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I think her boobs look better than ever.
I don't really come to this thread but from time to time I'll read it when she's having some fits on twitter. What I don't understand is why there are so many trolls/bait posters in this general. Seems to be excessively many compared to other niche threads.
What do you mean? We haven't had any trolls since marinechizo calmed down.
Maybe not trolls but I have noticed people being very negative and assuming the worst of her/her fans. It's just the general negative posting I mostly notice. It's not a big deal so you can forget I brought it up if you want.
We assume the worst because she’s an addict to community streams, and is missing out on genuinely good moments in favor of shit that gets her upset. She could’ve been able to do a Minecraft stream after her birthday but she would rather not. We know she’ll do a community, rant about some troll, fuss about, get a headache, and then rant on the sub. Rinse and repeat until she’s back
People aren't doing it to be bring others down, her attitude recently just causes negativity and disappointment for some.
Especially the EOPs here that just see community streams and get disappointed without know why she does them
Some of us actually want her to stream as Noel instead of hiding as C. Its cowardice
I see. I guess it's a very divided general everything considered which is understandable given her two personas.
holo tourists endlessly seething at coomer chads
if you couldn't already tell from the responses you're getting, they're not deliberately trolling, they just legitimately think they're right
you could make a valid argument that the streamer does partially influence the audience and maybe she does put herself online too much which attracts people like these
She only loves me
I wish that she found balance. She can’t be one without the other asking for it. This time it’s C taking more precedence over Noel, and it’s not fun when you have a server where it feels like the old days of minecraft. Noel would’ve had a blast seeing Subaru being convicted today, but we have to see her talking about pig tiktoks because birthday.
I don't see people complaining that Subaru skipped the first two days of Minecraft hardcore and calling her a fucking liar
Subaru isn’t juggling between RM and holo stuff constantly.

But I understand why she has to stream today, would be a bad look if C cancelled her birthday stream
Dammit anon that’s how you summon them
I’d prefer her streaming Noel right now when everyone is gathering in one spot it would be a great way to get her from being alone. Instead we had 4 community streams in the span of 24 hours totaling about 4 hours and that’s after she herself said she wouldn’t do anymore until after her birthday. And the community streams are even worse this time because not even 30 minutes before she was saying she really wants to play Minecraf on Noel sub. It’s just not a good look. I’m just happy she actually went to the hospital to take care of it.
Anon here is right

And the fact that she says “minecraft tomorrow” on the sub means she should keep her promise. I hate getting on their case but if she does a community tonight then she’s on thin ice already.
Has she ever cosplayed...
Professionally no casually I know she’s worn mashu outfit and the maid ce one, koyanskaya bunny outfit and asuna from blue archive
I know, I mean...
Live again damn
got diagnosed with migraines
She's tired of EOP DMs asking confirmation for every schizo shit they read on 5ch kek
Noel stream at 18 JST
Fucking eops send her messages asking if she has sex friends
Bros she's calling out 4chan too and saying people only post false things here
I really don't like her doing Noel stuff while doing these streams
Feels bad man
>was going to upload a FC short video but won't because she noticed the editor forgot to add the "DO NOT REPRODUCE" message
Damn marineschizo giving us a bad name
Please tell me you are joking and they aren’t that retarded
Looks like 1500jst
>Please tell me you are joking and they aren’t that retarded
She said every time a "drama" happened and people shitposted about it on 5ch some obvious kaigai DMs her asking for confirmation
And she responds because she feels sorry for them
That explains why the medication and sleep wasn’t helping her at all. That sucks hopefully they prescribe her medication specifically for migraine
What kind of drama shitoosting goes on over there
Called it when I said she was going back to constant community streams and over and hour for them
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>she got called senritsu on her early nico days
Precisely what she tweeted about, taking something from the streams and twisting it, or just making shit up
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I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.
Man if only there was a way to stop getting DMs. Like some sort of setting or something......
Those people on nico were fucking vicious damn
doesn't block DMs from people that have already messaged you before.
She has DMs closed but I still have the option
man if only there was a way to delete conversations or something. Like to long press on a conversation and a delete option pops up.....
