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/hr/ - High Resolution

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File: tarot-3604461.jpg (478 KB, 1200x1600)
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Let's bring some magic to /hr/.
Thoth Tarot
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love the colors
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Sakura isn't a fucking High Priestess.
And why not?
maybe cuz she has a wikifeet page of her doing jav/gravure and guru?
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i got some from a previous thread
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amazing!! i love you guys posting this!! :)
Only one way to get more of a balance on /hr/ of substantive pics instead of just coomer stuff, and that's by actually posting what you want to see more of. That said, thank (You) for bumping the thread and showing your support.
Which deck is this?
File: 683793.jpg (741 KB, 2560x1600)
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741 KB JPG
Persona Tarot Deck.
Aren't the stands based on Tarot?
No shit they are newfag
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Robert M. Place’s Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery
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to keep the thread alive, some readings I did for friends some years ago
File: ANITA.jpg (7.77 MB, 2480x3508)
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with my bosch-inspired deck
File: SERGE.jpg (5 MB, 4928x3264)
5 MB
I know I should scan them to share but I'm a lazy fuck
Maybe scan some of the cooler designs, like a top 3 or top 5.
The deck I had.
File: Jane Austen.jpg (7.79 MB, 5970x4324)
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7.79 MB JPG
Bump for moar
Some of the Major Arcana from artist Peter Mohrbacher's Angelarium Tarot (and Oracle Card) series.
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Forgot to upload picrelated.
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Wrestler Becky Lynch as The Magician.
could i get the name for this set?
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File: English Magic.jpg (7.81 MB, 5970x4306)
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weird are there more?
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File: Golden Tarot of Klimt.jpg (7.8 MB, 5620x4324)
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7.8 MB JPG
Full deck avail?
found using google reverse image search in less than 20 seconds.
took me longer to type this reply than it did to find it.
caption says all 22 trumps, but only those 2 were posted. you could try to contact the artist.
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I have a WHOLE LOT of these that I'd like to share but how do you guys make these formatted images? Is there a program that can arrange them quickly like that? (I have individual images for each card in the deck.) LMK
Love this.
anyone else try path cards from Southern elk? seems campy and podcast based but strangely intuitive
Hey idk if you're still lurking but I'd happily collect whatever you have
File: Alchemical.jpg (7.72 MB, 4976x3058)
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7.72 MB JPG

Maybe I'll make a torrent or something. If I figure out a good way to share the lot then if this one's not still here, I'll make another tarot thread and give an external link along with images like this one. Need to do some figuring out
File: Gothic Tarot.jpg (7.15 MB, 3696x2850)
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7.15 MB JPG

Although I just figured out a good way to make these gallery images, so maybe I'll just do those for a while
File: SNOWLAND TAROT! Ho ho ho.jpg (7.32 MB, 4001x2312)
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File: Grail.jpg (7.48 MB, 6446x4324)
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Arthurian theme
File: The Science Tarot.jpg (7.57 MB, 4000x2977)
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7.57 MB JPG
Done for now I'll come back some other time
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1.51 MB PNG
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511 KB JPG
More from the Elder Scrolls/ Skyrim deck.
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File: 12 Chairs.jpg (7.67 MB, 5060x3130)
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File: Alice in Wonderland.jpg (7.79 MB, 5984x4066)
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File: Happy Tarot.jpg (7.83 MB, 5942x4600)
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7.83 MB JPG
File: Gothic Tarot of Vampires.jpg (7.82 MB, 6096x4324)
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7.82 MB JPG
Do you still do readings?
File: Trionfi della Luna.jpg (6.82 MB, 2420x5712)
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File: Ioan Culianu Tarot.jpg (6.56 MB, 2420x4906)
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File: Dracula Tarot.jpg (3.67 MB, 2420x4716)
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3.67 MB JPG
Bumping for moar dope decks.
Are these the original digital documents sent to the printer?
The onesheet after it's printed?
Or each card lined up and photographed after printing?
I'd use that.
File: Magic Slavic.jpg (7.86 MB, 5984x4894)
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7.86 MB JPG

