection and you only have to pay for it if you take it back
probably needs an antibiotic

a vet trip shouldn't cost that much, just be firm with them that you don't have much money and don't want to do 100 types of routine tests and vaccines
Wish I could give you another answer but a vet visit is your best shot. Cat moths are especially sensitive

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>If I don't move Princess won't see me
what the cat doing
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new thread

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Humans are able to do objectively self harming things like suicide and polygamy because our “intelligence” is a self-justifying feedback loop that evolved to manage social interactions as the primary mind controlling two secondary minds (yours and the other humans) by talking to them
because humans have already subspeciated.
It’s literally just our cognition and intelligence enabling us to realize that these are *technically* options, though also having the self awareness that some of them are only best when engaged in for certain situations (polygamy only when the male population is down from war, etc.). Calling it a sexuality doesn’t feel quite right either

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Post the worst anime animation ever. I lost my folder. Arigato~
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I’m not seeing the issue I see people who look like that everyday
That is the joke. He's incredibly funni
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Insta save gem

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mega mofu dewlap edition

previous: >>4761865

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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They look like this now.
simply adorable
>oof. You just did a board culture, my dude. Yikes and cringe.
oh my goodness gracious

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will a miniature poodle be too much for me to raise on my own? i'm a first time dog owner.
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Imo there isnt any such thing as a good dog for a first time owner. Either you've done the research and are willing to put the time in or you haven't. But poods are great dogs all around, and so long as you're aware of the workload the dog will take, it shouldn't be an issue for you on your own.
I can't speak for their personality or exercise needs but be sure you can care for its coat. Either you have the money to take it consistently to a groomer or the commitment to groom the dog yourself. Slowly start teaching the puppy about grooming practices like brushing, nail clipping/handling its feet, handling its face and mouth, water, the sound of a blow dryer, standing still while being worked on, etc early to make it easier on it and the person grooming it in the future. Puppies don't have long attention spans so start with very short sessions that get longer as the puppy gets older and give a lot of praise when the puppy behaves well. For scary things like nails, water, and blow dryer, start small and build up exposure. Let it get used to the sound of water and the blow dryer and praise it or give it a treat then work up to putting a little water on it and briefly running the blow dryer over it (not on a hot setting) and give it a treat. Clip the very tips of the nail and give it a treat. Might sound silly to go to that extent but you want to try to make all of those things no big deal to the dog. Poodles have to be groomed all their lives or they will be a matted mess so it's better to try and make it as easy of a process as you can for the dog and whoever has to groom it. If you can get some clippers and get the puppy used to the sound and feel of those that would be good, too. Even if you send the dog to a groomer, it's good to have some clippers to keep the eyes and mouth trimmed between grooming appointments.
>If you can get some clippers and get the puppy used to the sound and feel of those that would be good, too
This might sound weird but a vibrator is unironically a good tool to use for this if you don't want to have to clip your dogs coat to get them used to the sound and feeling of the clippers.
Well they don't feel exactly the same but vibrators are much cheaper and easier to come by and you can touch your dog with it to it used to the concept of something that goes vrrrrr on their skin.
i mean maybe but who wants to say they own a vibrator lol
Thank you. Yes I've been doing a lot of research, I've found some good breeders now that do all the health testing and such (through Poodle Club of America). I'm very worried about the puppy stage, the housebreaking and stuff. I've been reading about crate training and starting them in a smaller area to keep things more manageable.

I also hear mixed information on temperament. I'm going to a confirmation breeder so hoping that results in a more mellow poodle. I'm good with energy and like go for walks, but I also will need to get work done and want to be able to relax on the couch at night sometimes. I realize during the puppy stage that's maybe not possible, but I'm talking when it's 9months old or something. Are poodles super needy or can they just cuddle a bit? Is that something that's trainable? I'm happy to throw the ball and exercise, but, also want to live a life where I have some down time. I'm getting a bit freaked out when I tell people I'm thinking of getting a miniature poodle and they say "oh wow that's a lot of energy those dogs!"

From what I've read I need to brush every few days. I'll be taking it to a groomer though. II've looked into costs. I think every 6 weeks I'll need to spend about 125 bucks or learn how to do it myself. My breeder says she introduces the puppies early on to grooming, so by the time I get the dog she'll have gotten the dog pretty used to grooming. I'm writing down your grooming exposure ideas down so that I remember to do them, I have a whole spreadsheet of socialization and exposure things and I'm adding these, thank you!

