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>Zebra’s can’t be domesticated because blacks couldn’t do it, so therefore white Europeans only became successful because of their geography!
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>just don't mention IQ
cruise control for sardonic wit
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How come there is no footage of someone riding a zebra for more than a few minutes?
Um this is weird.
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Germans during WW1 used them as transport animals lol

you are one of those idiots that would believe anything if there's a grainy picture of it. even the guy riding a bear. you must think he rides across the ranch like that ever day
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Intelligence doesn't matter but 60 IQ bush people are actually totally more intelligent than whites.
Zebras aren't real. Jared Diamond probably has some masonic background or relation.
He said in the book that Papa New Guineans are probably more intelligent than Europeans for genetic reasons.
The fact this book, which has basic errors in the table of contents it was so poorly fact checked, is basically half the Japanese section at book stores is a travesty.
Forgot pic

btw, this is a very badly painted horse
He's right though. Europeans only became successful because they were lucky to be born in an environment that provides them all the resources they need to survive all year round. Europe, especially northern Europe, has an overabundance of resources like snow and ice which gave Europeans an unfair advantage over Africa.
>evolution stopped at the neck because well ummmm it just did okay
one day we'll look back on this era the same way we today look at lobotomies and geocentrism
africa got conquered in ancient times im a really meant to believe they never bought any horse over
this is actually historical fiction
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>t. hasn't read the book
He's a yid
Horses were one of the things they traded their slaves to the Europeans for. IIRC 1 horse was worth two slaves to them. The main thing they wanted was textiles though.

they had horses wherever they could surive and where it made sense to have them. same with other animals like cattle or goats.
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A donkey is literally, unequivocally, in all matters both physically and spiritually, a domesticated zebra, and was first domesticated around the 'ear' of Africa: Somalia, Ethiopia, and into Egypt. I *genuinely* do not understand what the issue is with everyone - including Jared Diamond. Furthermore, Africans did independently domesticate cattle and develop rudimentary small-scale iron metallurgy.

As far as I know that 'outdated' meme you hear from time to time is maybe just true: that Africans aren't necessarily stupid, but that a warm/tropical predictable climate unironically does discourage innovation and development - for whatever reason.
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well this is awkward
>for whatever reason
More distinct seasons = more incentive for longer-term thinking/planning, seems likely.
The issue with geographic determinism is that by its own logic Europe shouldn't have succeeded because the Middle East, America, India, or China are all incomparably better "starting positions" for a civilization that wishes to go on and become world hegemon than Europe is.
If Europe was a separate continent from Asia, they wouldn't have: it is only later that pluralization caused by Protestantism lead to the steam engine, the first time in history that Britain became more advanced than China technologically. China's downfall was that their river-based structure supported high civilization but also high centralization: analogous technical inventions are showcased in the book which were actually banned due to central control that is the result of high civilization based on river structures.
Because they weren't domesticated which takes hundreds or even thousands of years. It took us 30,000 years or so to turn wolves into pugs.
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>midwit fell for the meme.

feral hogs can be domesticated immediately. wild dogs and foxes were domesticated in russia within a single generation. niggers were domesticated in less than 100 years
>sub saharans did absolutely nothing with their infinity land, infinity resources and infinity range of animals

