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How much of a nigger you have to be to do this type of cringe ego boost?
We don't care of your opinion, go back to the kitchen.

Same for the next snowflakes
>look how manly and badass I am killing this beast from 300 meters hiding safely in my hideout
Now do the same thing facing it directly without your big boi gun, I swear you wouldn't stand a chance with not even a single of those animals
This right here! I don't care if these animals are attacking pets or livestock or they're eating your crops. Killing all animals is wrong. Reply to this post if you take it in the ass like a massive AIDS riddled faggot!
This has got to be some sort of tranny who doesn't see the irony in what he's saying.
First of all, wild animals are not your friends. This is not a Disney movie.
Second of all, we hunt no differently than animals do. They use what they have to protect, attack, and kill. We do too, we use our intelligence.
Third, hunters respect more nature than your limp wrist does. Hunters are not poachers. Hunters have to kill other animals to protect their crops and livestock so your faggoty anne ass can have actual nutritional breakfast. There are also laws and only times in a year a hunter and fishermen are allowed to do so because they need to make sure the population and order of nature is not disrupted.
You using your digital shit is fucking up honey bees. Honey bees are essential for spreading pollen and helps nature. By using your eletronic devices like your cellphone fucks with their navigation and makes them get lost. That's why honey bees becoming less active is highly concerning to actual crop owners.
You're only mad because you're a sheltered person and probably one of those weirdo furries.
Welcome to real life you stupid faggot. Your precious lettuce kills more life than hunters do. Farmers have to use shit on veggies to kill off countless colonies and hives of insects including rodents and even birds.
Go fuck yourself.
Then how about posting some webms of huntings while giving them context?
What's this, killing random big cats and coyotes/wolves?
At least tell me why, plus these webms are the weakest fucking shit ever.
Woah nice hunting dude, nothing better to watch than someone sperging out so hard even the random varmints will look at you in disbelief.
How about boars?
You can at least eat those.

Fucking seriously, stop projecting and post something that's actually cool.
This NIGHT CREW KILLS is boring.
What context needs to be said? What are you even talking about? All of these have context you virtue signaling leftist.
Do you not understand the importance of killing coyotes? Are you even remotely a man? At all?
I would understand this argumentation if they were shooting boars or something, but coyotes and bobcats help control rabbit populations for example. So this type of hunting is really doing the opposite of what you're ranting about. I don't have a problem with hunting, but filming it and posting it here to masturbate over is peak amerimutt behaviour.
And what the fuck is that about the bees? They're declining mainly because of pesticides and monoculture farming. Corn and onions for you and the animals you eat.
This is utter nonsense
You dumb fruitcake
What is wrong with your brain son?
Dude is seething. Definitely not a huge problem by any measure compared to other animals.
I'd tell you to go show these your friends, but it's kind of obvious you don't have any :D
You can pretend you're baiting all you want. We both know you're not a man and you don't understand jack shit about anything outside the city
Keep crying about the blacks of the prarie and forrest some more. It's pathetic how much your father failed you.
I fish and I have been hunting. I also trap raccoon dogs because they're invasive here. You're writing about bees getting killed by phones. You've been failed by your education system. Many such cases.
I'm wrong? I think you should look up what I'm saying before larping boy
I assume these are depredation kills. I'm DNR and it's often needed to protect pets, livestock, and people.

Overall most look to be clean kills. Rather see rifle shots than snares and traps...except for wild pigs.
Bees navigate based on communication from the hive with other bees, cellphones dont interfere with this dipshit. Another "5G is evil" faggot, with zero evidence.

As far as the vidyas posted, these are not nuisance kills, they're "sport" hunting, in which the sport is being a massive fucking pussy and hunting at night-time with a long range arsenal. This ain't the olden days where we need the pelts or the meat anymore, and these faggots clearly are recording for clout.
Some good hits lads, keep them coming!
why is he killing bobcats and coyotes? Does he have chickens or something?
When there's too many coyotes and bobcats, they start hunting in farms. That's why you have to hunt them seasonly
>You using your digital shit is fucking up honey bees
Anon, no, it's already been show it's parasites, diseases, and pesticides. Farmers abuse pesticide usage everywhere, it's hard to regulate it, apparently, and it affects the insect fauna, not just bees. There are nowadays many less insects than in the past. I remeber clearly that driving for an hour in the countryside would pellet my car, now it takes nearly a week to reach the same level of gunk on my windshield.