Not sure about the original image source for most of the ones I've posted, except that several of these decks are available through the Orphalese Tarot program for windows -- the file sharing functionality. I am using makephotogallery.net to line them up. A few decks I actually am the one who scanned them -- I forget if I posted any of these ones or not.
File: Breugel.jpg (7.9 MB, 5788x4324)
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7.9 MB JPG
File: nicoletta ceccoli tarot.jpg (6.79 MB, 4000x3318)
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6.79 MB JPG
Sorry about the ordering on some of these. It's a little time-consuming to correct them when the makephotogallery site doesn't get it right. Open to alternatives if anyone knows of good ones, although for the most part this site has been really useful, not even restricting the resolution (I have to, of course, shrink them down a bit afterwards.)
Some of the cards from the Night Sun Tarot deck
File: Omegaland Tarot.jpg (6.87 MB, 2650x2530)
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6.87 MB JPG
File: The Halloween Tarot.jpg (7.42 MB, 3670x3580)
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7.42 MB JPG
File: Celtic.jpg (7.85 MB, 5746x4324)
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7.85 MB JPG
not bad
File: Fantastic Menagerie.jpg (7.42 MB, 4444x3040)
7.42 MB
7.42 MB JPG
File: Ancient Antique Tarot.jpg (7.93 MB, 3500x3938)
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7.93 MB JPG
File: Buckland Romani Tarot.jpg (7.92 MB, 3300x3211)
7.92 MB
7.92 MB JPG
File: Medieval Christian Tarot.jpg (7.26 MB, 3400x2975)
7.26 MB
7.26 MB JPG
Bump uglies.
File: 1001 Nights Tarot.jpg (7.96 MB, 3500x3675)
7.96 MB
7.96 MB JPG
File: Enochian Tarot.jpg (7.82 MB, 3384x4332)
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7.82 MB JPG
Somewhat ugly art in my opinion (not on all the cards) but very interesting concepts in this one.
File: fairytale tarot.jpg (7.52 MB, 3588x3500)
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7.52 MB JPG
that's rather cool
File: Chrysalis.jpg (7.72 MB, 5074x3250)
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7.72 MB JPG
Not sure about the exact story behind this deck and the preceding one, but the idea is perhaps that the decks are supposed to be linked together, the world of appearances below and the eternal forms above, so that each card in the series has its correspondent in the other deck.
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What am I supposed to do with that?
>A few decks I actually am the one who scanned them
Dope that you're scanning several of them in yourself. Since you own some decks, which one has your favorite artwork? Also, which deck has given you the most accurate readings?
Le bumperino
File: sola busca v2.jpg (7.57 MB, 3800x4170)
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I’ll mention some of the contemporary decks that have my favorite art & concepts:
Omegaland Tarot
English Magic
Halloween Tarot
Wheel of the Year
Science Tarot
Deviant Moon

I’ll have to think about that more actually.

As for accurate readings, I still find the classics — like Rider-Waite, the Crowley Thoth deck, and old Italian packs like Sola Busca and the Minchiates — most versatile, and probably they produce the most significant readings if I’m reflecting on my own life and mind as a whole. But I specifically enjoy a lot of modern things for creative work that pertains more to specific creative ideas than my own soul. For example when a narrative project I’m working on involves, within the world, ‘x’, then it’s often very interesting for me to find a deck that touches on ‘x’ …
File: Tarot Decoratif.jpg (7.78 MB, 3720x3575)
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7.78 MB JPG
File: Wheel of the Year.jpg (7.82 MB, 4001x4284)
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7.82 MB JPG
Who had the idea to use the Titanic for a tarot? Predicting the future would avoid the iceberg.
File: Kalevala.jpg (7.71 MB, 5060x3562)
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7.71 MB JPG

