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/fa/ - Fashion

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... when you walk down the streets, just because of how you look or dress?
it's happened to me maybe twice in my life. and i DO dress like a faggot.
It happened maybe 7 times in my life and it hurts every time :-(
No, I’m 6’2”
No, but sometimes they slap my ass and startle me.
Never. I'm 6'3, bald, and have soulless autism stare, I've been told I look like I'm a minor inconvenience away from committing mass murder. Once people get to know me they tell me I'm surprisingly friendly and helpful, I just look at bit intimidating at first.

And I do dress like a faggot so maybe just look like you're about to go for a mass shooting high score at all times?
Not until I start talking
No one who isn't a direct family member has ever commented on how I dress
Only once, for carrying a messenger bag. Got the classic “nice purse fag”
I was frequently called a twink so I threw out all my slim fit jeans/pants and replaced them with straight or loose fit. Would recommend
I call people faggots
Has never happened to me and I dress in the two gayest styles: TIP and americana.
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Someone yelled "marica" at me when I rode past him on my bike wearing lycra and a pink neck gaiter.

Obviously, I was flattered, but due to social pressure I pretended not to hear him because reacting positively might have created a dangerous situation.
They don't call Me a faggot but most of My close male friends do. Usually from strangers I get compliments on My outfits and styles.

I tend to dress like a JoJo character including makeup and high heels often so do what you will with that information. Children occasionally mistake Me for a woman.
No, but they always ask me why I'm so dressed up because all they ever wear is a t-shirt and sweatpants.
based bullies, every tote bag wearer deserves it as well.
not until I started wearing kouros
I thought it was a /frag/ meme but it really is like a secret calling card for the manly gays
never but i've noticed that beta males and third world women from countries with high rates of rape like india have a tendency to cross the street to avoid walking past me on the sidewalk. eye contact seems to make them shit their pants. i'm always aware of my surroundings i've been the white boy in the nigger hood before.

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