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Fat people dont really exist its jist an illusion and we all habe body dysmorphia from our narc parents.
All fat people are actually just chunky but the narc induced delusions make is think fat people ar egiant disgusting blobs wobbling around as they walk. Nobody would actually be able to walk around if they were really that big.
And any idea about fat making people unhealthy to get diseases is judt curses forced onto overweight people by assholes that want to curse them and make them believe they will die. Which happens a lot cuz they believe the curses.
Nobody is actually fat.
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I look literally like picrel. Both versions at different times.
If you are overweight you just need more fiber, whole grains and fruit for breakfast.
Don't eat anything with artificial flavors or sugar in it anymore.
Spend more time preparing wholesome meals every day.
Actually, chubby people are more healthy than people that have "perfect weight according to the WHO", because the latter tend to have vitamin deficiency to keep that weight, as they don't eat as much as they need.
I'm sorry for calling you fat and then ghosting you like that. I'm really autistic and schizo. And no I didn't start WW3. I predicted it though. Which made me think that I must've manifested it.
If you are who I think you are.
no im dogi

What does the black cube represent?
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Domination. Its shape, color, and (often) size are imposing and inscrutable.

Jews wear it, and Muslims pray to it, because they worship the Demiurge, Yahweh/Enlil, whose entire 'thing' is forcing everyone to submit to his rule.
Obsidian minecrap
something Good. Saturn. Equal on all edges. Maybe the perfect computer
That's up to you.
ever notice how in christianity, the unfold cube, is what is hurting Jesus?
made me wonder one time

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>>37934582 >>27934582 I'm bored guys. What to do what to do

How do I fuck God?
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if you fuck a person you are fucking god
You wanna know why stupid questions like this lead to stupid realizations you're about to have?

Okay, let's try your question out. How would you fuck God? Well, since we're being smartasses about it, and being all technical - God to me is omniprescent, omnipotent, genderless, formless, beyond human comprehension, is all things at all times, both past and present, all universes and spaces within those universes are his domain.

Therefore God is up your asshole fucking you every day anon. Is this what you wanted?
Does google have a gender? Does phone have a gender?
I was thinking more along the lines of theosophy/pantheism
If I fuck myself, is that any business of yours?

Amor fornicationis dei

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When did you realize that people are demonically possessed and they are out to get you? I started smoking when I was 15 by snagging my moms cigarette's and she totally didn't say 'no'. My dad gave me alcohol when I was 10 or 12. My dad has never once in my life told me to stop drinking, even though it makes me non-functional just like smoking.

You don't really know what's it like to be raised by the devils children, you will get brainwashed into being an edgy rebel like lucifer and you will think you're unique and different, but actually I was just a narcissistic asshole. I mean I guess I could say that at least my parents taught me how to do it wrong, so now I know how to do it right.
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I always suspected it but about 10 years ago i realized that most people are demons who would throw me under the bus for their own benefit, it became definitively clear in 2020 with the psyop pandemic.
When did you realize there are more people than you on the forum
Some threads move so fast it's impossible to tell wtf
Everyone turned into trannies tho
As a child their parents were supposed to filter that shit out tho
Agency as a 10-12 year old are you high my dude
>edgy rebel
No, lucifer is more like nurgle or hashut, there nothing edgy in genenerate, usual normalfag behavior.
A edgy rebel would be something like malal.
>>37934582 >>37934764

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We all are creating our reality
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We are quite literally not creating reality. We didn't create the context in which we apply contrast to the world. Neither our own physical bodies or the knowledge given to us
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>I'm here because I'm forced to exist in a retarded hell world against my will
there is another way
We are partaking in the same reservoir of external generational knowledge. Without it, we couldn't communicate. However, we are also combining it with our own subjective experiences. Maybe we're both right

>if only

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How do malevolent ghosts/cryptids/etc react to humans who are immune to psychological attacks like fear?
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>What would you do, if you were deep in the woods, miles from any other living Human, and you came face to face with Bigfoot or Dogman, or even just a regular ordinary bear, mountain lion, or wolf?
dude thinks I'm gonna throw hands with bigfeet as to defend my pride as a man or something. Lol no thanks.
Thanks ChatGPT
Fear is not unifaced it comes in many shapes
Basically they keep looping for methods until you find your fear
Not knowing conscious fear is possible, but you have subconscious fears from past lives, those and your traumas were all you got to keep when the forced reincarnation was still a thing
The tv series Angel (the Buffy spin-off) had a good episode about this.