Now I'm imagining the Titan submarine guy doing a reading for himself before setting out on the fateful voyage, but in his blinding can-do euphoria he failed to make proper account of the reversals ... haha.
Not sure a reduced-to-8 megabytes image can do justice to the baroque concept (I gather ... I don't have the textual materials for this one, or for most of what I have) of the 156 card Tarot of Oppositions.
File: Apocalypse Tarot.jpg (7.57 MB, 4024x3160)
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7.57 MB JPG
File: Universal Fantasy Tarot.jpg (6.9 MB, 3418x1938)
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6.9 MB JPG
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935 KB PNG
Here's an article describing the variances between the most common types of Tarot decks around the modern times we live in:

File: Baroque Bohemian.jpg (7.75 MB, 4528x3154)
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File: Initiatory Golden Dawn.jpg (7.75 MB, 5718x4324)
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File: Before Tarot.jpg (7.86 MB, 4000x4268)
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Happy to say I found a better way to make these that keeps them in the right order. (XnView join images function)
File: After Tarot.jpg (7.85 MB, 4000x4216)
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7.85 MB JPG
File: Ethereal Visions.jpg (7.34 MB, 4000x3962)
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File: Botanica Tarot.jpg (7.45 MB, 4000x3034)
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7.45 MB JPG
Better version of the Chrysalis Tarot.
I mean, I like that these ones are labelled, but they're also a much lower resolution than >>4807712
Fantastic thread!
Deviant Moon variation
File: Victorian Romantic.jpg (7.53 MB, 4000x2862)
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File: Beauty of Horror.jpg (7.55 MB, 4000x3266)
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File: Visconti-Sforza.jpg (7.43 MB, 3038x2550)
7.43 MB
7.43 MB JPG

Well I am having to reduce everything anyway. Maybe I can prepare an offsite full resolution trove sometime.
I had no clue these were ALL downsized from even HIGHER res pics. I'd definitely love to see the originals, should you ever make that trove.
what's up with the 21 extra little monsters at the end
File: Whimsical Tarot.jpg (7.46 MB, 4050x2916)
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File: Ramses Tarot.jpg (7.52 MB, 5025x3599)
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7.52 MB JPG
File: Atlantis.jpg (7.74 MB, 4934x3880)
7.74 MB
7.74 MB JPG
Way dowwwwwn below the ocean wherrrrre I wanna be /donovan
Bumping for more cool decks.
File: Alchemy, 1977 England.jpg (7.41 MB, 4000x2921)
7.41 MB
7.41 MB JPG
Think Hawkwind and Michael Moorcock for the vibe.
File: Dame Fortune's Wheel.jpg (7.79 MB, 5200x3798)
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File: The Holy Tarot .jpg (7.62 MB, 5200x3463)
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7.62 MB JPG
File: Estensi.jpg (7.76 MB, 4906x4324)
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7.76 MB JPG
What sorts of decks would people like to see more of?
Well, these are all the ones from this thread that I thought were good enough to save:
But I can't really say why I liked these ones more than others, since I saved them over a period of several months as they were posted.
oh, and I saved this one too
wow this thread is still alive ?
Ones with lots of classy nudity.
File: Universal Celtic Tarot.jpg (7.55 MB, 3800x4136)
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7.55 MB JPG
File: Avalon.jpg (7.82 MB, 5998x4324)
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Pls share Alejandro Jodorowsky's tarot deck. Do you have?????

Are you talking about the deck he did with Philippe Camoin based on the Marseilles Tarot, or a different one? I'm afraid I was only able to find the major arcana (trumps) of the Camoin-Jodorowsky Marseilles deck. However I'll ask around. Sometimes these things turn up on Aliexpress.
File: CBD Tarot de Marseille.jpg (7.65 MB, 4395x3444)
7.65 MB
7.65 MB JPG