Not going to lie I’m lost right now what is she doing
Woooooo extended 2 hours let’s go
that only deletes the messages on your end. They can still send you messages on their end
ewww i stopped watching i couldnt take it
The abusive creeper part
Details please
She was doing a role play? Of being a weak girl being attacked either in DV or creeper she doesn’t know
And extended again. She better be planning to do 7 hours of Minecraft
Called it

Why the hell is she taking this long on a community man
She’s also singing so we need a singing Noel stream now
This women is really going to make an anti out of me at this rate
I used to click these threads to browse the borderline nsfw, why did you all stop? Is it truly ogre?
You know it’s funny how much she loves those Zundamon clios
She's starting really early so if she doesn't do it for long she'll miss all the trials and the nether entry and shit, seems like all the big things int he server happen at 10+ PM so 5 hours at least
I just hope she gets around for the trials and when Lui and Suisei come in. I’ve been hoping for an impromptu shiraken collab, and with the proxy chat it’s working wonders for interactions as well.
Then again on Canan she said she had "work" tonight
Maybe it could mean her plan to stream for long
Or it could be the reason this stream is so early if she has something else to do at night.
She doesn’t have anything else planned and I would really hate if she did another summer festival thing on hololive again. That was embarrassing.
You can see her doing that though unfortunately
She can't just...idk...send it back and have the editor add it? Surely it can't be THAT fuckin hard or time consuming to do. What is she paying the editor to do otherwise?
What the actual fuck? I just came from work, the fuck was she doing this community stream?
Yeah it was weird and creepy if the ts is still up it was around the 1hr 30 min mark
mind sharing the ts? Don't have premium anymore
She’s already at 5 and has been doing well.
Yes, it would take a day and she'll post it tomorrow
Probable at noon since she has a sponsored stream until late at the studio
lol she actually did 7 hours
Nice all is good in the world now we just need that singing stream because I really enjoy them
Honestly worth it for the Aqua interactions
Hopefully she does another long one tomorrow but she has that collaboration tomorrow doesn’t she
Yeah she's not the type to do streams late night after a day of working out until late.
Unless it's a community stream...
no, sponsored stream tomorrow
Isn’t it a collab sponsor with the other girls or are they doing 4 individual sponsor streams
They haven't told any details I think but I don't see them wasting studio time just for Noel alone.
Oh actually the waiting room is up now with all of them
Ok good I was afraid I miss read the original announcement
Sweet surprise guerrilla stream
wheres the hearts? heart spammer has a job
She’s pretty lonely on the server. Only ones I see are Kaela and Kanade
Flare joining up so this could be considered an impromptu noeflare collab
I assume he means, has she cosplayed as Noel? And the answer is no
I love these 2 dorks
Anyone know the flavors they are collabing with for the udon
赤いきつね itself is the flavor no? Like the thing they're collabing with is just that.
I’ll need to see if I can find some where I live
I wish she did. I bet she has in private. Noel cosplays as Canan after all.
I wouldn’t be surprised if all the girls have cosplayed as themselves and sent pictures to each other wearing it
At the very least Lamy has a cosplay of her pajama outfit that she tweeted
Which FC stream do you guys consider to be the best? I know some anon used to post rankings, but I've been away for a while.
I would also be shocked if Choco hasn’t, if I remember right she once said she wanted to go to comiket to help out at fumihiko booth but they turned her down right away
>I know some anon used to post rankings
That's me. I still lurk here on occasion. Stopped ranking because she had a string of bad FCs and when looking broadly her FCs have sucked for the majority of the past nine months. So I just stopped caring. I don't want to use brain power on ranking shit products. I dropped my membership and now I just torrent her stuff. Probably the way to go honestly.

>Which FC stream do you guys consider to be the best?
My top 3 is still:
1) Succubus (Sept 22)
2) Bunnygirl Prostitute (Nov 22)
3) Catgirl Maid (Feb 23)
Whatever is in the parentheses is the month and year that FC was from.