I don't like jews
They also domesticated the camel
This is such a stupid comparison, africa is not a country with homogenous population or similar laws and lack of bureaucratic impediments, etc
I know. thats why this graph is divided into its respective countries. also you dont need laws or legislation to have agricultural growth. this map indicates that virtually no agriculture of any kind, either federal, commercial or independant has taken place, by native population
>you dont need laws or legislation to have agricultural growth
You actually do lol. Have you retards never left your privileged countries to find out how unfair land distribution is in the old world? Land use is an extremely touchy subject in africa, where the colonialists introduced title deeds and other land laws which make it even more complicated for governments to make any useful plans for the future. I suggest you visit a modern african city to see just how chaotic urban development is because the govt doesn't have useful criteria for enforcing land use. You get situations where some land is owned by a community but they don't have title deeds while some geriatric politician who was once an office clerk in the colonial government saw this loophole and grabbed the land to build some hotel. The community representatives take him to court and the case drags out for decades because he understands the system better than they do. The land is now occupied by hotels and corrugated iron sheet slums belonging to the community. This is how land is used in africa because the concept of capitalist ownership is not as well established as it is in the west.
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you just dont get it. a man building one garden plot in his backyard is agricultural growth. they dont even do that. the problem isnt "colonialists" the problem is aficans are just fucking stupid they cant fend for themselves even if they took their land back. they would go right back to where they were precolonial times. As a matter of fact, being occupied and given modern technology only made things worse for most africans because now they cant go back to only killing eachother with sticks and rocks
>they would go right back to where they were precolonial times
Maybe that's a good thing seeing as to how they were able to fend for themselves before the white man disrupted their natural lifestyle. Have you ever thought of that side of the argument? Do you think they didn't farm or rear cattle before white people arrived?
>TFW blacks hadn't invented the chair when Europeans got there in the XV century because Africa goes from North to South, instead of going from West to East.
Retard never heard of stools, frankly threads like these end up exposing how willfully ignorant you faggots are about the world outside your countries, they can fashion iron tipped spears but somehow can't make stools or chairs?
Show me chairs or stools made by blacks from before the XV century.
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considering they dont farm or raise pasture animals when in their "natural state" now, i'd say no.
Here is a sculpture of a nok man sitting on a stool. The nok culture thrived from 500BC to 500 AD in modern day nigeria.
Of course they don't because a random white man pic you found on the internet, said or never said so?
>random white man

reading is hard huh
no, finding evidence for your retarded claims, it seems, is even harder.
>Zebras can’t be domesticated because of how aggressive they are
>Africanized Bees are the most dangerous type of Bee in the world
It appears that Africa’s environment predisposes the creatures that evolved in it to heightened levels of aggression, making it so that they are incapable of being domesticated/civilized
Which genetic factors did he point out in particular?
Which inventions were banned?
>My perspective on this controversy comes from 33 years of working with New Guineans in their own intact societies. From the very beginning of my work with New Guineans, they impressed me as being on the average more intelligent, more alert, more expressive, and more interested in things and people around them than the average European or American is. At some tasks that one might reasonably suppose to reflect aspects of brain function, such as the ability to form a mental map of unfamiliar surroundings, they appear considerably more adept than Westerners. Of course, New Guineans tend to perform poorly at tasks that Westerners have been trained to perform since childhood and that New Guineans have not. Hence when unschooled New Guineans from remote villages visit towns, they look stupid to Westerners. Conversely, I am constantly aware of how stupid I look to New Guineans when I’m with them in the jungle, displaying my incompetence at simple tasks (such as following a jungle trail or erecting a shelter) at which New Guineans have been trained since childhood and I have not.
>It’s easy to recognize two reasons why my impression that New Guineans are smarter than Westerners may be correct. First, Europeans have for thousands of years been living in densely populated societies with central governments, police, and judiciaries. In those societies, infectious epidemic diseases of dense populations (such as smallpox) were historically the major cause of death, while murders were relatively uncommon and a state of war was the exception rather than the rule. Most Europeans who escaped fatal infections also escaped other potential causes of death and proceeded to pass on their genes. Today, most live-born Western infants survive fatal infections as well and reproduce themselves, regardless of their intelligence and the genes they bear. In contrast, New Guineans have been living in societies where human numbers were too low for epidemic diseases of dense populations to evolve. Instead, traditional New Guineans suffered high mortality from murder, chronic tribal warfare, accidents, and problems in procuring food.
>Intelligent people are likelier than less intelligent ones to escape those causes of high mortality in traditional New Guinea societies. However, the differential mortality from epidemic diseases in traditional European societies had little to do with intelligence, and instead involved genetic resistance dependent on details of body chemistry. For example, people with blood group B or O have a greater resistance to smallpox than do people with blood group A. That is, natural selection promoting genes for intelligence has probably been far more ruthless in New Guinea than in more densely populated, politically complex societies, where natural selection for body chemistry was instead more potent...That is, in mental ability New Guineans are probably genetically superior to Westerners
>genes for intelligence has probably been far more ruthless
Quite unscientific, I was hoping he'd point out some specific testing that was conducted. Although interesting observations nonetheless.
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There has been testing. It's called GWAS where they find genetic correlates between measured traits and SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms; locations where it is variable in the human genome). It's in the exact direction any non-retard would expect.
What he did there is what he did in the rest of that book and what this anon>>23400234 is doing here; they play connect the stars and make a unverifiable-but-plausible-sounding-story to overfit some observations and ignore the rest.
They are some of the dumbest people on the planet in reality. Actual brain eating cannibals and jungle rapists. I don’t know why Australia didn’t wipe them out.
This is a fake quote btw. It was made by that Jew on twitter who believes in Atlantis and whose father was a movie producer. He took it from a neo-nazi magazine from the 1970s. It doesn't appear in either German or English editions of African Notebook. If you ask him he copes by saying it was "removed" from newer edition while never posting evidence. You can download old editions and see it's not there.