>Researchers have ruled out cell phones as a potential cause of bee decline.
yes, I thought that'd be the reason.

That is unfortunate, it's sad to see it, but I understand. You can have fencing against coyotes, but wildcats are much harder to keep away. They are large cats, after all.
Can someone post real depraved disgusting shit plz it's just torture for the spirit and soul and I crave it.
EZmode kill cams, where are the 360 no scopes?
No ranjeet go use a toilet
Are kots bad?
Nigger cringe ignorant fuck
I agree. It's always city people that don't understand parks and wildlife need to be managed.
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You're too weak-willed and spineless to even do the bare minimum necessary for the civilization you take for granted, something your ancestors wouldn't have even blinked about, you pathetic cunt nugget. It's stupid, thoughtless, asinine fuckeits like you that are truly genetic and societal dead ends with no respect for all the things better people than you have had to do so you can sit your fat ass on your dildo chair and type on your phone how "meen da bad man's are."
Next : Squirrels
I like the pig hunts.
Squirrel *thonks* always get me to chuckle.
Hey OP, have any rat hunt vids?
I feel kinda bad coyotes. Almost lost my dog to a pack. I know if they killed her I'd have little sympathy for them.
>they were trying to become friends with her
Not familiar with feline hunts tho.
I'll post rat hunt after squirrels
>LOOK i'm so manly, I killed a animal at 300 m
use your fucking hand pussy
Perfect shot. I’d be rock hard the rest of the day
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Still not hunting man.
Animals are allowed to use tools but people arent? Who makes these rules- trannies like you?
Post vids shooting invasive cats to shut these queers up
Show me the animal that fights fair against what it intends to kill lol
>You're not allowed to post things that have no indication of being inappropriate or damaging to the environment without giving me CONTEXT because I see it and automatically assume it must be bad!!!
Hunting is almost exclusively an environmentally beneficial process in the west.

The appropriate levels of an animal in an environment change depending on that environment. One area might not have enough coyotes, another area might have 10 times too many. Animals are not evenly distributed nor are they distributed exclusively in areas where they are beneficial to the environment.

The same breed of Sparrow that was so critical for the chinese ecosystem 100 years ago that removing it caused mass famines is invasive in America, and should be completely annihilated there.
OP and others who enjoy this shit are the solution to the fermi paradox
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wtf is this
>Error: Corrupt or unplayable video
pic rel
does this shit happen to everyone?
is this something that the jannies are doing?
>OP and others who enjoy this shit are the solution to the fermi paradox
I swear man, dilate as soon as you can
I have no problem
>I have no problem
weird, even in incognito without extensions it still does it
and in firefox
Post monkey hunt
I like bobcats and wolves, so fuck you anon!
>lefty faggots crying
Every hunting thread like clockwork, kek
Keep the webms coming, they're good stuff
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People who enjoy hunting built everything around you, and created the only environment in the history of the universe in which you could have survived.
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Now rats. Next Monkeys
really fucking cool
Finally. Mods are prob gonna delete the thread but they're sissy faggots so who cares.
>saving thousands of native animals
No kidding. Outdoor cats should be illegal. Absolutely disgusting monsters, all they do is destroy and pollute. Ever professionally clean a house that had any cats in it? Nightmare levels of mess.
Or you can just build a fucking fence
people who enjoy hunting and people who enjoy watching animals die violent deaths aren't the same you fuckin idiot
>catnigger being completely fucking useless
Cry more you fucking pussy.
a lack of empathy is a symptom of autism, same with those war threads
It is only fair for humans to use weapons.
We don't have claws and fangs
Go for yours pets
LOL Fuck tranimals kill them all
Gay. I want to see human hunting. Too many people, too few wildlife
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>Reply to this post if you take it in the ass like a massive AIDS riddled faggot!
Dont threaten me with a good time
Browns are wildlife not people.
Do you think hunters cry and look away when they shoot an animal? If you enjoy hunting you definitionally watch animals die while enjoying yourself.
bobcats are beautiful, but there's clearly an excess of them in this area in the footage.

