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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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How is Affinity Photo standing against Adobe Photoshop? At what level do I notice difference? I really like their pay-once thing.

Yes I know I can just crack Photoshop.
Depends what you use it for. It has no AI or smart filters.
I made the jump to affinity like, hell, 4+ years ago. If you are trained in adobe a TON of the shortcut keys work the same as they do in photoshop, which helps massively with the transition period.

There are no smart or AI anythings, there are some weird bits with text handling and the magic wand and smart select tools are just plain not as good as photoshop. The biggest issue I can think of offhand (I mostly use illustrator) is there is no built in gif editing and tweening. That could completely kill it for some people, but you can use ezgif.com or something to assemble gifs. I do miss tweening functionality though...

Yeah you can crack stuff, but if you are doing professional design work they will eventually lock you out (likely in the middle of a paid project) or maybe even (extremely rarely) sue. Adobe will bite you in the ass (see that oh man wtf I have been using cracked adobe 2017 for 7 years and somehow I got got thread elsewhere)

Affinity is not as good as photoshop or illustrator, but its getting better with every version and every version costs less than the most basic bitch education discount version of adobe that has been made in the last decade. Its $164 for a perpetual license to Affinity Photo, Designer and Publisher on both PC/Mac and iOS.
Affinity is amazing! I've been doing graphic design for 8+ years, started off using Photoshop but transitioned to Affinity around 2018. They have a lot of QOL features Photoshop doesn't, such as brush previews and easy adjustment layers, which eliminates the need for smart filters. I dislike how they made Photo 2 and Designer 2; it was such a random decision, but I still use photo and designer daily. I should also mention that I got both Affinity Photo and Designer on sale; I think both were 30-40$.
what is the difference between 1 and 2? why is it a dislikeable choice?
Sorry for the late response, but there are some notable changes like the shape builder tool which a lot of people find useful. I'm personally going to stick with Photo and Designer 1 because they're still really great programs that are user friendly. I prefer Designer over Illustrator too, just because it's way more user friendly
cool! thank you!
No worries :)
Looking to get Affinity just because it has iPad apps, and before you shoot me, hear me out.

Trained in Adobe same as everyone, I use desktop PC 100%, not even in the apple ecosystem. However this week I found myself have to leave the house to work and have to bring my sffpc (built for this) to go to a family's house to work with their monitor. This situation has for the first time make me look into a tablet/laptop. However, I don't see myself using it that much but I would like the option, so the fact that the ipad can double as fun shit is making me consider it.

Anyway the fact that Adobe is full subscription makes me sick and I can't crack it on the ipad I don't think and they don't even have InDesign which I need more than video editing apps.

So give it to be straight /gd/bros, is an iPad w/ M chip w/ Affinity apps a viable portable option when one can't access a desktop?
>How is Affinity Photo standing against Adobe Photoshop?
Poorly. Its mostly the pay once policy that keep people attached.
Sure its not bad software and majority of Photo guys will be ok with it. But when you are using Photoshop for couple of years and then switch to this, you can feel the downgrade.
It was a good alternative to photoshop for quick work, but given Adobe copyrighting techniques and tools, good luck making it big against Adobe copyright trolling everyone.

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