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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Gyaru Isami Edition
Previous >>3875529
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Smithvern's one and only weakness
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Mama Smith defending his husband and daughter from mobs uoooooo
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Smith is such a freak.
Isami should bite his tits in retaliation.
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Smith flashing his cutesy panties...
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Isami can do it too!
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Isami is the one who goes along with it and does nothing to stop it despite his protests like the prissy tsun he is.
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isami was naked and covered in goo and he was staring at smith like that, wonder what would happen if it was just the two of them kek but honestly i think they are both unhinged but in their own way (it's just that smith ended up becoming a pyschosexual robot)
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Isami eventually caves in to Bravern's demands, even singing his theme song, wears the bravern suit despite his aversion to wearing it, goes along as Smith's tag a long when he sorted his misunderstanding with Lulu, and now he goes around proudly displaying the waistband of his underwear with his shirt open for everyone to see his Bravern themed clothing, and he was probably told to wear it like that. Isami likes being told what to do is what i'm getting at.
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Where the fuck is bisharp
don't like bisharp but the dolphin is fugly any pkmn that replace him its good
I made this mid-season, before ep8-9.
Don't like giving character legendaries but Sw/Sh dog for Isami is a good choice.
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9mt bf y/n
giant smith is a cute concept
>looks at the hard nipples
fujos should draw him with inverted nips, just saying
>no lokix
>no golurk
>vaporeon for some fucking reason
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>Smissu with inverted nipples
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It is true what they say about military guys?
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So this is what he was hiding in his mess room.
Yes. Satake/Plumman are so underrated, a pity
I still can't get over the fact that Bravern was almost going to have his way with Isami...
And that Isami was going to LET HIM
You just know they explored each other's bodies when Smith came back
The sequel of >>3882927 was posted
and it's adorable, i love Smith so much
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>tfw no big breasted blonde marine burger mommylike toku and mechafag bf
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Epilogue Isami being sluttier, please pray for Smith's dick
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From the last radio...sumiisa holding hands in the bathtube, don't ask why
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Also they talked about Isami's hair and seems like there is a concept of Isami with long hair and stubble
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>there is a concept of Isami with long hair and stubble
Uooooooo disheveled unshaved long hair Isami uooooooooooooo sexoooo
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they are not connected but seems like the long hair appear in the setting material (unsure about the stubble but im sure was mentioned)
I will ask why.
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afaik it's a joke that they kept making that wherever they recorded the radio, isami and smith's va would hold each other hand (like the ED) and at some point during this last episode there was a voice effect like they were in a bathroom (echo)
I think the echo was put on for doing Bravern impressions but someone forgot to turn it off so people started asking "why are we still echoing, turn it off, where are we, taking a bath?"
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not the right place but it's cute and it's bottom smith
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It bothers me how so many people only seem to care about shipping everyone and their mom with Isami and Isami only. And a large portion of them also seem to dislike Smith so much they start making Bravern gijinkas/OCs instead. Why do they hate Smith so much? Where's the Sumisu love?
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Maybe if Ryoma was alive I would but more like legit bros/mentor-pupil, in the same way some people ship Satake with Isami.
But Isami is pilot with a ton of fanservice, it's understandable since he's the designated uke kek.
The bravern gijinakas are funny because no matter how hard they try, they looks like a ketchup and mayo Smith.
The "concept" "not Smith" Bravern is a huge cope, but thank god is only jpn fandom only, and even then Sumiisa is still popular.
I have no idea how some are still in denial over it tho even in the last radio they kept mentioning the Smith=Bravern, how Smithvern wanted Isami to be the first to tell the truth but couldn't bring himself to say it.
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More artists are getting into AraSata now.
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Needs more Satake with the old men
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Just have sex already
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They are both virgins, don't stress them out
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>bravern gijinka
Literally what's the point, I wasn't even aware that this was a thing. Smith IS the Bravern gijinka but schizo robofuckers gotta cope somehow I guess.
Sumisu is a fantastic character, very sexy, very cute, has huge boobs, is an adorable dork, is good with kids, is a skilled pilot, a very cultured gentle/m/an, also a very sexy powerful robot and a top tier devoted husbando to his one and only crush like what else do you want on a man? Smh. I blame you anon for subjecting me to learn about the existence of these pitiful souls.
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The point is less about robofuckers and more about non-human/human relationship and the fact that bravern is one of the main characters but it was Smith all along (and the bravern=smith theory were going around since the OP was released).
making bravern gijinka is less annoying than kantan bravern hating on smith or making ooc comic where isami is heartbroken and can't accept that bravern is smith
i still remember the comment some ppl made post episode 9: if obari really was catering to fujo that twist would have never happened
All three examples are annoying and somehow I always see the robofuckers yapping about it. Obari even eliminated the NTR angle by making the two main lovers the same entity.
>if obari really was catering to fujo that twist would have never happened
Do explain because as far as I know I still see Smith/Isami thriving.
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I only talk about jpn side, the haters on the eng side went quiet post episode 9 and left.
the jpn robofuckers who still want to draw bravern(not smith)/isami uses mostly kantan bravern since it's not "canon" and the rest who are less radical make up oc or do ooc fanworks like the comic i mentioned above
>>if obari really was catering to fujo that twist would have never happened
before episode 9 both ships were living in peace and coexisted without any friction, but with what happened he destroyed everything that was build up between bravern and isami,
of course obari doesn't care about this kind of stuff, he wanted to tell a story about two guys since the beginning, even if he's this first enjoying ship fanwork kek
i hope i explained myself clearly
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I see now it's more of a japanese fandom thing, thanks for the explanation. Still I think it's pretty stupid because in the end it's a guy being loved by the same guy twice but whatever.
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I've been entertaining myself making a very self indulgent fantasy AU, and because of the lack of mechs the Bravern details have to be applied directly to Smith's body. I have a temptation to draw the design so I have it figured out in my head, but talks like this give me a very real fear that someone will think it's a Bravern gijinka and not just "I gave Smith a tail and feathers wwwww".

