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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Thread for good cosplays that are suggestive but still for a blue board (no nudity)
My interest is piqued.
Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor
Imagine the aroma.
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Imagine two people will cosplay Baiser and Azul and do things, that the characters did in the anime, but pushing it even more. Also does anyone know anime like Gushing over Magical Girls, but with cute boys (So instead of yuri it will be yaoi)
The girl in OP does porn so she could realistically do a set like that. She charges hundreds for her nude and porn videos though.
Can you send her twitter or smth like that ?
She is breathtakingly beautiful
yeah it must be shocking to realize you're a pedo. this girl shooped her face into that of a 12 year old and you get a boner from it. seek help
Lose weight.
Nobody was looking at her face, I can tell you that much.
Stay triggered landwhale bitch. Nobody finds you attractive.
They don’t call her Tuna-Chan for nothing!
Who is she? She's cute even if the cosplay is inaccurate, mostly the pants
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The way everyone wears their pants/panties in the comic is too comically low rise to actually be comfortable and has a super high risk of having a wardrobe malfunction.
>has a super high risk of having a wardrobe malfunction
that makes it even better
Ponder the fragrance.
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I plan on having my gf cosplay as Jahy and take her to a convention some time in the future. A Nadia Fortune cosplay is also planned.
A Tiona cosplay would be pretty risque and sexy too.
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Imagine her walking around the convention dressed like this
I'll masturbate to your gf anon
That wouldn't be a surprise, she's a cute petite girl.
Enjoy yourself.

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