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Welcome to the Nobody General

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.

He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words. No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more. This is a place for spiritual discussions and help, not drama, attention seeking, or social content; there are other boards for that.

Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time.
None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn, and grow in Truth.

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how many steps out do you think you get before falling flat on your face instinctually trying to not fall into the sky until your "equilibrium" rebalances and you find out a new way your own brain can lie to you?
and fuck you
for even pretending I would

fuck you side ways
unless you like that
then fuck you in whatever way you don't li...

oh who am I kiding
never mind
looks like I fucked myself on this one

but hey
at least this way

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I started reading this thread from bottom to top and now I'm even more confused then I usually am
that information is not yours to just ask for and expect random internet trolls to confess to you the secrets of your own existences


I mean come on!!!!
since when
is the nobody

a "him"
just because
folks pretending to know what they are talking about

will try and prove anyone who doesn't agree with them wrong
by any means

including sabotage
and back stabing

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I would really rather this not devolve into a NASA debunked/flat earth/hollow earth thread. A common "safe controversial" reddit-esque thing to say is "The earth isn't acktchually a ball its A PEAR" in an attempt to undermine the fact that the curvature of the earth is clearly unobservable at many locations (ex: see Neil DeAss Niggerspaceman Tyson).
With anyone who has eyes to see its clear we don't have a map of where we are. Furthermore the space alien psyop nonsense is CRITICAL to something. They tried to get us all to bite it during the covid shit but had to backpedal it.
Threads like this often get bot bombed so even if you think what I'm saying is absolutely retarded please at least elaborate.
To summarize, we don't know where we are and we don't have a map of where we live. I have some ideas but to be honest I know next to nothing. To query the amazing board of /x, what do you guys think the true structure of this realm is? where are we? what was this place made for? etc...
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Depends how esoteric you want to get about it. Overall the basic facts are correct when it comes to where your physical body is: on the surface of a planet on the Solar System in the Milky way galaxy. The obfuscation comes about other stuff: the real life on other planets and galaxy, the intelligent life that lives in the inner earth and deep oceans, real nature of the moon, etc.

Spiritually, this plane of existence exists between levels made of finer matter (heaven "above") and planes of grosser matter (hell "below"). As to the real purpose of the reincarnation and all that, there are several views.
>The obfuscation comes about other stuff: the real life on other planets and galaxy, the intelligent life that lives in the inner earth and deep oceans, real nature of the moon, etc.
>Spiritually, this plane of existence exists between levels made of finer matter (heaven "above") and planes of grosser matter (hell "below"). As to the real purpose of the reincarnation and all that, there are several views.
Not op, but I wanna hear your theories
why do you think it's nonsense?
There's a good book on the matter called Secrets in the Solar System by Andrew Johnson, very evidence based. His other book called Earth, but not as we know it if the topic interests you. Pdfs of both can be found for free very easily, I think even in the author's website.
Yeah will have to look into those, thanks

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Guys I think there is nothing
but I believe that there is something in nothingness.

I believe that there is nothing, that in reality everything was already created and there is no creator. there is also no creation, and I suspect no destruction.
I also believe that there is nothing beyond physical matter. and what we still do not understand is just another extension of another plane of physical matter, it is not astral, or gas, or anything. it is just another type of matter that we have not yet defined as it happened with the plasma.
i don't believe in any of the prophets either, nor that jesus was the son of god and had a kingdom in heaven, nor that mahoma is a prophet, nor that buddha was enlightened and escaped the caste system of india and reached nirvana, nor do I believe that anubis will measure my soul at the end of life.I think they all lied.
there is no end of the world.
the end of the world occurs when you die and when all humans who observe reality cease to exist or destroy the physical matter on which they rest, the planet earth.

there are no other planes,no gods, no demiurge, no archons, no ascended masters, no gurus, no reincarnation, no enlightened ones, and no prophets or truths to save us.
because we do not have to save ourselves from anything.
Every religion and belief system was designed by humans as a method of social engineering and control, all for socialization and political and social cohesion of the system determined by the time and culture. also partly to keep us from seeing reality.-
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To believe in nothing is an extreme view.
To believe in something is an extreme view.
Extreme views will not lead to liberation.
>Dark Night of the Soul
You don't even know.
It's the darkest before Dawn.
Never born, never dies.
Infinity never begins, so it never ends.
Spirit is eternal.
To transcend, no light and no darkness.
The Night of the Mind, the Dawn of Spirit.
This OP is missing the point by tunnel visioning on a highly intelectual conclusion. Just stating the term nothingness makes you look dumb, because you just defined it right away or you implied the value of something onto nothing. The whole teaching of lord buddha is mostly misunderstood and mahayana concepts have diluted the teachings. OP is adding value to something that's apparently nothing, what in conclusion is something. Turn it around and make it personal, why do you value such a conclusion? Investigating ownership is more practical and visible then conclusions based on believe systems.
Wrong again faggot

