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Can a barber fix my damaged hair? It's wet here. It's a lot worse sometimes when it's dry.
Look up hair dusting. It’s a way they can remove the split ends without cutting any length off.
White mans hair lmao
It's not split ends dumbass. It's hair that has been broken off halfway or shorter when brushing.
Not really. Just smooth them down with hair gel.
thats caused by brushing like a retard, let me guess anon, you start from the roots to the tips? you're meant to start from the tips and gentle brush to the roots. Hair is dead and you're going to have to wait until it grows out but the tips are damaged from breaking off so cut the end of each one and wait for it to grow and stop brushing like that.
>t.hair down to the middle of my back
better than the fucking mess which is black mans hair, even they cant be arsed dealing with it so that's why they get wigs.
Looks fine in this lighting though.
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it's gonna take a long time and eventually cutting off the damaged part to fix it. you're almost certainly shampooing too often and/or not conditioning enough, which is the first thing to address. don't shampoo more than once a week, condition every time you shower. you're ultimately going to have to wait for the damaged hair to grow out and for the damaged follicles (i don't actually know how it works, just speaking from experience) to go back to normal. i had a similar hair situation that i started treating 2 years ago and it's only fully returned to normal in the last 6 months or so
your hair is thinning and becoming wispy as hair does when it miniaturizes
I once had a roommate who ruined her hair with aggressive bleaching and dying, but then magically fixed it with some bullshit oil/essantial oil homebrew she whipped up. Anybody hear of stuff like this?
so she oil them down? there is no magic fix, hair is not magic, this shit is caused by damage so you cut of the damage because its dead and let it grow longer to fix it, she probably just concealed it
i think using hair products with silicone oils and things like that can make hair look less frizzy. they also put a protective layer on the hair.

no need to go to barber.
Thank you anon. I never learned how to brush hair properly.
indians suck so ridiculously bad at getting women that they have to resort to fucking the dead ones that can't laugh and say no, good lord

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