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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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LIFE GOALS: to the arial county police, this is a mere shed, oh but oh boy, what lies beneath is 800 sq feet of beautiful living space with NO property taxes no permits just pure by God FREEDOM.
You don't even have to do that.
I bought my home (a 750 sq ft "cabin") on 10 acres last year. Got the annual property tax bill in the mail: $62. The township has this recorded as a shed/hunting camp.
Literally nobody comes down this dead-end dirt lane besides the postman, and once a year the power company checks the poles.
WOW, alaska?
can we talk about how this would be set up?
The cave provides.
Pennsylvania. I imagine there's even less bother in more rural states/areas. The key is to get your land back out of the way in a township that doesn't have any real town/city in it, and make friends with your neighbor.
while yes i do agree with you cave concept
i think its rather expensive

you can make a giant concrete room under there
but your neighbors may still snitch

i agree with anon above
if you buy a really rural place
no one bothers you
and it can be like a room and bathroom

but as a cool concept id say under a shed a big room would be cool

but your nieghbors are the real problem
also is it visible from the road

these fucks are jelouse and they wil tell on you
yes i have the same also
although 300 sqft

my property tax bill is 600 yearly
but its an hr from the city
Looks like every dungeon entrance in Daggerfall.
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they have heat signature and flir, the second someone shows up to dig for anything your cooked. that's if you can even dig without killing yourself.
you'd be caught faster than if you just falsified paperwork and lied about the structure and contents prior to construction.
this is how the state found out i remodeled my basement. they were running fiopics lines or something and radar got me. I was reported without knowing and my taxes went up a shitload for additional bathrooms, rooms, and space.
Checked, but that’s still bullshit. Fiber is run by Mexicans that couldn’t care less and radar doesn’t work like that.
How is living underground feasible? Don't you need constant sump pumps. Wouldn't a cave be full of mold and damp and ruin all of your belongings, and more importantly, your health?
>Wouldn't a cave be full of mold and damp

You must be new here. One of /diy/'s gods is bunkerbro who bought an enormous cold war bunker or something with endless concrete corridors that typically had water standing on the floor or running down the walls. Once he realized he had bought an enormous pile of shit he stopped posting, and his minions latched onto the story that he was living the life but couldn't update because of "national security" HA AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
Please ignore the ass-blasted anon who replied to you previously.
The truth is that yes, some basements or caves can have serious humidity issues. They're often cooler than outside, which can lead to condensation issues. However, you only end up needing sump pumps if you're digging below the water table, which is already a bad idea for many reasons. The water table fluctuates signficantly, especially in areas with snowmelt and spring rains, which is why many people have seasonal flooding in their basements.
These issues are not ubiquitous. Adequate ventilation (forced air or passive solar chimney can both work) reduces condensation issues and proper planning/surveying can tell you if you need to be worried about the water table.
The truth is, it's no more complicated or difficult than above-ground construction. Would you build a house without a solid foundation, or right next to a 150 year old oak tree with a rotted trunk? Obviously not. Building underground is the same way, it's just a matter of being aware of the risks, potential hazards, and standard safety protocols, so that you can make informed decisions about how you want to build.
Sounds like a lot of work, effort and money just to live like a mole.
Building anything good is a lot of work and effort. If it goes up quick and easy, it will probably go down quick and easy. Building underground doesn't have to be expensive, though, and I like living like a mole person. For me, it's an attractive idea and makes sense in my location and climate. If you feel it's stupid, or it wouldn't work for you because of some other reason, then I encourage you to look at one of the other threads on this board, about a topic which you find more interesting or relevant. Hope you're having a good day :)
Sounds like a worthy deity.

Full respect to clueless retard forced fo own bunker.
overall the amount you'd save from taxes would be spent on creating a proper tunnel, since it involved a lot of effort to dig everything out, construct pillars and arches, understand the forces against your walls and how to deal with them, because if you dont it WILL collapse and kill you
>but people back then did it fine
mining was always a notoriously dangerous job that only slaves were sent to do
of course, if you just really like the idea of an underground home, then tax dodging is just an added benefit
you build smart of course
best course of action is to dig into a hill or better yet something really steep, that way drainage is as simple as having a drain under your floor that funnels into a pipe sloped down out of the hill to level ground
its also important to have a structure that can breathe, which is why i dont think concrete is a good choice over something like stone
post the archived thread please
i wanna see this
this but in colorado. you start in a county that won't fuck with you.
"Thread"? He used to check in regularly, like Kevin van Dickhead, but cool and without the trip. There were probably over 20 threads. Last I saw of him was maybe ago? Claim was that he got hit with an NDA, but he probably got a little tired of the new assholes here trying to be edgy as well. Was a cool dude.
Shit, *maybe 6 years ago
I remember the start of that. It was mostly just pictures of giant cavernous rooms full of standing water illuminated by work lights iirc
True. Affordable caves are built from pallets as anyone knows.
How expensive was this to buy? God I hate being a Eurocuck

Anyway would it be safe if I make the entrance inside my home and like hide it under the bed or whatever? I wanna grow shrooms
The land and cabin was $140k cash.

Don't take your Euro life benefits for granted. I lived in the UK for years, and I miss being able to walk to a grocery store that didn't cost a day's wage.
I don't miss the weather though. It's literally the biggest thing that would keep me from ever moving back.

Be very careful before digging directly underneath your home. If you compromise the foundation, it could literally wreck your house.

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