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Hello, yes! It's about that time again!

My intentions for this thread are to provide my wizardly wisdom and knowledge of /x/core shit to anons that ask for it. It's a glamoured up wizard AMA.

Bring us your questions, your concerns, lay bare your problems, and a wizard may answer them to the best of their ability.

If you are a practitioner of the occult, then I invite you to offer your knowledge as well. Try to keep the vibes good, and don't feel obligated to answer every question.
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I did a get jacked spell with a Martian talisman as magical steroids and I put on 11 pounds of muscle in 5 weeks. It was so successful I've been debating trying to a penis enlargement spell. I'm pretty sure the operative spheres for this would be Mars and Venus. Mars for worldly masculinity and Venus as the tie to the fertility organ. As I am a talismanic magus I will have to craft a penis enlargement ring during the correct astrological conditions. Maybe the talisman should be a cock ring?

If I decide to move forward with the operation and it doesn't backfire and give me penis cancer I will assemble a quick pdf tome on the operation and gift it to my fellow /x/ brethren.
If you ever make a magic cock ring of enlargement, definitely document that. I wanna see

Ima necromance this thread back from page 7, just one more time
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I have all sorts of vague quandaries and fascinations floating around my mind I'm always seeking answers for, but I'm not especially good at catching these thoughts and ideas and articulating them in a fashion where I could go research it with conventional means or ask people about it. Do you have any suggestions for how to literally become that meme about getting all my information from spiritual discernment? I want to be able to find answers to questions of my own.


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I sucked down a lot of really bloody noses in my youth and I dont understand how vampires can suck for any reason unless they're dying of thirst.

(i mean oppositeized that, of course?
Because all vampires are fags. They get off on SUCKING on men. Ever notice vampires in "books" like interview w/campire and twilight are k-pop band level pretty boys, and all they want to do suck on men's blood? It's literal fag-hag basic bitch wish fulfillment to turn a faggot into a straight, I'm not even shitting you.
Silly anon.
Horrible taste, read the classics
I stole used tampons and made tea with it.

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>Steals 95% of Hinduism
>Tries to claim man is God, that he can extend his life, work miracles yet none of this shit has ever been recorded by these so called magicians.
>Psychological studies report that splitting the ego through occult practices leads to schizophrenic symptoms
>The practicioners of the Occult sciences are feminists, manchildren who can't get over their hatred of Christ, LGBT, trannies, redditors all of the degenerates yet we are supposed to believe these people hold the keys to the universe.
>Extrene Asceticism can be irreversiably damaging to the body
TLDR: It's the white man's version of Hinduism with extra steps
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You mean you have a small dick and perform simulated rough sex on tape?
I do not mean that, no.
>an actual illiterate retard
oh okay you convinced me
Oh, ok. So you just have a small dick and anger issues.
>He actual admits it

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QRD on the “Black Pyramid of Alaska” please? First I’m hearing of it…
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No. He was the best remote viewer in the world, and basically was one of the fathers of remote viewing. Worked at SRI and government got involved, which never pans out well. He saw too much, SRI wasnt into the drug thing, it was all about consciuosness, he was a retired police officer who had a 'knack" for knowing things.
drugs, gott ya
I accept your concession.
When they "disclose" information of this nature it is always a half truth, or intended for you to use it to harm your mind and soul. This is why they push shit like manifestation, it works and is correct information, yet everyone who uses it only thinks about using it for materialistic purposes, just as they intended. People think to themselves all day
>I am rich
>I am rich
>I am rich

and are basically selling their soul in the process.
>pyramid lazyboy

Ok I'm interested
Where do I learn more?

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ITT: We read each other’s birthcharts and expose the depths of our personalities.

I’ll go first…
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Prefers to live a luxurious lifestyle, foodie, VERY STUBBORN, talkative, current on politics and worldly events, curious, impulsive, outgoing, patient, stern on setting boundaries, materialistic, good with money, attracts money easily, two faced, cannot take relationship’s seriously, does not want to settle down or be tied down by a relationship
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WE NEED MORE READERS! I am the only one doing readings.
bros... please read my chart...

