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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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This time with a title edition

Previous thread >>35678658

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno
Read-only link for sharing:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn
Read-only link for sharing:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics not in the cryptpad, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW
>Days it updates.
If you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it!
If you see something wrong in the cryptad, just edit it!
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The chart
Is this supposed to be a list of the universe that exists or are these supposed to be recommended books?

Where are the recommendations?
why do ALL gay western webcomics have these hideous lesbian-looking portland-ass character designs? who likes men that look like this?
>anon does not like the werewolf twink
you bring dishonor to this general

also what even does portland-ass mean
they look like they live in portland
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>masturbating to your line-in rapee while they huddle over like golem in the tub
Shuno, as always, has exquisite tastes.
These are only some recommendations out of the ones we have. You can find more recommendations in the Cryptpad in the OP
keep on sniffin
If that is what the average Portland resident looks like I’m booking a flight
Brown twink is meant to look punk-ish/alt, so the style fits.
As for why the type is present? The author may actually be from Portland, or maybe she finds this type of guy hot/interesting to look at.
also everyone knows werewolves live in the pacific northwest
Finally this OP.
Gym sniff
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Is hair touching gayer than balls touching?
what is this from?
Stop glamorising smoking, please.
I don't even care about health, it just fucking stinks.
this is a drawing those people arent real

you cant smell them
Ball HAIR touching is gayer than both
Rubbing bushes together is hella gay
Does anyone remember the name of that ftm comic about the bruja, or whatever they call mexican witches? I thought I had it saved but can't find it. It's the only half decent ftm smut I've seen.
Someone does, yes.
Frotting is not gay tho
Save me french anti cigaret ad twink save me from this mortal realm
Heh. Butt-fucking.
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tfw you can't smell the guys in Ari's drawings
They don't censor the dicks on Tapas? Or are they not even worth censoring?
>you cant smell them
Speak for yourself.
They're supposed to not allow any dicks on the site, but for some reason Tapas allows the glory of Kaito Shuno to go uncensored.
The censoring staff probably never made it past a few pages of Kaito Shuno before giving up and pouring bleach into their eyes, thereby giving us the opportunity to enjoy full-frontal views of Kaito's erect-looking penis and Shuno's male-presenting nipples

Now if only I could fap to this...
zocker anon save us
There's no salvation to be found in this troon hellscape.
my indomitable human spirit won't allow me to lose hope
For a while the russian comic we mocked for being hetero was uncensored.
But she eventually updated the pages censor with white void.
I agree with >>35808799, but nonetheless, this drawing is so hot
I apologize for my lack of postings lately, it's been hectic at work as I was prepping for a work trip. I'm traveling to England today, wish me luck. I'll try and post tonight when I've arrived at destination
Strange + Wild updated and it's got some premium reaction faces but I can't post images on this shit device.
Anyway go read it and then leave some commentary instead of sniffing all the time.
Good luck anon
You are so good too us, we don’t deserve you
Ari sniff
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Alt text:
>The ol' Patchwork motto: Break a leg or we'll do it for you!
TLDR. Sniff
Fuck, they'd totally do that, wouldn't they.
That's the experiment they did on him: to make him an Eternal Twink
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>eternal twink
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End of chapter 26
A second sniff
A third sniff
Is it best to make a dedicated website to post a webcomic or should I just start by posting it on Instagram or something?
If you intend to have smut, it's probably best to have your own website, as sites that allows smut have a habit of banning it eventually.
>Kaito's open legs as he expects to be raped
>Shuno collecting pizza delivery naked
>cum drops in the bathtub
It's so romantic
Such a nice date night
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Ty ty xD

I've arrived in sunny Plymouth, where apparently I'm staying close to a fish market. Will I find a bf like in that Sakana comic I don't understand?

Previously: It's past midnight at Tobias's new place in Hamburg. The boys have been playing Super Nintendo games. Tobias is not coping well with the change, but he hides it. He needs Felix's company, but can't bring himself to tell him and seems to hope that Felix will somehow understand by himself. Felix is way too exhausted by the events of the day and a night of preparing for an exam to get what Tobias is thinking and why he doesn't let him go. But he's a good friend and stays with him.
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Hadouken! An iconic move

Also the name of a loud English rave/dance-punk band I used to like a lot in the late 2000s/early 2010s
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More smoking! Anon >>35808799 is not going to be happy

(To be fair, smoking does stink)
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While Tobias broods and continues to fail to communicate, I would like to renew my call for censor images so that I can censor the approaching nsfw episodes. Thank you very much to all of you kind anons who have contributed censors!