From my knowledge i know the following’s costumes are just RM designs
>Mel (RIP)
>Noel (duh)
>Towa (allegedly)
you actually think that the knitwear design is supposed to be based on canan?
sent pictures of her bedroom, clothes and a picture of herself to わたお for noel
Randomly stream on a weekday but nowhere to be seen on a weekend??????????????????????
She really doesn’t want to start a new game for Elden ring dlc will probably play Minecraft later today
Yeah when is ER DLC coming out again?
doubt it, she was up last night because of a migraine attack, and those can last up to 72 hours
she missed two days of minecraft before, wouldn't be surprised if she does again
If so hopefully she’s resting properly, do they not prescribe specific medication for migraines
I guess we'll have to wait every other member beats it
mileage varies depending on the person because not all migraines are the same. There are go-to first line meds but it's mostly trial and error until you find the right one that works
That sucks I was personally expecting her to get a prescription to help with the hard hitting migraine attacks as part of the check up but that sounds more like an American thing to happen
she did, but again, no telling if it'll work for her or not
and if it doesn't, she would have to go back to the hospital again and deal with hour long wait times
Minecraft at 2000jst
>no Canan this weekend
She has 1 weekend left to do 2 earlicks and FC
Also she never uploaded the video she said she would after the editor added the message >>46843875
Those are some cute hamster photos

Did she die at all in Minecraft?
I’m guessing Monday night and Friday night are when we can expect it.
she is actually mentally ill
That was fun anyone know what they are doing for the final day
Ender dragon
She’s gonna crash because of that headache man…
migraines aren't just headaches, they come with other symptoms like being sensitive to light and sound
Bummer. I get why she ended early since they all just wanted to go into the nether and get ender pearls. Sunday muscle is probably getting cut short
Yeah hopefully she gets a good rest so the migraine may go down a little and she can enjoy the last day with everyone.
She sounds retarded today, headache must still be affecting her.
She’s not sounding terrible now. It’s cute hearing her talk about HxH lately. Thats a show I do need to watch.
Dude the back pains are about Togashi
Nevermind. I hope she’s able to finish the 7th day. She definitely perked up during this Sunday muscle at least. Glad that topic about possible animals for next holomembers was brought up.
She probably had just woken up before the stream started so that would be the groggy low voice. And yes you should hurry up and watch HxH
Stop making these threads you dumb coomers she doesn’t like them
That was fun, poor ender dragon was obliterated.
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whore princess of uterine sea
Is that why she did the coco impression
She was doing a Raden impression and whenever she does any impression she also does Coco's for some reason
Was she mentioning taking an indefinite break if her headache doesn’t get better or did I miss read something there was also something about prerecording but I’m thinking that was a suggestion from someone instead of from herself
It was a Raden impression and yeah it did sound like Kaichou.
If she did say an indefinite break then I believe a Twitter announcement would’ve been made
all she said on noel was that she'll read superchats another day but tomorrow will be undecided
This woman…
oh, fuck I missed a community stream
doesn't look like an indefinite break, just feeling bad that streams won't be on fridays/weekends like usual and will be whenever she's feeling well enough to do it
Ok so it was more of a she has no plans to have an indefinite break but the streams will be sporadic based on her health allowing her instead of giving a concrete date like Fridays or weekends
When did she do a community?
about an hour an a half ago
a migraine isn't just a headache, it's a neurological cascade with pain being only one of many symptoms.
You don't get nausea or irritated at normal levels of brightness or sound with a regular headache
Either she had a tumor on her brain or a blood clot
if she did then those would have shown up on the MRI
that's why she need a second opinion, go to a different high class hospital in japan. a first MRI is usually a hit or miss
I’m pretty sure you would know if you had a tumor
brain tumor symptoms is usually severe headache where paracetamol wont work anymore, nausea and vision probelms. her mood swings also which is one of the symptoms
Then why doesn’t someone tell her to go get another MRI?
because anon is fucking retarded and that's not how a differential diagnosis works
>>no tumor on MRI
>>well it's got to be one so try again until one shows up!
idk, maybe chat didnt think about it. also doctors wont really tell you to get another one ( due to ego )
and thinking the results are wrong and to try again until you see what you want to see isn't ego?
