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Rip in peace my once favorite thing in the world
I know this feel and I hate it. rapa
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What a shit thread.
youre shit
kill youself
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Time to move on to another Sci Fi setting. It's over.
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When people talk about the Star Wars prequels, this is the only movie I think of.
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Gettin hyped for the new Rey trilogy where she trains the new generation of Jedi. Hoping Kylo Ren shows up as a force ghost to help her.
>Rey trilogy
it was one movie and it was cancelled
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Need more of this.
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YOU ARE WRONG, YOU ARE SO fucking wrong, you fucking red leter media drone, the prequels are kino, i marathon them once a month.
This is the most bland and reddit prequel and thats saying something since the prequels are redditcore
Is this 'reddit' in the room with us right now?
4chan has been virtually the same as reddit for almost a decade now.
reddit is the facebook of messageboards, everyone on the planet uses it including 70% of 4chans userbase
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his wife divorcing him because he was sterile really fucked up cinema for the foreseeable future.
such a forgotten character
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The Rey SW movie should be a completely unexpected adventure, it should be a comedy where Rey reads the ancient Jedi books where she gains space and time abilities known only to the greatest Jedi, and she opens a portal and lands on present day Earth and she has all these whacky moments like going into a grocery store and freaking out because all the milk is white instead of blue. It would be hilarious and it would save Star Wars.
You mean they're going to waste even more millions on a deader than dead franchise?
the rey movie is cancelled
Not the Luke/Leia kiss again.
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>When you realize Disney will never make back the money they spent buying this from George Lucas because of the garbage they've turned a winning franchise into
They made it back years ago, genius.
>stock options given to George
>That hand clipping
Shame ILM
have they?
they made shittons but they lost Billions on their failures
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Young Carrie was an awesome Leia. Old Carrie not so much. Pic: probably my fave Carrie pic (or at least on the short list, accounting for moods and whims).
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>Old Carrie not so much
The way her voice had changed bugged me so much. Maybe she tells why it was different in one of her books, but I figured it was from all the coke she did in the 80s wrecks her nasal passages, giving her that weird tone.
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I'm not sure if billions of dollars and a weird chin thing is worth the humiliation of posing with poorly paid furries
The best time for any fan to get with Carrie must've been while they were making the "Holiday" "Special"
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Gotta admit, Star Wars has the best sci-fi "hardware".
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Underappreciated, but vastly inferior to the Legends story. Battle of Mimban sequence at the beginning and the shot of them leaving the planet with the fighting raging below are pure kino.
>people actually like the disney movies
I don't like jews but man I would make out with their assholes for hours
george has good taste in women and he clearly loves beauty
Rogue One is great
Based and true. I'm this anon >>4816911 and I love Rogue One, and don't totally hate Solo, but I despise and refuse to watch any other movie they've shit out ever again. Only shows I'd re-watch are maybe a couple episodes of CW S7, Mando S1, and a couple episodes of S2, and that's it.
BBD/ Big Black Droid
Andor is peak Star Wars
Episodes 5 and 8, Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005), Knights of the Old Republic

the only good star wars media. andor and R1 are fine
if you dont like 98% of star wars why do you consume it?
>lets go to jail for half the show for no reason
Can't get bing to have her wear *that* dress
He likes Rian Johnson's abomination. He's clearly severely, verifiably retarded. Discard his opinion.
Y-Wing before budget cuts
A few things:

The Prequels are still garbage. They're the same stupefyingly boring, terribly acted films they always were. The only reason you like them more than the Sequels is that they couldn't possibly be worse. They're not works of under-appreciated art all of a sudden. They're just somewhat less shitty.

Stop pretending Solo was a bad movie just because you're butthurt about Disney and the Sequels. It's not the best SW movie by any stretch, but it's still decent, and certainly better than the Sequels.