Here is a full, different Marseilles deck. If you wanted to use Jodorowsky's deck without having the rest of the cards yet I imagine you could swap in the suit cards for the time being. Most Marseilles decks look pretty similar, although based on the Jodorowsky trumps, his deck looks particularly beautiful for sure.
File: I Tarocchi di Casanova.jpg (7.52 MB, 4500x3360)
7.52 MB
7.52 MB JPG
these look almost identical, why would he make his own deck just to copy what the other one did? isn't the point of redrawing the tarot to reinterpret the symbols through your own worldview?
The only one I'd call better is his version of Death, because of the face being cast in shadow.
No, I mean what was created for his movie The Holy Mountain. If there is even more to it than this or displayed in better quality. Several cards appear in the backgrounds throughout some scenes. I cannot post due to low res but if you Google the movie and tarots you get an idea. I can't find better
File: Tarocco Delle Vertrate.jpg (7.83 MB, 5466x4240)
7.83 MB
7.83 MB JPG

I'm not sure what the theory is behind it, but Jodorowsky's not one to *not* heavily theorize about divination so I assume there are reasons. I can read Spanish somewhat so I might find some time to look into that. If I had to guess perhaps he favors esoteric traditionalism, slightly altering and painting a deck that has been used for centuries, more than he cares for the unbounded creativity of postmodern esotericism.


Oh i see. I will look into that then.
File: The Room Tarot.jpg (7.91 MB, 4800x2667)
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File: Everyday Witch.jpg (7.89 MB, 5984x4396)
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File: The Type Tarot.jpg (7.94 MB, 5000x3586)
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Since I sort of begged the question here let me suggest that to a certain type of mind, and this is fairly common in people drawn to magic (although Jodorowsky never struck me as much of this type at all), the past is where the way, the truth, and the life is situated, some lost Eden -- whereas what surrounds us seems dead, arid, a pure prison of materialist mechanism. Personally, in keeping with my own attachments to belief, I think the kingdom is ever around us though it may be hard to see. Therefore you can find it wherever you look, if you look properly, and sometimes a certain unreasonable antagonism to the direction you're not looking in can focus your gaze in the direction you are looking. But I hope this ramble will only be looked upon with benign tolerance. Here is something modern. Disappearing for a bit again ...
Found this article which directly answers the Jodorowsky question ... it seems he was bullied by Breton. Not the first, LOL.

File: Llewelyn Tarot.jpg (7.53 MB, 5058x2972)
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File: Infernal.jpg (7.79 MB, 7916x5728)
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7.79 MB JPG
Cats. Lots of cats. Or cat people.
File: Cat's Eye Tarot.jpg (7.46 MB, 5040x3494)
7.46 MB
7.46 MB JPG

