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Is there anyway how to get Solidworks for free? Solid Edge has free license for hobbyists but I would like Solidworks since its more popular.
I dont want to pirate it unless its only option.
Have you tried onShape? It is surprisingly good for being web-based CAD software. Been using it for free for years.
I have but I dont like web-based apps.
then mail me a fucking letter and I'll tell you how to do it without using the web.
pirate it or get it through your institution
so probably pirate it
You can sketch on freecad too. You can even simulate with add ons and do the complex shapes instead of sketching them like screw threads.
Just pirate it like 99% of people do
>muh torrents aren't safe
Skill issue.
Or just purchase a license with a cloned cc, they're pretty cheap anyway.
Not intuitive imo I really ducking locked fusion man but they got greedy with it

Fusion worked well with people coming from solidworks and inventor
>I dont want to pirate it unless its only option.

Learn to use a computer. There's no excuse for not getting comfy on the high seas. If you can learn CAD you can learn piracy. I've pir8ed since 1999 and many here much longer.
I don't know if it's a wives tale but I basically never pirated solidworks because apparently it phones home. If they find out you made any money using the program they sic a lawyer on you for like $3k and say pay us and we will give us a license; don't and we will ruin your ass.

I'd probably only use it with advanced fire walls and an airgapped pc.
>install with wifi turned off
>block it via firewall
>cut your balls off so you can't spread your retard genes
You have no business being nowhere near a computer.
>Using proprietary software
you will need a seperate computer without a modem to effectively use high dollar pirated software. you will never prevent it from phoning home if it wants to.
> If they find out you made any money using the program

Lot of heavy lifting being done by the word "if" here.

That being said a license isn't very expensive if actually you're making money via solidworks.
dassault systems releases cracks and keygens for their own products on many torrent sites and then the telemetry in their software will let them pull enough information from your computer to determine if you are a business or employee or not. If you are or ever do work for someone, they will note down every file you touch and just wait until you rack up about a million bucks in damages before they reach out to you with a lawsuit.
Depending on the situation, they just force you to buy a real license, but its always at their discretion.

this happened to me at my work btw.
employee was running windows 7 and it was eol and time to upgrade, they were not paying the $1000 a year grift so their license key was useless unless they paid $5000 in back fees for all the license maintenance they didnt pay.
I decided fuck it and cracked it and 3 years later they made us buy a new license or they were going to sue us.
I meant to add
if you do crack their software, either run it in a vm or run it on a dedicated laptop and keep it offline or on a vpn.
you are generally safe as a hobbyist, but their telemetry is invasive and really you should not be okay with that.
Shut up faggot. Web based cloudshit is bottom of the barrel and HTML5 and javascript have been forced to do so much shit (poorly) and so much of your information is scraped you should avoid it like the plague.
Webapps are trash, kid
Are all torrented solidworks with telemetry? I downloaded a cracked version a while ago and the installation wasn't straightforward, it asked me to disable the internet connection and use local license that was generated on my pc
FreeCAD, openSCAD, Solvespace, or whatnot should do pretty fine. They're open source and free as well.
I had this happen to me.
Never used 3d cad but had to design a rd shield for a pcb I was making.
Downloaded solidworks from a torrent, installed it, found it too complicated for a beginner so closed it and did what I needed with some freeware shit.

Few weeks later the owner of the company got an email from siemens saying a computer in the company was running a pirated version of their software. They wanted like €2000 or something for a licence but the owner decided to argue with them and they came down on him.
Of course the torrent I downloaded was the full version with every add on you can think of so they came back to him looking for like 30k.
Week or two later I got a new job and left
Im getting stressed just looking at that thing trying to think how am i supposed to machine that thing on 3 axis cnc and what to say and how to complain on time
1 op, 2 rotations,

First top, profile circle, drill holes , profile lower shelf, hog out with an insert em in steps, finish with a finish em p decent stick out

Rotate towards solid jaw, new origin , profile rounded corner and support fin, rotate towards solid jaw again profile other round side and fin or just pop her in a fixture where you cut out a relief for the part
Why is it machine shop owners are always cheap pieces of shit,

Last week the owner of my shop, bitched about how I did a crappy job programming a part . I just hit page up twice so that he could see his own name under the setup notes denoting that he wrote that shit not me

Then he just went “oh, we’ll do better when making parts think about how you can make them better” and walked off

Then bitched that I was watching the machine while proofing it rather than sweeeping or wiping random
Shit down
>you will need a seperate computer without a modem to effectively use high dollar pirated software. you will never prevent it from phoning home if it wants to.
exactly, I only run unpirated software or linux on most machines.

