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This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>46479901
Guess this thread can't EoS then.
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Why is it so difficult for japanese games to have pantsu? They just put black holes under their skirts. How come even Chinese games can have pantsu but Japanese ones can't?
That character is canonically an athlete at least
>we just had a thread last a full month
It's a miracle!
Ume sex
do people mostly use qooapp for JP versions of games? thinking about switching over blue archive and arknights to the JP servers
I just a use a JP google account for the playstore.
do you need to use a vpn for this?
Yes, using a japanese google account is literally jumping through hoops when you can simply use qooapp
Nope, it was just a setting that I turned on in the account settings somewhere, did it a long time ago so don't remember exactly.
I had to set up a JP playstore account so I can buy stuff
They used to change things up every year or so a while back but I think they settled in on their ways when I made my JP account. Clear all data from Play and Play services, vpn to Japan, create a new account and set it to Japan. You might be able to set your current one to Japan but I don't recommend that. Also you don't need to vpn any more once you see that the account is set to Japan.
Gakuen Idolmaster is a sweat game
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I hope it is a flexibility game. There is too few games that pander to us flexibility/contortion fags.
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I'm honestly shocked that this game is still going.
I guess this is how /mbgg/ ends.
There is (still) nothing to play. Also wtf happened that Wizardry Daphne game?
New idolmaster will save /mbgg/
New idolmaster will save /@/
Don't worry, I'm here to save the thread. (This is me by the way)
It got banished to the same place Shine Post did.
I can relate to that kid. The Megaman collab introducing the shockwave card type was absolute aids
It's honestly retarded how much money Mihoyo is still making 4 years later from Genshin.
what about it? it'll be out later this year or early next year
it's a better game that anything that Japan produces so not really
Just goes to show that the secret is all in the marketing
So... delayed and stuck in development hell for who knows how much longer?
Neither would survive EoS in the current mobage industry anyway.

If you aren't a big IP brand your mobage will just die.
Even Shine Post with Konami money?
no? it's never been claimed to be close to release, there was just a test a little while ago
Most games are produced to appeal to the masses: millions of people are expected to purchase games. So you don't want to include pantsu and offend women.
If you want a personalized game with lots of pantsu and reipu, hire someone to make a game like that for you :^)
Interesting how that works out (it doesn't)
There are woman pervetes too. It's the new progressive generation that gets offended.
But Gakuen Idolmaster main writer is the Oreimo guy, they banned yuri, and it has a male college producer that takes his idols to the school
infirmary to fuck... I don't think they're trying to appeal to women, so why the lack of pantsu? Will Qualiarts at least add gravure mode so I can take photos of idols' butts?
Started playing Brown Dust 2 and been liking it a lot but it makes me sad how unpopular the game is

Apparently it's by the same makers of Idoly pride too
Idoly Pride is by Qualiarts

Brown Dust 2 is by a korean company called Gamfsn, which in itself is just a branch of Neowiz.
Neowiz is only the publisher for GL/KR Idoly.
I tried BD2 but it felt like it needed too much attention for an afk grind. The auto feature was also really useless and having to manual everything killed it for me.
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>and having to manual everything killed it for me.
huh did you play it months ago? I started like last week for the cute loli and all the dailies are sweep except PVP where you auto and forget about it
Yeah I played on launch. No idea what it's like now.
Post the ballet girl from BD2
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From what I heard, they had a dogshit launch and only recently started trying to make the game better and more accessible to players (since they'll kinda die if they don't) so might be worth giving a second look if you had any interest at all in it. Anniversary is in June too so there should be a lot of free shit there.

It just happens to be an extremely unpopular game in this side of the world which is sad since it's a fun game. The old JRPG vibes sort of reminded me of my time with Another Eden even though the gameplay is completely different from AE and it's been quite generous so far.

