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Does anyone else huff their cat? Why do they smell good?
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Brain damage ever since the day he was born
>shitty series is relevant again because of porn bait
My only wish in this life is to kill as many coomers as I can.
Dogs smell amazing. Like a meadow in the middle of a cedar grove.
Cats smell neutral at best. Like dirt.
What? If anything it’s more relevant than ever. And it’s still fun.
This is gigacope
human beings are so vile

>Casually is a living fossil
If Odonata are such successful predators, then how come no other insects have evolved a similar body plan? Have they just outcompeted everything that otherwise would have? The closest thing to an exception I can think of are antlions.
A bunch of robber flies are pretty similar
>have evolved a similar body plan?
Because that isn't how evolution works
The median phases are likely less fit in a present environment, thus aren't selected for

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anything goes
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I think you’d be hard pressed to argue that
>Get two monkeys to cling to each other
>Drop in water tank
>Each time one tries to let go to swim to the surface the other panics and clings harder, dragging both of them down
Primates are pretty stupid, they do not ask questions....

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>it's an animal that moves around with no legs somehow
>yeah it just ummm.... slithers... yes we assure you that makes perfect sense
>and it looks like this inside, don't question how it works this is 100% real
do you really believe this shit?
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Yah sorry, thought I already reduced that one, but nah
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Images are from 'Dictionary of Symbols' by J. E. Cirlot

Lovely Beasts Edition

cont. from >>4787478


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull Harness, X-Back Harnesses, and Sledding Harnesses. Pulling IS Dangerous.

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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Some dogs are highly intelligent and others are not

The dumber they are, the better at obedience they are without requiring neurosis (“drive”) so most of the western world is going to purposefully smash and slam their brains given enough time
lol implying the rest of the planet wants to deal with the ‘disobedient’ dogs either
Command obedience is irrelevant if you simply follow the law and keep your dog leashed. Come, leave it, drop it, etc don't need to be 100% because your dog should be controlled via a leash at all times. You do not have to have them under complete verbal control - JUST USE A FUCKING LEASH

Your dog being critically retarded if not painstakingly trained, however, does guarantee they might do something extremely stupid like bite people for touching their face or bark at nothing. I can pet the faces of strange akita inu and they do not bark at nothing, but if they are at their home they protect it. They are disobedient, but those are intelligent dogs especially for a "working breed". I can not even touch a strange rottweiler. They are not intelligent dogs. They do not think before acting. They only follow their instincts.

I don't want to be around an intelligent but driven dog like a german shepherd any more than I want to be around a rottweiler because high IQ doesn't temper their mental illness. They're safer because they're not retarded, but they do retarded and sometimes dangerous shit anyways because they are mentally ill.

The double shit dog is a dog that is both driven and stupid, like a pitbull.

t. catfag from a dog ridden family
I do not hate dogs, but I hate what dog people are doing to them so they can fulfill their beastmaster fantasies and order around a dog that's not leashed.
>muh working purpose!
Oh you're a cop? You work with the disabled? You farm sheep? Suuuuure.

Dogs should all be exterminated and replaced with some kind of medium sized shiba/akita pet type dog unless they are used by actual working professionals. A smart dog that isnt a cuck and that I can trust not to be retarded or autistic. You know, like cats - they are all the same semi-natural breed that is reasonably intelligent and not mentally ill except for rare specialty animals.

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Agreed. “Dog owner culture” has shaped dogs into unpredictably violent and neurotic shitmutts. Deformed too because ugly means more manly.

All the dog show “breed bettering” isnt helping either because inbreds develop unpredictable issues that are beyond the tiny brains of breeders
>japanese culture respects nature
>western and chinese culture is that only humans even have minds let alone souls and a giant magical jew made the entire earth their property
>japan has the only dogs that even begin to resemble real animals in appearance and behavior
>china and the west so bad they're smashing and slamming the cats

Has anyone gotten into micro-falconry? I'm always fascinated by bird of prey, but they are not legal to own in my state except for purpose of falconry/hunting.