A graphic of America would say the exact thing.
I think both Diamond's position and that of his most vocal detractors are insupportable. People generally do what they have to (as well as what they can get away with). Africans did not need to domesticate animals, there was no selection pressure to do so. This was not the case in other places where there was a strong selective pressure for cultures which did domesticate. Any cultural change, especially regarding modes of production, has costs and benefits associated with it. In Africa the benefits of domestication did not provide enough surplus fitness to offset the costs of maintaining and grazing animals, etc.
Black people are also generally dumber but that has nothing to do with it.
This is probably one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
So New Guineans are smarter than Westerners because they live like Neanderthals and Westerners are stupid because they purposefully developed a society where you don't have to live like a Neanderthal.
Of course going on this logic the smarter group must be the one who is more fit to survive which means the New Guineans with their dwindling numbers due to tribal warfare and lack of food in a far off corner of the world are more fit to survive because they can follow a jungle trail and erect a shelter, something a westerner could never do.
And the westerners who have taken over the globe with countless densely packed cities full of skyscrapers, roads, markets, why those poor morons must be on the verge of extinction!

There is absolutely nothing inherently special about white people
>cultures which did domesticate.

almost no cultures domesticated animals. you only had one domestication event for each of the breeds of livestock (a literal handful). this means 99% of the tribes/civilizations out there adopted domesticated animals from elsewhere. if the africans didn't adopt these (and they often did--such as cattle and goats) it was because they conditions were not right for it. i don't know why everybody here is pretending that Africans do not or did not practice animal husbandry.
>niggers were domesticated in less than 100 years
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Well. as domesticated as a pitbull anyway
>And the westerners who have taken over the globe with countless densely packed cities full of skyscrapers, roads, markets, why those poor morons must be on the verge of extinction!
>but that a warm/tropical predictable climate unironically does discourage innovation and development - for whatever reason
Which in turn does not put evolutionary pressure for higher IQs.
>unironically does discourage innovation and development - for whatever reason.
Because what's the point? Look at how smart areas are cold/temperate: it's evolution. In Europe you had to be smart and adapt, so the weak and dumb got killed off, leaving the fit and strong.
In warm tropics it's easy to live, so you don't gotta adapt. You STILL see tribes in Africa not because they can't progress, but because they don't need to progress.
Lol this nigga never heard of an Eskimo
I dont think Diamond made anyone dumber, I think they were already dumb and he found a solid market niche by confirming their biases

yeah let's just pretend that egypt and babylonia never happened, nor the indus valley. and also let's pretend that the eskimos, the iroquois and the mohicans were an advanced civilization
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This book does a good job of explaining why some cultures DIDN'T succeed. Doesn't explain why Europe went from a back-water to world dominators in the second millennium.
They are adapted, they have, on average, the highest spatial IQ in the world. Navigation, my friend.

