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How do they do it?
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This, they're fucking around, at some point they're going to find out.
I hate the people on xitter who are celebrating this shit as if the orcas have some concept of which boats are owned by rich people and that they aren't gonna start attacking regular vessels as well
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They wouldn't like hearing this.
based ‘cas
If they do it, they’re definitely smart enough to know not to do it with no witnesses around

Based bettas edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Still would say around 4 inches
I come back after months away and still, it’s some morons bickering at each other. At least Flanders was creative in his insane way.
New one for ya sick cunts.
we weren’t at bump limit yet doe…

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to be honest one of the few good things about summer is the gulls
cant wait for them to return
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In japanese seagulls are called umineko
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they do have an entire island that is breeding ground for gulls and its covered entirely in shit. Hot!

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japanese dog jumping through hoops
also, japanese dog thread
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whats wrong with you
people fucking love Japan so much that whenever something comes from or happens in Japan it's always mentioned that it's Japanese
you don't see that shit about vietnam or hungary lemme tell ya ain't no one give a shit about those countries
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Japanese dogs don't steal cars like Mexican dogs
The Japanese train their dogs better than stupid idiot fat car slave americans do with their own kids.

It's not uncommon to hear people say that animals must have souls because clearly their dog, cat, horse or whatever has a distinct personality, emotions they can understand and relate to and so on. But if that's the case where do you draw the line? At cattle? Reptiles? Fish? Insects and other invertebrates? Amoebas?
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No facial expression, no soul
>to justify killing and eating them.
this needs no justification.
Fish have facial expressions, vocal language, color change communication, and body language. I don’t know what your on about. Just because you can’t perceive it with your IQ of 32 doesn’t mean it isn’t there
There’s only one monad, heretic
I dont know why i expected non retards in this thread. i would say ITT but you bundle of sticks discord kids have no idea what that even means

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>be me
>work at an office
>very antisocial and vocal about it so no one bothers me
>unfortunately all the offices are doorless
>out of 145 offices in my floor a beehive formed outside my window
>it became a gathering point for coworkers to watch the bees and talking to me about them
> 2 weeks later the hive made a separate extension and now technically I have 2 hives on my window
>coworkers now come daily to check if they’re going to merge
>”sorry for bothering you anon, here some coffee for your troubles” and the others are doing the same bringing treats on my table
>since I just take the coffee I offered the treats for others
>I started bonding with them and found that I have similar interests with some of them
>this morning on the opposite side of the bees there was not 1 but 3 white pigeons they were standing there watching the bees
>one of my coworkers saw them and called the others to bring doughnuts because it’s a “special occasion” and i offered to pay for it
>”wow anon.. it’s like nature is trying to tell you something”
I’m not sure what it is, but it made me happy.
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>Avoidance strategies are among the least destructive though so you're not in the worst shape.
What are the other strategies?
its hard to integrate when I despise what most people do or believe in. Everyone is shallow and artificial
Where were you to tell me this 20+ years ago? lol Its good advice.
Infuriates me to no end how many sessions with shrinks I sat through in my younger years only for it to be a complete waste of time and money, AND having to just eventually figure this shit out on my own (by then it was too late though). Psychiatry should be banned- its a sham.
Lovely progression anon, keep it up!
The most wholesome thread on this god forsaken hell site.
Thank you for sharing this, anon, I hope you continue to have nice things happen to you.