That being said, My cat was killed last year by a bobcat, not like you would expect.
Bobcat fever is a bacteria illness that is transfered from carriers(bobcats) to housecats via the lone star tick. My loving cat just happened to get bit by one in the area and after paying an insane amount of money to a vet, she died. There's something like a 65% survival rate if you catch it early, but by the time you see symptoms it's probably too late.
There is no immunity to the illness, no vax provided.

I would absolutely hate to have to go through that again, but you can't hunt bobcats here after dark (the only fucking time you'd ever see them) so it's fucking stupid and they're a problem.
Bobcats are not in danger of going extinct any time soon. Coyotes much less so.

If you don't like these videos, don't fucking watch them you dumb cucked faggot.
I don't understand, why are they being killed? Sport/fun? Protection?
Cause it's the law. Why it's the law ? Cause it's regulates the spieces
I bet she goes like the energizer bunny in bed.
I applaud the slaughter of coyotes but I feel bad for the bobcats :(
I loved them when I was a kid
>now I remember the monyet era

What happened to those videos? There were hundreds of them and all disappeared form the internet
Smol dicked individuals proving they have no control over their lives.
Those pigs do not gore enough faggot hunters.
8/10 good bait. If we were on facebook I'd definately believe you are genuine.
Why does you're mind focus on penises?
Why are you obsessed with the size of other mens dicks?
You're a fucking sicko, always thinking about dick like any other libshit niggerfaggot tranny.
gay jumpscare
inbred ego boost thread
only manlets/poor people have a wild animal problem
If someone hunts an animal and doesn't eat it and i find myself with an opportunity to get away with murder I would.
If it weren't for the hunters, they'd gore you.
It's pretty gay to film it. Hunting is not gay but filming it is next level faggotry.
I need to find this on telegram
came here to see this vid. well done /gif/.
The conservative fags won, anon. If you posted a macaque getting shot with an air rifle they'd nuke the entire thread.
That on telegram or YouTube these days?
>disappeared form the internet
What do you mean? Videos are still being made. My private Telegram group has thousands of these videos.
May I join this group?
I've always been curious watching some of the pest control videos, are airsoft used for those? I know you can go to some juicy not so safe for humans energy but I always assumed they'd use those air guns that shoot lead pellet
Go back to fapping on nigger porn you faggot
nigger behavior. anyone who watches these is a nigger-in-spirit
For rats definitely, look this >>27253545
Aw, look at the lost zoomer. Look how it attempts to adapt like this is another herd for it to hide in. You stick out like a fucking prolapse, go be you somewhere else.
What projectile is coming from that weapon? Is it sub-sonic .22? Or a cork? I really can't tell.
I like how this guy doens't care about shot placement or follow ups, just shoot at whatever is exposed, they'll die eventually
Am I the only one who can't open most of these videos?
>>27268899 are you the same anon >>27247408
? Are you a mac user ?
Yeah i'm on mac too. They play fine when using safari though
Every emotion exists for a reason and is equally as important as others. Hate is just as important as Love. You are the one with autism. If you find killing wild animals disturbing but still eat meat you have the literal mind of a woman and I would recommend cutting your dick off and turning trans.
Post monyet
God, snipers are small dicked assholes, huh
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Mehhhhh got a telegram link or better gifs
Fuck off glownigger
If I could guarantee that no Kiwitrannies or other questionable lurkers could click the Telegram invite to infiltrate the group, I'd post it. So, no.
Do you feel better now? lol use another insignificant insult.
Can you send it to a email? Or a burner phone?
I fucking miss the monkey torture vids
I don't think you understand just how terrible these hogs are for everything around them. They're such a pest that it's legal to kill them any time of the year any way you can manage.
Do you feel like you're doing a good job? Yeah, you monitor a Tibetan basket weaving forum to stop Cambodians from beating the shit out of a literal invasive pest species

