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If anyone knows Italian please jump in, all I could translate was something about the prophet Samuel appearing as a ghost, which given to context is pretty spooky
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Both catholics and protestants are retarded, i've seen both, their spiritual leaders hold all the esoteric knowledge and insight while the followers parrot a handful of lines they can't interpret other than literally and exoterically, leaving them blind.

The job of the follower is to follow, to be a lemming, what i don't know is how people think followers of one kind are better than the other, it all comes down to a dick measuring contest for them, pointless.
Here's the difference, In most protestant denominations, you're not supposed to be following anybody but Jesus. In theory anyway. In practice, that's a whole other matter. Even though it's not supposed to be happening, all kinds of cults of protestant personality exist. In Catholicism, you have no choice at all. It's doctrine, you must follow.
There is nothing more alluring to the powerless than to ape power through association with it. If the one you follow is greater, then you are greater by extension, no?
i believe the antichrist isnt coming, until the rise of the next american president.
the catholic church has always been infiltrated by demons.

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Redpill me on weed being occult and evil
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I can smell the malding throught the screen.
one thing all weed smokers know is going off it gives you your dreams back
another thing, people were really upset about permit distribution for dispensaries and grow opps
like some major insider baseball
only (((we))) can have dispensary to poison goyim
no (you) cannot distribute unmolested cannabis
I dream anyways, pot doesn't tell me what I can and can't do.
IDK depends how you use it. Personally for me it always had a strong "gluttony" feel to it. Where i cant use it for magick personally because it kind of kills me.

Personally i stick to psychs

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There were alien UFOs over the capitol building in 1952, two years before anti-gravity was mastered by the military, according to Dr. Steven Greer.
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Ok well literally everything imaginable is supernatural and political in some way. And yet, there are boards other than /x/ and /pol/. Stop being a retard and posting nonsense
Everyone who cries WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE seems to overlook this
We jad UFOs literally over the Whitehouse lawn
Jets scrambled to get them to no avail
again over the whitehouse lawn

Libtards btfo
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old /x/ used to be mainly ghost and aliens, then all the schizos and horny fags from /b/ came over and now all we get is garbage as posts and niggas trying to summon demon wives
>alien UFOs
where did mexican'ts get ufos?

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There is nothing out there for us in the world anymore. We have no power, all we can do is shitpost here until very end.

It's over
You have the capabilities for loving everything in your road yet you think you have no power at all.
You are a disgrace of a vessel

Man has a cried a trillion tears just so that the creator can experience itself from all aspects at your expense.
your mother has cried a trillion tears in hopes that you would leave her basement and touch grass
your mother has cried a trillion tears of joy when my dick entered her anus
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>gold was witnessed this night
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I stole used tampons and made tea with it.
me too
What's so funny, you little scoundrel?
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i remember there was a giant vampire meetup scheduled during covid on the west coast, there was a daily recruitment thread and a massive private invite only channel in the discord. they had something like 100 people signed up / confirmed to go.

main guy organizing it said he was going to introduce them to a coven or something, i wasn't paying attention but my gf really wanted to go and i told her sure w/e but she got scared and flaked at the last minute. would've been like an 8 hour drive for us so thank god for that

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/x/ approved games thread
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Essential /x/ right here. If anything the game's plot and atmosphere are a bit deeper than they look. The GOG version works right out of the box so go buy or pirate
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>perfect dark
>0 results
Is part 2 good?
Another /x/ game I can recommend is Sweet Home (1989), if you can stomach 8bit action-adventure games / RPGs that is, it's kinda a mix of the two and it isn't very long. Basically there are two types of doujin/indie RPGmaker games, one of them stems from Mother (Yume Nikki being the most famous example) and the other from this game (Corpse Party). It's based on a movie by Kiyoshi Kurosawa but the movie isn't very good compared to his other works like Cure
this game has interesting lore attached to it, the creator and designer has his own wikipedia page:

>On 10 January 2007, Horne's body was discovered holding his wife Mandy


What's so bad about New Age exactly? Why can't I read the Kybalion, open my chakras and flow with the Tao?
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>Parents are not opposites.
Correct. Yet you are still unable to answer the questions I didnt answer for you.
You have nothing to say, and wont get another response.
Stay mad.

>if you really want to stop being a reactionary dumbass

Have you no sense of irony?
Not at that moment lol
Divination is best thought of as "the most likely path given the current circumstances". It can be thought of as a very enlightened guess, just without the information making it enlightened being known to you. In this way it doesn't contradict free will (nor is it always accurate regardless).
t. former diviner
It's experience seeking.

Even after three years of constant rebuffs and insults. Even after an endless string of unrequited love. I've been building myself into a hero and I know true love will find me one day. Now I must go and conquer the world of arts and letters, this is the only thing left. I will still love you even then, even if I never measure up to your desires. Maybe someday things will be different, and the troubled seas will have calmed.
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That's a pretty beautiful tale.
>>37934582 >>37934764 If youre so loving then try to teach it to me. Not interpersonal love, the kind of love that gives you purpose. I'm well acquainted with hate but I dont even know the first thing about love other that what it does. On the confusion spectrum I'm either a 0 or a 1 and I'm really starting to believe that I'm a 0
in your own words, what is love? (baby dont hurt me)

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Uh oh, Dot's down. What's happening?
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You've got it all wrong my friend
don't be antisemitic
i-is it ok?

Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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omg y'all not going to believe this. i finally manifested my dreams ( farting lightning bolts out of my ass) after decades of trying and believing and persisting and generally being delusional af !!!

i combined neville's visualization techniques as well as other loa methods (scripting, robotic affirmations, etc) with shadow work and prayers to god and ancient taoist techniques for sexual transmutation via semen retention and absorbtion of female-yin bodily fluids during the intercourse (i made sure never to ejaculate and waste my precious yang essence) to build my ojas and raise my kundalini through the chakras and the spinal cord to illuminate my celestial brain and omg the results were frigging spectacular .

please note that i made sure all these years to ignore the 3d and believe that i always had what i wanted and that i could always fart lightning bolts out my asshole. whenever i farted i kept affirming that i wasn't farting gas but lightning bolts, whenever someone else farted i kept saying to myself ''look at that retard farting shit, he aint like me because i'm farting lightning bolts all the time''. i made sure to manifest from a place of the wish already fulfilled and not from a place of lack. i made sure to let go of the desire completely but i also kept affirming and visualising said desire all the time despite having totally forgotten about it because i already had that desire in my life. i made sure to keep persisting again and again even while the years passed by and my life went to shit and i grew old and ill because jesus had said that the mountain some day will be moved... and indeed it moved !!


because lo and behold , the universe in all its infinite wisdom has conspired to finally grant me my wish at the right time (at my death bed) and i was able to throw a lightning bolt at my doctor through my asshole .

btw i tested my super powers and i can confirm that i can actually throw lightning bolts all the time now.

that's right whenever i fart i don't fart like other people, i just drop lightning bolts off my ass, how dope is that?? omg i can't believe it

anyway i'm pretty much actually dying now because i'm old and sooooooo many years have passed to get what i always wanted but i'm confident that through all these years my wise subconscious (god) gave me what i needed and not what i wanted and it only delivered what i wanted at my death bed to prove a point because time is really just an illusion of the 3d but it doesn't actually exist in 4d. wise be the lord and all his works indeed y'all !!!

i really think that i finally grasped the meaning of life and everything y'all and now with the guidance of my friend, my subconscious, I broke out of the matrix and I'm heading to the elysian fields as we speak

wish me good luck and great new adventures faggots

fr fr xoxo

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It's amazing and I'm so happy for you.

One of my small manifestations I was doing yesterday was lightning, now I see this.

This is my lightning lol.
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Where is the original source (alleged letter from 1949) where Richard Feynman wrote this exact quote according to Neville Goddard?
>The positron is a wrong-way electron. It starts from where it hasn’t been, and it speeds to where it was an instant ago. It is bounced so hard its time sense is reversed, and then it returns to where it hasn’t been.
I couldn't find this quote ANYWHERE on the internet, it always led me back to Neville Goddard webpages. The text here states that Feynman received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1949 for this alleged paper of his from October 15th in which he wrote this specific quote. However, afaik Feynman published 3 papers in 1949/50 for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics but NONE of which date to October 15th 1949:
>Space-Time Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics (15 September 1949)
>The Theory of Positrons (15 September 1949)
>Mathematical Formulation of the Quantum Theory of Electromagnetic Interaction (November 1950)
WHERE IS THIS QUOTE? Is it anywhere to be found in those papers? Can someone dig deeper into Google Scholar?
Or did Neville lie and he made it all up?

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what year would you say the vatican was successfully infiltrated?
It has always been a rotten pagan institution. Jerusalem was the head of the Church under James the Just, and it was destroyed in 70 AD. Everything after that falls in life with Peter and Paul, Peter the false leader and Paul the false prophet.
>Everything after that falls in life with
falls in line with*
Malachi Martin said they held a satanic ceremony in the Vatican and invited Satan into the church. 1960's I think it was.
June 29, 1963

Aliens aren't real
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Can I interest you in the words of the Prophet Muhammed? It seems like you might find the promise of 72 houris quite motivating.

you take the model and slap on some clothes same as any other model. then add some vaporwave background and render then send the rendered image to redbubble or something.
I don't understand any of this nerd shit
do you guys legit not know what a 3D model is? like in a video game or CGI in a movie.
I know what a a 3d model is. I don't know all that geek speak made up to make them sound smarter

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Why do paranormal activity peak at 3 AM?
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3 AM is for us what midnight was for people who didn't have electric lighting. The time directly between when people go to sleep and when they wake up, where the fewest people are awake.
If you're going to pull a crime, you have about 45 good minutes to do it. Between 3 and 3:45. Bars close about 2AM, everybody is asleep by about 3. The earliest of the early risers get up about 4AM. 99% of the world is asleep. Nobody around, no accidental witnesses. even the cops are sleeping in their cars at 3AM.

If I know that it's the best time to be seen by nobody, surely the ghouls do too.
>social constructs are made by humans

Now anon....
It's called the Witching Hour because witches did it. You retards. The Church simply called them out on it. You christcuck posters are just cultural-less Philistines. Nothing you do has anything to opposing Christianity, but simply having no ties to anything at all. Just rootless bastards who know nothing.
i'll let YOU and everyone here on a darker secret. a lot of people have the ability to experience out-of-body experiences and voyeur other people's houses while they're asleep or awake, but none of them would admit having this ability because they're so paranoid the glowies will find out about them and use them for forced guinea pig experiments

so those weird, dislocated voices you hear at 3am, the singing or whistling even. they're lucid dreamers hanging out with other lucid dreamers or they're attempting to fuck with you lol

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Does it have any use in spiritual practice like shrooms do, or will there just be demons in the corner staring at me?
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Just because you can't perceive the demons doesn't mean they are not there.
What are the paranormal implications of never seeing entities
>not a single positive experience recorded
better off with datura or benadryl
I have drank a mix of alcohol infused with nutmeg, the evening was very smooth even too smooth and the day after i got a bad hangover. I think i have reached some kind of flow state

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