Europeans and East Asians also killed their criminals for years and years and years, just something to consider (eugenics)
>egypt and babylonia
North Africa and the near east, at that point in time, were rather tropical, hence, civilization flourished.
yea, animals will return to a feral state when you let them back into the wild
Feels like cope; the intellectual output of Europe was and still is insane, even beyond what IQ would suggest.
>More distinct seasons = more incentive for longer-term thinking/planning, seems likely.
Yeah, but the argument that this didn't apply evolutionarily pressure, hence there being genetic difference in intelligence, is crazy to me. It's just not possible that it didn't.
nigga who the fuck do you think came up with the term africanised bees?
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In actuality we have some data. Intelligence of ancient hunter gathers even in Europe was probably very low and comparable to 3rd world countries (based on what was explained here >>23401145
GWAS). EA3, EA4 and IQ PGS are polygenic scores more or less predicting Educational Attainment (EA) and IQ respectively.
What this study in particular found (and replicated an earlier result) was that Intelligence in pre-modern times likely peaked in Republican Rome (whom were eventually genetically replaced by Near-Easterners and Greeks). Vikings were also likely quite dumb.
In just the same way Jared makes his story, I could do the same but one that doesn't scream incredulity and better yet is backed by data.
Civilization and its emergent complexity creates selection pressures that favor pro-Civilization traits (at least initially) such as intelligence and cooperation. Whilst in a hunter-gatherer society a 90 IQ and 120 IQ can pretty much survive equally well in their simple instant-gratification environment (eat food, drink water, stay warm etc.), early civilization allows for the cleverer person to get ahead somehow (be it by better delaying gratification, being a good merchant, a skilled artisan etc.). In other words, applying a selection pressure to humans that is not unlike how it domesticated dogs. This gives rise to a high civilization like Ancient Rome or Renaissance Europe. Eventually this process likely starts to reverse, as the society becomes so advanced that the pressures are nullified or even reversed (as we see today; intelligence is negatively correlated with fertility (welfare queans)), though in Rome's case (and happening today as well), as I stated earlier, the replacement of the population that created the civilization almost certainly played a much bigger role as this happens much quicker than the slow process of dysgenics.
Irrespective of the post-hoc rationalization, the observations take precendence. To try to make a claim that New Guineans are smarter than the people that created nearly everything in the modern world and have sent probes outside the solar system is something only a Jew could come up with.
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Note how low the PGS is for hunter-gatherers, and how high it is for Iron Age Italians (Republican Romans).
>Vikings were also likely quite dumb
Not necessarily dumb in retrospect, just certainly not bright or as bright as later (modern) populations or Ancient Romans. By the way a note on the Y Axis, it means standard deviations from the modern European population. So for example if we look at the Hunter-Gatherer samples in pic rel, they average is predicted to be ~3 standard deviations below the modern European average in educational attainment (i.e. less than 1%ile), while the Republican Romans would on average be predicted to be about on par with modern Europeans.
What's on the Y axis?

>applying a selection pressure to humans that is not unlike how it domesticated dogs
So, a whole lotta aggressive inbreeding? I knew the Pakis were onto something.
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And here is a visualization of the genetics of Rome. Note how during the (later) Imperial Era Actual Romans pretty much ceased to exist
>In other words, applying a selection pressure to humans that is not unlike how it domesticated dogs.

Meanwhile the actual paper:
>Collectively, these findings emphasize the intricate nature of evolutionary patterns, suggesting that trait changes over time can be shaped not just by direct selection effects but also by pleiotropic effects.


> Eventually this process likely starts to reverse, as the society becomes so advanced that the pressures are nullified or even reversed

Meanwhile the actual paper:
>In cognitive variables, a robust negative correlation with age was noted for EA3, IQ and SES, suggesting an evolutionary trend in these traits (Figure 3). The effect size for EA3 and EA4 was reduced by approximately 50% after accounting for ancestry but continued to be significant (β = −0.127 and −0.141, p < .001). The impact of genome age on IQ and SES was slightly less (−0.111) compared to EA after ancestry control, yet remained noteworthy. The increase in cognitive PGSs was about 0.12 SDs per 1000 years, implying that 10,000 years ago the PGSs for cognitive
abilities were about 1.2 SDs lower than they are today.
That's including contemporary EUR sample.
Hey Alexander Dugin didn’t know you posted here!
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This doesn't really contradict what I said. What I said about the reversal is objectively true in modern times, and ancient times. Farming began in Europe about 10,000 years ago. But in any case the story matters less than the observations.
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>Eventually this process likely starts to reverse, as the society becomes so advanced that the pressures are nullified or even reversed
It's not society per se, but it's due to industrialization. The child morality rate has greatly improved, but it comes at a price: dysgenics. Now, there's some evidence that suggests intelligence is positively associated with general health, so put them both together. Yeah. But, of course, we shouldn't reverse this. I'm in favour of germline genetic engineering if it's possible soon, and if not, then we may have to try and artificially increase the birth rate of the intelligent caste, but only without killing; it's antithetical to the point as to why one wants to do this. Regarding germline genetic engineering, there are so, so many unknown unknowns that it's best to make as few changes as possible. The point being that we could have this society, but we'd have to change some things so the intelligent caste outbreeds the unintelligent caste. Castration, etc., etc., is off limits because it's too cruel. One idea is to pay rich and, therefore, intelligent people to reproduce, but they'd be less susceptible to that due to their aforementioned wealth. Not in our lifetime, but Western civilisation is certainly going to fall without radical and total change. Sad. This is the most common reason why civilisations fail, if only we could break the cycle and ascend. I understand arguments against eugenics beyond purely ones relating to praxis, but to remove oneself from the process is to remove the basis of existence.
>abilities were about 1.2 SDs lower than they are today.
That's still shocking. We are regressing; look at the intellectual output just after the industrial revolution.. It has to be partly due to dysgenics.

