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How do I get my mildly autistic rich-ish father into giving me more money using magick? He doesn't even have any hobbies and just hoards gold like a dragon.
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>I could do better with the money
Yes, I'm a baby. I'm entitled. I'm a failure so far. But everything like that is because he also failed as a human being, more precisely as a father. The point is, I need money to move out because he is a very negative, demon-like being, in a grandiose bubble.
Band up with a bunch of dwarfs and a hobbit
Totes ma goats. Fool proof way of acquiring treasure
I may have something for you.. will create a thread later today or maybe tomorrow... look for new LoA / Manifest thread (no not general). I'm gonna try tackle some "paradigm shift" stuff, which seems to be key ingredient in getting shit actually done in your life (as opposed by being filtered by your pre-existing programming in unconscious mind)

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Does it have any use in spiritual practice like shrooms do, or will there just be demons in the corner staring at me?
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Nutmeg is a shitty psykedelisc. It only gives us a bad stomach and a dislike for the taste
the next few years to come.
Chewing areca nut or Betel chewing are one of the best stimulates out there. And I am saying this danish guy sitting here in beautiful Copenhagen.
It was the most used stimulant in the world to tobacco tok over.
You need a Betel leaf and what is called a Betel nut - it is not but it is called - the nut does not have to be fresh, many actually prefer them dried. >>Then there must be a small amount of slaked lime, no more than you can wipe off with a little finger. So you took your magazine - available on In most Southeast Asian stores, a little crushed nut is added to it and then the small dash of slaked lime. You can put all sorts of spices in -paan- but start from scratch and you can play around later. When you chew up these 3 add your spear will take on a reddish earthy color. And see active substances will be absorbed into your blood stream. The active substance belongs to the nicotine group but can do more. It is probably the most disgusting habit you can get get you do and split red everywhere. The ritual itself with the blade and the nut is at least as much as old as the use of tobacco in Mesoamerican culture. Check it out it's a must if you want to offer to you old Hindu and Southeast Asian Gods
It is much under described in English and an easily known path to P.HD in several fields of academics.
imagine weed edibles with all of the physical effects and about half the sensory effects with none of the mental effects. that's nutmeg.
that being said, it's interesting enough to try at least once; just make sure you start with whole nutmeg, as with preground. all the important volatiles would have already evaporated off
read through these experiences
and figure out for yourself if its worth it to you. Personally I would never touch nutmeg.
>>37933881i tried it, also have experience with other psychs ... to have any effect it feels toxic, like you're not suposed to ingest that much in a tea and feels like you are ingesting bug spray. just feels toxic/ too much. i think the ffect is just a "feelling" of taking too much. Not sure if they add somrthing to it so in larger ammounts it feels like that but it does

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Is anyone else just fascinated with all things having to do with the Afterlife? Like, you haven't lost anyone close to you recently and you aren't going to die any time soon, but you just find Afterlife research and experiences really interesting? Am I just autistic?
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Even though 80%-90% of people who came back to life don't remember anything, you can't compare death and being unconscious. When you're unconscious you still have brain activity. Your body isn't depraved of oxygen and your heart's still beating.
Despite knowing that brain activity continues after death for 7 or 10 minutes it still doesn't explain how some people who've been gone for almost an hour can remember anything.
I've passed away before and it's weird since you wake up happy. Shit feels good for some reason
I'm curious to know when exactly in the process of death one's soul crosses over.
There were times, especially about a year ago, when I had wished that I had chosen to pass on. But now I'm quite happy with where I am.

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Uh oh, Dot's down. What's happening?
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That's not true at all
Your refusal of the truth will only hurt you, my friend.
Grass is super expensive to plant, maintain and grow. Outside of lawns you won't see grass because it's actually not that common
>Outside of lawns you won't see grass because it's actually not that common
Hey go out into the wilds
Go look at what your city was before it was a city
I promise it didn't have huge lawns of blue chimney Slovakian whatever seed.