tell that to the old patient we had before in kyoto, it took 3 mri to find a small speck of tumor in his brain and it was the chief radiologist who see it
RIP, too much radiation from the monitor and cellphone i guess
She doesn’t have a tumor
I guess it would explain her mental illness. Maybe she can become a normal functioning member of society when they remove the tumor.
since you want to keep on drinking your kool-aid
>severe headache where paracetamol wont work anymore, nausea and vision probelms
her vision is fine, and she took ibuprofen over the counter, not acetaminophen/paracetemol

none of that is even conclusive for a brain tumor, just warrants further investigation through an MRI or CT scan, where if you find calcification or an abscess somewhere then you can think about doing a biopsy to see if it's a tumor or not
if you think a random anonymous comment is going to look more trustworthy than the actual licensed professionals that examined her IRL, then I think she's not the only one who needs another examination
This is why Marine is better, she's very healthy even though she's old
Nobody besides one anon said she has a tumor
the tumor is her fans
point still stands
Anyone know who the pink haired girl is from the clear file she was selling on booth is. The more I stare the more I wonder who that is.
that's her collab with matsuri's rm
asmrine dead again?
Whatever it is I hope it’s not too serious
I’m afraid it might be her mother.
pretty sure by 家庭 she means her own home, as in her hamsters
Not again with her hamsters. She just got them from Nene and she loves Shiratama
One of them is fairly old now isn’t it
No that's like a generic "family matters" wouldn't get used on something like pets.
Well for an easy guess her grandma couldn't be left alone and her mother is taking care of her so it could be something there
the word literally means household, so "family matters" is usually implied because your family lives in the same house as you.
That doesn't apply to Canan since her mom and grandma live in different places. Her mom lives close to her grandma, but they rent different apartments in Oita.
Also considering >>46878449 where she wasn't planning on streaming today anyway, it was something planned and not an emergency. Maybe she could take an overnight trip to Oita, but it's more likely that she just planned to go to the vet or something
Mitarashi picture cute little fella
I’m starting to think those Noel tweets was purely In preparation for the community stream so she wouldn’t have people mentioning Noel streams or the like
Extended to 2 hours so I think it was
That makes 0 sense
She clearly doesn't give a fuck about what Noel fans think of community streams
I think if Canon got pregnant with her white lover, her menheraness will disappear.
What has she talked about so far? Haven't been able to listen
Nothing really note worthy feels like a typical pointless community stream
When did she start?
>calling herself okaasan while talking to the hamster
Yeah she probably had to go to the vet
Figured. Hamsters also got some help. They’re cute fellas
She's talking about an ASMR girl turn vtuber that she watches and was surprised people were against her turning into a vtube
Extend to 2hrs 30 minutes so a little over 2 hours ago
Well yeah then she would never stream as Noel. And her streaming content would probably end up leaning towards the really lewd kind which would get boring if overdone
She's giving some of hints, wonder if anyone will find who she's talking about
On her vtuber debut stream she said her goal was to become the number one at ear cleaning asmr, and to have a lot of subscribers
But she's on a break right now.
I’m guessing she’s going to go all the way until noon
This is who she was talking about, got flamed recently because of vaccine conspiracy tweets
kek she's a total schizo
>oh no vtubers don't talk about important stuff like politics and vaccines!
I mean it's a decent rule to follow, politics and religion are sensitive topics and will attract heavily opinionated people everywhere
What a fucking idiot not just a vaccine conspiracy nut job but going schizo about Japan being taken over.
She actually watches her >>46888933
that’s a shame
Not like she approves, she said vtubers should just have fun playing games and singing and not bring real word shit
She's just someone she has known of since before she became a vtuber, as a fellow ASMRist, not a fan.
She said yesterday's stuff did have something to do with her family at Oita but can't say
>fanta is dropping credit cards too
Fuck, can't use PayPal there right?
I think you can buy their Toracoins or whatever, but the last time I checked the USD markup was braindead retarded (like $30USD = 3000 yen).