Per capita genius was 16 in the Victorian era and now, well, in 2005, was 4.
>This doesn't really contradict what I said

>Eventually this process likely starts to reverse, as the society becomes so advanced that the pressures are nullified or even reversed
>In cognitive variables, a robust negative correlation with age was noted for EA3, IQ and SES, suggesting an evolutionary trend in these traits (Figure 3). The effect size for EA3 and EA4 was reduced by approximately 50% after accounting for ancestry but continued to be significant (β = −0.127 and −0.141, p < .001). The impact of genome age on IQ and SES was slightly less (−0.111) compared to EA after ancestry control, yet remained noteworthy. The increase in cognitive PGSs was about 0.12 SDs per 1000 years, implying that 10,000 years ago the PGSs for cognitive abilities were about 1.2 SDs lower than they are today. That's including contemporary EUR sample.
Why hasn't anyone just studied Georgian and Victorian era Britons? Or have they?
A scientist, so not a nigger.
You're right. I searched it and couldn't find it, even in old editions. In fact, he actually says the opposite:
>During the many years in which I've had to do with the Negroes, although I've had so many occasions for anger, I've learnt to respect and value them, and I believe this will be the experience of every European who associates with them not as a superior but as a human being.
Turns out /pol/shits are filthy liars, who would have thought.
Everyone in here is full of shit. Intelligence might have played a minor role in the success of some countries like Europe, but in reality it's because of energy. Niggers are low energy, that's why they never evolve past the tribal state (neither do yellowids, they just have more spatial intelligence than niggers wich allowed them to outcompete the niggers who settled the cold parts of the world. It is not that there have never been niggers in the north, nor that humans develop lighter skin due to living in colder climates, but that the niggers, inferior to the Finno-Ugro-Mongol tribes, were pushed out by the latter away from the cold climates).
In any way, it is only the white people who have energetic ideas that go past the satisfaction of the self and that animalistic anxious aggression of the lower races, no matter what his goal, always went there with a greater consciousness on the intrinsic value of their actions.
So I read on twatter, that "actual romans" ceased to exist due to near eastern migration. but that after the fall, "actual romans" repopulated the entire peninsula again because they survived and multiplied in the provincial areas, while the cities saw massive depopulation. if this is what really happened, could we see the same thing recapitulate in the US with whites of the interior? presuming a collapse.
I don't know how a collapse would look in the 21st century. Personally I think technology saves Western civilization from collapse in the sense of Rome. America's future should technology be stagnant would effectively be Brazil, which is still not a collapsed state. Just a highly dysfunctional one.
rome lost its technology too, there are so many ways america could lose its own, brain drain, being outpaced by china, nuclear war, dei quotas diluting your competence, the list is endless
>I don't know how a collapse would look in the 21st century.
there are so many different things happening rn converging at a singular cataclysmic point which will end civilization as we know it. biggest one of these is oil depletion. industrial civ depends on oil for literally everything. it's over without oil. at some point in the next 30 years, oil will become so expensive that it will be rationed only for the production of food, medicine, and distribution of these two. next is land degradation. yields will decrease by 10% in the next 25 years while food demand increases by 50% in the same period. and finally, we have antibiotic resistance and the coming of a real pandemic (not a fake and gay one like corona). we also have dozens of other shit going on like migrations overwhelming nations, civil unrest, etc. countries turning into venezuela/haiti tier hellholes. this is collapse.
Not that anon but doubt that any of that is going to be dramatic. Most people's capacity for accommodating to an increasingly lower quality of life is practically limitless within the bounds of technical minimums, like starvation. It has already been going on for quite a while now, things are getting worse and worse all around by the year and most of us are given no choice but to make peace with it. Like when you read works from late antiquity you can plainly see that rather than recognizing that societal chaos, massive depopulation, warfare, etc. didn't use to be normal people just accept them as a part of life. Especially when that society effectively has no past to remember since it was majority illiterate.
Which Jew from X .com and whats wrong with Atlantis?
>Early life
>Diamond was born on September 10, 1937, in Boston, Massachusetts. Both of his parents were Ashkenazi Jewish


