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Why do paranormal activity peak at 3 AM?
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3 AM is for us what midnight was for people who didn't have electric lighting. The time directly between when people go to sleep and when they wake up, where the fewest people are awake.
If you're going to pull a crime, you have about 45 good minutes to do it. Between 3 and 3:45. Bars close about 2AM, everybody is asleep by about 3. The earliest of the early risers get up about 4AM. 99% of the world is asleep. Nobody around, no accidental witnesses. even the cops are sleeping in their cars at 3AM.

If I know that it's the best time to be seen by nobody, surely the ghouls do too.
>social constructs are made by humans

Now anon....
It's called the Witching Hour because witches did it. You retards. The Church simply called them out on it. You christcuck posters are just cultural-less Philistines. Nothing you do has anything to opposing Christianity, but simply having no ties to anything at all. Just rootless bastards who know nothing.
i'll let YOU and everyone here on a darker secret. a lot of people have the ability to experience out-of-body experiences and voyeur other people's houses while they're asleep or awake, but none of them would admit having this ability because they're so paranoid the glowies will find out about them and use them for forced guinea pig experiments

so those weird, dislocated voices you hear at 3am, the singing or whistling even. they're lucid dreamers hanging out with other lucid dreamers or they're attempting to fuck with you lol

I think about something or do something and then the threads arrive. Explain that shit, you can't. Pic mostly but not entirely unrelated.
they installed humanity’s first major upgrade via covid: “mind reading ads”

wifi antenna eh? took humans long enough

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This video (1992 EBE) has been stuck in my mind for days now, does anyone know more about it? feel free to post similar pictures or videos.
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How bout you post a link to it instead of making people go search for it
Seems fake. Like a government psyop. I don't believe aliens are real.
Already debunked, they are mannequin dolls etc
your mom is a balloon
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>Life review comes up
>All of the spirits gather to see what you accomplished
>Your life gets played on a billion light years inch screen
>It's just you masturbating for 70 years
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jp, masturbating is one thing, but watching someone masturbating.. cmon, thats gay
I know right
Learn to be a real human your whole life, but at your death you are no longer human.

Otherwise you came back here to continue your masturbation.
>day 7573
>wakes up
>jerks off
>sips a green tea for 3 hours
>jerks off
>orders a pizza
>eats pizza and passes out

*glorb'all in the back* OOO he got the anchovies that time, bingo for me!
*samha-fer throws his card on the ground* THIS IS BULLSHIT WHEN IS HE GOING TO DO BUTT STUFF

I smile smugly, never samha, never.
The only chain pizza that serves anchovies here is papa johns and it tastes like candied corn syrup. Feels bad.

What does the black cube represent?
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something Good. Saturn. Equal on all edges. Maybe the perfect computer
That's up to you.
ever notice how in christianity, the unfold cube, is what is hurting Jesus?
made me wonder one time
additional aspect to notice is, well people love to say the cross is the unfolded cube... who was it who liked to TORTURE people with the unfolded cube? (((Rome)))
I can forgive Matthew for this, but whoever the writer for True Detective is has to be one of the largest faggots in the world. I cannot stand it, you can just sense the smugness and sense of superiority in the words.

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This made zoomers piss and shit their pants.
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Downright fucking Satanic.

Did you know this song sounds exactly the same when you play it backwards as forwards? That's why it's so subconsciously unsettling. It's a special type of advanced "backmasking" only a real life evil Satanic fuck would be capable of of creating.
>an endless series of rooms that you can enter at random and never escape isn't and unnerving concept
Do you have to be so disingenuous?
Gen Z and A don't find that concept unnerving in and of itself. They only think it's creepy if there are monsters in there. To people saying that gen Z is afraid of empty spaces, it's really the exact opposite. Millennials discovered the concept of the backrooms. Gen Z didn't find it scary, but liked the name, so they gave it monsters, which completely nullified the entire point. Gen Z didn't think that the concept of the backrooms was scary without monsters. They can't entertain the idea of empty spaces period. Millennials were the only ones who were able to uncover and appreciate the concept of the backrooms before it was hijacked by gen Z.
It's a literally an archive of fucked up shit.

That's why it's an SCP.

Have you seen the scp video game? Shit was pretty cash.