If the price is right if you buy it from Tokyo otaku mode with premium it’s actually cheaper I’ll need to test it just to be sure first though
Hope it’s not too bad and she has back ups ready just in case
Nico Nico only dropped visa right fantia is dropping both visa and master card but since they have actual r18 stuff I guess they got hit hard by both
It's cheaper but it's a first time seal, you would need to keep making accounts.
I'll buy a 10k pack and hopefully in two months a better method is found.
Why do Marine/mikarin and Noel/canan hate each other so much?
Yeah I was going by the "regular" price, not the promo price price. Hopefully Fantia will do what Ci-en/dlsite did and just find/make a third party site that doesn't price gouge foreigners. Just let me buy points with Paypal in yen, jesus. (Crypto is fine too.)
Yeah I really hope I don’t have to get an American Express card and then it turns out they also pull this stuff down the line
Did I miss anything in the SC stream? Sounds like she has a game she wants to play next and a members ASMR soon. There was also a weird holostars comment she read but shrugged it off
>There was also a weird holostars comment she read but shrugged it off
Also people asking how much she interacts with watao, they're really trying to get someting out of her
Those types of people have really been coming out lately
Anything else?
She mentioned that male to female trannies aren't allowed in Hololive
Don’t forget the female to male are which tracks with what she’s said on Canan about the whole restroom thing
She won't play Don't Scream.
I was waiting for her but guess I'll watch Sakamata's playthrough then.
you should know better than to expect her to play solo horror games
Her illness is caused by her audience coomers have a twisted aura that can even penetrate via the internet she should quit and be happy as Noel. Money isn’t everything.
It would’ve been fun to see her play it with another holo. Kind off a thing like marine is doing with bunny garden
she's not extroverted enough to invite people over like marine is though
She did one with Lamy a while back
yeah, because lamy invited her
Based if true but I feel like you're just shitposting
Was a fun stream still. I don’t think the “don’t scream” game is for her.
So what she said is that yesterday she had to decide if she would go home or not, discussed something to do with her grandma, and in the end decided not to go.
So grandma with bad health and deciding if she should visit in case she dies maybe?
Probably, it’ll have to be her decision to make. My guess she doesn’t want to head on over because of how far behind she already is with Canan due to the migraine. With 9 days left in the month she still has 3 earlicks to do. She really should prerecorded them as a a safety net at this point.
It’s shitposting because she had to check which games needed a mengen permission, nothing about that.

Other thing was about if Males can enter Hololive, basically says “holostars exists”

Mountain out of a molehill
Dude look at the link, she's not talking about games and she literally says "people born as men but with women hearts are not allowed in Hololive" according to Cover's rules, which makes me think some must have applied.
She wants to have a rap battle with hajime
JP fans are getting their goods. I’m actually excited to see the postcard this time around. It looks really nice.
They’ve interacted a few times and Hajime is great. Sometimes I wish Noel collabed more with Luna as well.
They can have a gushing over Subaru collab
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Menhera outburst…
Credit card companies are literally killing Japan, it's the expected reaction.
What I don’t understand is how this is suddenly bad, but some asshole who ends up buying 1599 dragon dildo’s or whatever shitty porno stuff is okay.

Somehow IM the bad guy for buying porno
Because Japan is still very much still in the closet and they get upset and complain to CC companies when their kids use theirs for this shit. It's why the NND Purge happened.
yamin was going to update fantia this month also, fuck
Triple gushing over Subaru collab
That’s lame so it’s part of a snowballing situation just becoming awful real quick
We have three months at least before it escalates even further
She has so much money, why does she care?
Because the whole reason she does this is she wants to be seen by many people .
She's such an exhibitionist. I wonder if she walks around the park with nothing but a coat on.
it's not about the money, she has a soft spot for people in unfortunate circumstances through no fault of their own
she's always said she sympathizes with かわいそうな people
with all the visa/mastercard issues it turned out to be a good thing she made the FC only R15 huh
She grew up poor and was probably denied a lot of things she wanted as a kid and growing up so she sympathizes with them.
Yeah I’ll still probably get an AmEX card in between now and my next FC payment just in case though. It’ll suck if it gets even worse and it just causes it to cut us off completely or would she just scrap the fc if it becomes a pain for enough people trying to make payments, since I’ve heard it’s fairly difficult for people in Japan to get a credit card in the first place unlike the west.