>when the farmer got bigger milkers than the cow
Remember to massage your cattle to reduce stress.
Do you mean like, as if Smith was some sort of cyborg (or wearing armor) whose design incorporates Bravern's elements or something? Because if that's the case that hardly can be interpreted as a Bravern gijinka but feel free to do as you please, anon. I'm curious about your design.
God Isami is so cute and perfect. Source pls.
That a cool idea and like the other anon said, I don't think it falls under the gijinka category.
I have a bunch of ideas for a fantasy AU and Bravern as demon/monster that can turn into Isami's sword (if you do a western setting) is my favorite one.

Anyway, glad to see that slowly the Bravern section on tora is growing, before the event in August we gonna see more dj (i bought only one dj for now since I'm buying way more official merch).
>Remember to massage your cattle to reduce stress.
Thanks for the reminder Anon, kind of wish there was more cow smith but this artist makes such cute art, can't be mad
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So glad that the Bravern threads on /cm/ are still alive, I still get Bravern art on my dash everyday.
here is your cow smith
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Sumisu's sumisus
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What a perfect little man.
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adore how this artist draw smith and it's a bottom.
cute homemade plushies, can't wait to see people get the official ones (the ones sold by bandai) and see fans dress them up
Fucking adorable. Love how creative this fandom is.
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Sex with the part-timer moving service man
if anyone is interested since it's golden week on nico they broadcasting all the episode in one go
episode 3 just finished
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idc whats wrong with them but at least some are aware they are coping
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>schizo robofuckers
At that point are they even robotfuckers? Wouldn't making Bravern a human go against the concept of robofucking? Isn't that why they don't like Smith=Bravern in the first place? I undrestand the people that want pure Robot Bravern/Isami, but I don't understand these people