Stubborn, luxurious, charismatic, big ego, very sensitive, moody, shy

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Magic isn't real
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muggle hands wrote this
This is, in fact, in the VN yes
Asta is an annoying fuck and Black Clover sucks ass. You have shit taste in anime and your mom never meant to get pregnant with you. She regrets ever bringing you into this world.
its not real because you choose not to believe in it
If you don't like it then you can't have any!!

Why do the mods delete chosen threads? They're fun. Aren't "Nobody" threads just chosen one threads anyway? They're allowed to stay up.
This place would be fun again if the mods weren't so strict.
>Aren't "Nobody" threads just chosen one threads anyway?
asked and answered
the Nobody isn't some "chosen one".

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There is some information that you need to know about the Time War. I'll tell you what I think that I can tell you safely without putting an even bigger target on my back than is already there. Anyone who would try to take me out for what I post here already has plenty of reason to try and do so. So yeah, I think I'm fine making this post. Most people will assume that it's just a larp like many of the things posted here on /x/. If you have significant doubts as to my authenticity that's just fine. Write me off. The claims that I'm going to be making are so outlandish that I would expect most reasonable people would.

I think we should start with some basic facts that are true as far as I know. My understanding and insight into the Time War has limits, and there is an extremely high possibility that there are details to it that I just don't know about yet.
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that can help a little bit, but should focus on with combination of the past in a better way, more a acceptance and way to do better so it can play better in the future, you don't want "it isn't the past" and "it is a past", you want, it is the past, it is the time, we do not bear it's pain anymore, we can heal from the wounds though can't forget how time is wounded, hell the impactions of the past are worse than u could think, one lifetime is little compared to the rest out there, so it could work for a time and a few, but you create situations like this anon is in by not being in this past >>37932498 where u have to ask, where are we even going? Where have we even been?

It's like smoking a fat bowl or going on a bender doing stuff you don't remember, it's like forgetting the wound is there

you can change the wound, but only a small amount, the past is something that can only be lightly tampered with, it is, like you are, there isn't an origin of you or it, but it is, like a dream you'll never forget, these dreams need to be treated like a wound, in this case I would pray that these past mistakes are voided, forgiven, they can prayed to be forgotten as that source itself has a powerful tapping many tap in or out of, though even then i have to say it can only do so much, it's better to treat a past wound if it keeps causing pain than to let it keep on, it must be treated or else it only gets worse, festers, and destroys the whole body like a form of infection

there's a million magicians of all kinds out there messing with the numbers, if i did nothing, it would improve ur chance by like 0.00000085% chance, maybe a few scratch offs possibly, but even then that math is depending, also time wouldn't help you in this regard at all, there's a million other things out there to really look into which might increase ur chances better
The point is that if you pray for retrocausal healing then the Divine can do that for you as long as you don't block it with disbelief or surprise that it happened. When you get it to work, train yourself to always respond with an instant prayer of thanks. Focusing on it while the prayer is working is not necessarily a good idea since it's easier for it to work if you're not inadvertently observing the situation with doubt. A stronger idea is to pray for it repeatedly over many days and don't focus on it in between so that your thoughts cannot interfere with the fulfillment of the request.

https://youtu.be/uZppb_f6qMY (How To Pray)
I'll give it a listen anon, I hope it helps out but it feels like skimping out though for interaction from ur own words
The reason for the recommended wording is that in order to get a prayer to work you have to specifically give permission for it, otherwise it is a violation of your free will for the Divine to act without a specific request. The prayers give the list of requests you can make to open the free will barriers and allow the Divine to work miracles on your behalf.
I think this is good for some individuals who can't face the past, but I'm very critical of the jumping there, it seems too "miracle" inducing, transcendent properties inside of time itself are very hard to find as time doesn't boast itself as a transcendental entity

