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This video (1992 EBE) has been stuck in my mind for days now, does anyone know more about it? feel free to post similar pictures or videos.
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Nearly all of the good information was swept under the veil of "only crackpots talk about that silly stuff" until July 2021...

So much needs to be revisited.
How bout you post a link to it instead of making people go search for it
Seems fake. Like a government psyop. I don't believe aliens are real.
Already debunked, they are mannequin dolls etc
your mom is a balloon

The seed of doubt is the smallest of all seeds.

But with enough sunlight, enough water and saltniness, it will grow into the biggest of all trees, bearing endless amounts of fruit.

Narrow and straight is the gate + pathj of liberation. Wide is the gate + path of destruction.

This game is exciting, scary, painfaul (I'll leave it at that hehe) and (sometimes) a lot of fun.
>narrow pussy is the path of liberation
>wide roastie pussy is the path of destruction

nigga even the ancient chinese knew this, whats your point?

You tell me, my nigga

Looks just like the mexican alien to me

Glowies need not reply
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What do we do now
Eat it. Duh.
be good
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When the folk get stuck here from their realm which is all around ours and just slightly out of sight.

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Everything is true, nothing is real.
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Everything is real
Nothing is real
Rome wasn't built in a day, but this 9mm certainly was.. WHICH DOOR I CHOOSE I HATE THIS RIDDLE
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Man I really fucking hope so.
The screenshot in the OP is either from an MTV show about Beavis and Butthead or from an interview for Ren and Stimpy's Aduld Swim special. The former is probably correct. I don't remember exactly. It was either in the late 90s of the last millennium or early 00s of this millennium. In any case, it's obvious that the fruit is in a cornucopia.
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near m

y feet there

are grasses

made to

look the weather

r bare-

seeing you

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I shiggy diggy

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Why aren't you afraid of going to hell?
[spoiler]I'm a faggot[/spoiler]
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>you have the means to be better
But you want
>you have everything you need to do better
but you don't
>It's a beautiful world
That's your reduced to hearing about in a box in a cubical in an office in a brtualist concrete shell of a building

Are you certain Anon?
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i'm not. that's the last place i was before i came here, anyway
Heaven and hell are states of existence, both during and after death. In life, the way you react to things affects this, in death, your state of existence is tied directly to the frequency your being vibrates at. Most people just dissolve, but they want that. There are also many heavens and many hells.

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Can I get red pill on Manifestation, and the movie Bruce Allmighty? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6et2ZSodS0g

What are they trying to tell here? Do they want people to do manifestation? Why is there a manifestation/LoA general along with succ general, is it because they want spiritually sensitive people of this board to become demonically infested? I've read stories of people asking to become pussy magnets that become demonically possessed, is that why this manifestation shit is being pushed both here and on youtube? Why is nobody talking about the dangers of manifestation? Only person whom has said bad about manifestation is Mark Passio (you will get karmic debt, other words, you'll probably reincarnate here again or something bad might happen during your current timeline) and this youtuber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyX5mU7wF7Q . Literally everyone else both here and on youtube seem to be on board to becoming puppets to bunch of entities whom want to play with you.
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funny, jim carrey actually used visualization to get his first big role in movie biz.

>without there being any price
point is - you always manifest.
But if you dont understand that, THEN you get hijacked.
So, all catastrophe movies are just that - they are trying to bring about the end of the world by the means of NPCs, and NPCs would be the ones incurring karma.
>The other 99% of the world gets wage slave jobs without trying to manifest.

Who said that they are not trying to manifest it. People do it all the time. Most just dont understand the mechanism and they misinterpret it.
" Masses of people dream about getting rich and famous, and nothing happens"

Manifestation isnt day-dreaming, you dork.
It never was. Day-dreaming is the opposite- it is a mental energy dissipation that leads to nowhere. It is a mental porn, while manifestation, when done right - is actual sex that produces babies. .
Not to sound like a sappy bible thumper but isn't it obvious that using your mental energy to pursue selfish things will never turn out well? I think "manifestation" is a new age repackaging of something so basic and fundamental people in previous ages didn't bother to have a hokey sounding word for it. Its really just understanding that
1. Like attracts like, weighing yourself down with "low vibration" (another new age term I'm not a fan of but you know what I'm saying) negative thoughts will bring negative things to you and bring forward more negative thoughts, which in turn brings more negative things and 2. Seek and you shall find. The will of your soul is much more powerful than we give it credit for, if you REALLY want to become a pussy magnet or attain great wealth you WILL find what you desire just not without incurring the given karmic debt. We have free will but we're not free from the implicit natural law of cause and effect.