Kind of funny how she gets angry at overseas for piracy but then gets upset they're banning overseas CC. Piracy will drop.
A part of her is probably afraid to find out it’s actually a Japanese fan leaking her stuff and not overseas
The Japanese Economy recently went into recession and now overseas credit card companies are banning the purchase of Japanese Porn. If I'm the Japanese Government I'd be kinda pissed. You were getting a lot free money because there are thousands and thousands of perverts around the world who are willing to pay money for porn that is specifically made in your country. It's rough.
Alternatively, she could be pissed that the overseas viewers who are/willing to pay will now turn to piracy. I agree that in the aggregate piracy will drop but I think it won't be by much and it's incentivizing the honest members to turn to piracy
Imagine there's some overseas member that's been holding out for their one year reward and on the 11th month their CC company just bans FC purchases.
So anything happen in the 2 hours of community stream
So do >we even know who's behind these recent CC bans? Leftist retards are saying it's conservative Christians, while right wingers are claiming it's SJWs.
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>right wingers are claiming it's SJWs.
who is saying this
It's the particular focus on Japan that is strange. The only group of people who hate Japanese "culture" enough to try to impose these kinds of blanket bans are leftist SJWs.
If it was just a generic anti-porn movement you'd expect them to hit foreign sites everywhere and not just the ones that host content that is "problematic" for the feminist agenda.
>leftist SJWs.
So was there anything from the community stream I tried gathering any info I could. But the most was she ate a bento, she talked about the fc and NND limited delivery for this month. Something about her mom and the credit card stuff
you tell me, I was asleep and there's no archive
>If it was just a generic anti-porn movement you'd expect them to hit foreign sites everywhere and not just the ones that host content that is "problematic" for the feminist agenda.
They absolutely do, for example they destroyed PornHub back in 2020 in cooperation with MasterCard/Visa
Please familiarize yourself with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Center_on_Sexual_Exploitation
it's not just Japan, patreon and gumroad were hit not too long ago, and pornhub was hit a few years back.
Credit card companies have hated dealing with adult content for decades because they don't want to be caught dealing with shady stuff like prostitution or underage content, so they ask for strict documentation on age verification, content review and and security encryption on money transactions that they wouldn't ask for normal sites.
Remember that OnlyFans was about to ban adult content from their site a few years back because Visa/Mastercard was about to drop them. They eventually added 3D secure encryption that was enough to keep the card companies on board, but it's always been a struggle to keep porn sites looking legit enough to keep them happy
>so they ask for strict documentation on age verification, content review and and security encryption on money transactions
Funnily enough, fantia did put out a statement highlighting their commitment to those values about a month ago. Guess their management did saw the writing on the wall and tried to appease their oversea liege, unsuccessfully.
that's 3 years ago, in 2021.
We don't know why they're getting dropped again now, it's just easy to speculate why given history.
fc2 still supports Visa and Mastercard (in fact, those are the only credit cards they support). They cracked down hard on 2D recently though, that's likely why they're still alive. Like I'm saying, this isn't just American anti-porn nonsense, this is more about the *drawn* content that places like Ci-en (where R18 live action stuff isn't even allowed), DLsite, and Fantia are hosting, which is what the leftists have a problem with. Same with Patreon. OnlyFans, despite being one of the most popular "porn" sites, escaped unscathed with some token concessions, because 3D content is not seriously under threat.
The Pornhub ban was only successful because they got feminists on board by invoking "sex trafficking" and "nonconsensual uploads", the conservatives simply don't have the political power do it alone.
I am not suggesting that religious wackjobs are *not* trying to ban porn, I am saying this particular instance is unlikely to be their doing. Even YouTube cracks down on 2D more than 3D, and this is clearly just an extension of that, why else would *Niconico* of all places be in the crosshairs? And why would Amazon.jp be hiding "adult content" (read: h-manga) from foreign users now?
The "best case" is if Fantia separates out the live action material from the drawn stuff. If they did that I'm sure the live action half would see their payment problems mysteriously dry up.