You want to pirate, not only run on separate machine for muh "no phone home" there is also an aspect of "no phone to trojan HQ". Not saying that all pirated software is trojan'ed, but if say 0.5% of it is and you got a lot of stuff, probably you're gonna get trojaned. Heck even vanilla linux some guy tried to trojan with the .xz exploit recently
did they ever fix the fatal flaw? I used it for some simple stuff for 3D printing, but was hoping they would fix it.
>just hit page up twice so that he could see his own name under the setup notes denoting that he wrote that shit
Just use FreeCAD
If you're making money with pirated software, pay for a license or to get sued eventually. If you're just using it to learn you'll probably be ok
FreeCAD for the win
i just use simplewall to stop any of it from using the network
been using cracked sw since 2014
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Damn, I've been using cracked Solidworks and have never even thought about this stuff. Guess I'm fucked lads.
Sadly I'm not an engineer so my stuff is only hobbyist grade.
As a side note does anyone have good learning resources for Solidworks? Always looking to improve.
ok, what's your address?
Do people really shit on the streets that often in India?
does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?
Isn't like $50 a year for hobbyists or something? Just buy the subscription you broke bitch.
Solidworks Phones Home only if it's ever been online. As long as you're not a complete retard that operated SW on an internet capable PC then you're fine.
I have an offline computer just for running solidworks
I love these fake, overly complicated part examples that can be made from a single block with 3 holes drilled in it.

Even if you die cast it, you still have to drill the same 3 holes most likely.
I use freecad. Together with a 3d printer is a very powerful combination
I've used many CAD packages but in the end I just bought Rhino. It's not parametric, but I'd rather pay 1k once rather than pay 1k a year forever. Fuck SaaS.
the only way to get it for free is if you're a student and your university has an agreement with dassualt systems to hand out free installs to students
otherwise just pirate it
idk about this "phoning home" shit people are talking about, maybe if you have a domain-joined computer and install a pirated version they'd be able to tell and would try suing your work. I've been pirating it for years for making simple parts to 3d print and have never gotten a letter or anything
although I do run it on linux so maybe they're just impressed I got it to run inside wine
buy a Rhinoceros cdrom for $40 on ebay
A guy I knew in college was using a pirated version of Solidworks and one day he got an email from them listing every single time he used the software. They know, and they will do something about it eventually.
Someone suggested running sw on a vm, I tried installing our legit sw copy on a vm at the office but it didn't let me.
I use it in a vm (as linux is my main os) and it works fine. It doesn't take much to configure a vm to make it not look like a vm to things like sw
Oh I absolutely have, oh well lads guess it's over.
A legit installation of SW can know if a file was made with a cracked copy. That's why we have to seats at my job now.
Bullshit, i use SW 2022 that i downloaded on piratebay, made over 150k on upwork as my main job, if they charged something reasonable for an independent engineer like me, I'd be ok with buying, but the prices they ask for to get some simulation modules? Fuck you, I'll grab for free and you wont even make a cent from me
My CAD/Additive Manufacturing instructor loved having us make these parts, and even have fusion generate designs like these.
Can other software open their file formats and save them without watermark?
>I've used many CAD packages but in the end I just bought ...
What's about Designspark? Simply the best 3D Sw i ever used, free base version and very affordable.
>FreeCAD, openSCAD, Solvespace
Pro tip, almost all parts on earth are just blocks with holes in it cut to fancy shapes to help sell them
it is incredibly easy to find free version of SW without doing any pirating. I am a student and get it for free, but I remember some Indian on youtube had this tutorial. You just put in the code on the SW website.
Is there a way to force a program to use a custom hosts file?
I mean, a hosts file separate from your main one.
I remember those threads. That was a fun time. I like to think Linus was spasming at his keyboard every time he saw or typed the letters x and z
Holy shit what a garbage model tbqh
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some riveting posts from the tripfag
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I'm a little bit lay with all this sfotware sorcery and o after reading the thread and some more on the internet I got some questions. The only unavoidable problem seems, as if you make you sure you pirated SD dont get internet conection you are clear, to open a file saved in a pirated software on a legal one, that aparently the file carry info that would trigger a phone home in the legal. So if you make a file in a pirated SD, open in a Opensorce software, and saves it would it still phone home if the file saved in the open sorce was open in legal software? Some what like libre Office changes .txt (word) to .odt or this extensions doesnt really mean much.
There is a way to be caught or how to prevent if I take my file made in a pirated software to print, machine, or 3d print in a third party busnisses?
Solid works doesn’t sign your files unless you have a student version then it marks the file student version forever