Upload link: https://data.netfinity.fr/u/d/923a60b6e6234777bbcf/
Folder link: https://data.netfinity.fr/d/09dd93139190455fb654/
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And now, some more Shuno Lore.
If there's no smut what would be the best website to post on in your opinion?
> Hard Lacquer
> One half of the couples indistiguishable from a guy
I hate it that fictional lesbian couples so often default to feminine x butch, but it's not like I have any room to judge as a tomgirl enjoyer.
I HATE webtoon format.
>Die Kurve
Hłe hłe hłe.
I don’t get it
assuming it's because it's similar to kurwa, the most famous polish word
Don't let the anti-smoke anon see this update
Germany was flavor country all along.
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does anybody have the rest of this? there's only one page i could find archived. i know its probably terrible, i still want to read it. url was yurimecha.com
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Could be transformed into an OP.
If you know any other lesbian comics, feel free to recommend them or post them here. We only have one lesbian in this general last time we checked, but if there are good comics we'll read them.
>The way he’s glazing him
He wants him
Who wouldn't want the damaged blonde twink
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It's time for Shota Shuno.
Damaged goods ware usually not so hard to get
Booo! Away with hetero!
where can i read uncensored kaito shuno
we all have uncensored kaito shuno in our hearts
you bastard
>just a barrage of compliments
yeah he got that autistic rizz
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Sadly, it died with Smackjeeves.
Emergency bump
Sniff before bed.
Whats wrong with this little fag?
upset that he isn't playing volleyball
"I didn't think I was THIS hot!"
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Alt text:
>Absolution: Not just a solution you put on abs
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If you are wondering how Shuno got into this situation from where he was during the last flashback, it's because his dad worked up a massive mafia debt due to a crippling marijuana addiction.
That's the Japanese for you. Always selling their kids into sex slavery to pay off their debts. You can always make more babies.
long time follower of the artist here: she lives in new york afaik, and has lived there for a long time. I've been following her since around 2010
A Sunday sniff
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Surprised I couldnt find Mickey and Jessica and Ride or Die in the cryptpad.

>Mickey and Jessica
-Link: https://mickeyandjessica.com/
-Short description:
Good girl Jessica gets a job as a bookkeeper for a strip club. The butch hired muscle, Mickey, instantly catches her interest.
-Updates: bi-weekly on Wednesday & Friday, according to the website.

I can't do a full one for Ride or Die because I havent read much. It's made by the same author who made Long Exposure.
Link: https://www.rideordiecomic.com/
Please... shotas... need.
Anon no!
Is that an L tier comic? finally?
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yes! made by Hamletmachine (Starfighter author). Very well drawn.
gay sniff
Second sniff
why do you guys all have a smell fetish
It's a very long running joke. You must be new here.
Another sniff.
what do you mean
It's what we do.
You wouldn’t get it.
What about it
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She clearly has a thing for dark tops and light bottoms

>non-con tag
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Don't worry anon, I've got an ethical shota for you.
yeah it's the same in her devil comic (lucifer's garden). I dont know about Pain Killer because I havent read that one yet. The monsters do seem to be big and dark from the previews though.
It's the anime influence. At least Starfighter had -a- dark haired bottom.
I didn't know she did L stuff. Nice of her to branch out.
>I didn't know she did L stuff. Nice of her to branch out.
She's being doing it for years as far as I recall, but only in sketches and small short comics, and never as often as her BL stuff. She's a fan or Harley Quinn+Poison Ivy
And they did swap roles a few times, which is always surprising to see in a gay webcomic written by a woman.
tfw no bf to sniff at night while he sleeps
what cologne should i use to attract twinks?
jp sniff
West Coast sniff.
my ex used to wear dolce gabbana light blue and it always made my knees buckle... so maybe that
>t. twink
>the them wrestling comic goes on hiatus
now this is a shocking turn of events
What wrestling comic?
Is this a new timeloop?
A second loop prologue reset would be pretty impressive.
note to self or somebody else: seems like the list is missing some comics on Hiveworks. I found Novae (gay tier) missing too. Will probably write details for that and Ride or Die later, when I'm home
whoops, found one more (not hiveworks). less sure where that would belong though, probably tangential tier.
keep forgetting that this one is back from its 2 month hiatus that took 2 years
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I bring you more L tier

>Amongst Us
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://amongstuscomic.com/
-Short description: Slice of life AU based on characters from the author’s other comic, Carciphona
-Updates: n/a