I was also asleep unfortunately
if you want validation on which political side is at fault then go to /pol/
it's still the same country with the same companies forcing their values on other countries

the US has always viewed anything under 18 as child porn regardless whether it's 2D or 3D.
The only difference is that you can show documents proving real performers are over 18 while most drawn anime content is already normally set at around high school age.
I’m not sure how she’s going to cram 3 earlicks into under 8 days without screwing over her throat like the last time she did that or just ignoring Noel except for Sunday muscle.
Just pre-record stuff. She’ll avoid so much hassle if she pre-records this stuff
But you know she won’t she'd rather do community streams that are as long as limited streams everyday instead
That's basically what today's stream was about people complaining and her saying not to worry that she won't miss any.
I really just wish we had a way around community stuff.
I know she won’t but she’ll instead screw her throat over like that time she did the earlick Friday fc Saturday and another earlick was it Monday. She took like a week or 2 off Noel after that
>And why would Amazon.jp be hiding "adult content" (read: h-manga)
I literally just searched up hitomi and found one of her JAVs on Amazon JP
not saying those are the problem, but Amazon clearly sells 3D adult content and you have no idea what you're talking about
Do they ship those DVDs/BDs internationally? I was under the impression those products were domestic shipping only, but I might be wrong (or it's up to the vendor?). Meanwhile the h-manga was all available digitally in their online reader and Kindle, no VPN necessary.
Well I'm listening to my recording now
She's has to go to Oita after all.
Also is having a surgery and will be hostilizad for some days.
Also planing one nico for this weekend, FC for 29th, 30th o 31st, prerecorded Nico on one of those days where she doesn't do FC
She took pictures for FC after the community stream, it's a Police outfit, said if she doesn't like how it looks it might still get changed.
can you share?
she did say she wanted to get ICL surgery for her vision, or is she talking about something else
Some streams before she said she doesn't want the eye surgery anymore
Maybe I got confused and she meant her grandma, she said the grandma is getting hospitalized and that's why she'll go to Oita, but it's not a matter of life or death
Had some gnarly dad stories
>he cheated and one time the side girl called her mom telling them divorce
>hit her mom with an iron and burned her
>broke her piggy banks and stole her money
>killed her sea-monkeys
Every time I upload they get killed really fast and I get warnings until banned
Well I should have listened to the end, she mentioned it again but the one that already had a surgery and is hospitalized is her mom.
in the previous stream she said she still wants to do it sometime this year, but obviously not now with her migraine
she talked about all the times where she's not allowed to wear her glasses or contacts but literally cannot afford to take them off like at the onsen and MRI
is the ban just for a short time? I don't mind if it gets taken down quickly desu, I'd have grabbed it before then anyway
Do you know why she didn’t leave a ts for the community is it the stories or other stuff she didn’t want to leave
Thank you archive anon.
Well that explains her disdain of men even more. You could also try uploading it to mega or one of those other sites and giving the link part instead of posting it directly here.
Well I’m glad she’s actually doing a prerecorded so she’s not killing her throat.
A permanent DMCA ban, I can change my IP but it's a bit of a pain...
There’s rarely any good papa’s in hololive….
>Do you know why she didn’t leave a ts for the community is it the stories or other stuff she didn’t want to leave
Too much personal stuff about the going to Oita, she wants to leave it for a Nico post when she does the next members stream.
So potentially a 2 week break after this month stuff ends like in September
Live again
nico tomorrow, FC planned for the 30th
Guessing the prerecorded NND will be the 28th then
anyone catch the latter half of the community stream when she switched to PC?
was afk so I missed it
There was zero reason why she couldn’t do a stream today for Noel
Noel fans are annoying and will tell her to rest instead if she coughs or mentions the headache during the stream.
She has more control and freedom with community streams which mostly serves as company as she works. She can say what she wants or say nothing at all, she can end suddenly or stream for hours. She's not trying to entertain or engage with chat, it's more casual hangout. It's a lot less work and stress for her than Noel.
Can't tell what kind of outfit it's supposed to be, like maid with open cleavage? Title just says oneesan
File deleted.