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My family members are acting strange today. This shit makes me terrified I swear to god. They NEVER act like this, I'm on fucking edge what the fuck did I do this time? I hope I didn't summon a demon for real.
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Yeah. Brain scans show that dogs see their owners as divine beings (by the way the part of the brain activated by their owner is the part that activates in humans through religious experiences) so he was probably looking at you until the end.
>Brain scans show that dogs see their owners as divine beings
You're kidding me. That's hilarious. Not every human is a good boy though huh?
Yup, it's true. Haha, I never really thought about it like that: a dog with a bad owner would possibly feel a bit like one of the schizos here who lost their minds by summoning torment demons kEK.
We sit on one tiny sliver of a massive chain fo being I guess. Oh well, I found a good master :)
I'm happy to hear that Anon. Under such an analogy I would be a stray xD

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are shopping malls evil in some paranormal capacity? I feel disgusting whenever I'm in one.
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Good luck
They are temples of Mammon. Pure evil.
>zoomers are scared of big empty rooms
God damn what is this generation became?
Of course malls look fucking uncanny. Everything about them is fake and sterile. Decades have been spent refining them with the goal of making you waste your time and spend your money on impulse purchases.
This. They’re uncanny. They simulate an urban market environment like an alligator pretending to be a log or that caterpillar that eats ants.

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What are your go-to lesser-known schizo channels, like pic rel
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Whatever happened to these two two dudes in the vid below? Not exactly paranormal, still a good mystery.

That's a dude who does 100 push ups every day, you moron.
Cyrax and flyrax

Ok I’m officially a schizo
I can literally see another planet or moon in the sky and it’s huge and location maps of the moon say it’s over Brazil currently which is in the complete opposite direction of this shit
I’m having a meltdown
Tell me it’s some sort of vapor reflection of the moon
Qrd on what I’m seeing and why
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וְהָיָ֗ה כֹּ֧ל אֲשֶׁר־ יִקְרָ֛א בְּשֵׁ֥ם יְהוָ֖ה יִמָּלֵ֑ט כִּ֠י בְּהַר־ צִיֹּ֨ון וּבִירוּשָׁלִַ֜ם תִּֽהְיֶ֣ה פְלֵיטָ֗ה כַּֽאֲשֶׁר֙ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה וּבַ֨שְּׂרִידִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה קֹרֵֽא׃
Its the Black Sun or Nibiru.
Also might be why the pope is holding a press conference on supernatural right now.
I live in Brazil, I looked outside, nothing is happening.
But... Yes, it is scientific knowledge that there is an anomaly in our atmosphere.
An entire southern region was completely destroyed by floods.
He didn't say he was in Brazil, just that he said the moon is suppose to be over it.

Question for initiated anons, if they'd be so kind as to at least answer around the question:

Does one gain any extra abilities of perception upon true initiation? Is astral projection able to be performed at-will by adepts? What changes actually occur? Or is it just some bs ceremony where you do some ritual and say some magic words to "alter your consciousness" in a more "subtle" way?

Thanks for any answers.
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To further and more simply answer you: direct immediate profound alteration of consciousness or even the direct witnessing or experiencing of a miracle.

>So in your opinion do some of the more visible occult organizations, for example O.T.O. or the rosicrucians, have the authentic initiatic tradition?
They could or could have at some point, at least some figures within them, but I think there’s also the possibility of initiation-gone-awry, as with Aleister Crowley, an undoubtedly very intelligent but pretty corrupt figure. It seems a few of these psychophysical phenomena can be cultivated but in a somewhat corrupt way, that even turns away or devolves away from the Divine; seeking the strengthening of one’s ego and paranormal experiences or abilities come at whatever cost to one’s soul.

The majority of such well-known esoteric orders in the West are likely degenerated, but occasionally a real esoteric teacher might work in them, or at least DID work in them and inspired their founding. But they easily become like ‘shells’ of what they once were, still giving off some subtle radiations from it that draw people into the cult, but without the real heart of “Tradition” in it.

>Or is the real stuff only transmitted in private from master to student?
This seems likely more common. There are different historical cases, like Christ’s public teachings to found a new religion and institute a massive change on Earth. But then there are also the esoteric paths, and it seems this focus on privacy/secret initiation in such paths is precisely because some of these psychophysical phenomena can be abused by disreputable people. Like dark shamans who aim to curse/injure people instead of help them, even some corrupt yogis, or things like Tibetan black magic (as Milarepa famously trained in before his transformation and repentance and grueling spiritual training from his Guru Marpa to burn off his bad karmas he incurred from it).
>Interesting. Except the duration would be much longer right?

