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>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest third-party launcher for the server you want. Alternatively you can place mod files within the win32 folder; if so, place the modified checksum file after client has loaded.

>Modified Checksum:

>What third-party launcher?

>Is there a Mod database?

>Is there a Modding community?

>Free-to-Play @SatomiMiyaMD Mods

>Free-to-Play @Rem_NoireL Mods

>leaked paywalled mods
https://pixeldrain com/u/tpKQfxM6

>How do I create webms?
Pick constant mode and set the filesize limit to 3mb which is the max 4chan allows, and tick enable high quality mode so it does two passes. That should give you a decent enough output under 3mb assuming the video isn't too long.

>How do I loop webms?
Pick a static background first. If there are any moving objects (lights shimmering, water, clouds, etc) in the background the loop will be very noticeable. Once you have your recording pick your first frame and try to end the loop on the same frame (this webm was made with Webm for dummies, pretty easy to use and has all the tools you need). The dances loop perfectly already so it's not so difficult to match both frames. You just need to keep in mind some things like accessories, earrings or hair flapping around may not match the first frame due to wacky game physics and/or unstable framerate so if any of those is giving you trouble you may need to remove them.

Previous thread: >>8219735
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I really need to take more lewd shots now that I have a new face.
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Rinka post the tribute video PLEASE
Cute, would submit to!

W... What is happening with those boobs?...
I made it into the reposts!
Oh yeah, we can repost here! Don't mind if I do...
That just means you should post more...
maybe you should find me and take pictures with me~
I wish...
I'd take some with you! But I'm a t2...
I fail to see the problem!
Well, I'd be happy to! Always enjoy getting new photo friends. Finding time is the challenge, however.
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It's a problem for me, sadly... :(
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Last one enjoy!
A lot cuter than your lively and actually breedable
I'm always up for new ideas with people but everyone is shy to approach.
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Need to mating press my old leader
I have 0 respect for fags that bait here. If you're gonna meet up then do it.
Then you're going to be seeing a lot of fags. Don't take it seriously. For the most part some are going to post their characters and the rest are going to hornypost. On average, that's how it goes. Don't expect much else.
>meet up
>no longer fun baiting in the main thread
I want to get jiggy with Jiggu!
I still don't know what that means...
You might want to consider using the other sun tan bodypaint that's available. A reason why that one is avoided is because it desaturates the skin too much.
Filling up Jiggu's minheight demon hole repeatedly, only ever stopping to hydrate, until I'm drained dry...
watching jiggu bounce on darkers...
Caseal on caseal...
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Have a seat.
My wife...
Do this to me..
Give me a time and a place and I'll be there!
no 1 evr wanna mi csl...
csl lvrs rnt rl...
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I have an undying lust for caseals but I don't want people to know who I am..
Why have you not whispered me yet?
Please, continue.
Later. I got some inspiration, poor lively though.
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i'd use it more if it was as sexy as the other one.

also both kinda work well on darker skin tones, so it's not too bad.
.... Wait, we only need to ask?
I mean, the abuse and humiliation part I don't know if it's even attractive to people, let alone minheights.
It very much is to me, yes. I struggle to find someone who wants to indulge in the level of control and dominance I seek.
That would be sweet but I don't got normal active hours so even if I wanted to I can't do much besides screenshots.
If it works out then, it works out. If not, well, I'm more than happy to take screenshots,too.
Are you the caseal? I feel like you are.
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"You found our "secret" stream~"
... Is that a bad thing?
>minheight sex
No, I've already kicked you in the face before
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"Do you like our bikinis?"
"Perhaps you want to tear them off~?"
"Are you imagining something dirty?"
"Like what you'd do to our pure bodies?"
Make my cock feel good for denying me the other night.
Ah, yes. I eagerly await the next time.
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"Go ahead, take a long.. hard... look...."
"We don't mind at all! Let your imagination go wild, and fill your brain with dirty fantasies!"
"There's nothing wrong with getting a bit excited..."
"Just remember to lock your door~"
grown ass niggas
No time and too tired but sometimes inspiration hits.
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"So.. fap fap fap!"
"And when you pop..."
"You know where to aim!"
"Give us plenty to drink~"
"Now pay your tribute~"
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"Thanks for tuning in to our golden week stream!"
"Until next time~"
"Be sure to like and subscribe!"
"And tell your friends.. or maybe don't LOL"
I'm going to do it...
Remember to share the results!
I know how that is. Well, you know where to find me~!
I fap with the door unlocked ALWAYS
Based same, sometimes I leave my windows open, first floor.
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need csl plaps...
how does one obtain the clique cube?
What's the clique cube?
Why isn't anyone horny...!!!!!!!!!!!!???
If I make it one day, I'll share it here with you all.
Let me cube you and you'll have it
I am, but I'm busy, post butts...
Hahaha I wonder if dragon girls can get pregnant.
I hope to find out someday and then ghost her if she does.
God I wished I had the chance to feed a perverted anon my lewd screens for him to pay me back in cum...
I would do that for a certain person if she asked me...
Is it me?
First letter?
Same, waiting for the ask from my favorite. Feels weird doing it if it's not asked for...
Mine would absolutely say yes if I asked, but I want her to ask me for it...
Exactly! I want her to straight up beg to me that she really wants me to coat her pictures in cum and smear it in with my dick! I want to mark her as mine so bad...
I don't want to expose myself...
Unironic interaction tip: if you have done any sort of lewd stuff like fapslutting or erping with someone more than once, and you want them to do something with/for/to you, you have literally nothing to lose by asking plainly! If they don't want to they'll turn you down nicely, and the possibility of "they're just saying yes to appease me" doesn't exist because you're asking them to take action, rather than asking them to let you do something.
Please, my fellow shy/cagey people, listen to my advice! You'll be much happier for it!