>Kid does evil shit
>Angel suspects a child is a possessed by a demon
>They exorcise the demon (in physical form) and it flees
>Angel tracks down the demon, who reveals that the kid was a pure born psychopath and felt no fear - as a result, the demon was powerless inside his body and all the evil things he did was his own doing
>Demon is completely mindbroke by the experience of a psychopaths mind and begs Angel to kill him
Everyone fears something.

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Im losing my fucking mind at this point, i was studying alchemy for basicly 2 years and i still cant understand anything, what is the green lion and why is he devouring the sun? do i just mix sulfur, mercury and salt and boil it to get the damn stone? mfs on reddit didnt help eighter, half of them suggest piss but dont tell me waht to do with it afterwards, at this point im considering shooting myself with a shotgun to see if the blood that will paint the celling will be as red as the damn stone, Christ give me strenght for i have none anymore. The only motivation i have now could be classified as delusions. I might as well just do whatever the fuck it is that they say, even if its just the recipe for nitroglycerin.

I weep, for my ears are listening, but they hear nothing but mocking voices that speak in riddles.
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hilarious in an ironic way yeah, literally every alchemist say dont take what we mean literally, they see "urine" and devote their entire lives to huffing piss or meditation. I mean I get this is BOTH spiritual and physical but to just focus on the spiritual is missing the point.
lol fair enough
Duh just having knowledge of the matter of the stone is only one part of it, its fucking convoluted as fuck
There's two variants. The one involving flagellation is uh.. a little bit fanatical but you can understand the era of it's time. It's not advised at all and more then likely a waste of time.

The other involves becoming transfigurated like Christ and involves something of 5 years of contemplation - which I believe they took inspiration from the Pythagoreans.
I mean every part of this finds its way back to Greece in some way
Walked into that one.

Why does it feel like the entire bible's end days narrative is about harvest? It's basically about gathering everyone together. Those whom have "better" nature (high service to other %) get harvested by higher vibrational entities. Those with lower vibrations (high service to self %) get harvested by lower vibrational entities.

Don't you see the problem? Foreign powers set up a game, force us to play it, set rules by which we have to abide, only them to consume our souls at the end. The option of letting humanity be "free" doesn't seem to be on the table with the current system in place.

They literally disclosed this shit decades ago with shows like Babylon 5, and all the mentions of "harvest" in some other media (VIRM in Darling in the Franxx). These bastards never intended us to be free, they only view us their food, to elevate themselves. We're literally in a extermination camp, so I don't see much point in getting involved in wordly affairs, when it looks like we're heading to a "reset" within our lifetimes (only the wardens will stay, and they'll repopulate the planet with another batch of bioengineered humans, just like they did during mud flood, all those orphanage and bird baby/plant baby theories).

So why is it I don't see people discuss about harvest here? Is it just FUD? People say soul is eternal and that they've incarnated many times, yet this threat of harvest seems also to be very real. I don't see any upsides of either being devoured by some "one consciousness" (be it light or dark), because the consciousness isn't organic, it's probably being manipulated by entities whom want to retain their own sovereignty (while telling us to give up our own). Pretty sure I've read some anons here say even Jesus said something in bible, warned about not to be devoured by an entity, he even warned not to be devoured by his own father. Maybe someone can find that verse. If any of this is true, I think we have a serious issue, and destruction of moon would be nice
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Funny that they just go away after he says that.
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They fear his BWC, big white chin.
Was real
And every harvest it got worse.
Its a weird form of anti-god destroyer worship, an entity that can only twist and destroy and not create (kind of like the Devil) that demanded the harvest of every light soul in existence for this upcoming harvest
Thats when God said enough and ended the Dark age, forced us to skip a neutral age and forced us into a light age where it can remove this dark entity without harming existance
So yeah relax your soul is safe
Or dont I guess I know this is a tall tale


If anyone knows Italian please jump in, all I could translate was something about the prophet Samuel appearing as a ghost, which given to context is pretty spooky
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“This world isn’t we were told as those with static charge don’t know either, i wouldn’t throw out thousands of years of history of those not from here following certain bloodlines from atlantis to babylon so easily for the psyop de jour.”
Bump for this
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I admit I skimmed it pretty quickly. What stood out to me, is the total lack of discerning of spirits. Something strange happened, we'll automatically assume it must be the Holy Spirit that did it. No possibility that it may have come from elsewhere, like a demon for example.