-Tier: Tangentially lesbian
-Link: https://carciphona.com/
-Short description: Carciphona is a long-form fantasy story set in a world where demon-magic is forbidden. It follows a young sorceress, Veloce, and her journey to find someone dear to her, in a world whose peace and serenity are breaking apart at the seams.
-Updates: 2 pages every Sunday
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-Tier: Gay
-Link: https://www.parallaxcomic.com/
-Short description:
Lomax isn't exactly happy with the direction his life is going in. Feeling trapped in the seemingly dull town of Silverdalen, and powerless due to his shyness and lack of self-esteem, this 17 year old pretty much only does what he's told, hoping tomorrow will be just a bit different. When he is approached by his science teacher who offers him a mysterious box, claiming it's just what he needs, Lomax hesitantly accepts the gift. The box brings great change, but for better or worse, who's to say?
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-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: http://coldsweat-comic.com/
-Short description:
Cold sweat is a wlw gothic romance comic between a newbie vampire with little ability to be one, and a rude male-passing woman. Both are outsiders to society and trying to survive.
-Updates: n/a
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-Tier: Gay
-Link: https://www.novaecomic.com/
-Short description: Novae is a historical romance with a touch magic and a dash of astronomy. It chronicles the adventures of Sulvain, a sweet tempered necromancer and Raziol, a passionate 17th century astronomer. A connection forms between them and their relationship blooms, however when the body of a fellow astronomer is found on the steps of the Academy of Sciences, their lives are entangled in ways they could never foresee.
-Updates: Mondays and thursdays
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>Dodo deprived
-Tier: Gay
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/Dodo-Deprived
-Short description:
Ruben can't sleep, and it's starting to impact his mental health; turns out the only way he found to let out some of that tension is by getting into fights with the town's delinquents! But one night, his classmate Dominic accidentally catches him in the act... Now Ruben has to make sure Dominic keeps that secret between them, and more importantly, finds a way to finally have a good night's rest!
-Updates: Mondays
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>Heart of Gold
-Tier: Gay or Tangentially gay (hard to tell atm)
-Link: https://heartofgoldcomic.com/
-Short description:
In a small French town, an unusual kind of mass is held: the local priest, Dunant, describes it as “faith healing”, promising those who are suffering will be healed of their ailments with just a single touch of his hands. Ionel, a pianist with albinism, seeks out Dunant‘s miraculous touch. He struggles with his failing eyesight, a condition that could potentially put an end to his career. Something about the priest’s blessing soon strikes him as odd, and so Ionel begins investigating.
Ionel uncovers several clues that draw him deeper into the mystery surrounding Dunant. As he starts to slowly befriend the priest, he finds himself delving further into a world of miracles and curses
-SFW so far
-Updates: n/a
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>Close Your Eyes, Look at the Mountains
-Tier: Tangentially trans (written by transwoman, most characters seem to be trans too)
-Link: https://cyelatm-archive.tumblr.com/
-Short description: Slice of life gag comic about silly little creatures doing silly things
-Updates: n/a
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-Tier: Not sure. Queer? Trans and gender non-conforming?
-Link: https://hellwickabbey.tumblr.com/
-Short description:
Hellwick is a NSFW comic about cultists who partake in cannibalism, set in a medieval/tudor-esque era.
-Webcomic version seems to be abandoned
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>Knigts Errant
-Tier: Trans – ftm. Possibly also Gay.
-Link: https://theyoungdoyler.com/
-Short description:
Knights Errant is a webcomic by Jennifer Doyle. Set in an ersatz middle-ages, the comic's plot focuses on the political tension between religions analogous to the Abrahamic religions.
-SFW so far. Might be NSFW later, knowing the author.
-Hiatus, no set date of return
please dont look at my typos.........
Oh, awesome, new comics.
more coming! I think I have a lot saved that I dont see in the cryptpad.
What's the stance on paid pdfs btw? I have a bunch that fall into that category.
I'm not sure if light novels would be okay either? The author of Knights Errant has one.
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Another L tier

>Run Wolf Run
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://runwolfrun.net/
-Short description:
things go awry on grad prom night when Rachel goes berserk and turns into a wolf-like beast, gravely injuring her classmate. Jude, who witnesses the incident, decides to take matters into her own hands and pays a visit to the detention centre...
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more L tier