Now, if you were to ask me how to broach the subject of lewd stuff with someone you HAVEN'T lewded with yet, uhh... let me know if you figure that one out.
I feel the same way...It would be really hot and I would be completely addicted to her if she did...
Then you're probably not her...She would have no problem announcing herself and I can see she's offline right now...Sorry, anon...If you hint who you are and I find you, I can help before I get claimed...
If she has no problem why hasn't she done it?
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Just how many dick mods do people want?
the only public one is boring and don't look nearly as good as the ones clique posters have
She can't type the first letter of her name if she's offline anon...
Why not? Is she asleep? That's the only thing that impedes internet access?
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The old one from base? Did no other modder ever make anything newer/better for the public? Damn the modders in this community are disappointing
I got a bunch of weird dick models from a bad dragon pack a while ago but never did anything with them. Funny to look at but can't see people using them. Also look like they would need a bit of work to have it look right ingame.
I assume so, but her name lit up just now...
they did not, the only new thing we got was an "upgraded" version for the n-skin cube. but it's damn near the same
is it me?
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Then rip the community. Guess have a consolation butt post
i'd buy/pirate the clique cube and share it if i knew who made it.
First letter?
I want a cock like this (minus the censor)
I'm not namedropping myself, silly~
Now that I think about it, I don't think she has that I remember, so, J...
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Are you ok?
Better, now...
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Glad to hear!
Great work, as always...
it's the same because i was told to make it the same :)
You're not taken right? I need this squishy bottom pressing against me.
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Glad you enjoyed them!
I gotta know who's asking first.
open cs
My old boss wtf ToT
someone post the better dick mod
Nah eat shit WD
Post a block so I can rape you with it. You still need to see it
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calm down have some more..
I'm glad you enjoy the pics.
I want to sex with my old leader...
a4 near the personal shop
I can't do my old boss... I would be the boss of that tight coon ass...
A lot of people have mental illness here. They'll say yes, even if they don't have to, because of some previous trauma that causes them to "people please". Some people just genuinely don't know how to say no. These people are easy to sniff out, they're half hearted in a lot of their interactions when their facade drops.
hey that's me!
You probably have ADHD or BPD, congratulations.
how did you know...
From experience as a fellow co-dependent. I'd say I want to take care of you, but in the same breath I'd also want to hurt you.
Finding half-hearted people pleasers, figuring out their deepest desires, and pleasing them with it until they melt...
It's a mystery...
minheight anal?
Minheight caseal anal
that's me!
No, me!
Anyone wanna...?
depends who's asking...
depends what you're looking for...
Pick a place...
Aelio 4 benches
Pick somewhere else so I can find you...
Anyone got any of the newer mods? Everything is behind patreon paywalls these days...
Yes are you cute?
Of course but I also need mods to put the cute to good use.
Post a face pic
Wish I had a cube available for a quick and dirty wanna...
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looks like a b-33 creation
Shooting photons across my chest while an anon does a photon blast inside me...
Getting on my knees and letting several anons blow their photons all over my face and flat chest...
Turned into a csl onahole...
My cs NOW
On my way!
>Ghosted again
Not like this, bros... I'm running out of bridges to burn.
csl onahole wife who let's me watch...
How crazy are you? Might need you bouncing on me.
Sorry, busy!
You never found me
I want to step on T2s goddamn.
I want to step on T3s with my minheight...
Not happening
Who do I go to for the elusive T3 x T3 wanna...?
Ask from those who you wouldn't expect to be into that
minheight t3 wanna find huge t2 waifu...
Is there a single *stealthy* T3? They all tend to be max muscle sliders.
Yes, and you not knowing who they are proves the point.