Did she talk about anything I only caught the first 30 minutes
You will take your 6 tweets and you will like it
Looks like Kakarot (and some other DB games) just got a Japanese Steam release. Has to be due to Pekora right? They're ancient at this point.
Noel will probably still play on PS5 I'm guessing but the option is there now.
probably Steam because she usually doesn't buy games until the day or day before she has to play them, like Bunny Garden
only exceptions are franchises she's super passionate about like DQ or Elden Ring where she'll preorder the collector's edition day 1
Maybe next week she plays it since June is coming. Right now everyone’s just playing that horror game. She’s been talking to Kanade a ton lately. That’s nice. Minecraft at least made her want to collab with other members
She already said if she plays it'll be on summer.
I won't expect anything from her until ER DLC, she's still sick, will tire herself with 3 earlicks these next few days, has to go back to Oita, and still has headaches.
So long as she doesn’t completely blow up. May has been another underwhelming month outside of minecraft really.
What did she post?
Panicking over her mother in surgery and hasn’t gotten contact back
Ok man the one time I ignore my phones vibration because I’m making food
A got a tweet notification that said
"You gave me your contact information so I can contact you right?"
It got removed instantly.
That’s weird what’s the Jp side saying if they are awake
It definitely didn't feel like a tweet, maybe she was replying to a DM and got confused
Maybe for her mother?
Still weird wonder what that’s about
it's still in my notifications, the tweet said
That's the first one, there was another tweet after
Do you have it?
after? no, I've been looking at my feed at that's the most recent one
before? she just said she deleted the tweet but looked at the replies before doing so
Well I got one with some about contacting her and when I tapped it was already deleted and the notification was gone.
This just feels like her being really nervous for her mother
never got that, so I can't help you there
even if she deletes the tweet the notification should still be there as long as you didn't refresh the page just like the tweet about worrying about her mom's surgery
How many folks at 5ch are jerking it right now knowing that they can use that tweet as evidence for her having a boyfriend?
For me the app just deleted the tweet notification
there is no tweet until proven otherwise, so at most they'd be using someone else's 5ch/4chan post as hearsay
Are they even awake at this point. Feels like the only reason they wake up for the late night community stream is they leave their computers on and have the extension to auto open the page if she goes live and it wakes them up.
it's the internet, I'm sure there are some degenerates out there who pull all-nighters
also not sure if jp anons know how to use extensions
If so that’s a lot of degenerates in the late night ones but the tweets of some seem to indicate being sleep deprived after those before work
Well this taught me to turn on notification log on my phone, I won't let her get away next time.
Thread will die before the stream.
Feels weird not having any background music
She took the audio masturbating with the showerhead but apparently the audio is too loud, will still upload it.
She's taking about Macoto
So no video only audio
What was she saying for that
She talked about Macoto as a "friend that got offered to have an FC before her" Macoto was the only one.
Also said how she's in another girl's FC, someone she doesn't talk to but that she has been following since before when she had an NN+, the only one that fit is Rizuna I think, Uise and Yaming have FC but they never had NN+.
Wild if she's actually watching Rizuna's Holo cosplay stuff.
I wonder if she’s critical of those like nah she would do this she would be more like this and so on.
I think she said she'll be going to Oita and prerecording one Nico next month, not next week
said both her job will get busy and she wants to go visit her mom who just had her surgery
nevermind, she was talking about next week
So next month it will start to get busy for them, wonder if we are getting another holo summer
says she'll probably be able to do the aftertalk live even if the stream is prerecorded
That was a fast end. What did she link halfway into the pillow talk anyways didn’t get to click on it
Her first ever earlick while talking about the past, said how she got really horny after exposing herself like that for the first time
2 and a half hours isn't really a fast end
She’s always been an exhibitionist then.
I’m so used to her doing the emoticon before actually ending it
Well I wasn’t expecting that. A 7am chatting stream
yeah, I wonder if she's leaving for Oita right after or something
or she has a recording then Oita after that
it's saturday instead of sunday too, so she probably is leaving for oita after this
Think she’ll explain it in the stream?
Probably, I’m wondering if she’s even going to sleep if she is planning to go to oita afterwards.

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