>The Girl that can’t get a girlfriend
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://mieri.crd.co/
-Short description:
Mieri Hiranishi’s personal accounts of getting her first girlfriend, losing her first girlfriend, being a butch lesbian, and sometimes writing a manga
-Has been published; seems to be completed.
There is something comforting about the art style, reminds me of a better time
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>Countdown to countdown
-Tier: Tangentially gay? The two main characters seem to be in love according to the artist’s drawings on twitter, but the story focuses more on the plot.
-Link: http://ctccomic.com/
-Short description:
In the year 2044, “Demifloras”- humans that have developed inhuman abilities, are targeted and harvested for their pricey body parts. Iris Black, a Demiflora that possesses the ability to bring his drawings to life, is sheltered in a correctional facility that houses Demifloras. Outcasted for his inability to suppress his powers, he yearns to find a place that accepts him for who he is. His chance comes one night when a daring outsider sneaks into the lab.
-Updates: every Wednesday with 1-3 pages
is anyone else having trouble with Electric bones' rss feed? my reader keeps telling me theres nothing to fetch
What does /lgbt/ think of Rock & Riot?
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Fun fact: Despite this chef apparently being a major influence on Shuno's life, the author of this webcomic never bothered to give him a name.
trying to remember the names of some comics. there's one I remember so vividly, but I also recall it having a strange name. time to trawl my other computer for bookmarks.
I dont think I've ever read that one. Do you like it?
Is it Kaito Shuno?
sadly no, my brain isn't broken enough to forget a veritable masterpiece like that
note to self (or others interested in helping):
Chadolbaegi on tapas has multiple smaller yuri comics that I couldnt find in the pad

Similarly Tokimekuwaku has two yuri comics that also arent in the pad

aeestha on webtoons has at least one yuri, if not two (need to re-read Apology Letter to know if I'm misremembering)

Sunflowers and Lavender is another L tier I couldnt find

The creator of Apathetic boyfriends has an older BL, that I also couldnt find

-needs research-

I remember something about the author of Covenant catching heat for it being "too gay", then saying it was on purpose. Need to look further into that to confirm.

Homunculus is written by a trans author, who says on their tumblr that there will be a canon lesbian couple eventually. Not sure if it has dipped into it yet as it has been a while since I read it
> Do you like it?
I recall catching some of it back around the mid 2010s, back when I was still on Tumblr. Didn't really think much of it, as far as I recall. I simply happened upon it while browsing Pinterest for that old "pastel hipster lesbian" aesthetic. I have no clue why I'm drawn to stuff like picrel as of late, considering I'm a straight guy and I became allergic to Tumblr culture by 2017.
Might be that you're seeking it out to revisit a portion of the past. Memories can be funny like that. I have comics I don't particularly like, but I still revisit them because the stylistic choices and themes remind me of a time that no longer exists.
I was thinking this had something to do with nostalgia - and maybe a bit of taboo when it comes to the more in-your-face stuff? I might give Rock and Riot a shot, even if it's nothing to write home about, and look for webcomics with that same soft and queer aesthetic.
That sounds like a plausible reason, for sure. Sometimes it's fun digging into content aimed at a different demographic. Gives you a glimpse into another world, in a way.
There might be some of the ones I list that fall under that category (there's a lot of L tier comics with that feeling), but I hope you find some interesting stuff as well
I will because I'm marvelling at all the work you did!
Thank you, anon(ette?)!
Too anachronistic for me to be enjoyable.
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Oh nyoo, my typos... I'm glad to hear it though! I was a bit worried about spamming too much.
Here's the western light novel co-authored by the author of Knights Errant I mentioned earlier. Not sure if that belongs here at all (it probably doesn't), but it left a pretty big mark on me.

>Ritual Bluff
-Tier: Gay – Light Novel
-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18251141
-Short description:
Local dysfunctional jock Jackson Chen’s girlfriend, Shannon, has been cheating on him with the far richer, far taller, far more modelesque Jeremy Huang. Fate wills it that Jackson finds out. Fate also wills it that Jackson is spiteful enough to hook up with him to spite her.
-Hiatus: Missing last chapter
>I was a bit worried about spamming too much.
Your "spam" is MUCH more preferable to ceaseless "sniff" spam.
Those sniffs are what keep this thread active when no one has anything to post. Without them, we would need a new thread every day. You're not from around here are you?
Hot picture
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Here’s the one I was trying to remember.
Turns out it wasn’t the name of the comic that was weird, but rather the name of the author.
I mostly remember it for its great art, and for the scene where a guy refers to another guy’s penis as a sea cucumber. It has a strangely compelling mixture of fun bubbly hair colours, playful (at times borderline cringe) text and anime doll-like character proportions contrasted by a sad theme and a depressingly drab environment. Weird comic. Wish it had continued.