Some do moonlight as T3s if you just ask
Nobody has requested to be T3 when plapping but wouldn't mind it...
Fair enough, just every "buff" T2 always has cube pics etc. I'm sure there are plenty others.
That's an understandable assumption to make, but I know some t3s who aren't masculine anywhere but their pps
>muscle slider set at 57
I just want to look fit and athletic, not like a gorilla
I want a cute T3, minheight or at least short, a little thick would be nice and low to nothing on muscle slider
Please find my minheight at your earliest convenience
I already posted and am not max height or muscular
>kisa trying to groom another anon
I don't think he's looking for a super feminine futa
I'm a 170cm T3 wanting to be plapped by a T3 170 or higher.
I'm a sub170 T3 waiting to be plapped by a T3 csl with aeros or falte.
I would oblige but I don't really like t3xt3
It's pretty gay
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What happened to all the good posters?
>no one found me with my hint
T2XT3 is fine too
The amount of people who have the balls to show up can be counted in one hand
Are you on right now?
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No, but also don't call it "grooming" when people give their consent, thanks!
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Messing around with some poses and screenshots. I think I'm onto something with this one. Will require finessing and playing with light...
...what are those
No… no, and no!!!
NO NO NO!!!!
This is me!
>still no kudos
I'm never getting the mythical T3 x T3...
just ask A
Find me...
T2 for this feel? I don't even care about pics.
I would plap you, but ye
How do you meet friends to do this stuff with in game? Is there some etiquette for meeting up I should be aware of?
Pretty much you just say "Hey..." and if they respond back with that then you say "Wanna...?" and then it's wanna time.
>find one you think is cute/cool/sexy
>do the classic "hey..." and see how they react
>send 3 cutes in a row
>meetup from the thread (low chance)
>join a discord server for lewds
>become a slut and bait people
There is other stuff
are there any servers for minheights or ones that let you post?
Lewdcord does but it's invite only.
Modcord gets anal about it because they are redditors.
so... h-howdya get an invite there..?
Personally I make regular friends and just ask them at some point if I feel like it. It's more meaningful that way. One moment we're grinding, the next one we're lewding, then we go on with our day like nothing happened. Lewd friendships never last or end well.
Gotta ask. In my opinion, if you find Aiatar or Agent Mitsumi they can help you since they are the friendliest
Hmm... well I worry if people take it too seriously and develop feelings. I've had bad experiences with clingy people ingame before that liked to test my boundaries.
In my case it has either been alliance members asking me outright, or friends where we both know the other person is lewd, and they finally ask for a wanna
I don't try to hide it or anything so that probably helps
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is my ass too fat?
post ITT and make yourself known
blints so fucking ugly man
Posting here can rocket you fast too. If you're cute enough people will indeed seek you out.
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"gorilla grips your cube"
god damn this niggas head is huge
I want to enjoy his content since he spams but it's god awful
fix your damn face sliders
Spitroasting my buttslut minheight...
i wanna be the one spitroasted...
Get in line you slut!
Best I can offer is holding hands against the other with interlocked fingers while french kissing and staring into each others eyes filled with lust!
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Making my minheight not twist her neck when posing her on my lap.
what can I do to spice it up a little?
Alright... I like you
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the rinka blacked meme actually became a reality lmao
h-hot... i wanna get filled up like that...
remind me to not make a poll on who to plap with ever
He's done it before, and said it was just for attention
can i be on there when you remember?
>I don't like blacks
>proceeds to fuck blacks
Actual snow bunny
By a darker or...
no because i specifically stated to not make a poll
He's going to be my agp buttslut for attention irl too.
>for attention
That's what they all say, next he's gonna make another poll to keep fucking blacks