I'm a dude, so I have a shaver for manscaping. The breeder is going to do some exposure before I get the dog, but, I can also just slowly expose it to my shaver as well.

Yeah I'm already a dude thinking about getting a miniature poodle, people will make fun of me enough already

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>this is a dinosaur
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Princess and Mr. Snuggles won't touch him. They saw what happened to Tinkerbell.
He has end-stage Mormon face
Problem chud?
Is it terminal?
What does that mean

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Any collectors here on an or is it just me?
current collection:
>Haemophilus aphrophilus
>Clostridium tetani
>Streptococcus pyogenes
>Enterococcus avium
>Lactobacillus acidophilus
>Lactococcus lactis
>Listeria monocytogenes
>Streptococcus sanguis
>Staphylococcus aureus
pretty new to this and shit can get expensive so no viruses has been added to the collection, also any tips on where to find protozoa exepect for in cats? toxo is not wery interesting. also i do not order online, this is boring i try to find all specimens in "nature"
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Im also currently storing the in a regular freezer atm, wish will couse problems i really really want to get my hands on some liquid nitrogen but i think you need permits to buy it.
>current collection:
>>Haemophilus aphrophilus
>>Clostridium tetani
>>Streptococcus pyogenes
>>Enterococcus avium
>>Lactobacillus acidophilus
>>Lactococcus lactis
>>Listeria monocytogenes
>>Streptococcus sanguis
>>Staphylococcus aureus
Is this the nerdiest /an/ related hobby?
Second only to mycology.
Does it count as mycology if I cultivated some bitter oysters in a jar to make a natural night light?

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Is this a manul board?
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Cat website
Manul is cat
Therefore manul board
Anime website that had one meme making fun of cats
Then reddit stole said meme after we stopped thinking it was funny
Therefore newfag animal

We like orangutans now. Get with the times tourist.
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I took in a stray cat and am keeping him as an indoor/outdoor, but I don't want him going onto the neighbor's property. Could I train him using an invisible fence like dog owners do? Anybody have experience with this?
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It needs to be taller, first of all, 5 and a half foot or more, and then stick some of this onto it. If you cant do that because of some stupid ass rules then get a catio or harness train your cat. Free-roaming is never, ever an option.
It might work if someone made one with a gradient on whatever the punishment is where it gets worse the farther away it gets. So it's not so immediate and causes panic and let's them learn the boundaries less harshly. But all the same cats shouldn't be outdoors at all.
>cats shouldn't be outdoors at all
This man understands nothing about cats
are you saying the main purpose of cats is to destroy local small fauna?
Cats are half as intelligent as a chihuahua

They literally dont understand that outside is different from inside. It’s all just “territory”. Dont let it be their territory and they have no need to be there.

I hate lions. Overrated motherfuckers don’t deserve their reputation as King of the Beasts or King of the Jungle. They get mogged by so many herbivorous animals and even the lesser carnivores give them tons of shit. END THE LION HYPE.
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both trve
>went to zoo recently
>wore muh lion shirt
>'come get me lions monkey dance at lions'
>blink slowly at lion brothers
>they blinked back
can we get to 300 posts pls
are you mentally challenged and have special needs like a tax funded dribble cleaner?
>Always attack butt first
is that why their teeth appear gross?
Holy fuck lmao

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>YouTube starts pushing caracal videos on me
>almost all of the videos show a clearly agitated and aggressive animal
>cimment sections are filled with "well actually caracals communicate by hissing, so he's not really angry! when their ears go back, that's when they're angry"
What is it with this cope? I've yet to see a caracal hiss that wasn't paired with either defensive or aggressive body language (and most of the time the ears do indeed go back). They're aggressive wild animals, if one is constantly hissing and baring it's fangs, it's unhappy and agitated.
Are caracal owner apologists the new "aw look the pittbull's smilin'"
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domestic cat evolved ways to communicate with humans a caracal did not
You forgot to mention how they’re all morbidly obese
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>b-but my heckin floppa meme

One of the comments mentioned the caracal was fixated on the camera everytime and that the owner was purposely agitating and stressing out the cat for views. The comment was well explained and seemed like they understood cat body language very well
It's so retarded, even domestic cats are semi-feral assholes who are only safe to keep as pets because they are too small to eat you alive

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New thread to replace the old one that maxed-out and was archived
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My bird fucks me in my sleep
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Many such cases.
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He's right, I help

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Great White Pelican
Pelecanus onocrotalus
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