>Happy End
-Tier: Gay
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/Happy-End1/info
-Short description:
Nova longs for lost love in his dreams, but fills reality with visits to a brothel. One day Angel, a sex worker Nova often buys the services of, offers him a sample of a drug that appears to make dreams come true.
Yeah the artist is great at nailing the visual aspects of emotional storytelling. There's a great scene in knights errant too where someone forcibly brings another person's hand to their chest. Not sure if it is still up though, since they decided to redraw some things.
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going to sleep. Here's a short depressive SFW Gay comic (picrel):

and another link I stumbled upon. Havent read it so cant say much.

>Goodbye to Halos
-Tier: Trans and lesbian
-Short description: Main character falls through a portal to another world because their father abandons them. Meets a bunch of queer street kids?
-SFW from what I can tell
-link: https://www.goodbyetohalos.com/
-Indefinite hiatus/Abandoned
Link: https://www.goodbyetohalos.com/
>het and incest
i hope your nose gets all stuffed up!
hesitant to sniff because of all the recent lesbianity
It was alright. Very tumblr-ry but still sweet. I think we followed it for a while even?
Evropa sniff
I knew of some of these but I'd forgotten about them. Regardless all these recs seem pretty interesting anon, thanks!
dont worry anon, I'll sniff with you. Love can bloom even on the battlefield
>t. anon who spam posted L tier
Better lesbianity than heterosexuality, you must admit.
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Back at it again.
Here are Chadolbaegi's yuris* (Excluding the one that is in the pad now. Also excluding Ramen, because that one is only 3 pages/episodes long and doesnt contain much.)

-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/lifeguard/info
-Short description: Ran, a new lifeguard, spots a cutie (Meri) on the beach.

-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/getaway-/info
-Short description: A couple wins an all expenses paid romantic getaway! There's just one issue: One of them, Jo, feels like she has to lose weight to fit in her swimwear and avoid embarrassing her girlfriend. But does May even care?

>GL (yuri oneshots)
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/gl-yuri-oneshots/info
-Short description: A collection of yuri oneshots

>Shining star
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/shining-star-/info
-Short description: Mira — a girl from the stars — has made herself comfortable on Earth with a girl she loves and her mother.

>Shining star (prequel)
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/shining-star-prequel/info
-Short description: Prequel story to Shining Star
-SFW (mature pages aren't porn, it's just a butt)
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>TWGT (Tawagoto)
-Tier: Tangentially gay. (Author is a gay man, sometimes the male characters do things like playing the pocky game etc., seen from an obviously gay perspective)
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/TWGT/info
-Short description: the misadventures of various high-school students. everything ties together. (read from right-to-left order)
-Abandoned or indefinite hiatus
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Here's Tokimekuwaku's comics. They have a cool quirky art style and some fun concepts. Often a bit chaotic.

>Magical Girl Ganguro & Neet
-Tier: Lesbian (Gekka and Pomf) and Gay (The count and Baxter)
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/Magical-Girl-Ganguro-and-Neet/info
-Short description:
Anzu Yamada (Gekka) is a lazy, apathetic neet, who lives her day to day life in her shared apartment with her girlfriend, Pomf. But when trouble arises and it comes down to Gekka to change her ways, she decides to take on a journey that may very well change the course of her life and that of everyone else.
-SFW but with nsfw jokes
-Indefinite hiatus (May return one day in another form. Author loves these characters)

>My Girlfriend Summons the Devil
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/My-Girlfriend-Summons-The-Devil/info
-Short description: Two girlfriends in the boonies summon demons to do their bidding.
-Indefinite hiatus or abandoned
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Surprise: a GL webcomic that is still updating!
A rare treat, even if sweet everyday life sfw isnt my favourite. The art looks very cute.