I'm the agp buttslut...
>blint gets BLEACHED
>rinka gets BLACKED
Horsecock next, for attention.
group pso2lg orgy with all the t1's filling us t2's with black and white seed.
i'll ride up on anything if it'll scratch that itch in my womb...
lol who stole rinkas sliders?
Rinka is now an honorary pariah. The council has spoken.
I guess only darkers can actually tickle that itch...
Nice set
Darker spotted
Why are the anons freaking out like they were going to ever approach any slut in game?
Wanna...? I just need to make him a bit buffer.
Wheres the balljoints?
kick rinka out of the discord
>approaching snow bunnies
no thanks
Sorry... not this thread
i would if i wasn't busy..
Oh... I'll ask you directly next time... fufufu
Realistically he had to have known that nobody asked for this, right?
You mean he did it because he liked it? no way...
I came...
he knew exactly what he was doing
Now do it with J on the golden week stream
rinka grooming jiggu to take darkers…
i want to be groomed to be used by T3s as an onahole..
>one of the few 1x2 posters fucking niggers now
shit game
nah perfect thickness for your body type
convince other T2s to 1x2
I can make that happen...
I can switch to T1 but no one wants that...
have you asked if they wanna 1x2? some dont mind
I have dropped hints but they just go "ahh, good for you!"...
my condolences then
Posted earlier
I wouldn't mind a t1...
As long as he's white
holy shit finally i came so hard
this anon gets it
can i borrow him?
fucking gross
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>not even 24hrs
>nigger is back
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Exactly what I think every time I see one of your posts, wet blacked.
Why does the mere concept of darkers existence cause such butthurt? Always makes me laugh.
Thank you my wife...
body sliders please this is 10/10
I’d be surprised if rinka did any collabs after this.
Why? Blacked cuckoldry is peak. Rinca Linca on NGS Global Ship 2 has done nothing but earn my cum tributes and respect.
She need to collab with my wife!
She needs to collab as my wife!
>a poll was made for this
kind of mid desu, i thought you'd do more with it
see >>8238117
That's the hint...
Why? You really think people didn’t already know Rinka was into it? Nothing has changed.
I give him a month before he starts posting with the tats
sex sex sex i need to SEX
which caseal
Rinka just does stuff for attention. It's always been this way.
why ask for body slider when you may or may not have the same body mod
thank you
yall are some nasty niggas
When is your /aco/ debut?
My wife who fucks faceless darkers...
good lord I came buckets from these
And you're not gonna share with the rest of the class?
I wanna make people come buckets...
t. korean anon
wheres the sex
In my ass
what the hell i wanted that
It's insane how much I want fat robot ass on my dick desu
It's insane how much I want fat robot dick in my ass desu
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One of my favorites, minheights are super cute!
T2, T3, can be both
I'll take a turn with it
Still waiting for that teaching session...
Yeah I'd show up to jiggu's dressing room after her and rinka's show to help another anon stuff her butthole
why are you so BIG
Caseals are made for every kind of cock desu
It's in their programming.
Yeah but wheres the caseals with cocks? Need to have that itch of getting topped by one scratched.
There are very few of them, and the only one I know of comes to (you). Most caseals just want to be plapped
Yeah I'd double team Jiggu in the same hole with an anon
Yeah I'd lift Jiggu off the floor by her horns and use her like my onahole
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Just pick a time already...
I'm really not that big!
>the only one I know of comes to (You)
Shame I don't know how to attract their attention..
Is there anyone to avoid in this community?
Just the usual pariahs
Yeah I'd give Jiggu tributes every time I use her if she asked me to instead of just telling her about it
You should fight more darkers
You never explictly said to pick one, and I'm a complete moron reading at reading social cues that aren't straight to the point... I'll be in touch later.
why do so many sluts wear that body paint
Time to continue hunting for the elusive Caseal to make me their onahole for the night!
Baby on board
I hope it's me!
Are you a T3 Caseal?
>darkers knocked up rinka
I want to raise rinka's darker babies
Yeah I'd get full nelsoned plapped in front of jiggu also being full nelsoned violently and kiss her during