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>both came from humble beginnings
>both ascended to godhood status thanks to their many exploits/miracles
>both very pro-populi and incredibly popular with them, wanted to take out the corrupt Senate/temple merchants (corrupted jews)
>both betrayed by their most trusted ally (Brutus/Judas), in cohorts with the enemy (Senate/Romans)
>both ressurected after (Caesar remained as a title/reminder of the fallen general throughout the ages)
They're not even that far apart cronologically. When did you realize Jesus was merely a retelling of an older story?
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a random pajeet said he was the kali yuga or something like that kek
most modern-day Christians (I) would tell you that the roman catholics inserted pagan/Egyptian symbols and beliefs in their religion
indians love a good troll/scam
The story of the calming of the Sea of Galilee is intertesting to as Caesar famously could not cross the English Channel due to stormy weather. The English Channel was called the Gallic Sea in ancient times...
Nigga, why do you keep throwing syncretism at me like i'm a christian, what are you trying to prove or disprove with this? I said christians deny syncretism, go find a christian, you're preaching to the choir.

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Don't look at me like that
ayy lmao if he real
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Looks similar to this with the eyes.

honestly most monsters are just dead people
some have "zombie faces" others "vampire skin" one lady got her eye popped and swollen shut but blood pooled up and seeing her was like ayyyyy lmao

Damn he must be smoking some good weed.

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Getting tired of this 3D flesh body. How can I magickally make 5D celestial holy body, or at least create an indestructible magickal body. Legends like a Mandaean John The Baptist, Christian Jesus, and some Buddhists that achieve rainbow body, etc etc etc.
You need to post more. A lot more.
Like what?
Let's be a bit "real" for a moment.
What you want is an instant solution, a gift of some sorts. You really won't get that. What lies before you if your intent is genuine (it isn't, at least now) is a lifetime of very obscure, deep, mind-bending and will/attention testing/refining work. The Great Work. Tired of flesh prison? No more patience for copium to dull the pain of your cage? Better get to work now and start looking. If someone could tell you everything on 4chinz, everyone would be immortal by now. All I can do is come off as a random nobody schizo, and you will dismiss this. But eventually, if your intent is "good enough", you will remember this thread, my post, during mental time traveling reabsorption sessions, and know that there is a way, that others are on their way, and you can, too. One very helpful thing to contemplate (aside from everything around you) is WHY there is so much focus on silence and secrecy. Could it be that the "enemy" is everywhere, everything? Maybe to be silent from the conscious self and "material world" is the first step? This is a science unlike any other because it requires you to do shit yourself and avoid going insane while the world at large is trying to shit on you for attempting a breakout. Good luck and I hope you find your way.
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>you must become
beyond based
>volts of electricity
that's not how it works

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Some of the most rational people of all time were called crazy by their peers. Who are some modern crazy people who will be vindicated soon?
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elon musk

you know it's true
Crazy is nuspeak for anybody who doesn't believe official narrative.
Gary Webb
Richard Hall
Michael Burry
Nothing on MSM
many schizos in many communities will be r3deemed
He's not crazy, he's a privileged spaz

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>Kato Kaelin invites himself to go to McDonald's with O.J.
>They each get a sandwich, fries, and a drink. O.J. drinks his Coca-Cola on the way home, but not before Kaelin takes the opportunity to slip a tablet of Rohypnol
>Upon arriving home, O.J. goes inside and calls his friend Dr. Christian Reichardt
>Dr. Reichardt would hear O.J. ask somebody in the room, "what was the score?" - referring to the NBA Finals game that had ended hours earlier. The only person on the property was Kaelin, and O.J. was in the euphoric stage of the "date-rape drug", and doesn't ask what the hell he's doing there
>90 minutes later, O.J. would be awakened by Romazicon and hurriedly prepare for his flight. Kaelin distracts him and the limo driver with claims of "noises". He doesn't remember anything that happened since arriving home, not even the call to Dr. Reichardt (he fails to tell the police about this call when being questioned the next day)
>After leaving Rockingham in the limo, and forgetting to set the alarm, one of the murderers (Ron Shipp) pulls up in the Bronco, proceeds to plant blood inside, and then enters the grounds to plant the glove and other evidence
>O.J. calls Kaelin from the limo and asks him to set the alarm, but Kaelin never does
>O.J. catches his flight, arrives in Chicago, and is awoken at 6 A.M. by a phone call from the LAPD
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Sorry "Nicole Simpson's" alive they just gave her a new role to play in the public eye. Nothing ever happens I'm afraid.
It worked for me. He made it clear it was hypothetical, and it was a funny little dick you to Fred Goldman
There are a lot of inconsistencies and oddities about the OJ case, including possible glowie shit. The problem with the idea that OJ was a patsy is that a patsy is ideally a person who will go down easy - someone poor and/or obviously mentally ill. OJ was a millionaire and had no history of mental illness. Him being a patsy only makes sense if you view the entire case as a psychological warfare operation directed against the American public.
Or, just a well executed frame job.
you'd believe anything if they didnt like jews, fucking mindless toad