The only positive way to manifest things, if you can even call it "manifesting" is to try to be grateful for what you have and think positively, it will necessarily shape your actions to be better and you'll see things improve.

I've read in different books where a Magus utters a Word, with a capital W, and it is somehow the way that their magick takes effect or a new Aeon or era begins? I really don't get it. What is a Word in occult philosophy and teachings?? Is it just like a certain spell and what is an Aeon??
>and God SAID let there be light
>and God SAID
>The word was God and was with God

Cmon brother. I may be biased, but pursuing this life of the dark knowledge of God is pointless.. without ya know.. God.
it doesn't necessarily hurt for some of God's more grounded and mature children and warriors to better understand how the enemy and other side operates. Remember, we are to be "wise as serpents but innocent as doves...." We can know what they are up to without getting overtaken by it or absorbed into it. Every coach secretly wants to get his hands on the opponent's playbook right?
What do you do when you speak?
When you decide what word you will use and how, all the intent and context and CONSIDERATION
communication bridges the path
understanding brings forth revelation
knowing is rapture

or so I'm considering

Are there really niggas who consider hitler to be prophet
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lol really? you're not caught up on the meme?
troons in the weimar republic?
These guys are waaaaaaay out of loop man. Bird feed them or they pass out from overdose
So whats this alternate reality like anon?
Alternative realiry?
Nigga you living in it.
British fear was that their culture is going to get erased by Germans, now it’s getting erased LITERALLY, by their own British institutions.
Isn’t that crazy ironic
You will see, first hand, colorized, result of saving Jews

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If anybody wants to hurt the white rat or the “great” luciferians, tomorrow and the day after would be the perfect time to do so.

No one should live as a slave, regardless of the situation.

Permanent damages.

I’m forced to be with them, but if someone more like me is interested in my rising and revenge. Give a call.

I can’t think of things more pure than someone retrieving his liberty and soul, so no. This is no crime and even if it is, fuck you.
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In Time! I was an extra on that movie for 3 months from late 2010 to 2011 in DTLA.

Fun times, and the lunch and dinner they fed us were the best. We had dim sum, filet mignon, lobster burgers...
If possible bear call, I have no love for other kind but my kind

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What books would you recommend for those who want to pursue esoteric knowledge or just generally good books in this area? list as much as you’d like.
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Yeah that must be it, fucking tard
I've heard Manly P. Hall be recommended before in similar threads, some of his stuff appears (at least to me who is retarded) to have some merit but I'm hesitant to read his stuff as he's a mason. Regardless of what you think of them its undeniable that they, and all members of mystery/initiation schools, secret societies, whatever you wanna call them, are under vows of silence. Is content that originates from sources like him meant to derail your spiritual development and plant thoughts in your head or is it generally useful?

I would highly recommend reading the Secret Teachings of All Ages if you are serious about being a scholar of esoteric works. It’s really the best book ever written for someone starting out because it just gives you this great broad overview of so many traditions and all the symbolism. From there you can go down whatever road interests you. But if you’ll START with that book a lot of other things will be much easier to digest. It will take you quite a while to read as it is very dense and like 700 pages long!!! Even more amazing, Manly P Hall was in his 20s when he wrote it so clearly he was just a profound intellect.
all his significant works were written and published many years before he was initiated into Freemasonry (at least, officially)
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this is my book

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You have to admit, he does make a good point. Don't remain ingnorant about your reality.
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Even if that were true(and who the fuck said anything about Christ killers?), none of those things are capital G Good. Again, Satan takes another big L
Wrong bitch
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there's two ways of seeing what you are saying: ignorance or innocence. Some might see innocence as a beautiful thing, knowledge isn't everything.
you have no idea what you're talking about

Post information.