Fuck off glownigger
I thought the psychological ones were fascinating, watching macaques just be shits to each other and watching their troop dynamics. I love watching monkeys fight. Back when there was actual discussion, one anon brought up the theory that the reason why anons enjoy watching monyets get hurt is a holdover from our own primate brain, where if they aren't being fed it means that there's more food and resources for us.

I've never liked the extreme stuff or any of the butt stuff. That's gross. But maybe slapping them around a bit or waking them up with firecrackers or watching them flip out while they watch another baby get fed just hits my dopamine receptors in a certain way.
I want to see it screech as some gook pulls its arms or tail really hard. Maybe the mama monkey gets its head smashed in with a few good stomps.

Or just rip the little faggot away from its mom, as the mom panics knowing there's nothing it could do.
This is art.
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You’re arguing on the internet with a stranger. Nothing you say here will change a thing. The fact you took the time to insult a stranger over nothing. Shows how weak minded you are. But I will admit you did succeed in two things. 1). Making me actually laugh out loud
2). Wasting my time
Thanks for the (You) and the slide detraction attempt, glownigger. Good job outing yourself as a fed.
You will take the gifs you are given and be grateful for them.
I will counter your offer with two options. Make them funny or at least mildly entertaining. But, before you start calling me name’ just remember. I’m rubber, you are glue, there for anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you. Ha Perry that you filthy casual!!! Lol
I don't like the extreme butt stuff or the diapers either. Wayy too sexual for me.
Didnt know that you can hunt cats. Do they do something bad to ecosystem?
Zoophiles who post some baboon tit-sucking fetish, please go see a specialist for your mental issues

Feral cats may deteriorate properties
Seriously. I wish I could light a whole room of them on fire with a flame thrower
you must kill bobcats by law? is this australia?
You're stupid ? You don't know the difference between authorisation and obligation ?
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They grow up so fast...
Ohh anon... you'll have to be gassed
>Its sport hunting waaa waaa
why are so many moralfags here? fuck off
No one cries like this in rekt threads, kill yourselves
YEA! Just get food at the store like a normal person instead of killing animals!
I fear I have too much empathy and in the moment would not defend myself or my family if I needed to, would hunting lessen that empathy response?
Disgusting you two sick morons. Hope next time the bear rips out your skinny pussy nasty fuckers
How does it feel knowing that you are literally the enemy of humanity. You are literally evil.
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Post more of your shitty gifs chuddie
People laughing at hapless humans killing each other or befouling nature with pointless hunting is repulsive to me.

Invasive species like common housecats should all be killed in sight.
Thank you. Here is a gift for you
There's a difference between a hunt and torture you subhuman mudman
You could kill a coyote or a bobcat pretty easily with bare hands, it's not a lion.
wtf I thought baby animals were supposed to be cute? That thing looks like an old man's ballsack had sex with an old man's ass.
Who scratched you
>anon asks why do you jerk off to a animal rekt videos for the fifth time this month
>blabs about order of nature
Neck yourself niggers
I have a lot. Old stuff from two years ago and new stuff too. Too bad I can't post any of it here.
do people on farms really shoot squirrels all day to protect their homes like this or is it a sadistic excuse
Genuinely wondering
Depends hoiw you'll react if I told you the right reason
just tell me nigger im curious
Squirrels find a hole and then proceed to bury a ridiculous amount of nuts and bullshit in that hole. They have to die unless you want organic matter molding and rotting in corners of your house you don't even know exist. If it helps you understand why they are a problem, they are basically identical to rats.

Of course, people could just stop living so close to nature but people are just fucking stupid and love making more work for themselves. Like not maintaining their home so holes and shit appear for vermin to find homes in or planting or living near trees that give food to squirrels and then having to spnd the time/money to kill said squirrels.

