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Starting this discussion because no one else seems to be talking about it. Surely others have noticed gelbooru has been nuking a whole bunch of stuff? No, I don't have 'Display all site content' disabled, and I've tried turning a proxy on to check if maybe it's a location thing. It's a definitive fact they are purging a great deal of content from gelbooru, and I have no clue why.
Copyright related stuff (like Marvel characters)? Or "questionable content" (like loli / shota)?
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I'm banking on questionable content.

Just as an example:
Tags report 312 images.
There are 42 images per page, there are 4 pages with the last page having 32, so that's 158 images.
That's 154 images missing.
You can see the same across every series tag.
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samus_aran: 11803 reported
256 pages x 42 images: 10752
1,051 images missing.
i always assumed it was a "artists caught wind of their stuff being there and asked them to remove it" thing
Usually removes stuff from western artists.
>It's a definitive fact they are purging a great deal of content from gelbooru
It is. It's over for hentai. Completely over.
Is pure Palmeiras.
Everything seems fine
all sites are doing it for whatever reason and sankaku.
Artists are requesting their works to be removed so that they can't be used for AI training.
really? i thought sankaku was safe from that shit?
why would you even think that
How does gelbooru compare to jewkaku, content wise?
I have been using sankaku for years, tolerating their bullshit by script blocking their garbage, but the search timeout bullshit now happens with 2 tags only, fuck these cunts.
>Western crap
Good riddance. It's high time these boorus did some pruning.
this is a bit off topic, but does anyone have a booru that they actually like atm? i like translating booru pics and used to use sankaku and liked it a lot for the volume of content before it reached the state it's in now. i've looked at danbooru (small content pool, loli is locked) and gelbooru (does not seem very active)
take this as a grim reminder to save everything that you like and to make back-up copies of it
speaking of backups, is there a trick to make H doujin Donwloader go past 25 limit in free version? I remember years ago it could be done with registry file
Yeah retard they're not going to let "photorealistic" loli stay up. That's just cp

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