>Sunflowers and Lavender
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/sunflowers-and-lavender/list?title_no=309725
-Short description: Falling in love isn't all flowers and rainbows, especially if you're Penny; a klutzy but sweet girl with a crush on the beautiful and kind Bianca. What's a gay girl to do?
-Updates: Mondays fortnightly
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>Senpai Addiction
-Tier: Gay
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/Senpai-Addiction/info
-Short description: Gag manga about a guy obsessed with his senpai. Quite awkward and weird. (Read right to left)
-NSFW (but not porn)
> Parallax
> -Tier: Gay
Does the protag become gay for his teacher or does a love interest show up later?
Your joke wore out your welcome. If you can't be arsed to at least comment on a comic panel, filename, or a recommendation, just don't say anything.
A love interest shows up later (another magical boy).
The author sadly had a bunch of real life issues as far as I recall, so the ending is a bit rushed. They do end up together though.
That's a relief. Considering there is no character bio other than. Lomax and Dan, I really thought for a moment that it was gonna be a wage gap thing.
Hopefully the author could work out those issues.
I think at one point the author might have considered introducing it as a precocious unreciprocated crush on Lomax's end. They had a horde of people accussing them for pedofilia right from the beginning of the comic's increase in popularity though, so I think they got overwhelmed and scared. From what I can tell they've disappeared off the internet. Last thing I heard was that they had taken on a job as a barrista or in a cafe or something.
*of. Of pedophilia. im tired and warm. somebody please turn off the sun
Is this from the actual game?
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Here's aeestha's comics.
Apology Letters is as silly and absurd as it is dark. It's a weird read, but I kind of like it.

>Apology Letters
-Tier: Lesbian or Tangentially lesbian.
The story is about grief, guilt, and being in pain, but also about longing for another person and a better life.
-Link: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/apology-letter/list?title_no=510545
-Short description: Slightly avant garde comic about suicide, depression, and a beautiful angel you want to stay with forever

>Mutually Devious:
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/mutually-devious-gl/list?title_no=675914
-Short description: Gag comic. A character from a novel isekai'd to the real world blackmails her author into becoming her girlfriend and teach her the ways of the new world.
-SFW from what I can tell
-Ongoing, no set schedule
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going to read through homunculus now. might stop by and post some more stuff from my bookmarks before I'm done though. It's fairly long from what I can tell. Quite beautiful too.
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>tfw no bf to hand hold with
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Whew. That was really good. Great sense of unease in this work, helped along by some truly beautiful b/w illustrations. The lesbians haven't lesbian'ed yet, and it doesn't seem like being trans or being lesbian is the main focal point. The themes definitely show signs of being influenced by the author's identity, however, in a more metaphorical sense.
To some degree I would describe this as a coming of age story. The characters are fairly young, and everything is all about figuring out what's going on, why you were born, why you are the way you are - feel the things you feel. One character has a crush on the person who made them, but it doesn't seem like this is going to be portrayed in a positive light (i.e. the person who made them appears to either be uninterested, or abusive).
Interesting story, but ultimately only tangentially lesbian.

-Tier: Tangentially lesbian. Maybe tangentially trans - mtf if you stretch it a little
-Link: https://homcomic.com/index.html
-Short description: Artificial beings living in an abandoned mansion begin questioning why everything is the way it is, whether they can become human, and whether the man who made them has good intentions or not.

The pain. The suffering.
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fuck I forgot to write the title. well. Guess this serves as my excuse for posting another panel.

-Tier: Tangentially lesbian.
-Link: https://homcomic.com/index.html
In a world… where holding hands is a crime punishable by death…
Wasn't the ending outright horrible?
checking out a few things, including covenant.
technically I found another lesbian tier comic, but I kind of dislike the art. ah well.

I can hear the voice...

Yeaaah in retrospect saying "a bit rushed" is putting it lightly. I guess it's horrible in the sense that if you've gotten attached to the characters it leaves you disappointed, because you're left with the knowledge that most of what the author had planned was dropped.
Not the worst I've read - but it does leave you unsatisfied.
>technically I found another lesbian tier comic, but I kind of dislike the art. ah well.
Throw it in anyway. Maybe it's more Tumblr stuff like >>35874663.
Alright. I guess I'll take this a my cue to post something else I'm conflicted on too
>Power Ballad
-Tier: Lesbian
-Link: https://www.webtoons.com/en/super-hero/power-ballad/list?title_no=987
-Description: Lesbians. One of them is a pop-star/vigilante, the other one is her personal assistant. They talk in cars and shit.
-Seems SFW
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This one I'm conflicted on for a completely different reason.
The art is great, but the story never really caught me (it was too 800 episode YA fiction for my tastes). I'm also not sure if it's too tangential to count.
Wasn't in the pad though, and it does have a rather high production value, so I could see somebody else liking it.
This was started around the time Homestuck was big, and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't show. There are fake alien languages, the format shows one standalone panel at the time, and if I'm not misremembering there are animations too. Maybe if you crave something that's very clearly from the 2010s with lots of world building aimed at a teenage audience you'll like it? I don't know. But it's there if you want it.