Also all the gijinkas i've seen so far look like ass
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The point of wanting a "pure robot bravern" defeats main plot of the story and why and how things came together.
If a concept/non-human bravern existed it could happen post show because magic bullshit, because at the end how made him real was smith's will and conscience (with the aid of cunus' powers and orthus tech).
Also I'd add that ignoring that also impliclty erases Isami's will to fight, which is what made Smith reincarnate, they don't know but we see them with the two red/blue beams hitting Cunus.
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Anyway, he looks so cunty with the Cunu's pilot suit.
I'm glad to see more of that lately, I wish he got his own sexy suit but he became a robot so I guess it's fair kek
Oh yes I love all the concepts I had seen so far but that one which included chaps and a bride veil was so good
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I liked all the design I saw so far and I appreciate they all want to give to a 185cm man heels.
>womb tattoo
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This is also this 2P Sumisu as Cunus pilot AU and is sexy, even Isami
And Sumisu with that hair remind me of Sheryl Nome in Universal Bunny stage
I like both Smith and Bravern but robosex is more interesting to me, sorry
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That image makes me think of that shot when the girl in school days cuts open that other girls stomach
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Damn, I can see the nasty sex they gonna have.
Isami always looks good with scars/wounds, I remember post episode 10 there were few fanart of survivor Isami, without a arm and eye.
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Was posted on /m/ but I think is fair to share it here as well.
There is a questionare about the show, what character you liked etc
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Smith and Isami
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Need more old man sex
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You're all under arrest
Ass so massive Isami would be a fool not to get in there.
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Can officer Smith put me down with his breasts?
Is this where Lulu got her strangulation idea from?
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The world was saved because of Smith's intense lust towards picrel
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Measurement unit
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Love the way that artist draws Smith
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i hope that measurement is for the soft dick
same and also i really like how some are good with their body difference, even if they are both big their build is quite different
Isami is extremely fuckable and like his whole role is that of the uptight handsome dude that solely exists to be molested whereas Smith is a matter of personal taste, so I am not surprised that Isami is the slut of the series.
Besides that Smith seems more isolated from the rest and I can only imagine him with Isami but not really anybody else, not even for fetish reasons like Ira/Isami. At best Cunnus corruption, but that's hetero so off-topic.
smith/bravern is shipped only with isami and makes sense, if ryoma stayed alive more maybe we could see something but whatever. even if isami/smith/bravern are kind of exclusive the other characters are still there which is nice because means the characters were organically living in the story and part of a group instead of being "alone", if that makes sense.
also by canon smith is the handsome one while isami is the "guy" but like another anon say, it makes sense why he's the slut since he's the focus of a lot of kinky stuff.
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It's about the personality not the robot, otherwise they wouldn't humanify him I think. I haven't seen any of that art yet but personally I prefer the less innocent, more self-absorbed and tone-deaf personality that Smith has when he's Bravern and freed from all societal expectations. "Bravern" is my favorite character of the show by a large margin, whereas I consider Smith fine, but not really interesting. It's not about the robot body for me.
I would like to see more fan content with Smith with his Bravern personality, but feel like it's extremely rare. The Smith/Isami fujos prefer his normal personality and the fans of the Bravern/Isami dynamic draw him as Bravern. The latter is fine, but it's IMO wasted potential to limit that personality to his Bravern form. We didn't see much of Smith in episode 12 though, so maybe he is back acting like the harmless nice guy again instead of the glory-seeking hyperactive LARPer I love, I don't know.
lol this whole thing, even making a difference between smith and bravern, wouldn't exist if the show started with the premise of smith having a double identity from episode 1, like any superior (batman or spiderman). this issue exist because smartly the story was about smith and isami relationship and also discovering the mystery of bravern until episode 8-9. the fact people, especially bravern/isami shippers want to cling to the idea of a concept/non-human bravern, it's just for a shipping reason when smith/isami shippers have no issue to call smith bravern (or sumiba) in their meta analysis.

then we can talk that being someone else in disguise, free from any moral, can make people act more wildly and follow their own desires without limits.
maybe smith coming back will revert and being "a nice guy" but that wasn't the point of being bravern for the story.
*like any superhero
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He's going to be so embarrassed and begging Isami for forgiveness on the awkward bits. Whiny puppy mode engaged until he's talked down. The nice thing is Isami will be more receptive after what he went through, his feisty barriers have been worn down and he wants Smith wholeheartedly. I don't doubt he'll still grumble, he's a grumbler afterall, but they're ready to be much more cosy now.

And that's exactly why I'm consuming AUs where Smith is still decidedly Bravern-like in behaviour because it has a dodgy air to it. He's a bit unstable and blurts out stuff that probably should have been private. That tendency came from being anxious about events, I don't think he'd have mentioned waxing and underarms if he wasn't facing his own impending death - it was pure spaghetti in a brazen tone. So ideally to elicit that from human form Smith you need to put some fear back in him. Force him to act under extreme circumstances. Threaten his chance to stay at Isami's side.
How Smith and Isami are going to act post ending is all up to people taste, i don't mind the idea of him mentally a mess and having control himself because he can't be bravern anymore, especially when it's about being free and god-like.
But as far as canon goes we know they had to keep Bravern existence hidden but we don't know if only Isami and Lulu (and Hal King) knows this so everyone has to behave.