The ballet girl?
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Is she in 2?
Not yet but I hope she is because she's hot as fuck.
Here's a list of chars and basically the best resource for it

Brown dust is actually Brave Nine right? Was that game ever posted here? Apparently it released in 2017 but I don't remember ever seeing it here around those years
They changed the name in the West since Brown Dust sounds like dry shit
Yeah I was asking about the game since I don't remember seeing either on ye old /mbgg/
Since you guys are so passionate about pantsu...
What current ongoing series or franchise have pantsu anyway?
Regardless of platforms.
Dolphin Wave
I have seen theirs and I was not impressed by the textures. Anything else?
Snowbreak has the best pantsu... I dunno why japanese games can't have it...
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Where is D4DJ in this pic...
Why are first arcs always bad?
they're not. What happens is that the first arc will always filter out everyone that can't stand the writing, so the community has to start pretending that said arc is bad and everything after it is good.
If everyone that would criticize the writing has already left, the remaining community will circlejerk the absolute shit out of the following arcs.
Because first arc is when they tend to dump ton of terminologies, character introductions and expositions, and people who aren't familiar with the game settings yet will just find these to be too boring and draggy to read.
Also this >>46751709
Are those all the ones EOPs think are good?
Northern War is still alive
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Will Ange make it to its first anniversary?
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It's the truth, anon. And also the reason for that meme. It's implying people who don't play much games and gacha saw one of in an ad, played it as one of their first game, and praise it to high hell. And those games are also the ones people strawman that gacha players haven't played much games before.
Licherally who
Ange Vierge, new sis.
I played this and seriously forgot it was a thing.
A game being a gacha game will always be a negative. All gacha games would be better as normal rpgs that you could buy and finish.
Mobile games are free to play because the mobile market prefers them to buy to play games. You'd also be asking for a completely different game as I doubt most gacha games would have much appeal in their current state if there was a barrier to entry.

Gacha or free to play mechanics in general aren't inherently bad provided the developer isn't going out of their way to shaft you. They're free so anyone can play them and the continuous stream of money generally allows for a longer period of updates/more content than what a premium version would allow for. Can't ignore that EoS is always looming overhead for shitty cashgrabs or games that just don't become popular, however.
Gachas focus on characters a lot more which is more appealing to some people.
And yet the average gacha has a longer play time.
They're successors to online games rather than console games.
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Time to post about gacha
>they banned yuri
so you're saying gakumas will save the imas franchise?
Gameplay stream will be in two days so we'll see.
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Will it EoS soon?
Assault fucking Lily is still alive despite removing voice acting.
Not really. Snowbreak managed to revive itself even after doing that and being close to EoS.
The Dragalia killer is back with another collab
>second rerun
wouldn't even roll
Magia Exedra will save /mbgg/
Magia Record EoS soon
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>Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.
Anybody playing Touhou Flower Fight? I can't find out shit about this game. I noticed it in the app store one day and tried it out. Haven't put it down since.
Of course. Got to collab with a series 3 times to grab all their characters. 5 times if you want the villains, too. 10 times if it's a longer series.
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>Gakuen Idolmaster lacks the gravure feature

I'm disappointed in Qualiarts.
What's the difference with the 3rd feature?
Isn't it Bandai Namco who would tell the devs what features would be in the game?
Qualiarts could push back
Nah they're probably just literally contractors. Namco owns the IP and probably provides almost the whole budget for this shit. Namco would get what they say they want.
And that's a good thing
This is why im@s is a decadal franchise and not FOTM that lasts 3 years tops.
>no yuri
>no gravure mode
>no pantsu (more or less a given in 2024)
Is there any reason to play that game in 7 days?
There is nothing else to play.
Blue Reflection Sun is dead and there's nothing else coming out to replace it.
>Shine Post
>Birdie Wing
Why won't the games I'm looking forward to come out?
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I guess not. I'll try to drop some info.
Seems like you get the same 5 units with each account made. Pick the world dungeon and start clearing levels.
10 energy per dungeon but you'll barely hit the daily limit and you get 100 back per day.
Battles consist of randomly drawn cards against monsters. As you win fights or encounter events you get a choice of 3 random cards based on the 5 characters you brought.
Leveling up a character is done through exp point "items" which are used universally. Awakening a unit requires a copy of said unit or 400 crystals. You can then upgrade a card of your choice for said unit.
I see no way to farm the "premium currency" currently but this game is so new I'm not bothered by that and I'm having fun with basic units.
You can also pick any character to search for as a 6th "allied" unit to help out in a dungeon. I tend to find a high level Suika for the defense and attack buff.
Touhou Flower Fight. It's korean.
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Because the japanese gacha industry is dying and being taken over by the chinese so no one wants to release new games.