It's the same deal with wild pigs. If people weren't so fucking shitty and spent the money on proper fencing, we wouldn't have to spend millions of dollars dealing with escaped pigs that went feral and then having to shoot them because they are not just a pest to crops but the entire wilderness.

A lot of these problems are man-made. Tonnes of communities don't have squirrel or pig problems because regulation and smart planning stops selfish people from fucking everyone else. It only takes one retarded farmer with shitty fencing and within 5-10 years you have a feral pig problem that costs millions of dollars a year to combat that cannot be stopped.
what happened to them? are they really gone from the internet?
Damn that turkey on the left does not give a fuck lmao
Would you send it via email? I’m interested in seeing what all the fuss is about.
where do you get them?
These documentaries describe them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOHRFIhF0Y8 (this one has English subtitles)
Retarded faggot
I'm not your father sob
Personally I shoot squirrels because I like it. Killing something that is more or less nothing. Like setting a rat trap; except its you and the gun. I once got a squirrel straight in the heart. First time seeing arterial blood IRL. I loved it.
so basically it all boils down thirdies and shitskins being subhuman as usual.
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and also Trump supporters
Niggers actually don't hunt much in the west.
Whites love hunting more than all other groups combined.
There are lots of cases where this is unreasonable.

Hybridized Boar, an invasive species that does tremendous damage to every environment they're exposed to, are so common in America that hunters in most of the US are given free reign to kill as many as they can, as fast as they can, all year round, and it still doesn't keep the population down. For the purpose of environmental conservation people are actually paid in some places to go out and kill dozens or even hundreds in one night.

First, they tend to be riddled with disease and parasites on a scale you can't believe. Second, obviously, it's impractical for one man or a group of men to transport hundreds of boar a night. Having to process them, remove skins and organs etc would slow down the culling process on an animal that is doing constant damage to everything around it.

You might say they should give the meat to the needy, but you would literally pay 10 times more to get this foul tasting, disease filled meat to the table in a palatable and safe condition (i.e. taking great care in the selection and cooking of meat) than you would meat from the store.
Ham is 1.50 a pound.
Fragile moisturized male hands typed this post
I dont give a fuck y'all post as long as it's not domesticated rabbits desu

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Calm your tits. It's a perfectly normal part of taming the wilderness
Reminds me of Goblin Slayer
My complaint is that most of what has been posted is not so much hunting but pest control.
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The Chinese hunt and trap 2, then make them kill each other. Kek
Cry harder liberal cunt
this thread is just depressing.
it means nothing to unfairly kill an animal that was simply existing.


have no issue with the other videos but i genuinely think this guy is just a psycho that likes killing things, can't imagine he has a genuine pest control issue when he's actively setting up feeders for these squirrells and selling squirrell killing merch. if i'm wrong i'd like it if someone could explain why this is necessary.
kill yourself faggot
Why are literally all cat rekt vids gone from the internet? How are they purging this content and why??
What the fuck happened to all the animal rekt the fuckid this shit? How were trannies and liberation kikes able to nuke it off the whole net??
Ok so then why are all the torture videos scrubbed from every single site
>but i genuinely think this guy is just a psycho that likes killing things
even better
>can't imagine he has a genuine pest control issue when he's actively setting up feeders
That's a bit like saying you can't imagine having a mouse problem if you bait your traps.
Many animal populations must be culled at times. See >>27296049

Also reminder that farming fruits and vegetables kills more animals (y'know the ones that actually live in the land you're farming) than farming meat itself. It's just those animals are small and ugly and so faggots don't feel bad for them.
im not really sure it is. this guy clearly lives somewhere somewhat suburban and his backyard seems to be covered in squirrel feeders. what kind of problem is he having where he needs to kill all these squirrels? why would he need THAT many feeders? at what point do the feeders just attract squirrels that wouldn't normally be there and just perpetuate this "issue" that he's also turning into a revenue stream?

being a psycho and killing animals just for fun is evil, shut up retard
Good thread, clean kills, great images
Because that shits gayer than a pride parade
If you like animals so much then you should see what bobcat/coyote would do to YOUR favorite house animal, or even baby humans. Squirrels are just turbo-rats unafraid of the sun, they'll make you sick and ruin your home, and they smell bad. Monkeys will steal your shit, gouge your eyes out and throw poo at you.

