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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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>why are they cis heteronormative
you're the one claiming this. what evidence led you to that conclusion?
Because at its base, art is inspired by the natural world. Homos go against Nature.
>Why is Drawing and Illustration a very heteronormative pursuit
He asks, to a board full of d/ic/kgirls.
People don't "come in all shapes and sizes", there's beauty and there's a horde of devilborn deformities caused by unhealthy habits.
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You just suck at it.
It reads as something drawn by a tranny.
Do it.
>iphone fag
>has fagshit on his phone
Remember you asked for this. Giraffe orgies all around.
But I was promised lions. You lied. You’re a god damn liar. I hope lions rape you to death.
to answer the question in the picture posted: No, it "reads" As some one who has no idea how to draw very well so it looks like neither and the artist needs to refine there skills before they ask the question.

To answer the bait thread question: You are a retard if you think that is the case, please kill yourself.
>Queer planet
>just shows male giraffe's competing for mates
>since both genders look nearly the same to normies you can get away with saying 'competing for another males attention'
I want more lions as well you fucking faggot
drawing well is an inherently fascistic pursuit
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because heterosexuality is normal and healthy


enjoy having to wear diapers in your early 40s for your damaged anus you filthy sodomite
Actually, a scientific project examining the way that homosexuals depict women in art would be fascinating.
looking it up online

"A study found that 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual."

maybe that's why?

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