GOD I want to breed the dog and goth cuns
There's goth cuns?
You know what would be really hot?
Butt naked on stage with your best friend, both on your knees and deepthroating a double-sided dildo until you can kiss with it inside
I'd do this if I was being fucked in the ass with a seal over my pussy...
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what's wrong with horsecock
personally I think nothing at all, but the pso2g association with it is a very specific, undesirable horsecock
Nothing normally, but its the hyperproportions that make it disgusting and hilarious to look at instead.
Nothing, lots of anons love it. It's the association with some specific anons that others dislike.
That's hot as well, but I really like the idea of doing it in front of a bunch of horny patrons...
vibrating buttplugs are welcome though!
Could be doable, just imagining the denial while kissing and deepthroating is hot... Hint?
a very perverted minheight
You have any idea how little that narrows it down? Dork like me can't hope to find you..
I never said I wanted to be found~
Perhaps I'm just a little brat that likes to tease anons in the thread with no hope of them ever finding and taking out their frustration by plapping me!
But I want to be the one plapped instead! This dry streak has been frustrating and makung me pent up..
I just want someone to grab my caseal and plap her so hard that she bluescreens, is that really so much to ask?
Same, I should hang out with my caseal out more!
caseal lovers aren't actually real
i love dominant caseals..
On a dry streak huh~ poor you must be really, really pent up right now.
poor spine lol raise the waist idiot
post your character
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>be dopple
>fashionchad, can make anything look good on every bodytype, mastered every face option
>multiple fashion show top prize winner
>stole 100mil out of emvs pockets raping him harder than he beat his whore mother
>ok at the game, only bothers to get good enough to rake in meseta not speedrun
>sociable and humble, sensitive and inclusive, lewd and mod enjoying
>oldfag, decades of chan knowledge, been in every relevant pso2g alliance, left them all because beta reactors are more valuable than newfag drama
>wifed a hot catgirl gameplaychad normie
>friends with everyone worthwhile
>burns bridges with nobodies, wallflowers, trolls, low value players
>erp god, enjoys every form of the art
>owns all the latest fashion and sits on billions of cash
Very pent up and frustrated, looking for relief..
Are you in game right now?
I'm a robot fucker, minheight fucker, and (you) fucker, find me.
No, logged out after UQ...
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haven't been here for a while...
You know you want it...
post gock
I do want it...
What are you gonna do about it~
I don't know...
No~ you know exactly what you're gonna do.
And what is that...
Get taken like the slut that you are.
Please... by whom?
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Smug minheight~
Waiting for it, then...
I wanna fuck my ex-alliance mate so bad...HMyxsg
Post your girl cock
I hope it's me!
No! I hope it's me!
Waiting where? And hint.
Ingame, or somewhere else, either is fine... and I already gave a hint.
are there any twerking emotes?
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You mean this...?
Cute and funny! (Literally)
And that hint being?
That someone like me can't hope to find you.
A dork?
That does not narrow it down at all. Where are you right now?
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something something
Its a tag..
Ah, my tribute loving wife it's you! You changed a lot I didn't recognize you
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i'm a gatekeeper, sorry. but the mod i use makes it plumper
nice nips
I don't see any Y
Y as in Yes
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oh hallo there
Should come out of retirement for another...
Still waiting...
Tsk, so horny~ I was doing some content. Meet me at a4 and let's see if you're actually who I think you are, there was quite a bit who had the tag Dork you know.
I do have two strong suspicions who it could be at A4 right now.
it's krittening, isn't it?
Doubt it is, as don't see them here.
Can't find you...
I'm in plain sight here.
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I would gladly lewd and/or take screenshots with a t1, but I know so few, and even fewer that indulge in picutres/ERP. Ah, well.