That's a bingo!
File: Mystical Cats Tarot.jpg (7.7 MB, 4800x3120)
7.7 MB
7.7 MB JPG
File: bohemian cats tarot.jpg (1.93 MB, 1920x1680)
1.93 MB
1.93 MB JPG
File: Hello Kitty Tarot.jpg (6.62 MB, 3604x2314)
6.62 MB
6.62 MB JPG
File: Cat People.jpg (7.36 MB, 4304x3322)
7.36 MB
7.36 MB JPG
File: Medieval Cats Tarot.jpg (7.84 MB, 4500x3348)
7.84 MB
7.84 MB JPG
File: Tarot of the Pagan Cats.jpg (7.6 MB, 5415x3930)
7.6 MB
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File: Black Cats Tarot.jpg (7.37 MB, 4290x3072)
7.37 MB
7.37 MB JPG
File: Tarot of the White Cats.jpg (7.73 MB, 4862x3510)
7.73 MB
7.73 MB JPG
Absolutely floored at the genius of making The Fool in this Cats-based deck a dog.
Bumping for more fantastic deck scans.
Nice. Thanks, dude!
File: Tarot Para Macondo.jpg (7.78 MB, 4461x2542)
7.78 MB
7.78 MB JPG
This deck is evidently inspired by Cien años de soledad (One Hundred Years Of Solitude) by Gabriel García Márquez
File: Jack o'Lantern Tarot.jpg (7.85 MB, 3800x3978)
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File: Michelangelo Tarot.jpg (7.62 MB, 4170x3054)
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7.62 MB JPG
File: Gnomes.jpg (7.88 MB, 6250x4324)
7.88 MB
7.88 MB JPG
This deck reminded me of these tarot card collector sets they sell at a store on Olvera Street in LA. They didn't say the names of the sets they pulled from on the back, but do you recognize any of the not RW ones? Mainly the 2 in the middle.
File: 20211001_135722.png (4.46 MB, 1250x2500)
4.46 MB
4.46 MB PNG
shit, forgot the pic, I always do that
File: Scabbard front.jpg (4.06 MB, 4912x2760)
4.06 MB
4.06 MB JPG
I just took pictures of this amazing deck by Pakito Bolino. Only major arcanas with a BDSM inspiration. Every card is hand screen painted.
File: Scabbard back.jpg (2.97 MB, 4912x2760)
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2.97 MB JPG
File: 0-min.png (3.3 MB, 2640x4216)
3.3 MB
3.3 MB PNG
File: 1-min.png (3.3 MB, 2640x4216)
3.3 MB
3.3 MB PNG
File: 2-min.png (3.53 MB, 2640x4216)
3.53 MB
3.53 MB PNG
I've been lazy but I hope y'all like it
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3.4 MB
3.4 MB PNG
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3.61 MB
3.61 MB PNG
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3.81 MB
3.81 MB PNG
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3.52 MB PNG
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3.73 MB
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4 MB
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3.2 MB
3.2 MB PNG
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File: Back Card.jpg (2.67 MB, 4912x2760)
2.67 MB
2.67 MB JPG
All of these are 20cmx13cm and the pictures doesn't do good, sorry for my bad camera
File: Hermetic.jpg (7.86 MB, 6138x4840)
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7.86 MB JPG

Yes, middle top is from the Hermetic Tarot, a very good deck. Have fun.
File: Yuletide Tarot.jpg (7.87 MB, 4600x3118)
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These are really cool, I like the lucha aspect. May I recommend using the free program XNview which has the "join images" function that allows you to make these multicard images. Will keep the thread around longer.

Here is a recent scan I did.
File: Haindl.jpg (7.9 MB, 5564x4324)
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7.9 MB JPG
looking at the previous threads on desuarchive, I found which deck the bottom middle card came from.
I also found the discord server of the guy who made all these collages, a server where he said he'd share the zip files of these decks.
The last post in that server before I joined it was in 2021. I'm gonna ping him to ask for the zip files for a few decks I wanna see uncropped once I finish going through the old threads.
File: The Black Ritual Tarot.jpg (7.98 MB, 4600x3247)
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I posted some of the ones that assumedly he did here but also have been making my own new ones (about 75% of this thread) Just to be clear on that. ;)
File: Llewelyn's Classic Tarot.jpg (7.19 MB, 5000x3459)
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To follow up, one of the good places to get card images is the Orphalse Tarot program which has a file sharing functionality built into it. Then some things scanned from personal collections. Then XNView to join the images into a big png and then I shrink it as much as needed.
File: Curse of Strahd Tarot.jpg (7.87 MB, 5745x3263)
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This is pretty cool. I think the minor arcana is from one D&D Ravenloft product and the major arcana from another.
This is a nice looking deck, but I preferred the order the other guy did where he had the Minor Arcana all in their own rows from Ace to King and the Major Arcana at the bottom. Saving it anyway.
File: Spiritsong Tarot.jpg (7.97 MB, 4500x3006)
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It would take too much time to finagle my card order here ... still I'm open to figuring out the discord thing to share my individual images (and accompanying card notes in some cases) later
File: Transparent Tarot.jpg (7.76 MB, 6000x4704)
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Does this deck remind anyone else of Vlad Nabokov?
Why too much time? Get things in order!
I'm the guy who initially said I prefer the other order, and am not this guy >>4849266, but I might be able to help with the discord thing if you join this server
oh god damn it, the account I have on this server won't let me log in anymore, what the fuck I was literally just on it less than half an hour ago
ok, I found the problem and am back in the account. if you join that server, you'll be able to tell who I am immediately
File: Stray Cat Tarot.jpg (7.83 MB, 5000x3448)
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7.83 MB JPG

They are in order for my purposes.