Come join the last stand with us in Gakuen Idolmaster.
>so why the lack of pantsu?
CERO thinks its their duty to stop inquisitive Japanese pigs from being able to freely look up skirts. Note: This is an activity that includes literally everyone.
So if they were targeting an age rating, guess what's first on the chopping block? May also be related to release requirements for the play stores.

They're likely to add functionality later.
Also be aware Alternative Girls didn't even let you get a low angle in the dressing room until it was randomly available as a rank reward.

"Gravure" would include posing at different locations, instead of just staring at them in the dressing room. Think Venus Vacation or the diorama modes in New Link or Dolphin Wave.
Though there have been other idol games that have included gravure as a gameplay element.
Gakuen Imas opening

Literally me at the end.
>If everyone that would criticize the writing has already left, the remaining community will circlejerk the absolute shit out of the following arcs.
this is why honkai threads feel insufferable for me since its always a massive circlejerk inside but literally everyone outside hates it
but wheres the gameplay
all I'm seeing from your webm is a dating sim
Is it not an idlege? I need one right now.
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If it is not yuri why is a pair of them literally prince and princess?
It's Uma gameplay but with cards.
It looks like a less lewd Idoly Pride. Hard pass.
I sure hope for once they make use of the gyaru being flexible ex ballet dancer instead of forgetting it right after character introductions
Because that's the relationship chart before you come in and produce them.
It's yaoi between the prince and producer
Not that should you play it. But it definitely has ample 2D (not animated) pantsu and coom.
to be fair the whole industry is over-saturated as fuck now with everyone trying to replicate genshit's success or play it safe as an average run of the mill auto battler rpg that im really hard pressed to try out anything new. at least with japan they try to differentiate with a whole lot of different genres.
Yeaah I am thinking it is too late to start playing the best mobage
What is the best mobage
Pokemon sleep
>too late to sleep
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Explain what's going on here to someone who doesn't know shit about this game.
What happens is that red guy has a HS (long charge skill that he can get only one of in game). It allows him to freeze time briefly but only do a bit of movement / have a few shots. Enemies have options such as use blocks against it or activate their own HS in brief window. He managed to land a rare triple with one shot during his HS.
>My wife is 親友 with the princess
Is Gakuen Idolmaster gonna have a PC client on DMM like Umas or Shinymas do?
Guess not
It's a dating sim without the dating
Now explain this one.
So each hero has a Hero Action they can spam, hold screen until a circle finish rotating then release. Sinon's (the sniper from SAO) Hero Action is a ranged aimed line that has range and push back with a small hitbox. She managed to land a few good shots in a row in this in a teamfight.
There is still literally nothing to play... until wuwa releases I guess
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I've been trying Solo Leveling but it's been pretty meh so far and I've never seen the anime nor read the manwha it's based off of. Also >Netmarble
What's the gameplay? Got some webm?
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Cba to record but it's basically an action rpg with 2 different types of battle modes that you'll have to play throughout the game. The first one is in pic related and it forces you to use Sung Jinwoo (The MC of the anime) the entire battle and the party members that you bring can only use support skills. The second mode is more like HI3 or Genshin where you just bring the party members without the MC and you can swap/tag between them. Game has a host of problems though but I feel like it'll get carried along for a little bit since the anime seems to have some popularity with normies I guess?
Solo loading
Yeah I'm getting close to uninstalling almost purely because of the constant loading while menuing and after finishing missions, it's really bad. And don't even get me started on the god awful monetization, I don't think I've seen a game this stingy before.
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I'd be levelling some strongly worded mental complaints against that Asuna if I was on the red team
Maybe the Tanya should've nuked sooner instead of turn the corner and used cards.
I blame apple looking at what happened with Taiminin Action.
Year of our lord 2024 and I can't even look up the skirt of the cute animated polygons on my computer screen, where did we go wrong?
Some companies got too scared of offending Apple.
Actual tragedy
Fuck it I'm playing Compass
The right choice
need lolicon soshage what should I play?
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gook archive
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Idols shouldn't make this face...