If you think The Rise of Skywalker is better than The Last Jedi, you're a fucking idiot. That's all there is to it. The Last Jedi still sucked ass compared to TFA, but it's fucking Citizen Kane compared to the medical-waste dumpster fire that was TRoS.
>Revenge of the Sith is boring but Solo isnt
trying Way to hard here mate
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Not fan of most of the new stuff but these were cool.
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I'll give you this: RotS is the least boring and least shitty of the Prequel films, but considering that the other two prequel films set the bar so low, it would have been impossible for RotS not to stumble over it.

If you think Solo is boring, that's on you. It's objectively better than any of the prequels, and you're not going to convince me otherwise.
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Reminds me of one of Ralph McQuarrie's early concept sketches for Boba Fett
>It's objectively better than any of the prequels
this is your brain on disney, folks
Solo has a literal sjw message megaphone in it
that fuckin droid is one of the worst things ever put in any movie
That's probably where they got it from. Unlike in a lot of the other Nu Wars shit where they just make a direct 1-to-1 ripoff of the exact designs and cram it into the universe no matter how much sense it makes, it seems like this is an example of actual creativity where they used the concept art as it was intended (as a CONCEPT and not the whole finished product) and started with it as an idea and changed and tweaked it to make something new and better.
It varied on every ship, but most of the time the ILM modelmakers did most of the detailing themselves. It saved the artists a lot of time because deadlines were very tight.

For all of the ships and creatures in the original Star Wars trilogy, the art department made "maquettes", which were small versions of things that could be shown to George Lucas for his final approval of a design, and to give the ILM modelmakers something to help build the final model. Pic related was the maquette for the Super Star Destroyer, so you can see how much the modelmakers added to the final version in >>4802192
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The only thing I can guess on this one is Lucasfilm hired an artist that had never seen Star Wars, probably one of those artists that lived out in the woods in some Frank Lloyd Wright type house surrounded by trees, and the reference they sent him was all photos of things from Star Wars with no type on the front or back and all the photos were the right side up but Lucasfilm accidentally put the photo for the Falcon the wrong way upside down.
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It was the only film where they remembered that Star Wars was a WWII movie with space lasers unsubtly taped on top of it. It even had a beach assault and paradrop, so managed to tread new ground whilst staying on theme.
Nonetheless, >>4802391 is not correct. Tartakovsky's Clone Wars series is also top tier. Sadly some CGI thing was shat out and stole the name.
shin is an absolute qt
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I remember reading something years ago, I dont know if it was legit canon or fan bullshit, that Captain Phasma from the Force Awakens made her armor from the hull parts of one of the Naboo Cruisers Padme flew in.
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The Rebel Base on Hoth under construction for filming The Empire Strikes back.
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You are a mathematical retard.
Never mention that awful and retarded idea ever again
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Doesn't look like Carrie. Too bad because it'd be hot af if it did.
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Just a small fragment of the original Star Wars canon, a glimpse of what could have been.
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lol, no it hasnt you absolute retard
lol no fucking way. they had that failed hotel. the star wars park is failing too. each of those movies cost a billion to produce. star wars makes its money from merchandise and toys and no one is buying sequel trilogy toys. they fucked up so bad, the baby yoda frenzy wasnt even on their radar, they had no toys ready to go, completely failed to anticipate its popularity, and had to sue people who where making and selling their own toys.
This shit was never canon and it never would have been.
Maybe it wouldn't have been "canon" but it would have made a massively better version than the fucking Twilight in Space that Disney created.
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Get out of here with that AI trash.
I love how angry virgins get about Star Wars lol, specifically how much they STILL seethe about rey
looks bad
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SWGOH posting
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The virginity is strong with this one.
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>anime adaptations of all 9 movies
It would get a shit ton of zoomers back as SW fans again for Disnope
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>anime adaptations of all 9 movies
There are only 6. You even contradicted yourself in that retarded post.
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>The final shot of this movie would be R2D2 just sitting around on Mustafar
Did Luke just leave him behind?
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I think I'm overdue a rewatch of Episode 1-6
That is epic
those are the only episodes anyways
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Never thought I would say this, but after Dizknee, I think I can tolerate the prequels now.
Viceroy, I don't want to see that disgusting Mary sue in my sight again.
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>Return of the Jedi is a bad mov-
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I don't care for Star Wars
the acting and scripts are so bad I can't watch any of them in one sitting, the costumes and sets are their only good quality
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>I love how angry virgins get about Star Wars lol, specifically how much they STILL seethe about rey
Says the largest hive of neckbeard, autistic, incels.
after the dinsey crap the prequals are kinda cozy now and just awkward slop at worst like McDonalds or something
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10 Days till Phantom Menace is back in theaters, im seeing it with my bros. One of them made me a bet, he said he will give me $50 if I yell as loud as I can "JAR JAR FUCKING SUCKS" during the movie when he appears on Naboo.
good one...
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is this in a museum?
It's in the Lucasfilm Archives.
The Snowspeeder is at 3:03
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from the same display im guessing
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Ah, the good ol' days when that was canon.
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It is. Only faggots accept what a disinterested corporation tells them is the true timeline of their favorite franchise. The only events that I accept from the Disney bullshit are Rogue One, and that's simply because I just like the movie. I also enjoyed Fallen Order, but I do not recognize it as Canon.
>It is. Only faggots accept what a disinterested corporation tells them is the true timeline of their favorite franchise.
This. I even agree on Rogue One as it does kind of patch a missing plot area of the original trilogy. Tho sad that, when it all will be said and done, it will be for the better for Fallen Order to be only a nice side story.
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Also this thread is full of retarded fanshit/models and nothing actually interesting to download useless fuckers
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#haShoah remembrance
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would you drink a 25 year old soda?
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Anyone has Forcesaber pics?
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I had her action figure when I was a kiddo.
something about the mystery of her and the way she died so quick into the story, and that exciting opening scene (I was 11 lol) made me attached to her, I carried that litttle figuirne around in my pocket till I was like 14 oh man.
I think there's comics that tell her story but I don't remember that much detail
ai art before ai art existed
Images generated by AI are not art.
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Early ILM days during the making of the first Star Wars movie. These guys just thought they were working on a B-movie that would be forgotten 2 weeks after it was released in theaters, but they still put in some much work detailing models and props. It's awesome.