Some people have gotten around the legislation by just doing "micro-falconry" - e.g., owning small bird of prey like kestrel (which is much lower cost and maintenance), then going out to the field once a week or once every two weeks and have their kestrel just kill bunch of rats and pests. Sounds like it can be fun.
A kestrel isn’t as noob friendly as a larger bird and costs just as much a larger bird too; food is the only thing you’d spend less on. I guess you’d be fine with a cheaper thinner glove instead of a gauntlet or even going barehanded, but most other equipment, housing, and maintenance supplies are going to be about the same and they still should be flown as often as possible. With the metabolism on a kessie, I don’t even know if you’d have a smaller volume of shit to clean up either. Their behavior is pretty fun though. So is watching em catch a fat grasshopper in midair.

Most of the annoyance of training a kestrel is just that you don’t have as much leeway for keeping them at the right weight to cooperate with you, they’re really really easy to just overfeed. Small fractions of a gram are enough to A) go flying away forever because they certainly aren’t hungry enough to hunt and don’t want anything you’re offering, or B) flying away forever because they were so hungry they immediately gorged on their catch before you could trade a tidbit with them and now they’re back to being in the mood for option A before a larger predator decides to ambush them.
What >>4798168 said.
Falconry isnt something to dabble in. Your best bet for getting into it is to apprentice a professional, and they'd probably require you to have some previous experience and/or qualifications working with animals, specifically birds.
Thanks bros. I guess falconry ain't for me. I'll just try to volunteer at my local raptor rescue in the summer and see how it goes.
This is the best thing to do. You can get all the enjoyment with no real responsibility because you just do what you are told. As the other anon said, Kestrels are very difficult to keep and larger raptors like Red-Tailed are the most common 'beginner' bird for a reason. In addition, in my state this loophole would not work because you have to have an apprenticeship with a master falconer to own any raptor regardless of size.

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This is apparently what basal insects looked like. Bunch of myriopod looking things.
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errm, english please?
A small quibble with this, it turns out xenocoelmorpha have all the genes except one for forming an anus, so it seems their blind gut is a derived rather than ancestral trait. So it seems the urbilaterian at least had a through gut.
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I mean, remipedians are the closest living relatives of insects so it checks out. The first terrestrial ancestors of insects were probably myriapod-like crustaceans that later became extinct. I wonder how many groups of arthropods evolved terrestriality only to become extinct and leave no trace of their existence.
Checks out.
Lobopodians are the ancestors to every arthropod alive today. The closest modern relative to lobopodians or the animal which has retained the most basal features are velvet worms.
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I don't know if I can put it in simple terms, but this cladogram helps explain what I mean. Xenocoelomorpha is the first group to split off from the rest of Bilateria. Given that the closest groups to Bilateria, such as Cnidaria (jellyfish, sea anemones, corals) also lack the traits in the "Complex" Urbilateria hypothesis their absence in Xenocoelomorpha is likely an indicator of what the first bilaterian was like. However, it is possible that some traits may have been lost in Xenocoelomorpha (>>4799093 refers to evidence that the ancestors of Xenocoelomorpha had a through gut) and that the first bilaterian may have been more complex.

This all assumes that this cladogram is correct though. There is a competing hypothesis that Xenocoelomorpha is a branch within Deuterostomia in which case the lack of complex traits in Xenocoelomorpha cannot be taken as evidence for the "Planuloid" Urbilateria hypothesis.

Are ants the closest to surpassing Humanity?
I know it will never happen but they're our biggest competitors right?
nothing can or will surpass us if your criteria is technological development if we consider that to be energy utilization. there are not enough easily accessible deposits of minerals, particularly petrochemicals to fuel a second industrial revolution.
if you're talking biomass ants are only at ~20% of human biomass, i think they're best in class among terrestrial invertebrates but still have nothing on livestock, cattle alone are at ~200% human biomass. Antarctic krill are the only complex animal species with greater biomass than humans at this point and it's pretty close.
>but they're our biggest competitors right?
in terms of sheer numbers, yeah
eusociality is both a big advantage and disadvantage because it hard handicaps the kind of development it took humans to achieve our current position
They're working on a quite different level.
They perhaps will survive human extinction, but they will do little productive work.
They are mindless, soil-shoving losers. Put on this Earth to serve us.
If your criteria for advancement is cooperation and creating things together, then our cells are much more impressive, since they can specialize a lot more and work together much more in sync.
What are even your criteria

