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Thread's very late, sorry. How did you anons like eden*? I haven't finished it yet, but I like what I've read so far. The artstyle and the moving sprites are great and the VN's atmosphere is pretty unique.
Who was your favorite girl?

-VNDB: https://vndb.org/v1286
-Torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2483417
-New to the thread? Read this FAQ: https://pastebin.com/B2iDTXiu
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Oh, thread has arrived.
>VN's atmosphere is pretty unique.
I'm excited, the cover art looks cool enough already.
I started it and then forgot to read the rest but I like what I saw so far.
The setting is interesting and it's very pretty. Every scene is basically it's own CG.
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okay, i've acquired the vn, i hope it's short as vndb say cuz i put on hold what i was playin for you guys.
I liked it
This is legit the only VN I bought after pirating and finishing, I even overlooked the parting ending I hate so much because the package as a whole was great. OST is super good, it is really unusual for a non-chuunige to have so many good tracks.
Elica a cute
I'll finish it tonight.
So many nice cgs
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She deserved better.
maybe my alltime favorite vn artstyle
Is there a CG dump of this anywhere?
I guess it would be kind of hard considering it's all CGs.
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As a lolibaba appreciator, I've very much enjoying this.
sadpanda tend to be great for that
slow paced but comfy
I knew the soundtrack sounded familiar. I've been listening to Tenmon for years but never knew he did stuff for VNs.
Highly recommend checking out Tenmon(天門)'s albums if you liked *eden's bgm. He did a couple of Touhou ones too.
good rec, thanks. first time i've heard of him
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Thanks, I didn't even think of checking panda.
Too bad it doesn't have nude version of this one.
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any suggestions for a vn to read next month?
something short. and not too sad.
You might want look at the old polls and see what hasn't been picked yet.
true remembrance
story is good. still mad and sad that minori has closed down.
personally like ef better, so if you're into minori works, I recommend trying that next.
I've never read/played a VN before, but I wanna play Saya no Uta after hearing about it for a long time. The one on steam says it's remastered, is that version okay or should I look for the original?
Minikui Mojika no Ko
The steam version is most likely censored so go with the original or find an uncensor patch.
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Main girl is arguably worst girl. And the sci-fi worldbuilding stuff and the spy/intrigue stuff that goes on within the mansion ends up being 100x more interesting than the slice of life stuff that occurs once MC and Sion are living together in the countryside. That whole section would have been a snoozefest if the reporter didn't arrive and inject some life into the VN.

I really wanted to like eden* because I'm a big fan of nakige but it's all just so underwhelming.
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I think one of the big issues is that Sion is so bland and personality-less. I get the point is that she's been locked up in a mansion for 100 years and so she's never really had the opportunity to develop a personality, or interests, but it just makes all the other girls so much more interesting when you contrast them with her. Even Elica, who grew up in pretty similar conditions to Sion, has so much more personality than Sion does.
I think it suffered from having such drawn out scenes- it seemed like the plot only really moved forward in a few scenes which were the majority of the novel. I actually enjoyed Sion's character, but felt like it could have been more interesting and fleshed out had she taken part in a more diverse range of scenes. Instead most of the time she actually got with Ryou (time she could have showed interesting qualities and development) was time she spent in bed and sick. I think the novel could have done a lot more with her character while she still had more life in her when she was with Ryou. Imagine if there were more scenes of how they got closer to each other after first arriving at the cottage.
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Sion has plenty of personality, especially in the second half. It's dry and often subtle but it's there.
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I do question the decision to skip all the stuff between them being about to leave the mansion and then having been at the cottage for a few months. I understand they probably wanted to skip over the "how do we get this lolibaba up and over the mountains while hiding from the military" scenario, but I think those first couple months at Ryou's childhood home would have been the most interesting. I also wish they had fleshed out some connection between Sion and Ryou's sister: we know Elica knewe her and that's part of why she's so dedicated to Ryou, but did Sion ever know her?

I really wouldn't call her slight passive aggressiveness "plenty" of personality. I really thought all the other female characters were better written
Here's the poll for next month's VN
she's kuudere, that's her charm
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Finally finished. That was really beautiful. The presentation, art, story, music, everything.
Kind of reminded me of Planetarian. Militaristic guy crosses paths with a young looking, but actually very old, silver haired girl in an apocalyptic setting. Hard to say which I liked more but right now eden slightly edges it out.
VNs tend to be too long but this one needed more. Just speculation but, it feels like scenes that were brushed over with narration, like the escape to the mountain or the time spent with Sion before she gets sick, might have been cut out. The presentation was wonderful but also seems like it was expensive and time consuming. Have to wonder if routes for the other girls were cut as well. Despite being linear, I can almost pinpoint exactly where their routes would've branched off. I haven't read the extra scenes yet so maybe they stuck some that that in there.

It's still worth reading despite its flaws. Maybe a bigger budget or more time could've saved Elica
It's close so I'll age in order to let more anons vote
I think you might be on to something. Since there was so much work put into the cgs it is probable that they had to give up on other routes/a longer Sion route. That's really a shame in my opinion, as I would rather they fully write a story than write a sort of half-baked one that looks prettier.
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These images reminds me of true remembrance. True remembrance is another kinetic novel, so it might be best to play a different vn next. I want some choice desu
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But I really hope we can read it eventually, i don't see anyone talk about it anymore.
Haven't read this in like 8 years but I remember it feeling especially drawn out at the end and having bad pacing overall. Like they took the concept and went nowhere with it. Anybody agree?
Bump for results.
kinda agree, it was very slow paced
poll is a tie, wat do?
Pray that one more person votes.
Might as well flip a coin at this point.
If this thread dies and it's still a tie then the OP next month should be able to choose between the two tied vns

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