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Tea party . . .
Add Reimu and you get a Marisa fan club meeting
Reimu is the POV
That is one tall table
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Why are they looking at me like that?
All I did was affirm that I'm a healthy human male who can produce semen.
Molesting magicians and stealing their hat.

Magicians are short and thus ripe for bullying.hhhrt
>i-i can produce semen haha…
And anon wonders why girls keep giving him standoffish looks
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I'd like to have tea with those lovely ladies
I'm only 5'5 myself, don't think I'll be bullying them for being short
This is awkward...
You're cute dude
So what would happen if I were to toungwrestle Alice in front of Patchy?
I'm also willing to hear arguments as to why Patchy is better than Alice for frenching.
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she ruined tea time again
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i want friends to cosplay and have tea parties
that was the part where their answer was "so we can..."
I am not
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Brought some snacks
You're cute and smoochable. Now get in the kigu, Anon.
Do you think these two would be open to a threesome with you?
Take me fucking back!.. back to the past!
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tea is nasty

how about some coffee? i made some cookies too
Fine, I'm fat though
Why not?
They're both magic autists who just want to pound nails in trees or read. It's like inviting both fujos and otaku to a party, they're not gonna pair up. They're just gonna awkwardly cluster with themselves then go home and complain about each other on livejournal.
or ao3
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W-why are they staring into my soul like that?
Most likely yeah
Patchouli is a very passive lover.
Any physical intimacy with her is like doing the same thing to a sexdoll except she's warm and smells nice and says Mukyuu~ when you thrust.

Alice is romantic and gets very emotionally invested into kissing.
She has no experience and is a terrible kisser, but she's trying her best.

If you kiss one of the in front of the other, you'll make the unkissed girl feel really inadequate and jealous. Patchouli will scuttle away back to her library and make Koakuma bake her something chocolatey and unhealthy. Alice will plan a Goldbergian revenge scheme that will end up failing spectacularly, which will just make her more mad at you.
The best thing to do is kiss both of them!
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they don't even like each other
Glasses Patchy a cute
Is this the new yuri thread?

Patchy x Arisu thread?
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the legendary glasses of libido enhancer
patchy would die out of breath 5 minutes in the threesome and then there would be only alice
imagine patchouli inviting the other magicians overs just to show off the new butler the SDM hired
She playfully smacks my bum when I walk by, emasculating me in front of her friends.
Why show off like this? It just breeds jealousy.
Is she going to share with them or something?
sorry girls
im on a low carb diet
besides, the tea smells funny...
Bold of you to assume Women even stand in a 10 km radius of him
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>the tea smells funny.
anons last words... may he rest in peace. he is a doll now
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i will just silently stare at them, and then proceed to eat every single fucking biscuit before their perplexed, full of sorry faces
Good lord Sakuya’s face here.
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Thats ok I can last maybe 5 mins max.
Doesn't Alice go to the library sometimes?
So... uh... do you girls like videogames...?

>Sips tea

"Have you ladies heard of Touhou Project?"
>i can last 5 mins max
And then, there was only Alice.
this tea party boooooooring
I'm leaving
Alice attempting to drown patcho
Why am I here?

I don't remember agreeing to come to the tea party... nor do I remember getting an invitation in thr first place... or even how I got here...
"Listen ladies, the Rwadan genocide? Never happened. Absolute fairytale, and anyone tells you otherwise is a Tutsi liar."
Patchy smells like flab sweat and NEET stank!
Therefore, only I can be her life partner!
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She does not
Patchy smells like mold and mothballs.
Where's the party?
only you smell like shit. so dont project your failures in basic hygiene on a powerful magician that can manipulate water
Funny you say that when she's known to enchant her books to be waterproof just so she can read them in a bathtub.
Secondaries are subhuman.
uhhhhhhhhhhh.....................................................!..DON'T DRINK THE TEA!! IT'S SPIKED THROW IT AWAY THROW IT!!!!!!
do you like huey newis and the lews?
"That book is too complex for a retard like you."
they're okay...
Why is Patchy is so mean?
if you two keep fighting marisa will leave the tea party
She is mean to the inferior magician.
Seven days magic > Seven colors magic
Just slap either of the asses, as hard as you can. Will break off the flight instantly.
If you say the correct words they will do anything
tallice will slap patchy if she keeps being rude
"I've got a gun in my pocket"?
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With some music.
They practically by existing make your gun useless anon
How else do you want to explain the bulge in his pants Einstein?
gun useless, with no boolet
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>tea is nasty
Nah tea is nice if you get the good stuff.
>how about some coffee?
A cup of coffee is fine too.

I'd rather have a actual cheese board, one with crackers dates and organic honey an jam too. Oh and slices of prosciutto too.
I don't like the look of that Shanghai on the left.
Kisume Baby!!!
>comes your tea party
>eats everything there is to eat
>instantly drinks her tea
>empties the kettle on a gourd
Fuck you Crimson Poorfag
Your thoughts?
God I can smell their tight cunts from here

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