Dibs on Mana
grim reaper bro...
This is a masochist, say something nice about her. I can already imagine the doujins.
>Zero fanart of the flexible ex-ballerina gyaru being flexible, her trait on her profile
The game is dead, jim
I miss Kisara and her game so much. Tsunako art deserved better.
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Kisara seiyuu is in D4DJ now. Come play her game.
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I'm the only anon who plays Valkyrie Connect.
It's unironically one of the best games currently
>New events all the time
>A lot of lore for lorefags
>cute girls
>cute and cool guys for the ladies
>awesome music
>World full of life
>The gacha system isnt the worse
>The gameplay is simple but allows autism meta playing
>Free expansions
You win this one, schizo. It's hard to call Elsie a loli but that's a really sexy card.
also love<3
Looks like a 2014 game.
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Japan's last stand against the chinese gacha menace is almost here...

Works on emulators but looks like you have to pump up the emulator settings.
What emulator do people use these days? I'm too used to most games with a budget having PC client these days or are on the Google Play beta emulator thing.
It works on Bluestacks android 11 version and I think on Mumu.
Should I choose the highest quality and 60 fps?
Only works if I turn on Vulkan
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Probably? As long as it doesn't lag it's fine.
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I tested on Mumu with Vulkan and it's just a white screen so looks like the game only might work on Bluestacks Android 11 version.
Why do idol games make so many spin-offs?
idol seiyuus get old and retire
simple as
Close, 2016
>Bluestacks Android 11 version
>turn on Vulkan
still getting a white screen, did anyone get it to work?
nevermind, just had to allocate more memory, worked with 8gb
When is it up?
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Do you have to download the APK from elsewhere? It doesn't even show up in the playstore for me on emulator.
Use Qooapp or APK Pure
I can't connect bros.
What is happening?????
Servers blew up.
As per usual gacha release day issues.
So now that Gakumas has EoS'd which idolge should I play instead?
I'm still getting a white screen when I launch it even with these settings, idk what to try now. Guess I'll just play mobile only for now and hope they launch a PC client on DMM later or something.
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Nevermind I'm so fucking back. Turning random shit on/off does wonders I guess.
Is this an idlege like Idly Pride
Did you get past the loading in the title screen? What are your settings?
NTa but I can't get past loading too
It's joever
I spoke too soon, I've been in loading purgatory too. Think I'll just have to pray for PC client soon.
They don't want the emulators bros...
The game actually looks nice so it'd be great to play it on PC with high res and graphics turned up. If I turn up the settings all the way on my phone + 60 fps it feels like it's going to burn the place down.
How long did it take you to load? Because the song started repeating for me and I doubt it takes that long
this is why so many games fail
I thought the same about idoly pride. It still doesn't have a PC version and emulators are still buggy for anything not rerolling.
>Need to play Gakuen on my phone because emulators don't work

imagine not having a PC version in 2024...
Well the other Idolmaster games seem to have PC clients on DMM so there's at least a precedent set there I guess.
It's over for Kusopl
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The ultimate team-up. This will save Japan's gacha industry for sure!
It's the 8th Anniversary of 8 Beat Story and on this day, they announce EoS.