>some days people are disrespecting you more than usual
>other days people are acting more attracted
What is this bullshit? When this kind of phenomenon happen its with everyone in general among non-connected people and my demeanor doesn't change that much to elicit such drastic differences in treatment.
Is this some kind of energies and motions of the universe or its just because I am getting fat? It feels like I'm among automated NPCs
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I remember when that used to happen. Really bummed me out and put me into little tailspans.
Now I just don't go outside. Heh. I don't remember the last time it happened.
If you're "lucky" then it checks out with the active transits to your atal birth chart
its the matrix rolling a 6 sided dice for golem personality preset
If you're talking about women, it's their cycle. The women I interact with at work go from barely acknowledging I exist to chatty as fuck. This has been going on long enough I've isolated the individual cycles.
As far as men goes, I really haven't noticed because men know how to behave at work.

Alcohol helps shield me from demonic attacks.
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>plot twist, the wife was a succubus he picked up at the bar in the first place
Drink a drink in plain view
>immediately stigmatized
>immediate social advantage
>be talkin mad facts
Still get scoffed at after interaction closes.

Yeah alcohol is boss
Try meth though bro

Mad crazy talking bout doing meth in public and not giving a shit
Who be judging?

.... just don't enjoy if lololololl
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Fuck alcohol and its delusions
What is the ultimate /x/ spirit? I believe it's pure grain alcohol, especially bottom-shelf vodka.

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Isn't it weird how normalized pornography was around 2017-2021? This snip bit in history was the peak of it's normalization in society. The amount of memes centering around pornography were ten fold. Everyone was talking about Pornhub, everyone was joking about Rule34, everyone was like yeah, that's normal. There was never a point in history where porn was talked about like this. Porno studios from the 1970s would've never dreamt a society that was so accepting to it's degeneracy, and that's the era where pornographers were producing CP/Bestiality legally for profit. Youtubers were literally asking for people to produce pornography of them, justifying it's existence to the masses. I remember some horror Youtuber begging for his audience to make porn out his Youtube avatar. It was just insane how "normal" it was. Anyone who used the internet had some sort of porn addiction. If you were to talk to some zoomer on the street and ask them how old they were when they starting watching pornography. They'll always say they started watching that stuff when they were around 9-14 years old. Just wicked and awful. Another strange thing I've noticed is the amount of kids that were producing (drawing) pornography themselves. I remember meeting some girl my age (14) at the time and she was already drawing pornography for weirdos online. The amount of drawn pornography that was produced by minors is never talked about. What's worse was the amount of adults that were encourage them to draw smut, "Yeah it's just normal for kids to draw pornography and submit it on R34." I wonder what will happen to the zoomers once they realize just how depraved society was when they were younger.
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>easier coke was to give up
Coke's harder to get. You can't just turn on your computer and instantly enjoy it.
>for a short period of time people stopped being so illogically prudish about a natural act that is done to procreate
>this is somehow bad because puritanism and christcuckery are somehow still poisoning minds
incels on here blame everything on porn and fapping
that way they can excuse their existence it seems

>its the booggeyman
There are certainly some embellishments and inaccuracies in this post. Claiming that porn was normalized around 2017-2021 seems to be odd. Porn has always existed in some form or another, it's just that it's production and accessibility were limited by the technological and social epochs of the time. Of course people who lived in a clerical country pre-priniting press were not going to have access to pornography. And of course in a secular world where everything you can imagine is just a few taps of a keyboard away are people going to have more access to pornography.