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Will we ever have answers?
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the tunnels must be full
Why would they hang a chandelier?
it really brings the room together
cliffs? i cant watch it if it's a jump scare.

What the hell is Abraxas?
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The Demiurge is Saklas.
Light and shadow. Damn...
The demiurge, who took on the guise of the liberator of this world said so:
>I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
An old symbol for a Psychopomp that got turned into Baphomet. The golden armor of God over the heart, the beast like legs in the material where bad things usually gather, and the bravery of the rooster that so calls for the Sun when no one else does. You don't see it anymore because the "demiurge" is supposed to be evil now or whatever.

I made all of that up but, would be bitchin' if it were true.
His function changed throughout history. Revered by some, maligned by others. If he truly does exist, he might intentionally obscure his true nature.

What do you think happened to Andrew Gosden?

I feel like it might be his father. I have multiple reasons to suspect so.

First of all, he seems to be a religious nut. He also seemed to put a lot of pressure on his kid to be a "genius" and attend all these advanced programs. Both him and his sister were described as shy and withdrawn, which may indicate a difficult domestic situation.

Then his father mentioned a weird possibility, that making watch the comedy The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, where the main character disappears to start a new life, may have inspired his son to do the same. It strikes me as weird because of how old that show is, and how it's more probable that it was well known chiefly by the father. It's also weird that he would bring something so specific and exonerating like this up.

Finally, in every interview, the father is omnipresent, we never hear or read about the mother. He seems eerily cherry and lacking any emotional reaction such as sadness over his son's disappearance. He also strikes me as particularly queer in his mannerisms.
The father also said that Andrew had had multiple phones, and lost them. Which is a bit strange.

Maybe the fact that he didn't take his PSP charger or a return ticket was because he knew someone familiar would pick him up in London? Just like he'd visit his family there often with his parents.
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Agreed. His dad is freaky deaky, my guy
Lmao, this would be an extremely weird theory. We barely ever see the two of them together though. What if he's the dad and mom at the same time?

/X/ is the best
He was an autistic high IQ homosexual teen with super religious parents.
He probably went to London to meet some guy that kidnapped him and killed him. He was not street smart at all.
I don't think he intended to disappear forever - why take some money but leave more, why take your house key, why not take the PSP charger?

I agree with the theory that he went to meet with some kind of secret boyfriend - not one he met online, as he apparently didn't use the internet - and had intended to return home within a day or two, but this person either killed him, trafficked him, or convinced him to leave permanently. It might well have been him asking for money online in 2018, as the police apparently couldn't locate that person.

His dad has Sanpaku eyes but I don't think they are the psychotic ones, they are ones for a person being under pressure/stress. He does seem strange but it doesn't mean he has anything directly to do with his son disappearing, but if Andrew is still alive and is choosing not to return home it's possible its due to anger at or hatred towards the father. He could also not want to return simply because it would be too emotionally difficult.

if god really loved me, he would not have created me
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Can we stop with these sad boy god posts? The amount of posts like this is ridiculous. Someone mentions their belief in god in the context of some sad generic post that sounds like it was written by a fifteen year old. We get it. Your sad and a theist. You've effectively communicated this. Now you never have to tell us again.
all your parents need to do is give you like 50-100k and you can buy an egg and surrogate
If I have a child, this will probably be how it happens, but with my own money
it's ok fren I believe in you
I am anti race mix but if you are particularly, uhm, undesirable, there are parts of the world you might be much more desirable and you can put your race's eggs in your 3rd world wifey. much better your children has momma
And since when has the truth ever gave a damn about what you want to believe? Since when does reality match your desires so well? my ignorant fellow

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