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>neighbour lives about half a mile away
>creepy looking dude who lives alone in an all black house
>owns a single (1) large dog (unneutered male)
>he built a little fenced enclosure for it
>never cleans the poop out
>"is that the bare ground?" no its poop
>every time the wind blows from the east it smells like in standing on the Mount Everest made of nothing but stale, funky, dog poo
>the stench is literally indescribable after it a heavy rain
wat do?
Plant bushes at the edge of your land and his, that will block out the sun. Or if you're far enough south, throw some kudzu seeds into his shit heap, that'll turn dog shit into a better smelling problem quickly.
Nothing. Enjoy the shit stench. Clean his yard for him. Or get rid of the dog.
contact the city government
Some reddit edgelord will say “kill teh dog xddd im such a channer amirite fellow terrorists” but the real solution here is to modify a drone to ignite and drop homemade molotovs on his roof at 3am. make sure you turn off all its lights, fit it with IR cameras and dont launch or retrieve it from your property or the same spot.
>go to neighbour's house
>knock on door
>explain the situation about the dog shit smell
>ask politely for some kind of resolution to the problem
1 of 2 things will happen:
>neighbour refuses
>you make his life a living hell see: >>4798307
>neighbour agrees
>problem solved

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Parrot thread

Picrel: Ultramarine lorikeet (Vini ultramarina)
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post more cockatiels
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blue balls nigga

>look at all those chickens
only the oldest of gods remember
I'm not entertained by videos where parents coach their kids into repeating stuff for the camera. you can literally hear the father say "say look at all those chickens" in the video
Thanks for ruining it for me
I haven’t seen it in forever so I wouldn’t know but that sucks…
fake news

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Cassowaries are cool. Is all you need to know.
I look like this and say this.
Gonna need a citation for that
>*kills you*
heh nothing personnel, mammal

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>tfw you will never see a real basking shark
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> not in Scotland

these mfs used to be visible from my house, and then I moved to London like a retard
Do you think if the sharks ever attacked scottland the loch ness monster would defend the country?
>tfw a real basking shark will never see me either
>and then I moved to London
Are you suicidal
She only appears when they can breach their magic fairy barrier
You had it all and you threw it away, what a waste

post order chiroptera
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I want to believe that the bat is just a friend of the momma and isn't trying to drink their blood
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I'm all ears bro
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Mice are an infestation. They need to be eradicated. They are not unproblematic just because you think they look "cute" in pictures. Few things are more disgusting than a mouse scuttling through the rooms of your house or hearing them inside the walls.
Mice are the genuine cockroaches among mammals.
>not rats?
Watch less cartoons. Rats infest sewers and warehouses. The ones infesting ordinary houses are mice, and thus I have a stronger opinion on mice.

Basically, roundhouse kick mice.
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Mice don’t look cute, rats do (at least not the bigger ones) also, if you got a mice problem in your walls, place your phone by the vents and play the audio of their natural predators. They’d leave and after awhile, never come back.
I agree they suck. I’d love to try to tame some kind of predator and just start a ratting company killing mice and rats
> if you got a mice problem in your walls, place your phone by the vents and play the audio of their natural predators. They’d leave and after awhile, never come back.
Now this I wanna see done…
People use minks for that
Well. I think one *person* does. I wanna extend it to martens and whatever else though
>Martys Mustelids for all your rodent woes
Anon, shows up to crawl through your walls to get his weasel
>Try our 3 for one mad ferret Friday deal

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They’d be smart enough to enjoy it
Got a name for him?
What an great thread. Thanks OP.
The crows in my neighborhood have stopped coming by my house for snacks. Hate to say it but its got me bummed out. We had a pretty good thing going with 5 of them that would regularly swing by and caww to be given peanuts.

i dont understand why they are so dangerous? just choke it. poke its eyes etc
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>noodle armed zoomer that would like an armwrestling match with his mom thinks he can choke out a bear
Yeah because bearspray works better than bringing 5 other people and spears.
I mean technically I guess. But you'd need a very fast reaction time, strength, and nerves of steel to actually be able to pull something like that off. Most predators back off if you stare at them and look big, and for those that don't you can play dead. I don't think fighting back against a grizzly bear will ever be a smart play unless you're literally about to die.
If you have a good knife skip the eyes and go for the throat. Metal is overpowered.
my thoughts too
even if it doesn’t die in time it’ll definitely still die

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