>Ava's Demon
-Tier: Tangentially Bisexual, Tangentially gay (Ava has an unrequited crush on Maggie, but later seems to be pushed by the narrative to get with Odin. Wrathia and Nevy are ex-lovers, but Wrathia's current partner is a man. Gil is gay.)
-Link: https://avasdemon.com/
-Description: Teens in space have various demons that they're trying to manage. Also there's an evil church-empire-thing I believe. It's long.
-SFW from what I've seen
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These two are partially locked behind a paywall.
I haven't read them, but I know that they exist. Blood Bank seems fairly popular in some circles?

>Blood Bank
-Tier: Gay
-Link: https://www.lezhin.com/en/comic/bloodbank (note: not accessible without membership)
-Short description: Vampires keep humans as pets, and the humans are perfectly fine with this Because Pheromones. Except this one guy who’s immune to it. Despite his attempts at hiding it, a vampire finds out.
(Originally written in Korean but appears to have an official English translation)


>Night Fragments
-Tier: Gay
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/night-fragments (note: not accessible without membership)
-Short description: After death certain humans are reborn as Dream Watchers - spirits guarding the dreams of humans in a vulnerable state. one dream watcher falls in love with his human.
-Seems to be SFW
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Going to bed now.
Here's two links with two comics each. Will check if it's something once I get to it, unless someone else does it first.

Should probably look into editing the cryptpad too. I havent tried it before. Here's another set of panels from what I assume is Blood Bank. Sleep well.
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I apologize for the lack of Zocker posts. In my defense, I am on a work trip on the south coast of England, with very little spare time to post as I'm working at sea dawn to dusk, looking at fish in underwater photographs. Could be a /wcg/ dream if I spotted a mertwunk in my data, unfortunately it's just starfish, crabs, scallops, clams, starfish again, algae, soft corals, urchins and more starfish. Seen a couple plaice and catsharks, but so far no sign of the elusive mershotas

Previously: Felix is exhausted and wants to go to bed. Tobias smokes too much and is not good at communicating.
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All of this overthinking could have been avoided with some communication, but where would be the drama in that?
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Looks like Tobias has been thinking hard about the kisses he had with Felix for several months now, and hoping for more
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meanwhile, in the other room
>do these pants make my ass look flat
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Here is a panel that the author partly redrew to benefit greatly from the Webtoon format in a very good way >>35891705

>echt sauber
lit. real clean, translated as "sweet" (in an ironic way) in the English version
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Also I think that this Webtoon panel >>35891754 shows Zockl's feeling of isolation better than the original format
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"Bin ich ihm nicht genug?" - Am I not enough for him? is probably what Tobias confusingly worries about in the brain cloud of his insecurities
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>End of the reading sample
>This is where the reading sample of "Zocker – Level Up" ends. Many
>thanks to the diligent commenters and to the silent readers!
>You can read the rest of this comic in printed form. Until February
>10th, 2018 you can order this and all of my other comics using the
>order form on this page and in the description of the doujinshi.
>Otherwise, you can also subscribe to my newsletter (link also under
>the page) to be informed about new releases and order phases.
>I hope that we'll read each other again soon, or that we'll see each
>other at LBM 2018!

From here on and until the end of this chapter, only the English Webtoon version is available online. I'll keep posting it here. The German version will be back in the following chapter.
Hnnnng, ywn huff an edgy emo boy junk
we warned you about ciggies bro
we warned you
Sniff and mämpf and all that
Ah, Ava's demon. It was posted a few threads ago actually, wasn't it? I like it fine, although it feels like I've been reading it for a decade and we're still nowhere close to the end.
>tfw your boyfriend is a giant pussy so you have to man up and just take him
Ah no clue sadly, I only got here recently (was casually browsing gens when I saw somebody requested L-tier further up ITT)
I think you hit the nail on the head with that description of it though. Feels a bit like long-running serialized mangas.
first link turned out to be nothing after all. onwards to something else.
eh. skimmed through Tapas' BL tag for fun. I don't think I'll be reading any of these, but here they are.

>His eyes were alexandrite
-Gay, SFW (mature flagged page is blood)
-Tagged mystery and horror. Guy accidentally enters another guy's dream.

-Gay, NSFW* (*no porn though. One page has attempted sexual assualt.)
-standard zombie apocalypse setting, except gay.

>Petting order
-Gay, NSFW
-Standard boss+assistant porn setup.

>More than safe
-Gay, NSFW
-Seems like a regular K-drama style setup, except it's gay and has porn scenes

>Do you even witch
-Gay, SFW
-They're teenagers. It's tagged slice of life, romance, and magic.