Now the next question: Who is holding her legs up like that...?
But I like being called Mistress over Master
only options at the moment are bee and rinka’s nigger, try again next year.
And I enjoy being called slave, slut, whore, tramp, scum...
Wasn't there an option somewhere to not have an avatar disappear when the camera gets close? Or did that not get implemented?
A footslave slut who whores out her tramp cunt for scum like me who enjoy using machines to pleasure my cock after she cleans up my CS? Supervising her work but waves her ass to distract me at every step...
This sounds like a truly wonderful time.
Well, waited like about an hour at the A4 shop counter, no show it seems. Guess its UQ and off again.
>read all of this
>already noticed who the anon is
You're being teased and anon won't show up
It is what it is.
I'll send you a Hey sometime when I'm available, if you're interested, since I'm interested. This is the person that was cheering you on...
Possibly, right now most likely heading off as I was going to do that a couple of hours ago already. Mildly irritating, but least I tried.
You did your best...It's a shame that no one showed because I would have thought it was cute. I'm not available right now either, but I'll message you directly when I have some time!
ure swell, thank you
Say it!
I don't namedrop anons, even less when they get stood up
Thank you.
Woops, I thought you meant you knew the person baiting.
Nta, but if I did, I'd tell them that it's a dick move.
Not true lol
I think it only works if you press Zoom In, but if you move the camera too physically close then it'll just break.
>Zoom out
>Position the camera as far behind your character or the character you're taking a picture of as possible without them disappearing
>zoom in as far as you need
You can now take a picture of someone's eyeball
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minheight anal..!!!
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i do...
go for ollie vehk doppel maku lucifi t1s
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I'm sorry anon.
When I say I love caseal I really mean I want to breed a medabot. But everyone who seems really good at making medabots are massive prudes.
I'm in agony.
Jiggu has a great medabot!
nah, not a fan
how about K, then?
Koi? that shit isn't a medabot.
I love jiggu's caseal, I ended up making something similar lol
shut up axe
Wait I thought this was Pso2 Loggers General...what am I going to do with all this lumber!?
post the logs!
yeah, i can give you a good hard "log"
scat isn't allowed
Aw fuck I came on them
Can you read, I have too many logs? Are you a logger? Please don't increase my logs.
how do I get more anons to stroke their cubes to my lookbook?
Little Finger pose with Gene outfit
Like this?
Yeah I'm only jerking it to you in person
fucking slut can take it
Gonna leave you a cute soon
Gonna hit you up on discord later whether you're on or not.
snowcsl desu
Not you!!
no snowcsl!!!!
y e s ! ! !
n o ! ! !
snowcsls bcuz tstrs r degen
my csl only gets plapped by nobody!
I don't have that pose...
Why do you always hijack my replies!!
then ur asking for it
not from darkers, shoo!
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I miss the old pso2 npcs
Same, there's couple that make me sad that they don't get any art except from some weird fetish shit 90% of the time.
Magical Pose 3 or Heart Pose 1 with Gene outfit... I will send you a custom kudos
I miss my wife stratos
I miss my wife Quna, Stratos is my 2nd favorite
Currently wearing a bunnysuit, I'll swap as soon as I can!
I know you are. The faster I can see your bare butt the sooner I can start stroking to your LB...
Should I make a new thread since this one will die soon?
I think this can go to page 11 before it 404s
I'd love to have somewhere to flirt with horny anons all day though
Why stop at flirting, there's plenty of sluts who'd love to get plapped
Because I can't plap right now!
Plus I'm plapmeat, not a plapper
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Not even me?
I want my csl plapped but no one wants to plap her
>want to plap caseal
>don't even have a t1 form
>only minheight caseal
Maybe you can t3 plap my caseal...
Mine too...
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do you wanna...?
Let's do it...
post more
why are you looking at me like that…?
You haven't asked!
Spanking bratty minheights into submission!
Forcing T2s to milk my cube
What kind of t2s?
I wish one of the T3 pso2gs would idle with her cube on
That's a bit too much since anons get mad at that!
So odd question, people always say the cube is the accessory people mod but where do I even get it from?
Ive had this game uninstalled for so long im wondering if its an accessory that costs billions now, of if its something easily accessible like the swap shops from base
The cubes have been bogged to hell on base and ngs
Good luck getting one if you're not rich
Di allez thrusters is an alternative, but the dicks look worse
Well shit. That's a shame.
Looks like I won't get into this after all
Skin-colored cubes are like 76m on Basegame, which is doable, but takes grinding. Some anons might also help and throw you a bone too.
I wouldn’t mind helping but the issue is getting anon setup for cradle and then having a party to cradle with.
Oh, I just meant throwing them a cube ticket in first place.
Me on the right!
Me on the left!
post more
I would give you mines but I don't have a shop pass
They released an N-Cube in NGS that has the same mod attached to it. N-Cone too, I believe. More attainable than base PSO2 cube.
Honestly, I'll just toss them a cube in a gift box if they just give their name, have done it before.