Sometimes discussing this is like navigating a minefield due to the political, personal, and spiritual baggage latent within it. Personally, I believe that pornography is usually psychologically harmful due to having a difficult time reconciling the negative impact it's 'addicts' report and it's damage on personal relationship and one's self image with the theory it's only guilt-driven shame, regardless of what scientists or sociologists say. However, I am diametrically opposed to stigmatizing sexuality and sexual expression as I see that as needlessly authoritarian and impeding on one's ability to truly embody themselves. Oftentimes, I feel like it's impossible to discuss the negative effects of porn to an open minded group. You'll either encounter pearl clutchers perpetually locked in their chastity belts or people who mindlessly accept the biases and consensus' of their time.
>Retards who didn't read the post

What do shades of green that lean on yellow or blue mean symbolically?
the more yellowish a green is, the more it is sickly
the more blueish a green is, the more it is healthy
the ukraine flag is blue and yellow which makes

green :^)

What's so bad about New Age exactly? Why can't I read the Kybalion, open my chakras and flow with the Tao?
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>Parents are not opposites.
>I've read it. You clearly did not understand it.

Well, read it again, bitch. Lmao
>Parents are not opposites.
Correct. Yet you are still unable to answer the questions I didnt answer for you.
You have nothing to say, and wont get another response.
Stay mad.

>if you really want to stop being a reactionary dumbass

Have you no sense of irony?
Not at that moment lol
Divination is best thought of as "the most likely path given the current circumstances". It can be thought of as a very enlightened guess, just without the information making it enlightened being known to you. In this way it doesn't contradict free will (nor is it always accurate regardless).
t. former diviner

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druid is so comfy
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Golden Dawn music is so hype
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gib me (You)'s damn it!!!
Thanks OP, I laughed a lot.
O-okay, buddy. Just put that down, no one needs to get hurt.

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God is a virgin, he never physically appeared in this universe and he just manifested semen inside Maria or not, it could also just have been Joseph
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A little off topic but they don't really say what happens to Adam and Eve. They claim Eve's grave is at a temple but it's probably not.
I guess they just died like everyone else. No art or computer to memorialize the last vision of Eden.
They never existed. It was just a way for the Israelites to create a story stretching back to the very beginning of mankind. It is an interesting story, but treat it as a story. I love it, I think it's iconic. Yet the story of the Garden of Eden is ripped from Near Eastern mythology, along with all the other creatures and motifs. God's reality does not depend on the Bible, but it can certainly help us give flavor and life to Him.
Do you think it's a rip off of other earlier concepts that migrated like the yin and yang?
I have no clue, I'd rather concede ignorance than make speculations. I do know that there are clear ties to earlier stories about a paradisiacal garden in Mesopotamia, but that's about it.
I'm starting to understand why the two female archetypes in the torah are evil whore and stupid bitch.

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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And only you can answer it.
I answered it.
The truth is he just couldn't. That's why the first thing Lilanon did was study ice magic, necromancy and other entropic powers, to ensure his immortality.
New thread

So, are my turds me?

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Not gonna lie I'm rooting for you! Hope you and baldy make shit work.

Some cards for your troubles
5 of pents (Rx)
6 of cups
10 of cups

No worries he will be back after he takes care of his financial troubles
2 swords R
Queen cups
4 pent
Yes it seems she does and she is guarded and not telling this person its more like a crush
I really hope this is true. Thank you for the read. I hope we can learn and grow from our mistakes and build a future together. I will update if he comes home
AM i?
Hey Poncho
Can I aak how does my coworker Mary feel about me?
(I swear it's not an incel query, I genuinely try to understand wtf is her problem)

Title... watch the first ten minutes and be hooked.


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Hello /x/. I will state my questions briefly as for effectiveness, forgive if the request seems blunt:

1. How can I confirm whether I am indeed Lucid Dreaming? When dreaming, I am aware that I am. That this is not reality. This was not always the case as when I was little and had nightmares for example. My dreams are far too bizarre and extraordinary to believe so anyway. With every dream my control over my actions and their performance increases. Most of the time I just let the dream run its course and remain an observer and only act when "forced" in the hopes of listening and learning.

2. How can Lucid Dreaming help me better understand myself and reality? Could I dictate the situations I find myself in? Connect with aspects of my subconscious perhaps manifested as characters? Have questions about myself and reality answered and thus become more in tune with the world and myself, more powerful?

3. Does Astral Projection come into play? As I understand it, Astral Projection is the practice of "leaving one's body" and going anyplace. How would this be practiced?

4. Resources. What are the best resources to learn about Lucid Dreaming, Meditation and Meditative States, Ego Death, and Astral Projections? Anything left out is most welcome.