How do I fuck God?
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If I fuck myself, is that any business of yours?

Amor fornicationis dei
>How do I fuck God?
You don't. God is not separate from you. Everything that exists is the tiniest part of God. At best you could say that some microscopic parts of God are fucking themselves.
Also, fucking is a material thing. And material sphere of existence is a small part of bigger existence. So you cannot fuck, since outside of the material there's no body you'd have to use for fucking.
thats untrue, you can definitely have sex with god. hes omnipotent. hes just ignoring most of the pieces of shit here. hes even figured out how to rape pieces of shit with apparitions, so thats a thing. they punch you in the head and ass rape you.
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All wrong.

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According to the research of Dr. Roger Leir, a surgeon who helped remove alien implants from abducted people, these objects are made of self-assembling single or double-walled carbon nanotubes modulated by scalar waves to listen and spy on what is happening in them. bodies of those implanted.

So, most of the research around the world that has studied the optical and electron microscope and done different tests with the samples from the vials conclude that these are exactly the implants described by Leir with the same functionality but in liquid format, that is. Do governments now do the same thing that aliens do? and they do it TO EVERYONE?

The story of mrna, prions, spike protein, snake venom, fetal tissue, spider web DNA is the script of controlled dissidents to cover up the fact that it is a magnetic reading and writing medium about biology and human brain but tell me, how is it that these elements in combination with living cells produce that remarkable magnetism in the arms of the "vaccinated" (or perhaps i should say, implanted)?

The alien agenda is completely real but the aliens are fake and gay.
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>I want to say they're a troll,
>But I actually 100% agree with them
Sort of, the tech isnt human but its humans using it if that makes sense
At least it means that they dont know how to control it A to Z so thats why you havent seen a big usecase of the implant
Atm they cant even connect to them, Yes its bad for you that its in you but it cannot use frequencies to generate more dis-ease in you
don't get vaxxed frens
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>reminder that vaxxies emit a Bluetooth signal
i know that this gets meme'd , but i haven't found an app that shows vaxx'd ppl as bluetooth devices

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Are souls created somewhere? What determines if a body gets a fresh soul or an old one?
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>Are souls created somewhere?

Think of the souls as similar to rays of light emanating from the Sun. We exist eternally but our individuality is suppressed as we are merged in the godhead. At some point we desire to experience separateness and to experience God not in unity, but in a loving relationship, which requires difference. At that point we enter something similar to what others here have called the "Guf'. It is an ocean of light, of newly "born" souls, innocent and childlike, first coming into individual consciousness. So we are not created. We exist above creation. But we do awaken into individual consciousness.

We then undergo a process of developing our love for God. Love is based on free will. Therefore we must choose knowledge and love, we must choose the qualities which allow us to associate with God. That is what this world if for. It is a testing ground which allows us to be confronted with the illusion of separateness and the absence of God. We are confronted with the qualities which lead away from God; lust, hatred, fear, anger, greed etc. We are attached to these qualities and gradually, over many births and much learning, we have to give up this attachment and only cultivate the Godly qualities, compassion, forgiveness, love, courage, etc.

>What determines what kind of soul goes into what kind of body?

An old soul is one who has done a good deal of work and wants to do more. The old soul wants to finish his transformation and learning and rise to the level where he doesn't have to take birth again. He wants to graduate.

Usually such souls want harder lives, with greater challenges and more intense learning opportunities. Therefore spirit guides or masters, those who arrange the birth/school process, will give such lives to an old soul. It is by divine arrangement. Even better is if the body is intelligent and can understand what his happening and the lessons he/she is trying to learn. Such a life is a great blessing.
I don't know I guess they all individually think the same thing
So it's a hive mind for sure
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>What determines if a body gets a fresh soul or an old one?

Generally a new soul is not going to take birth on Earth. Earth is considered one of the hardest or THE hardest realm to be born in.

It is my understanding you really have to ask to be born here. Newer souls will spend a good deal of time learning and developing on the astral plains, in heavenly environments, although not quite heaven, which is a place of immense spiritual love and devotion.

