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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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How did they make this movie poster before photoshop?
In a literal shop using photography/ darkroom techniques and manual layout and compositing techniques like cutting and pasting elements in layers, airbrushing, masks, transparencies, various drawing/ painting tools like brushes and erasers, etc.
does anyone make pictures like that anymore? is it a cool style
shit like starwars posters were hand painted
I honestly throughly they cut out pictures, used glue and pasted on a background, then use some plastic covering on top of it, add the painting/paint over it, print some text, and BOOOM! Take a picture of it, print posters, and there you go!
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Old school movie posters are so good.
theres no reason that new posters and graphics cant be made to look as good using digital processes....except that as this thread shows, people dont know how or why they were put together the way they were using the old school analog methods, even though the modern software in many cases directly emulates those old methods and tools and literally names the new emulations after the original layout, typesetting and darkroom methods/tools.
they didn't. They dug it from a cache of artworks made by Tartaria and just built a movie around it to fool the goyim
take a chill pill
uh thts kinda how it works
how did they copy this poster before computers?

man the pre-computer world must've been so wild

get a job lil nigga
God I hate autists

LMAO, cheap movie posters haven't been screen printed since movies were brand new technology.

Which appears to be the last time that Brittanica entry was updated-

>The screen is usually made of fine but strong silk gauze

>Direct or indirect photomechanical processes are being more and more widely used, however.

Also, there's this-

>A Serigraph is an alternative name for silkscreen printing that was coined to distinguish it’s uses in the fine art world from that of the commercial printing world.

Any four color advertising poster commercially printed after WW2 is almost certainly done using offset lithography.

hard work
>does anyone make pictures like that anymore? is it a cool style
AI can do retro styles
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Lots and lots of Letrasets
Looks like shit, good job AI
Here people usually post fails to make fun of AI.
AI is still far from perfect but becomes better at an alarming speed.
Obviously, yeah. Adobe licensing fees are expensive for a reason; but has the same ones /lit/ knows about from .PDF files, and they're to catch pædophiles. It's why people that like "printed pic" forums get honeypotting jobs, tracker laden pngs & jpegs. Make enough images, track your own art books or unauthorized copies later.
+ Cigarettes
+ Coffee

Gen X-er. I was there and I witnessed grownups making these. All of them drank coffee and everyone smoked. Last of the era, the Seventies.
it produces worthless crap but the quality (literally the image quality, not the artistic quality, they're confused intentionally) increases at an "alarming" (sort of fast?) rate. nothing of real worth will ever be produced by AI. If you submitted your picrel to an art school some time between the start of sci fi art and the invention of the wacom, they'd laugh at you and send you right home
not that an "art school" is a place to hold to any esteem. but the art "community" (before that was a cringe internet word) would not actually like any AI "art" at all.

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