Thank you for the answers ahead, /x/.
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What worked for me,to at least gain some control, was to ask myself throughout the day, "am I dreaming?", and pinch myself. The more I asked myself when I was awake. The more I would ask myself while asleep, so to speak.
Lucid and Vivid dreaming is very rare and hard to achieve. I've done it before but it takes tons of try and tries. I've attempted lucid dreams tons of times, but to this day I only consider maybe 5-10 legit lucid dreams I achieved. Usually its a vivid dream with a bit a lucid but not true lucid. The rest are usually just vivid dreams (aka meaning you remember them but are not controlling them).

I hear vitamin b6, valerian root extract and 3mg melatonin before bed gives one a good chance to have a lucid dream. But 99% of time even that doesn't work, but it gives that 1% chance. It takes a lot of practice. Like you gotta wake yourself up early with alarm, then go back to sleep about 3-4 hours before you gotta wake up which works sometimes.

Sleep paraylsis is pretty fucking scary and creepy at first but once you realize whats happening it can get really crazy if you stay in it. I tried staying in a couple times, don't do it. It gets really fucking weird/scary.
I happens to me every now and then but I almost inevitably awaken within only 30 seconds to a minute or so at most after achiving it and haven't quite figured out how to remain in the dream once I realize it's all been make believe.

I refuse to believe that a reality where the suffering outweighs the peace and pleasure is the base reality. There's a significant chance that we're the subjects of an experiment that's being conducted by some higher entity or consciousness.

There is NO FUCKING WAY that a massive void filled with colossal floating spherical rocks is as deep as reality gets. Something "programmed" or created this shit, and it evolved to what is is now. This is a torture reality. A gladiator show where we fight and kill to survive. We're forced to battle each other because of differentiating opinions for domination of the lands.

The greatest curse to mankind is being self aware. This simulation has been running for trillions upon trillions of years. This has all happened before, and will happen over and over again until this system is shut down. We're trapped in this reality indefinitely. I hope there is a chance of freedom for all of our souls instead of continuous reincarnation.

I know this sounds a bit like a schizo rant, but I was cursed with self awareness and dammit I'm gonna use it. This all isn't base reality. It never was.
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Counterpoint, most elder for a long, long tine were considered pillars of their communities and wells of wisdom. We listened to their stories and learned from their mistakes. From what I've noticed; most people just put their older folks in homes/whatever and complain about their folks finacial burden on them (or maybe thats my perspective. I'm watching my mother do it and I refuse to do it to her) so they learn to keep their mouth shut like children because the "adults" are in charge, because they're dependent on them to survive despite not being heard.

Go talk to your grandmother. Really ask how times were back then, their emotions and how they dealt with them. They'll probably cry.
it's true..I can't have a fucking break..no way this is not simulated, either that or we are just farms animals.
>There's a significant chance that we're the subjects of an experiment that's being conducted by some higher entity or consciousness.

thats some gnostic fan-fic, based on the false interpretation of the serpent.

here is the truth - this is not an experiment, this is hell.
like literally, all alusions of hell are about earthly life.
the eternity of hell is through the process of reincarnation.
the reason for being in hell, is because you are overcome by the "serpent", which is lust - you are here because in your spirit form, when you were with your Creator and not yet the prodigal son, the urge in you came up, to fuck. thus you descended from the spirit plane into the physical plane and took form.

you are here to goon and coom!

works both ways though - enter the order of monks, regenerate yourself back into godhood, through transmuting your cristos (seed), by doing prostrations periodically and thus leading it up the 33 vertebrates of your spine into your golgotha (skull), so that the seed can die there for the tree (amrita) to be born.

dont waste your living waters on OF or thickthot etc.
We are in a simulation, anon. That much is clear. Whether it's a simulation running on a silicone based computer, that's doubtful. However, this is a type of sub-atomic simulation and John Archibald Wheeler proved this, with the global reverse razor experiment.
>I hope there is a chance of freedom for all of our souls instead of continuous reincarnation.
Maybe the curse has its ups, anon? If you're self aware and you realized this, it makes you 0.001% of the population who's still fighting with mind viruses like religion.

With this knowledge, you've probably typed this thread before. So how can you break your predestination and break free from this simulation? You have a gift. Don't squander it. Maybe next time you get to pick up that blonde and do something else with your life.

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