Again, I'm just guessing but I wouldn't think that it would be very long, as you'd have to return to normal consciousness at some point, I'd think maybe an hour tops, but who knows? There are always drugs like Ayahuasca or high doses of psilocybin or LSD for extended journeys into subtle or cosmic realms.
Thank you. Well, I hope somehow I'll find my way to the true path, there are so many supposed routes to these mysterious enlightenment experiences, and apparently some are false. Best of luck to you on your own journey.
You’re welcome, and thank you for your appreciation as well. These are just some thoughts from some of my own scholarship as well as even a little of my own experience, but shouldn’t necessarily be taken as gospel, I’d like to stress. For some things, your answer or speculation is probably about as good as mine.

You can also find accounts in Swami Muktananda’s teachings of Siddha Yoga he did publicly in the West, besides accounts of and the writings of his Guru, Bhagavan Nityananda, who was even more developed and morally upright than Swami Muktananda. In fact, the whole case is also a warning of some of the dangers of this, as Swami Muktananda infamously became yet another abusive sex-fiending guru while publicly promoting celibacy, but people also STILL claim he did give them direct immediate powerful alterations of consciousness through Shaktipat. It seems Muktananda became corrupted by desire for fame, revering disciples, and, to put it simply, sex.

Development of paranormal or psychic experiences, abilities, phenomena, are not necessarily the complete culmination of the spiritual path and may not even reflect on such a person’s moral development. That’s why it’s all a little dangerous. You can uncritically follow people you perhaps shouldn’t, just because they seem to be more developed than you in some other subtle/psychic ways. Hence how cults form. And hence again why esotericism, secrecy, and private initiation is a thing. To try to limit some of these bad effects, by having qualified gurus or teachers carefully vet disciples and put them through their paces. (But even in such cases some things can go wrong occasionally, apparently).

Some accounts from Muktananda’s disciples halfway through this page: https://www.hinduismtoday.com/magazine/april-1995/1995-04-muktananda-s-legacy/
Gopi Krishna on self-induced initiation and experiences with kundalini (very well worth reading): https://scienceandnonduality.com/article/interview-with-gopi-krishna-on-consciousness-and-kundalini/

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So, i dont normally pray because i was raised a christian but i dont really follow the religion, but oftentimes i find myself needing help with something like , i want something to happen, i ask the universe for it, sometimes the dead ( could amount to ancestor spirits or whatever), and when im really desperate i ask help to ''whoever can hear my pleas''. I was a bit desperate yesterday, really depressive and i could barely get up, i asked help to the latter, next thing i know i enter a profound sleep and wake up perfectly invigorated and fine. So i want to know if it is dangerous to ask whoever can hear my pleas for help, is there any chance i gave something away unwillingly for that help? Or maybe they did really help but in a way that the help itself requires you to lose something, albeit unwillingly?
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No prayer is wasted. You can't wear out the divine with requests. The more you pray to make things better, the more good you do. Even if you're not sure of the exact right outcome or wording, your intentions directed to the highest and best Source of everything with clear requests for help will always be a benefit. As long as you're asking for the divine goal to be fulfilled to fix a problem it's always good to pray and pray often.

https://youtu.be/uZppb_f6qMY (How To Pray)
Unlike posting on 4chan which screams confident and well read
No? the fuck?
What time is it anon

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there was no better battle than Freud and Jung in terms of modern philosophy. pick your poison.

Freud was your typical Jew. Self-centric, mother issues, wanted to fuck everything, stole ideas, and made sweeping claims as "science" without backing them up.

Jung was your typical Goyim. Believed in spirituality, attributed ideas and gave sources for his beliefs, understood there was something larger then us, was a philosopher, and believed in analytics that actually help people.

that is a basic summary.
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The only shrink I ever liked was a Jungian.
I don't believe a single bit of what Jung was talking about, but my heart lives in that world
jordan peterson is a intellectual-wannabe, first-class, midwit.

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