>Mated to the Ruthless Alpha
-Gay, NSFW
-Standard omegaverse porn setup.

>No way
-Gay, NSFW* (*porn located on patreon.)
-A blonde elf and a vampire elf. They're engaged. There is no plot.

-Gay, NSFW* (*porn located on patreon)
-They're auditioning to be kpop idols. also they're gay.

Whenever I see these I'm imagining the gen is haunted by a dog.
I remember u was conflicted
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Scratch and sniff
this pretty accurately captures the frustration I feel when things don't move fast enough for me
Damn a bush to thick my dick would just vanish into it
I'm a different person now. I see slop, and then I serve it. Character deterioration.
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Browsed through the entirety of Tapas' lgbt tag. Ended up with 7 comics that I think have a certain level of polish to their art, staging, and manuscript.
Also found a cute one with 5k views that I assume is the author's first webcomic.

I'll return.
Jesus, you could make a coat out of all those pubes
A second sniff.
A mampf to follow two sniffs.
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Cute. Have read through about 100 pages of this one so far. English doesn’t appear to be the author’s native language; the phrasing in dialogue tends to be affected by this.
Main character’s anxiety is treated as more than a simple exaggerated anime quirk; it remains a serious problem for him that he has to work on, even once he starts dating the guy he likes. If you’ve ever been diagnosed with anxiety yourself this one might be worth a shot.

-Gay, rarely nsfw (optional patreon)
-Link: https://tapas.io/series/BooKeeper/info
-Short description: A shy guy with crippling anxiety gets a job in an attempt to overcome his fears. Having to talk to customers scares him. Having to talk to his employer also scares him, even more so when he realizes he is attractive, interested, and available.
-Updates: Ongoing, appears to update twice a month
Poor people, they were a cute couple.
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important panel
>/wcg/ reading Jamie demanding that the author end Aiden's torment
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>Whenever I see these I'm imagining the gen is haunted by a dog.
this woman is the correct amount of horny i love it
If he's going to fuck the werewolf, I did not see that coming.
Go, fuck in the snow.
do update!
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Bookeeper ( >>35905188 ) is the first one (ngl it has its grip on me now. Might read all 281 or so pages)

Others I have lined up for when I come home later are

Ghost lights: https://tapas.io/series/Ghost-Lights/info
Bad Boy Crash Course: https://tapas.io/series/Bad-Boy-Crash-Course/info
Idiots to Lovers: https://tapas.io/series/Idiots-to-Lovers/info
Monster Appartment: https://tapas.io/series/Monster-Apartment--Lil-Bites/info (this is the one that seems like it's the author's first webcomic. It's actually pretty cute)

9mm Girls: https://globalcomix.com/a/sk6
Ladies of the Knight: https://tapas.io/series/LOTK/info
Monsters and Girls: https://tapas.io/series/Monsters-and-Girls/info

well fuck wasn't here for this so I'm going to have to need you to drop a title. Because obviously I need more stuff to read. Obviously. (maybe I've already read it and forgot though. I'm so fucking bad with names)

thug sniff
Wow, that's a lot.
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There's a few of them with a fair amount of pages this time around. Which is refreshing, considering how many webcomics get abandoned or go on indefinite hiatus before even reaching 50.

In other news I'm back home and stuffed full of antibiotics now. This means it's tea time. And comics time.
I'd wish I had a little biscuit too.
>well fuck wasn't here for this so I'm going to have to need you to drop a title. Because obviously I need more stuff to read. Obviously. (maybe I've already read it and forgot though. I'm so fucking bad with names)

It's "Jamie". It's on the recommendation chart >>35802439 though I think the author resets the story so often it got memed into being a "timeloop"
I wonder how Odessa anon is doing, we haven’t heard from him in a wile
he joined his local neo nazi group and is busy enacting pogroms as we speak
>god forbid i push myself at the thing i'm allegedly doing for a living
Parody of a man.
>Most hard working webcomic author
Didn't he emigrate to Germany?
Alt text:
>Now you' gone and done it, the boy's vibrating again
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/wcg/ I have a confession to make I’m gay
what kind of underwear do you wear
Post hole.
I assume "let my wolf run free" means "hang dong"
Under amor boxer briefs in grey
I can’t I don’t want this threat to get deleted
Prove it.
We hit the bump limit, rejoice.
Oh wow.
Praise be to Adrian
Post hole on /hm/ and then link to it here.

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