Have a new CAT scan here. I'll check out the discord later.
The cards from this deck are obscure as fuck and I'm all here for it.
Bumpig for more dope decks.
Bump more time, bump more time, I wanna celebrate
File: The Muse Tarot.jpg (7.87 MB, 5600x3747)
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File: Tv Series Tarot.jpg (7.21 MB, 5000x3727)
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File: Prisma Visions Tarot.jpg (7.76 MB, 4700x3626)
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File: Silhouettes Tarot.jpg (7.77 MB, 5000x3767)
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I just realized I left XX of major arcana out of my Yuletide Tarot scan. Get XX. The List which I hadn't checked twice, here:

File: Sufi Tarot.jpg (7.43 MB, 5300x3276)
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7.43 MB JPG
Bump time
Hectic art, but it's neat!
File: Wonderland Tarot.jpg (7.69 MB, 4200x3060)
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File: Baseball Tarot.jpg (7.2 MB, 4200x2713)
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File: Lasagna Tarot.jpg (7.76 MB, 3500x4410)
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File: Secret Tarot.jpg (7.73 MB, 5000x3880)
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File: Shadowscapes Tarot.jpg (7.8 MB, 5000x3673)
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File: Oops! All XIII Tarot.jpg (7.49 MB, 4200x2562)
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860 KB PNG
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File: Golden Tsar's Tarot.jpg (7.57 MB, 3850x3000)
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File: Mermaid Tarot.jpg (7.58 MB, 4500x3306)
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7.58 MB JPG
Bump to see more cool decks.
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File: Kingdom Highway Tarot.jpg (7.9 MB, 5195x3375)
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File: Dreaming Way Tarot.jpg (7.51 MB, 5000x3680)
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Properly speaking an Oracle deck with the size of a full standard Tarot deck, since as far as I can tell it doesn't have suits or a distinction between minor and major arcana.
File: The Literary Tarot.jpg (7.66 MB, 4500x3219)
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New scan. Nice concept (each card corresponds to a particular literary work, which can be a fun solitaire trivia game for /lit/ fans to play) although the art is a bit underwhelming compared to what I would like to see.
New scan. Cute rabbits from a magic hat. BTW Lapin and Lapinova by Woolf is a great short story if you like short stories or rabbits or wolves.
One of the best threads on the board by far. Better than the continual coomer jerkoff sessions.
File: Tarot Grand Luxe.jpg (7.53 MB, 4600x3347)
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File: Urban Tarot.jpg (7.56 MB, 5000x3925)
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File: Oze 69 Watchers Tarot.jpg (7.74 MB, 4900x3713)
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File: Cats Rule The Earth Tarot.jpg (7.26 MB, 5000x3663)
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7.26 MB JPG
Yet another kitty scan.
File: Pirate Tarot.jpg (7.71 MB, 3985x5000)
7.71 MB
7.71 MB JPG
well said
heres your bump
>One of the best threads on the board by far. Better than the continual coomer jerkoff sessions.
File: Kate Black Golden Tarot I.jpg (7.68 MB, 4620x2880)
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File: Tarot of Prague.jpg (7.62 MB, 4200x3126)
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Glad people are enjoying the thread to which I have felt great enjoyment contributing over these weeks
there are my favs

i follow an artist who does art in this kind of style but not in a woke way
also lmao the fucking garfield one
Original OP of the thread here. I commend all that you've put into this since last August.
Looks like the thread hit post bump limit. It has been a grand adventure sharing and viewing all of these tarot cards and decks over the past 9+ months.
File: The Horror Tarot.jpg (7.46 MB, 4900x3611)
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I will be looking around for when someone makes another one (I suggest not immediately but after a brief interval during which we will take tea, pat the heads of our changeling sons and daughters, give ourselves a tarot reading or two, and cogitate on our relationships with the gods.)
I concur, let us allow for a brief period of recess and respite.

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