You export as an X_T for machining before you start programming for CAD

You export it as an STL for 3D printing or 3mf if newer 3d printing

Printer sliders don’t give a shit where you get your files as long as there aren’t any errors in the import , if there are it will auto repair but it smfucks up a lot
>Solid works doesn’t sign your files unless you have a student version then it marks the file student version forever
oh, from what I was reading online people were saying SD files can have your IP, key code etc saved on it and that when in original or in a pirated SD that has internet conection it, the software, can phone-home sending this infos.

Good to know. So it doesnt seems to to be that much of problem if one gets sure it doesnt get internet acess. I just graduated in eng and I was very against learning softwares as I had a professor that everthing I asked he replied "a software takes care of that" and it annoyed me so much cause in my eyes that isnt engeneering, but as now I'm trying get in the job narket I dont have where to run. maybe being so stubborn was a mistake.

> Rhino
> Not parametric
> It literally comes with a built-in parametric powerful tool that allows you to do anything you want

onshape is more than adequate for almost all hobbyists - i actually prefer the methods they use to make assemblies and referenced parts to traditional SW for assemblies of less than 30 parts
if you think you're going to properly use SW add-ons like finite element analysis and flow simulation, you are either deluded or already work for someone who can afford to pay for it
SW CAM software is mid at best, avoid unless you're being forced to use it for legacy reasons. same goes for its rendering engine
if onshape isn't good enough, then whatever youre doing is either so complex or so retarded that yes, you will need to pay or pirate SW
>t.SW2012 gigachad
Dassault isn't going to raise your pay.
The IP address thing smells like bullshit, like I said I’m just a retarded tradie, not a full stack developer or someone that can exploit code

I just cut metal for a living like a low iq fuck wit
Ok and? You pirated 2022, it's 2024. You have one more year or so.
gonna shill a little for solid edge here,
been using it side-by-side with solidworks for a number of years (work has SW, I have solid edge at home). They're practically equivalent if you use the "ordered" environment in solid edge. Theres been a couple of things that are inconvenient on either one vs the other, but anything Ive made in one I can replicate on the other, and the skills transfer.
isn't onshape cloud-slop though?
>never make any money
>never get sued
as a bonus you don't have to pay taxes on what you don't earn
it's browser-trash. also buried in the EULA is the fact that you're not allowed to make any money or use it professionally without a license so it's no better than pirated or Fusion360 for "free" software because the minute you make money you need to buy a license.
what was the last version that did not require the software to connect to the internet (i.e. spied on you)
get this version
deal with it
i use fea just a little bit, like for things such as "will this bend with 50kg on it, or does it need to be a bit thicker?" you might only consider fancy usage since smaller people aren't supposed to have it
send them email. hobbyists seems to be their big source of income.
>apparently it phones home
Negro, it's $50/year. If you make money on it just deduct it from your taxes.
Open scad is not normal cad.

It's a bit different but very powerful, most people who want cad should probably not use it.
rutracker.org. Although like others on here have said, FreeCAD is better.
FreeCAD is unintuitive crap. And I tell it to you as design engineer who works in SW, Inventor, NX and ProEngineer.
It's not that it's unintuitive it's bad when you start doing anything else but mushing primitives together
You've surface level skill if thats what you think.
What do people think of Inventor? It's basically the same as Solidworks, and its spyware is only marginally less invasive.
They were fucking useless for about 15 years

People that went with autodesk were generally like civil and electrical engineers

Most mechanical dudes went with dassault systems or whatever they call themselves now “sell your information and designs to china systems”
it not a good design to be cast
or really good at all
which they would know if they used the stress modeling features solid works has
>dassault systems releases cracks and keygens for their own products
Fucking based. All you need to do to circumvent this is to lock it in a VM. No more russian vm-escaping ransomware, thanks dassault systemes!

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