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They’d be smart enough to enjoy it
Got a name for him?
What an great thread. Thanks OP.
The crows in my neighborhood have stopped coming by my house for snacks. Hate to say it but its got me bummed out. We had a pretty good thing going with 5 of them that would regularly swing by and caww to be given peanuts.

i dont understand why they are so dangerous? just choke it. poke its eyes etc
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>noodle armed zoomer that would like an armwrestling match with his mom thinks he can choke out a bear
Yeah because bearspray works better than bringing 5 other people and spears.
I mean technically I guess. But you'd need a very fast reaction time, strength, and nerves of steel to actually be able to pull something like that off. Most predators back off if you stare at them and look big, and for those that don't you can play dead. I don't think fighting back against a grizzly bear will ever be a smart play unless you're literally about to die.
If you have a good knife skip the eyes and go for the throat. Metal is overpowered.
my thoughts too
even if it doesn’t die in time it’ll definitely still die

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I have a cat and he is literally anon-chan from behavior, retarded autists and cute
is he a fat fuck like you?
holy ESL

Coyotes fuck dogs, wolves fuck coyotes
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>humans emphasize quick single shot mating for their convenience which tends to exaggerate the genitals,
But why anon. Please tell us penis-anon. I need to know.
>and does not prioritise function or fitness and as a result you get that trend in mammals.
Rather, the fitness is based on what the people handling them are willing to keep, which results in very different functions from wild ancestors. Hence the Borzoi, the very long snout actually gives a better sense of smell.
i already said why, humans want maximum cervix hosing in as little time as possible, so breeding animals often end up fertilitymaxxed, so cattle, donkeys, stud dogs etc end up with oversized balls/benis compared to their wild counterparts
Have you SEEN the penis-to-weight ratio of the humble honey bee? As a man I claim no responsibility for creating that horror.
Lots of useful dick knowledge. Thanks guys

I would like to gather knowledge from others on some of the big questions:

Wet/dry ratio

Brands, treats, how much variety is enough


Thoughts on water fountains Vs normal bowls

Neutering/ spaying

How long left alone is okay?

Best end of life care tips

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I shall start with my perspective.
I have had around 9 cats over the last 15 years for varying lengths of time and never paid for any of them. Mostly rescues and the occasional gift.

Currently I am in the U.K. and have a cream coloured 6yo British Shorthair Male with blue eyes, that I brought over from east Asia
Wet/dry ratio
> wet meal every morning and every evening and royal canin indoor dry kibble available at all times through a robotic feeder.

Brands, treats, how much variety is enough
> I try to provide as much variety as possible but his favourite treats are the creamy tube ones by far. So I make sure to get different flavours of that. Together with dreamies occasionally mixed into his kibble, freeze dried chicken breast cubes, whole chicken breast fillet, whole mackerel fillet, whole salmon filet

>I am strong believer in keeping your cat indoors unless you live in the middle of nowhere and have a safe environment. Statistics would appear to indicate a 3x longer life for indoor cats on average in the U.K.

Toys and play (New category I forgot about)
>I use a chase feather toy at the end of a rod, have a special backpack to take him for walks, he also like playing with little spherical toys but always loses them under furniture

Thoughts on water fountains Vs normal bowls
> have tried many brands of water fountains and they all seem to get dirty filters within a few days. So I have now got a large ceramic bowl for him and change the water inside it once a week.

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Let the cat roam the backyard and train it to wear a harness to go on walks. Cats need stimulation mentally and physically. Get a toy to feed the cat.
>wet dry ratio

Your local butcher

Dried meat (butcher)

>indoor outdoor
Its not as safe but its worth it for the happines of the cat unless you live in a city


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>Ways to memorialise to make the pain of losing easier
Memorialisation is an individual topic. To make loss easier, regardless of what or who you lose, consider philosophy and literature on this topic. If grief is a serious and debilitating condition beyond what is common, also consider therapy. Also consider that the pain of grief will never entirely go away. It doesn't have to. It's a form of appreciation, and it is longing. And we all experience appreciation and longing in the form of desire from the day we are born. As such, grief is another expression of that, and as we deal with other desires, we can deal with grief.

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Pigeons are cute and beautiful and I love !
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Matthew 15:24
>lust provoking image
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Based sainsbury's sunflower seeds

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is it nocturnal?
will I kill it if I capture it?
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They only eat during the larval stage or what? Wtf
brown recluse
Generally yeah. Moths are fucking weird.

Short, couple weeks or a month at tops, sometimes as few as a few days. They want to fuck while adults, and nothing else is particularly important to them. So they wouldn't get that inside as a "pet" but also wouldn't get eaten - unknown whether being eaten is better than starving to death.