In the west you can kill coyote/bobcat year around. I've had chickens completely rekt by wild cats and dogs. I am a good keeper to my chickens, it's my responsibility to protect them so I can feed them mealworms and treats. If some furry fuck comes around uninvited and tries to gnaw on MY animals, then I will kill the shit out of it. I'll kill the shit out of it and do a happy dance around it's asshole corpse. I hope that makes you mad, because my chickens are happy, healthy and protected. You should see my chickens, they're awesome. They follow me around like a happy little army. By the way, if one of my chickens starts acting like an asshole and starts pecking the other chickens, I'll cut it's fucking head off and make sandwiches out of it. How do you like that?
every time i see this i still think the same thing. Great fuckin shot!!!!! This and Kurt Cobain
I want a daughter so bad bros
What’s the “thrill” from bobcat hunting?
A lot of the time it's simple population control.
>There are 100 times as many squirrels as there should be in an area
>But it's you baiting them to kill them that is causing them to show up.
Anon they don't take two busses and an Uber to get there. If he can kill hundreds a year at a backyard feeder the place is overrun with tree rats.
>1 bullet
>2 freezers full of meat
He must've been big dick swinging for a week.
is this MLK assassination footage
This is the activity our forefathers engaged in for millenia.
You wouldnt know since you're either a woman or a male devoid of masculinity.
>Rabbit populations
You're saying it like its a bad thing.
Rabbit population means more free good edible meat.
The boars, coyotes and bobcats can go to hell since they attack other livestock.
I don't think you understand anon
killed that bobcat while it was taking a shit.
Oh, go fuck yourself, pussy.
"hurr durr, animals are our friends!!!"
They'd eat your fucking face if they were hungry enough.
You fucking stupid child.
Best thread I've seen all year.
Hunting and killing are fundamental parts of being alive.
Even single-celled amoeba hunt and kill other single-celled organisms. If they taste bad, they vomit them up dead.
Go watch eaglets or owlets murder their own brothers/sisters in the nest.
Nature is cruel.
Welcome to the Machine.
Too bad if you don't like it.
Good thread OP. Lurker here counteracting the antis.
what caliber are these shots? 22?
Are they trying to hit the heart ideally?
New to this, any recommendations on mp4 to webm converters and webm compression to get below the 4mb limit are appreciated
seeing porn addicts trying to moralize on gore is just clown world levels of retarded
You are a human, not a beast.
If your loyalty lies with beasts, you should kill yourself and hope to reincarnate as one.
It's just that simple.
thats not a turkey, its a decoy ya goober
It's not question of loyalty you low IQ cunt. You are the one thinking like a beast. Compassion is what sets man apart from the beasts you fool.
That didnt look like it died to me. It was dehorned. Cows do that shit to themselves on fences from time to time. Must have been a hell of a hit to do that damage though in one hit though. I would say the victor probably was 100kg heavier to be able to do that.
This is a broke niggers hunting thread. Bunch of predator and varmint hunting. Imagine have the time to waste to shoot a bunch of worthless shit.
Broke? You know people get paid to do this stuff right? Livestock protection and pest removal are legit professions. There's a $50 per head payout for almost any coyote in Utah paid by the state to help with their deer numbers.

You may not like it, but predator hunting makes ungulate hunting possible and keeps ranchers in business.
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naughty golden shower boi, slurp slurp
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You deserve to be tied up and ass raped by trannies every hour of every day for the rest of your life.

You're actual fucking vermin.
To say they cause environmental damage is an understatement. Even pet outdoor cats can wipe out populations of native animals.
Squirt is just piss!
>it means nothing to unfairly kill an animal that was simply existing.


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