This is my thought, but aside the first two episode, Bravern was excessive and over the top, but not as crazy as some people make him to be while on the other hand I think Smith is not just a "Nice Guy" like many see him.
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Cunus was drawn to Smith for a reason. He's definitely the biggest pervert and freak in the whole cast he just hides it well.
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>b-but was the lust robot who made him a freak
if the freak was bravern and not him, she would have bothered bravern and rewind time to meet him alone (before she got killed) instead of obsessing over smith.
in the pop up shop they put on display few scenes script and there is the one where cunus meets smith, and she says

won't say that media literacy is dead but people can't do 1+1 especially when it's clear that the writer and obari were trying to bypass the problem an original show would have that is not marketed as BL with a big bromance and focus on two male leads relationship
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>this whole thing, even making a difference between smith and bravern, wouldn't exist if the show started with the premise of smith having a double identity from episode 1
It would be less extreme since there wouldn't be a character who is introduced as funny that turns out to be more of an act or "phase" of another person that is more of a nice guy weeabo. Characters with split personality or double identity always tend to have fans that gravitate towards one of their personas but not the other one (like you for example) so there are always fans that aren't happy when such a character eventually settles for one of them or changes drastically after their introduction even when it's necessary. It's like how old fans have almost completely lost interest in Farnese after her redemption in Berserk (for good reason, nice Farnese is shit), even though it's not even a split personality. Plus the changes between Bravern and Smith are very drastic and sudden on top of that. I simply don't like wimps and whiteknights, otherwise I would care about 3DPD.

That aside superheroes aren't even good examples. I don't really follow capeshit but the Spiderman content I saw in the past didn't make him act like a different person as hero. He was just more serious maybe thanks to the dangerous situations he was in while on duty, like with soldiers.
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I don't think the change between Bravern and Smith are very drastic or sudden when in episode 11, Suzuken (who knew the twist since the beginning) increased the change of his speech pattern from Bravern to Smith, and I think everyone noticed that because was clear that he couldn't hold himself in the bonfire scene and before dying.

Superheroes are the good example, because Spiderman or Superman etc have a double identity and there are huge arcs in their stories about their real identity and hero persona, deciding to hide their nature to their family/loved ones/etc in fear to be rejected or fucking things up
Is the same reason why was said that Bravern wanted to tell the truth to Isami but couldn't in fear to fucking the loop/changing the outcome of current timeline and so on

But what one's likes, robots/human/whiteknights or not is not the point of the issue, personal taste are personal I don't feel like discussing it when I think anons point out the issues more of a reject of canon and I think the "Bravern and Smith personalities doesn't match so it doesn't make sense" it's just cope.
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Oh yeah I didn't mean to imply that the identity switch for superheroes wasn't radical, I only meant the personality. I don't watch much but the series I saw didn't have the heroes act very different as heroes, though Batman was a bit more extreme since his hero persona was more extreme, whereas Spiderman is usually still the funny good guy as hero that he is as a normal guy.
But I am not the one to talk here. While I prefer unhinged Smith over normal Smith I only got into Kara no Kyoukai and Shiki after they revealed that feMC wasn't the edgy serial killer you assumed her to be, while a friend of mine got angry about it and lost interest in the series. Guess there is nothing you can do about preferences.

I think my biggest Smith related gripe with the series is that it had no time to make human Smith do some crazy confession like Bravern in episode 11. There is technically no way back now that Isami knows that Bravern was him, but since series ended right there we had no opportunity to see the aftermath. I hope that something like that will happen in the novel, but try to keep my expectations low for now. I still think that the series had the chance to be a legit 10/10 if it had had two cours. I don't blame Obari though, I doubt that he had a choice, despite his comment about tiktok.
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I would like a confirmation as well, but not considering Bravern or Smith separate entities and Isami understanding that Smith was beside him all along I think I can be satisfied but for sure the last episode should have been split in two to give more room to breathe.
Not related, this talk made me I think one point that makes Bravern not confess his identity was also how Isami cried at the end, wishing Smith to come back, which is why he is back alive. Probably if Isami knew he would have done that but ending fucking up their mission to save Earth from DDs.
As a Bravern he was selfless in the same way he was as Smith but I'm sure he would have listened to Isami cry lol
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>Smith is not just a "Nice Guy" like many see him
Yeah, that's what I like about these characters. As much as I simplify it, there's motives behind the way they act so I couldn't say "he's a nice guy" without adding a "but" or "because". Smith is a nerd in the marines who seems to keep his hobbies separate from interactions with peers, he's someone who's conditioned himself to be the nice guy upfront while desiring other things inside. And every so often he lets those wants and interests come through, which is a very basic moe point. Bravern's loud personality is part Smith seeing greater leeway to indulge himself here and there, because who can argue with the giant sentient robot. The other part I was trying to convey is that he's not crazy, just hurriedly working with what he's got while maintaining appearances. I think the stuff he says about himself is cute because they're hiccups in his attempts to be a strong and reassuring force. Bluffing that he knows the enemy and favourable matchups is his attempts to manage moral, and Smith is always very aware of keeping hopes up.