These 'above top secret' deep-level underground bases are used for trauma-based mind control/MONARCH programming, experimental programming, genetic and other human experimentation, military/Illuminati/NWO technology development and storage (including advanced weapons and advanced antigravity crafts), the highest level scientific and 'paranormal' experiments, military abductions, 'black ops', child/human trafficking, rape and torture, breeding programs, and other terrible things. There exists a huge network of mag-lev tube shuttle connections under the United States, which extends into a global system of tunnels and underground bases/cities.

"They are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser-drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States."

Phil Schneider [3]
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Explains the different type of 'jobs' they made him do before and after his security clearance upgrade. Mormonmonarch.com
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The thread began okay, then turned into 100% mossad bullshit.
It is important to not be gullible.
Just raise your vibration and they really can't harm you.

this is the one Linda Moulton Howe reported on, open air with a huge number of ships coming and going.
very interesting, four years ago me would not even reply to this but now id very much liketoknowmore
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sorry, don't really have more, but here's a classic, technically DUMBs related

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How does someone benefit spiritually from fasting? What are the best ways to do that?
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I would recommend drinking green tea while on a fast
It provides an obstacle to overcome through force of will. That's why monks fast for long periods of time. It's not the fasting itself, it's overcoming the needs of the flesh that is good for you.
Big dick nigga fuck?
Fasting benefits:

1. Autophagy
2. BDNF production
3. Growth Hormone secretion

These benefits are important to me.
u forget about Hunger, even you laugh. If i had Hunger i must get the shittiest job to not have hunger. But I do fast, so I laugh.

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My schizophrenia keeps talking to me, how do I make it shut up and have it quit pretending it's a living being instead of a hypothetical hydrogen atom?
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My schizo cure is basically manipulation of thought loops.
>What's a thought loop?
Thought loop example:
>"I should kill myself because I have no value, noone loves me, I'm useless etc"
Unless resolved - thought loop will keep repeating until I do as it says.

>How to kill thought loops?
Make a rational endpoint so the loop can't go in circles anymore.
If I succeed - I'm out of the loop:
>"I should kms because I have no value- wait I do have value and here's how..."
>"I should kms - no, I have value"
>"I should km- value."
Can't loop anymore, endpoint is established. Proof of "value" becomes my reason against kys thoughts.

If I fail to rationalize my value, usefulness, etc each time I try I will come back to this loop - which in turn I will have no recourse but to go through with kms. (The unresolved loop just won't go away). If this happens I go another route.

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bootmanaz - that's me reaching out for some potential win-win scenarios. I welcome you to risk adding me.
>Any good rabbit-holes? I've exhausted most topics, craving for more.

I have yet to find anything online I have not been through in my head without the internet already, except psychology (things like ego) which seems to be an area that contains diversities which can be classed as unique but overall just a systemised labelling of a condition which is easier understood at root, the human condition, the believing of things like ego is a splitting of hairs that do not fundamentally exist when peaceful.

Finding something worth thinking about is like finding needles in haystacks when you have thought for 100,000 hours already. The best I can get is momentary enlightenment beyond the contentment I already have.

Email me on my website if you want to be messaged in discord, just send me the link.
I do not want to post mine and I suspect neither do you.
I already posted it. Here it is again: bootmanaz
>The best I can get is momentary enlightenment beyond the contentment I already have.
Kinda similar. Still stuck on wtf is fire/magnetism/electricity (without using made up/unverifiable definitions).

I was stuck on those three for a while but I got there in the end, to the level which I find acceptable. It may still be unverifiable to you though because the tools to study it would cost hundreds of thousands if they even can actually measure the energy states involved. Either they hid the experimental equipment from us or they never made it.

That is my view at least because I have never seen a study of those energies which was not a computer model or artist's impression.

The key for me was understanding how local density matrices of energy fields alter ionic pattern formations and consequently generate avenues of least resistance <> How avenues of least resistance draw in ionic flows of particulate energetic construct into higher density zones which correspondingly can release molecular bonds or create them generating assorted forms of field expulsion/motion.

It has been months since the last time i thought about that and I can only offer you the seed to begin to try to picture the plausibility. It is in effect a model in words, nothing more.

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