Only when those souls are ready and willing to undergo an extreme test will they take birth on Earth.

Earth is way to squeeze the Godly qualities out of yourself. It is similar to how immense pressure turns a piece of coal into a diamond. We are like shooting stars that get buried into mud and then are transformed under extreme pressure. Over many lifetimes the goodness and knowledge comes to the surface.

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there is ultimately only one 'soul' bring endlessly looped on itself; in essence, that which is called "soul" and that which is called "god" within modern parlance are actually one and the same
Interesting theory.
So whats the end goal?
Why would we want to get godly qualities?
I agree Earth is incredibly difficult, and honestly I wouldnt want to be born here.
What is the carrot that comes from being incarnated in this shitty place full of shitty people?

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/x/ has anyone actually know any spell work working with a cauldrons?
I know that Cauldrons are a Tool use to in different ways each to the best of their ability; What will be the practices and uses for one who uses it on to day to day basis?
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Try to boil another frog, bitch.
what's this? New witchcraft general? I'm down.
How often do you sweep out bad energy and ashes and stuff? And if you don't have a west or south facing door should you sweep into a pan and dump it outside??
>any spell

what do you want? precisely, think of it like a factory, what final product do you want to produce?
This, I do herbal cooking not in a cauldron but a big stew pot, I would like to get one some day. Mixing in habanero peppers and autistic rage against someone actually worked against him, the next day he called me broken down in the middle of the highway and I had to pick him up.
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Female hands typed this.
Be gone, wench!

Aliens aren't real
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I don't understand any of this nerd shit
do you guys legit not know what a 3D model is? like in a video game or CGI in a movie.
I know what a a 3d model is. I don't know all that geek speak made up to make them sound smarter
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Tf are you talking about man they are crossing the border undocumented in mass.
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months May 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.

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Can weed help you transcend the metaphysical planes of reality into opposite dimensions of the spirit-verse? With enough hash oil I'm told you can remote view yourself out of your physical body and into the psychonaut stratosphere. Anyone have luck with these travels?
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I used to get this feeling of watching myself through the eyes of a stranger. I called it "5th person"
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Awesome! I'm high now

Take a meme, leave a meme. I want only your spiciest, freshest ones.
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>that neck beard
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>Wasn't Mein Kampf made by capitalists?
far be it from me to tell a /x/ user to come back to reality but IM pretty sure most Norse pagans even admit its not a reliable source due to the date of its creation and that era of chrisitan expansion
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Yes, I know who Snorri Snorluson was. He collated and wrote down the beliefs of his ancestors, changing what he had to in order to avoid charges of heresy by the church. He didn't "make" the Eddas any more than English and French translators "made" Mein Kampf.
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Checked, and saved.

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Nothing will ever change, even if something happens your life will not change especially not for the better. Meanwhile life is slowly passes us by while we wait for a miracle that is never coming.

It's over
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I feel this, I think our bodies do this to us for some reason. No matter how much I change physically and mentally, my brain still brings back old thoughts and feelings I pushed aside long ago. I’m no longer suicidal, but one little stress makes me fall apart and drown in those feelings of wanting to die and feeling like life isn’t worth living. It’s important to ground yourself in the physical and keep moving towards your goals despite what your retard of a body brings back every year. I really don’t get it
>experts say
Oy vey
Would you still feel this way if you were financially stable enough to not be at the mercy of the jews like you currently are?
Maybe money can buy you health as well, good healthcare, multiple opinions and thorough medical investigations, etc.
But yeah money would solve a lot of problems for most people.
Great reply

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My schizophrenia keeps talking to me, how do I make it shut up and have it quit pretending it's a living being instead of a hypothetical hydrogen atom?
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bootmanaz - that's me reaching out for some potential win-win scenarios. I welcome you to risk adding me.
>Any good rabbit-holes? I've exhausted most topics, craving for more.