If you think about it, we know he's a bit self conscious inside because he told us himself, but everything else is shown to us. Even the puppy exaggeration can be seen in him frotting Isami in public, not because haha funny dog hump person, but because he's practically pleading for communication and understanding between them. He physically closes the gap when he can't seem to get through otherwise and bothers Isami. As Bravern he loses some of that last resort method due to his size and features, and he's aware of that.

In conclusion Smith is also cute, thanks for coming to my TED talk. I will now proceed to read the other posts from last night and regret saying something.
I read your post but I want to point out that scruffy Smith makes my pp feel very funni
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They might be the sexiest anime couple in over a decade, imo
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>hot as humans
>hot as robots
>even hotter as a couple
This has to be a requirement from now on
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Thank you, I agree with pretty much all you said.
Smith gap moe is very cute and gets even worse as Bravern once you know and you go back rewatching the show from the start.
Also I want to add that he looks very selfless because puts others before himself but after becoming Bravern he definitely thought that put his own desires , like picking Isami as his pilot, before anything else that's why he never call himself hero but Isami.
He's a very interesting character to analyze.
Cute puppy...
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the best dog
I misspelt morale. Even after people were talking about Spidermans.

Understandable. I want to spoil and hold him (vicariously).

I'm relieved, often when I write character analysis I feel like I'm in my own world and it came out biased.

I remember an Anon griping at Smith for his selfless nature before, I think they were trying to compare how Smith protects people to the very end even when it's plainly useless, while Isami gives into despair when he feels he can't do anything. In a way I think that reflects Smith accepting failure as something that you just make do with, he tries to focus on a task no matter what happens, and Isami having failure as his worst case scenario that drives him to make up for his own team and improve his skills to avoid it ("it" prob being mortality). When Isami assumes the Bravern persona he has to roll with it and lose the fear of bungling the act or being defeated. I really liked that idea, that Isami's bravery has such dense value because it has to start from worse than rock bottom sometimes. Being able to swallow your anxiety to do what's needed is bravery beyond Smith's dutiful endurance, and Smith must really admire how Isami pushes himself and creates his own confidence. Before events he's confident in himself because he's tested what he can accomplish, he has to have faith in his best efforts to use BS power.

I'm getting distracted but yes, Smith dies once and it's his decision to take what he wants that brings him back. He knows to some extent he has to be controlling to make things work out as far as he knew, but he also just starts making models and indulging himself because fuck it, the world could be ending, I'm a goddamn robot, we're going to make the most of it right now. The absurd circumstances broke his restraint a little, and he's coping amazingly well with everything through focusing on his wants. Eat a good meal before battle, there's no point letting yourself be down and ruining your chances.
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I went to look up the artist of this image and they were absolutely livid and seething over the fact that some foreigner replied to their art (rightfully) thinking that bravern=smith, they even blocked them lmao
LMAO well to be honest I also thought of them that way, but the way they took that reply as hostile makes me think that the copeth really runs deep lol
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I don't think they even took the reply as hostile, they just hate being reminded that Smith is Bravern when they are trying so hard to delude themselves into thinking otherwise
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Oh to be reborn as one of Smith's shirts...
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Tits so full he lactates protein shake.
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Which flavor
>5 days until the novel
I bet none of the good stuff will be until the second part though.
He looks like a classic strawberry consumer to me, but maybe he's got a taste for chocolate lately.
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don't want to defend nip autist behavior but its how they usually do when they encounter their 地雷 they block the user and move on, but i have to admit the reaction is weird.
Anyway today 5/5 there was a big doujinshi event and there a bunch of tables for Bravern, it's not much but is a good thing since it's the first big dj event since the end of the show.
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>Hey Isami! Let's get Obari'd!
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wasn't sold at the event but from tora i ordered this today (the only dj i want to get from that event is ituka's but they still have to put it on tora)
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Kojima and Mads parodies
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>waking up next to Isami's cute smile
>waking up next to a cute scruffy Smith
God I love those two so much
gyno is gross
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I wish I was in Japan buying Smith and Isami doujins
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You can still buy, it gets a bit annoying if you use a proxy because you might miss the pre-order but there is always second hand.
I bought 3 Bravern dj so far.
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love it when artists with no SNS account mysteriously show up and dump a bunch of stuff out of the blue on pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/118535404
sometimes people like this exist, truly a blessing
fell in love with their style with the first art dump
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I love their style and sense of humour and expressions and everything, ty for the find anon
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Obari’d indeed
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This artist is the best
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#NotMyBravern girlies crying tears of blood over the new pin-up art is hilarious
Oh come on, can't they see that Smith's eyes are still blue?
i think by looking at the picture that his eyes are green, but i could be wrong. but that doesn't matter much, smith IS bravern and bravern was on the last animage cover??
and it's pretty clear magazine keep asking for bravern content around isami and smith because is what sells the magazine (thank god i pre-ordered both this month animage and animedia issues in time)