At a time when everyone is paranoid and shitting themselves about AI, these Idols who were meant to be our salvation could not stop the AI from taking our jobs.
> 8 Beat Story ends on 8th anniversary
Fuck, 4th anniversary soon for D4DJ
It's so over. All the old Idolge are dying and AI slop is gonna win. They are gonna take our jobs.
All this time, they were sending a message. With that in mind, the AI future of idols and music is all but set.
I didn't ask for the AI slop future.
>Gakuen Idolmaster has the producer in the story being writen as some amorphous, genderless blob
>So there's no idol romance whatsoever because of that

Just fire the story writers and let the Oreimo guy write everything instead, the stuff he wrote is just far more interesting. I don't wanna play as some sexless blob...
>Rerolling for support cards
I actually hate the Gakuen Idolmaster gameplay so much it's unreal
>Rinami literally falls you otouto
What are you talking about. The self insert producer is a dude.
I only did Saki route but in that one you might as well be a blob, the producer doesn't even speak in first person. Apparently the game has two writers for the story so maybe it's a writer difference.
Producer uses ore and is called otouto in one route so he's at least a canon dude. It's not like he'll suddenly change sex in other routes because of the different writer.
is there one final collage of BRS upskirts to pour one out for the EoS?
Yeah he uses ore in the comus written by the Oreimo guy, it's so different compared to the game's main story.
Idolmaster belongs to haremchad (man)
I cant make Laid Back Camp One for All run in Bluestack, any help?
If you already fiddled with the settings then it probably just doesn't work in Bluestacks. You can try other emulators.
But some Anon told me it was not gonna EOS because of the stage plays?
Lmao, I'm really curious as to what SE's kill count on gacha kusoges is at this point.
Even Project Tokyo Dolls had stage plays anon. SE is just being SE in this case. Also, I miss PTD and SE is a fag for not making a dress up and photo offline version of it.
Yuri sisters? We lost another one...
I blame Minotaurs and the 2 or 3 "draw a boy call it a girl characters"...
It's probably related to Square Enix's overall revenue dropping like shit in the previous quarter. They're cost cutting and having massive layoffs and this may be one for the shit they decided to drop.
What else they even have left nowadays aside from a few FF mobages? They probably drop out of the mobage market altogether sooner or later.
Octopath? Honestly idk what else
Yuri games can't EoS they said
Love Live
Towa Tsugai
all the other original yurige gachas that aren't existing ips are still alive
Idolmaster also has a shit ton of yuri
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Shine Post saw Gakuin Master and blinked.
Assault lillies laughing all the way to the bank
Kirara Fantasia?

None of them are yuri games.
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You guys watched the yuri game's yuri anime?
Pretty ambitious game
Wait... this is completely a new game? I thought it was a Monster Strike collab at first since I didn't look closely enough.
Yeah, completely new game
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No Mana no buy
Co-op PvP?
One day in and I'm already bored of Gakuen Idolmaster gameplay, you just do the exact same thing everytime. Is Uma as boring as this? Why do people even play it?

Where's Shine Post to save us?
Yeah, pvp 6v6 5 min with a few different game modes.
Is Idoly Pride different?
Idoly is pure team building, or rather team selection autism, since the building part is idle.
You barely do anything in Idoly Pride to be honest.
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Japan won...
tfw you realize both Love Live SCHOOL idol and SCHOOL Idolmaster belong to Bandai Namco
Will Compass and Pokemon Unite sue them?
Bandai Namco is the Japanese Mihoyo
Didn't know Mihoyo outsourced 2 games to Chinese Bushiroad and failed both of them
a drop in the bucket desu
Yuri for men won
Gakuen Idolmaster now works on Mumu.
D4DJ is next. Only 10k players.
Towa Tsugai has 8k players yet it still ranks higher on app store sales ranking.
And worse than Square Enix's massive profit drop, Bushiroad is literally in the red this quarter.
I wish we could go back. Don't know why battery burners have become the trend.
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I will now keep playing your kusoge...
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So in Saki's route she does confess to you at the end after all. So it's really a harem game. Maybe they wrote her route first which is why I thought the writing was kinda shit, because I did some of Kotone's and it was more entertraining.
>D4DJ is next. Only 10k players.
>Towa Tsugai has 8k players
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*kills your yuri game*
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Meanwhile on Ange Relink...
Well, she was swapped with her sister Ume to become the main character. So, there's that reason why you thought the writing was shit.
EoS when?
She was gay in the anime...
cool but I don't know chinese
it's probably my phone but I had to install this game in bluestack because it kills my battery in less than an hour
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/ougirl/'s phone
Who is she in Idolmaster and why is she asking people to promote all the games?
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Saioji Kotoka