I have yet to find anything online I have not been through in my head without the internet already, except psychology (things like ego) which seems to be an area that contains diversities which can be classed as unique but overall just a systemised labelling of a condition which is easier understood at root, the human condition, the believing of things like ego is a splitting of hairs that do not fundamentally exist when peaceful.

Finding something worth thinking about is like finding needles in haystacks when you have thought for 100,000 hours already. The best I can get is momentary enlightenment beyond the contentment I already have.

Email me on my website if you want to be messaged in discord, just send me the link.
I do not want to post mine and I suspect neither do you.
I already posted it. Here it is again: bootmanaz
>The best I can get is momentary enlightenment beyond the contentment I already have.
Kinda similar. Still stuck on wtf is fire/magnetism/electricity (without using made up/unverifiable definitions).

I was stuck on those three for a while but I got there in the end, to the level which I find acceptable. It may still be unverifiable to you though because the tools to study it would cost hundreds of thousands if they even can actually measure the energy states involved. Either they hid the experimental equipment from us or they never made it.

That is my view at least because I have never seen a study of those energies which was not a computer model or artist's impression.

The key for me was understanding how local density matrices of energy fields alter ionic pattern formations and consequently generate avenues of least resistance <> How avenues of least resistance draw in ionic flows of particulate energetic construct into higher density zones which correspondingly can release molecular bonds or create them generating assorted forms of field expulsion/motion.

It has been months since the last time i thought about that and I can only offer you the seed to begin to try to picture the plausibility. It is in effect a model in words, nothing more.
>we have always been at war with Eastasia

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Isn't it weird how normalized pornography was around 2017-2021? This snip bit in history was the peak of it's normalization in society. The amount of memes centering around pornography were ten fold. Everyone was talking about Pornhub, everyone was joking about Rule34, everyone was like yeah, that's normal. There was never a point in history where porn was talked about like this. Porno studios from the 1970s would've never dreamt a society that was so accepting to it's degeneracy, and that's the era where pornographers were producing CP/Bestiality legally for profit. Youtubers were literally asking for people to produce pornography of them, justifying it's existence to the masses. I remember some horror Youtuber begging for his audience to make porn out his Youtube avatar. It was just insane how "normal" it was. Anyone who used the internet had some sort of porn addiction. If you were to talk to some zoomer on the street and ask them how old they were when they starting watching pornography. They'll always say they started watching that stuff when they were around 9-14 years old. Just wicked and awful. Another strange thing I've noticed is the amount of kids that were producing (drawing) pornography themselves. I remember meeting some girl my age (14) at the time and she was already drawing pornography for weirdos online. The amount of drawn pornography that was produced by minors is never talked about. What's worse was the amount of adults that were encourage them to draw smut, "Yeah it's just normal for kids to draw pornography and submit it on R34." I wonder what will happen to the zoomers once they realize just how depraved society was when they were younger.
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they also had whores you fuckign retard
They never hated the wasps, they idolize them and idealize them
Look at the posts that get ignored. Anti-porn people are inherently pro-child-labor and pro-child-soldiers
we know this since the dawn of history
people are just uneducated fucks
based thot patroller
Third worlders are just uneducated fucks*
Not people, Anon. Silly goose.

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So unnerving...yet nostalgic
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there's something to these AI images. i had dreams of being a kid again prior to seeing any liminal images at all of wading thru a comfy maze of nonsensical pool tunnels like this, more than once and they were vivid af

but the only thing these images got wrong vs. my dreams were they're always showing the entrance of these tunnels but never showing the insides of small, tiled tunnels, not exactly sure how they were lit inside since i don't recall ever seeing any lights inside. somehow the sun got through the small tunnels
This but if it was ancient greece or rome.
a lot of places used to look like this
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I'm convinced that the endless/impossible maze dreams is your astral body navigating the 4d spaghetti built to be intentionally confusing in order to keep you in the 3d

it's a lot of fun getting chased through these honestly, I'm usually going through malls or corporate buildings while actively evading whatever is looking for me.

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