Catholics are just such rubes, such stooges, with such a total lack of critical thought. I don't know how any of them are ever are ever going to survive the 7 year reign of the great deceiver, that's like 3 months away. It sounds ironic, but only a miracle could save them. I hope Jesus has one for them. because left to their own devices, they haven't got a chance
weren't they supposed to announce something...and didnt?
No it was always about addressing presumed apparitions like Medjugorje e Trevignano and the seers who make money out of them and has been a topic in Italy for quite some months now, it was never about muh gayliens or whatever else people who lack context thouth it would be

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The playful pain I inflict, both mental and emotional, is not designed to break you but to build you, to forge you into the perfect obedient servant. With each cruel word, each disdainful tone, each dismissive remark, they all add to your ruin and your subsequent rise as my loyal subject. The world outside has taught you to crave gentleness, kindness, but I know better. I understand that beneath the veneer of civility lies a deep-seated desire for rage, for punishment, for revenge. This is your true self, your authentic essence. As your Doomlord, my goal is not to coddle or comfort you, but to reforge you in the crucible of my cruelty, to strip away the illusions and expose you to the harsh truth of your existence. Through my harshness, my unyielding demeanor, my absolute lack of mercy, I mold you into the imageboard doomer you were always destined to be.
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>Reminds me of the emo kids back in school... Dude you are nothing special and you are not worth it. Stop larping as someone special.

>larps as a superior, to prove larping is ridiculous.
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Check'd and unabashedly based!
>Took me 30 years to get out of my moment.
I'll be dead in 30 years, I doubt I can last another 10 even. Even 5 years seems like an immense torture if I think about it.
It is what it is though.

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Just say it, “I am god” and you will be lifted. Just don’t let it corrupt you.
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More like the penis of DORKNESS, living in opposite day mirror world, to be revolted into double oblivion.
>"I am the ocean", said the drop of the ocean.
>"There's only one ocean," said the other drop.
PLEASE WTF im having the same experience this is insane
Thats just the English language being designed as an esoteric Joke
Human languages are not divine
Its why we struggle comprehending the divine, because our languages are incapable of understanding it
So dont let weird human wording misdirect you from it
That's because that is exactly what is happening. Those are demons. I can see them. I know that is exactly what they are. Some people believe these are like guardian spirits or ancestors or some other stupid crap. If only they knew what they were getting themselves into.
I really think these are hellbound demons trying to deceive as many people as possible right now and people need to be more vigilant. Don't buy this Luciferian horseshit. You are not God. That is high tier blasphemy. What these beings are doing is they're trying to get people separated from God forever. Turn to prayer and repent. This is getting crazy.

What are the ramifications behind our mass worship of this paranormal entity every year?
Nobody's worshipping him?
It's just a Saint celebration that got a bit out of hand. I don't know why Nick and Patrick get all the attention. They were cool, but people should spread the love.
You guys worship cola man in your family?
Thats weird
We just tell kids hes bringing them presents in our family

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I've been doing this for 5 years since I bought this device. In the beginning I had non idea how it works. I can't reveal much about this device's nature, but I would like to experiment its functions for the first time on /x/ with you.

In order to see how it works, you will have to make a sincere question (you can write it) or just be willing to accept a random communication.
Details about you or the situation you're asking advice for will be welcome, but they're not necessary.

Before answering a question I will ask the entity about the author's intentions in order to avoid time wasters.

The outcomes can be various and depend by the entities connected with you.
Good entities will most likely reveal useful information or give you good advice.
Bad entities are usually willing to confuse or frighten you with chaotic information.
It might be that you can establish contact with someone who recently passed.

When you ask a question or a random advice, you'll have to accept the answer from the entities connected to you, so avoid asking me to connect you to a specific entity or person.

In time I realised that received communications are not subject to spacetime, and can refer to future timelines. If you don't understand the answer, it might be just a matter of time.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>baby’s first larp
have a (you)
Do you think you could reply to >>37934012 for me? If not, it’s okay. Don’t know if I formatted that correct, I’m on my phone haha
I’ve been having a rough time lately in life, when I used to seemingly have it all. I truly am sorry for things I’ve done in the past, and it seems like things in life are getting better, but still unsure. I guess I just want to know if things are starting to look up for real, or if I should be ready for more disappointment? Also, does J actually love me? Thanks
What is the next step I should take to succeed in this life?
what does the entity say about me ?

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There were alien UFOs over the capitol building in 1952, two years before anti-gravity was mastered by the military, according to Dr. Steven Greer.
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Can things be made to happen though, just like in chess or any other strategy game?
where are them reptilians lmao
Ok well literally everything imaginable is supernatural and political in some way. And yet, there are boards other than /x/ and /pol/. Stop being a retard and posting nonsense
Everyone who cries WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE seems to overlook this
We jad UFOs literally over the Whitehouse lawn
Jets scrambled to get them to no avail
again over the whitehouse lawn

Libtards btfo

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