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Strangely, there hasn’t been one of these yet (that I know of). So let’s fix that and get a thread going for all things pertaining to Mustelids - some of the hardiest, most enduring mammals.
This includes: Ferrets, Stoats, Wolverines, Badgers, Otters, Minks, Weasels, Martens, Grisons, Skunks, etc.
Ownership and advice for owning is also naturally welcome.
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Protip: thump your feet on the ground so they think you're another skunk, they're extremely nearsighted.
otter eat da blueberry
Nice try
These things aren’t in our group… right?

Would this guy lurk here?

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So these are just kinda...? Water doggos?
And they hunted 90% of the billion year standing lineages of nautilus to death in a handful million years?
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They'd need a huge body of water to be happy
Imagine all the owners neglecting them by just giving them a kiddie pool
>Imagine all the owners neglecting them by just giving them a kiddie pool
That would add a whole new dimension to those animal rescue shows. They break into some meth head's backyard and there is just this depressed seal with clown make up lying in a dirty kiddie pool.
Bullshit. If you've ever spent time observing seals you'll notice their behavioural patterns are surprisingly canine. So much so that when dogs and seals encounter each other there's a familial interaction pattern.
They're all in the caniformia suborder.
It's just mammals dominating nature.

Why do people keep saying this animal is trash? The Cheetah is literally the fastest animal on the planet, that makes it far better and superior than a Lion in my opinion.
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Sir this is a Wendy's
Brahma will forgive you for this misunderstanding of Krishna’s message and bless you with a favorable reincarnation as a cheetah’s emotional support dog
That's all I've ever wanted.
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Why are they so BASED?
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I fucking love vampire crabs bros I need these little guys in my life. Does anyone else own them? Is it worth it? It seems worth it. Is it smart to mix their different colour morphs?
Ah yes, the famous peacock mantis shrimp. Also known as the flaming faggot of the seas. His rainbow colours and fancy eyes tell of a 'tism that cannot be defined in even the most elaborate of self-defined sexualities.
Giant Isopods are the best
They have really cool weapons and coloring so they make up for it

WOT incoming.

I had them, or still have them.
Bought two of the normal purple ones (Geosesarma dennerle) in 2007. Both died. Bought another pair in 2009. Both died. Bought another pair in 2010. Reproduced like rabbits and i had a large colony until 2018, when i made the mistake of redoing their tank- never change a running system. All males fought for terrirtoy and killed themselves, had only two female that werent pregnant and also died later in 2012 (old age, they die after two years). Bought other two from a store in 2021, one died, bougt another one, both lived for one year, then died. Bought a pair of red ones (Geosesarma hagen) 2022, both turned out to be male, exchanged them to a breeder for four captive bred ones (now Geosesarma tiomanicum)
Asshole breeder told me they were two males two females, i trusted him but i turned out three males one female. on male became violent and killed the two other males. Then i did redo the tank, found the alpha male and the female, which looked still brown (juvenile) but somehow pregnant. I did redesing their tank like this https://www.youtube.com/@IndoorEcosystem/videos guy here does his tanks (watch him, good videos) and now the female is gone, i cant find her, i see the male occasionally but not her. i hope shes still alive and carrying babies.
Important: The death toll as i have shown is catastrophic cause most of them are wild caught. its like russian roulette cause they are treated like shit during import and arrive weak or already dieing. get captive bred ones if possible. i dont get why more people bred them, you dont have to do anything, they are basically land CPO crayfish. And no, never, NEVER mix differend colours because those are not morphs but species. theyll fucking massacre each other.

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hello bitch I'm Goosie the big fucking Goose that will kick your fat fucking ass!
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geese can’t talk
He typed it and sent the selfie
Oh really? Well how did he hold the phone? Or type on the keyboard? And frankly I'm not sure if I even like him, he was quite rude to me and called me fat.

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genuine thoughts on them?
Cool animals. Everyone agrees. I want a few as pets but don’t know how feasible it is
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