Here is ILM working on Vader's TIE.
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Model of the trench run.
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Death Star model at ILM. This model was missing for like 20 years after Star Wars came out, there is this long story about how it was spotted in weird places until 2 collectors spotted it years later even though they were not sure it was the actual model from the movie till they put a light inside it and all the tiny little windows lit up and then they were sure they found the original Death Star. The whole story is online if you want to google it.
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All the masks of the aliens shown in the mos eisley cantina scene
The model of the original millenium falcon. This is what the Falcon was going to look like in the movie until George Lucas saw the tv show Space 1999 and thought the Flacon looked too much like the Eagle spaceship in Space 1999, so he told ILM to make a new model for the Falcon. They took the cockpit off this model and put it on the new Falcon model and turned the rest of this model into Leia's ship.
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Looks like Vader drives a Mercedes.
Why are you here?
thank you
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ANH 47th Anniversary today.
Saw that shit in theaters, i remember right after the end of the movie when they get the medals and the john williams music kicks in, looking to my right because my 2 friends i saw it with were on my left, and this super hot girl who looked like early 20s was sitting one seat away from me was not wearing a bra because the 70s had some cool stuff like that and her nipples were very hard through her t-shirt and i kept looking at her nipples because she was staring at the screen, so now when i think of star wars i think of hard nipples and it gives me a lightsaber.
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Nothing wrong with AI. Anything it'll churn out will be better than everything Disney and their legion of diversity hacks have created.
AI is an abomination.
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stinky sith pussy

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