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What's a good, brainless drawing exercise I can grind while binging youtube videos? Is there anything a bit more advanced than stuff like primitive forms (pic related)?
more gmi than you probably
theres a plethora of brainless exercises you can do such as quick gestures, form manipulation, wireframing, image breakdowns, etc,just gotta challenge yourself enough to get something out of them or use them as warmups
which ones are your favorites / most effective?
i just cycle through whichever ones deal with subjects im the weakest in (all of them) but i try to do form manipulation and gestures the most since im focusing on figures and being able to describe forms are going to help you be able to draw anything since everything is form
another one is box rotations and having volumes or objects inside rotate in them, its a good way to intuitively feel perspective but it hurts my smooth brain after a while bc it takes a lot more focus
The thinking and effort put into practice directly scales with what you get out of it
how do you judge if you're improving or if you did a good job? When you copy from ref, you can just compare your drawing to your ref, but with form exercises it feels like you're just shitting things out
youre just gonna have to see and ask yourself if it creates the form you wanted asking yourself (or others) "does this wireframe describe the form accurately" is this what a cylinder would look like stretched, cut, or attatched to another shape look like" "does this box look like a box rotating or does the volume inside look like its rotating along with the box" etc etc and if the answer is no figure out what is breaking that illusion of form and correct it, eventually like all things, with enough practice itll be second nature and you can intuit and shortcut
do you think there's merit in drawing cubes from life?
i think itd be good for angle sighting if you know how to do that since a boxe's angle is going to probably be the easiest thing to replicate
oopsie this was meant for >>7170379
another thing for mindless exercises is just doodling from imagination or doodling things around you and applying what you know to those doodles, shouldnt take too much brain power if youre not focusing too hard and will probably help you get a better intuitive understanding of the fundementals you know
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You should just make AI art . You can even make a quick AI artwork while you're at a convenient stopping point while playing a video game.
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everything from this book
yeah, I guess the conclusion I'm coming to is toj ust focus on what I'm doing, when I'm doing it kek

thanks for the advice fren
What type of ADHD question is this? Draw from life if you want to git gud, otherwise you're just wasting time.

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