There's a "moth guy" in the bug thread who can give you more info, but they're basically the bromeliad flower of bugs: pretty and a sign the organism is about to die.
Reclusive brown moth, known for their acidic saliva
Same thing with butterflies. They hustle to eat as a caterpillar and then live for a week as an adult to mate. a lot of bugs have something similar.

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>be me
>moved out during winter to a big empty house
>hard to cope with the loneliness of my new house
>go to the animal shelter
>approach the kitten Cage
>4 adorable white kittens with black spots
>i stick my finger trough the Cage
>3 kittens run away in the corners of the Cage except one
>bro starts purring and licks my finger
>i take him home
>his name is felix
>he is the most loveable cat that i ever saw
>he sleeps on my chest, under the blanket
>he get's sad whenever i leave for work
>he get's zoomies whenever i come home

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the world wars were just one war interrupted. England and russia decided they couldn't allow a central european power block to exist which could rival them. They succeeded in destroying austria hungary but couldn't kill germany until the second war. It doesn't matter that in the first war russia was czarist and in the second soviet. The soviets inherited the geopolitical situation of the empire and had the same needs. everything else is just stories we tell ourselves to make it seem more romantic. Archduke ferdinand had nothing to do with the first war. The wars happened because in 1860s germany unified into a powerful empire that england and russia needed to destroy. thats all their is to it. Germany was united for less than a century before the other powers divided it again. Napoleon was the same thing.
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>and you run the risk of crushing or asphyxiating them in your sleep
only fat people think like this. my cat would routinely sleep on the pillow next to me. in fact it was her favorite napping spot. the food thing I'm 50/50 on. a piece of chicken every now and again won't hurt but people food generally isn't good for them. that said this one never liked people food aside from Taco Johns, oddly enough. this little shit LOVED sour cream and oles. although she'd never eat them, just lick the flavoring off (and run off with the container of sour cream if she thought I was done with it).

>inb4 cat on counter

we never used it for food and she knew not to go on the one directly behind me in the pic. she was surprisingly intelligent for a cat. only had to say no a few times and she'd get the message.

RIP best cat I ever had.
What is up with your cat?
>proud of playing in cat litter
sanest toxobrain
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feline leukemia or bone marrow cancer. vet couldn't tell which. she was also like 16 and a few generations inbred. she died a few days ago.

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kakapo is my favourite
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I was at parrot enclosure at the zoo and one of the keas looked at me and starting jumping sideways. Long story short I eventually realised he's doing that for me specifically. So I also started jumping sideways. And he started mirroring me. I do three jumps left, he does three jumps left. I do four jumps right, he does four jumps right. We played like that for a while. Some other people joined even. Probably looked super stupid.
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Why are budgies so neotenous when compared to other parrots?
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Enjoy them while they are around.

The Enigmatic Dodo Bird
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I saw a bird I didn't recognize in the park the other day, looked kind of like this. Are there Dodos in maryland?
It would have to be. All the others diddid and dodo nothing these days.
Just. Shut up already. Please.

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We keep hearing about animal originating viruses wrecking humans, but are there examples of human viruses attacking animals?
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Its worse when you remember babies were getting it too.
didn’t try hard enough evidently
ok that’s fucking cool based gecko
its a greyhound iirc, that got it from its homosexual owners

>Why yes, I am an alpha.
>What gave me away?
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That's a porbeagle.
Why do you hate them
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>Why yes, I am an alpha.
>What gave me away?
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it makes them feel embarrassed and demotes them from alpha to beta

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Basically every single vertebrate animal on earth has the same embryonic development stage.
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Now realize jaws are just articulated gills
Ears are gills
Your thyroid gland is gills
It'd be interesting if I didn't learn it in sixth grade biology
It's a simplified diagram for teaching but you're a midwit who is smart enough to question information, but not smart enough to realize it's good material you should lean from. Recapitulation theory itself if bunk, but the pattern Haeckel noticied remains and the diagram is not totally made up. So why does the pattern exist? 8th grade biology students are handed the answer, but an educated adult should be able to reason it out of first principles.
You're a fucking fag dude.

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o-oh my....
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So glad this shit thread's gonna 404 soon
We need to breed big ones. Now.
The real end goal of humanity's dominion over the world. Genetically engineering species to be sexuality compatible with us. We will create the biblical eden.

Captcha: GAYM44

Hate to kill a thread but is that a really small elephant or really big humans?
Google tells me the average female asian elephant is 8.5 feet tall. Let's say that's a small specimen at 7.5 feet tall. That's not a difference of greater than 8 inches. The tallest guy on the left is like 6'8
This is 100% a juvinile.
The smallest species of elephant is 2.5 meters tall.
None of these guys are over 6 feet tall.
Can juvenile (teenage) elephants have babies?
Aren't their gestation period like 2-3 years? That baby looks like a year old too, or at least a few months
Are we sure that's the mother? Could it be that they're siblings or something
Prolly just a miniphant. They can be even smaller, this one has dwarfism

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