anyway, loving this "friendship gauge" where in episode 2 Smith's % was already 40%
Was so pleased to see them like Bravern since I found out about them with their Genazo fanart
the bottom right one gave me the biggest boner, that hand there!!!!
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>they will never know the sheer peace that comes from knowing that all of theses ship variants are the same because Smith=Bravern
I would be able to understand them if it they just wanted more robofucking but can’t most of their “gripes” be solved with a creating simple AU for that? Eh, I’m not going to lose sleep over it, I’m already having fun knowing I’ll be forever fed in some form by their autism. I’m just glad that it’s not like western shipping squabbling where people who hate a ship are seemingly incapable of staying away from those that enjoy it.
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we discussed that few post above, and i agree with you
but the only annoyance to my point of view is not understanding the story, that sometimes character development/plot >>>>> shipping, especially if shipping is meant as reaction to what canon gives you (or doesn't).
like you said you could make AUs but imo wouldn't make sense because bravern existence is tied to smith (and obari will to make a story about humanity and human strength, but death of the author i guess?)
and on the other hand you see satake/isami shippers and they truly based
What'll you do if Smith is wearing his Spar Kaiser shirt and Isami is the only one stealing someone's shirt (the one he claimed with bodily fluids)?
Isami erotic....
i wish for him to wear the tricolor shirt but somehow i feel that might be the same shirt color and all but instead of "tricolor" it has written "bravern" and on my book is even more based
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the amount of cope on not-smith-bravern twitter today is amazing, best tweet I saw was some person going
"The magazine confirmed Isami and Smith are officially just friends!! But Bravern and Isami are connected by LOVE and courage! We won!"
Why are the doing a shitty friendship meter? That only ever starts discourse.
Image limit reached? Sonna! Isami! SONNA!
The one "Bravern exists separately with a mind of his own" AU I could picture remaining true to Bravern's humanity is florist AU, by saying kantan Bravern represents Smith's repressed feelings for Isami taking shape and running at their target against his wishes. Just imagine how embarrassing that must be for Smith, if he recognises what Bravern is long before Isami ever acknowledges he knows. Very romcom, but someone'd still be upset with the notion that Bravern eventually returns to Smith once he's upfront and honest. I'm sure some artists already use this interpretation, where Smith declines to act and Bravern's behaviour only gets louder. Personally I'd extend it to every time Smith tries to hide something from Isami, Bravern rears his head and causes trouble. There will be no lingerie secrets between them.

I'm retarded and can't find my previous post about florist AU in archives so sorry if I'm repeating myself.
I was wondering if there was more bravern stuff from this artist
But still, kantan Bravern being Smith's repressed feelings still doesn't make an individual being but attached to another character, who's human.
I think that's the reason why people got disappointed.

And anyway seems like the after story novel kind of clear that out, saying that Smith has the same feeling of Bravern towards Isami (love) so kind of stating that Bravern=Smith but Smith is not Bravern but the way people talked about it gave me the idea it's more like a God-like presence, the one who granted Smith the power to become Bravern.

And we got confirmed that Isami is wearing Smith's shirt.
Are we making another thread?
Yeah I'm just trying to think of ways to have Bravern act independently. The Bravern in the show is self aware of his being Smith and gives opportunities to Smith, puts in a good word for him, etc. An AU where kantan Bravern is selfish and out of Smith's control is closer to giving him individuality.
Hurry up I got pictures to post

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