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This is 100% a troon
Any, long as they do their job well
Is there a diaper mod yet?
To farm a base character and keep my anonmity or to namedrop myself
slow day eh rolf?
I can gift you one if you want it, either give me a random discord or send me a whisper in-game
Man... I'd be all over this if I were actually interested in having a cube. What will you give to needy submissives?
Nothing. I was just offering the lad the tools to go at it so anons have more options, as from what I've gathered, there's a shortage of cube users
I would like it but honestly i think i'd rather stay anon since I don't know who this is either, but I really appreciate the offer anon.
I gotta level a character in base anywho for some camos and an emote ticket so I guess this fits an extra excuse to do so.
That's fair. Wish I was more comfortable using a cube. Ah well.
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Anyone have a cage or similar device in their CS I could occupy for a while? In a mood today, and the idea of being trapped somewhere as a display piece sounds really nice right now ...
Up to you, anon. If you're on ship 2 I should be the only Oya around B4 for ~1 hour.
Stay strong, anon.
>skin tone not the same
>makeup different
>botched clone sliders
>body completely different
So who are you supposed to be “trolling” again?
I'm a t1 with a cube, but idk if everywhere, gotta check...
What? Everywhere? What are you talking about, anon?
just build your own you dumb ass
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I have my own! I've built lots! But it's not the same being in your own stuff.
plap my midheight T2
Ugh... my lively wife...
Seems anon didn't show up but at least someone else did
Could have worded it better
Ohhh that makes more sense. Well, I'm on ship 2 and love t1 cubes...
I was asleep but I will legit give you mines I've been trying to sell it but if you're cool with it you can have it no strings attached . If you want we can do it afterwards with my T1 T2 or T3.
Ahh no, that's okay! I wouldn't use a cube on myself. Feels wrong. Give it to someone who will use it on others with glee!
I did it..
Did what...
I updated it..
Fair enough, guess you really don't need the cube to see the mod. Good luck getting dicked at least, sis! It would be me as training wheels of sorts
What is it....
my... lookbook...
Thanks! [spoiler]I accidentally blew my load to your Rinka collab I came like a volcano and ruined the tribute...[/spoiler]
Gonna spill to you later and tell you about it...
Then kudos me :^)
I might need your help
Not at home right now and thread is still at page 9, should be back hopefully within an hour. I'll be in base game obviously.
If I knew who you were I would absolutely kudos you!
as long as you had fun!
You need hydration too...
Ah my issue then
I'm around rarely
I'm fapping right now thanks to your LB
... That didn't help, anon!
Tomorrow is good too if you can't.
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It should have...how about you?
Possibly, I haven't checked yet because I've also been busy.
Tricky. You can announce it in future threads I'm always lurking here anyway.
Fair enough, generally same.
... I mean, I am pretty easy to suss out. I can always go meet/wait someplace if you want.
nta but you really think too much of yourself if you think someone will know who you are based on that
you gotta drop something tangible like a look or tag or something
New thread?
It's not even page 10 or image limit though
I'm ready to make the thread the second I notice this one dies.
but are you ready to spill for me?
Only if you're a pale red-eyed minheight...
im not...
I sleep though!!
Sorry, anon. I'm only ready at a moment's notice for her...Anyone else would need to talk to me first and we could talk about it...
Rest well cutie!
Whats with the constant demand for pale red-eyed minheights....
they're all under a demon's spell
How do I learn this spell to make them come to me?
you have to defeat the evil demon empress in a duel
Anon don't do it she's too powerful. You can't win. She has an army ready to refill her mana over and over with just a single "Ahhnn~".
Fair enough, I'll try to think of something
*Yourselves, not both those posts.
I'm having fun anon, lighten up? Tbh it's actually a good hint, but it's also just fun.
I'm wanna lose my T1 virginity to Mokku but I'm scared I'll disappoint her
Mokku is chill and always eager to help out, just ask and have fun anon
Mokku will fuck anything that moves and isn't too demanding. You got this.
mokku x horsed collab when?
I could see Mokku with a hoarse but not groupon
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My cock is thicker than that ring shape
quickie before maint?
do you like T1s
Is this...
Is this going to be a regular thing now?
beastiality nigger
so fucking hot
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me and who?
me on the left..
600 replies nice to see the community active.
Literally 100 of the replies are me
>>8243324 (you)
Literally all replies are me
>>8243324 (You)
Literally all replies are me
what's the story on why that dick is so hard to find?
Another round of gooning during maintenance
It's a non-public mod made by a pso2g modder. If you want it, ask in private to any of the people you see using it, they're not gonna post it here because of you know who.
You should just be a good slut and stand in front of me while i masturbate.
I would be happy to, anon!
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let me plap
yeah i'd get down on my knees for this demon
People know who I am but they wont dare give me if, they fear my power of doing nothing with it.

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