All the idolmaster seiyuus are shilling the ch@d games right now
SfP.... already forgotten....
Just gives me the same thing as bluestacks, forever loading.
Maybe there's a difference with the APKs? I downloaded mine from google store and it works fine. Or try using a VPN.
>I downloaded mine from google store
So did I. Guess I'll try a VPN next, but I've seen people in the same situation say it didn't help.
What are your thoughts on what's been revealed of Festibattle so far?
Looks cluttered for a phone screen.
Didn't work, as expected. Time to give up, maybe I'll give it a chance if there's a DMM version down the line.
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How fast will it EoS? I can't believe they're tarnishing the Kamen Rider name by making this kusoge.
Good, yurigarbage is dead.
>Look up trailer
>Doesn't show any gameplay whatsoever
>Otome game
Most likely DoA unless they can somehow ring in enough fujo whales to keep it afloat for a while.
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second coming!
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They don't show it because it's bad.
>Using a popular IP to make some shovelware garbage yet again.
It's all so tiresome.
It's no wonder Love and Deepspace is selling so well. Their competition still remains to be absolute trash.
>Blue Exorcist AW gameplay reveal
>it plays like all the other ARPG gacha
Why are people complaining about this again? It's basically the same thing
>auto battler in 2024
I don't get why they think this is a good idea
People are in even more financial hardships nowadays. Need more jobs, less time to play. More time for auto.
People going through financial hardships should probably avoid gacha games
What gemu anon?
That's Compass
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I don't know about that, I feel like you definitely don't always need to have good gameplay (or any at all) for a mobage to do well enough. It can help a lot for sure and I myself prefer games that I play to have something at least somewhat engaging in it. But so long as a game has something distinct to make it stand out to be marketable and for people to get attached to then there will still be a good amount of people willing to pay up. Ride Kamens of course doesn't have that at all, it looks like some trash Newgrounds flash game from two decades ago and they're clearly just hoping to sucker some retards into paypigging because it has the Kamen Rider IP slapped onto it.
What's the point of keeping on living.
Waiting room for Tales of Rays EoS announcement tomorrow
towa shitgay is finished
>towakino gives out infinite premium currency at EOS
Actually based. I swear I've play too many shitty games that still just drip feed 10 pulls a day even when they are about to die.
Shows devs and producer cared, unlike execs.
>ban yuri
>give you an idol harem
>canon male protagonist

Is this all that was needed to make a successfull game? What did Gakuen Idolmaster do well that Idoly Pride couldn't?
There are 20 years worth of scamco tricks at work here. Qualiarts is only the cherry on top in comparison.
Idoly was first on early release too dumb dumb. In any case Gakuen is inferior because you cant romance the girls and has no gravure.
As a #COMPASS player, I'm excited to see how Festibattle will play out. Want to see another team pvp mobile game from JP. I don't mine the graphics or the UI too much as long as it plays nice and the competitiveness is hype.
Maybe I should start playing compass too
It's too late for me to play compass
Amanesu plays #COMPASS too
I'm not kneeling to the compasschizo
But anon, I got all these webm
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Explain this one
This one is just Asuna using her HS which drags all enemies hit in a line and kills them at the end of the dash. The enemy happens to luckily be all lined up and got triple killed which completely reverses the situation.
It's over
Towa is over
How did you know >>46889615 was going to happen?
If only Engage Kill had that fate.

captcha: NAPPY
Compass is overrated
It's on steam now for those interested. Still playing it.

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