I have yet to see a definiton of 'intelligence' that isn't tautological.
Capabilities in pattern recognition tests. That's the one that actually matters and what we're talking about when we say that intelligence is the biggest single predictor for the success of both individuals and societies.
>evolutionarily pressure

you wouldn't have survived in africa. that's for sure
You're not stupid for not understanding that this is tautological, just poorly educated.
>Europeans only became successful because of their geography!
the biggest anti-racist cope ever.
part and parcel i suppose

>at some point in the next 30 years,

do you realize how much oil is discovered every year?

>food demand increases by 50%

why? global fertility rates are plummeting. sure for now, africa is bucking the trend, but they will be in the same situation soon enough.
>do you realize how much oil is discovered every year?
Harder starting costs, especially if civilization shits the bed. You don't have ponds of the shit just sitting around anymore.
>africa is bucking the trend, but they will be in the same situation soon enough
Assuming they don't migrate (they are)
>do you realize how much oil is discovered every year?
was this supposed to be a gotcha question? because if you knew even the basics of this field, you'd know that new discoveries have been shrinking consistently, year by year. The quality of finds is also inferior, with an EROI of like 15:1. things will continue to get worse, there's no stopping this.

it's true that TFRs are falling globally, but the global population will still increase. populations don't start receding the moment they go below the replacement rate.
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pack it up fellas. we're done here
>so therefore white Europeans only became successful because of their geography!
Yes, but also just being total fuckups whose society neccesiated sacrificing social wellbeing for the sake of progress and allowing banks to dominate society.

We already look back on people that believe in race in that manner and I don't see that changing any time soon.
If Jews did it that just proves the abject intellectual inferiority of the western male and the inherent correctness of their extinction.
It's true though.

Pretending it's about IQ is fucking hilarious. Nobody that causes two world wars has a above average IQ. Western society is noticeable only in it's faults and it's geography. Intellectually they have always been a backwater.

nah, you are talking about short term trends, which says nothing about what is discovered in the future. also those old "discoveries" of the past are continually being estimated upwards and when first discovered did not look like what they do now on a chart. same will happen to current discoveries. in the future, they will just be adjusted upwards to reflect the larger size of the reserve and they will not look as small as they do now. people have been scaremongering "peak oil" for a hundred years, ever since oil was first discovered and they have always been wrong.
Delicious brown tears.
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you dont need to be "intelllectually superior" to manipulate the masses. civilizations across the world have been doing it for centuries. kikes only have an edge due to their penis-god cult which tells them to conspire amongst themselves, and these days they arent doing so great of a job with that. The one time native europeans did that, they were conspired against by zionist occupied governments and utterly destroyed.

I wouldnt attribute the "success" of the baby eaters to their "intelligence". The greatest factor behind their reign is internationalism and allowing foreigners to be involved in commerce and government. There was a reason jews were constantly banished from kingdoms and only people within a nation could on land, have positions of power. because those laws were laxed over time, those cultists slowly infested nations and rooted deep in them over centuries, permitting them to commit atrocities unchecked. I doubt Hitler even knew the full extent of the jews hold on the world, even at the time, (having spoken so highly of the British empire even during the war)
>kikes only have an edge due to their penis-god cult which tells them to conspire amongst themselves
To quote the Spongebob movie: "Cheating? What do you think this is, a game of kickball?"

It does not matter why you win, only that you win. Humans cannot take on a elephant in hand to hand combat yet we still dominate the planet. To not understand that shows your abject inferiority.
>and these days they arent doing so great of a job with that
Just two more weeks, anon!
>The one time native europeans did that, they were conspired against by zionist occupied governments and utterly destroyed.
Yes, anon. That is called "Playing the game". If Hitler actually believed in anything, he didn't since he was a non sapient animal that wanted to destroy humanity, he should have understood that perfectly. He did not, because again non sapient animal, and spend most of the war he started complaining about people cheating.

> The greatest factor behind their reign is internationalism and allowing foreigners to be involved in commerce and government.
Then their victory is all but assured since you can no more stop globalism than you can stop the tide from turning.
You sound vindictive. Unfortunately for you there is a way to reverse all of this. All it takes is one man
>You sound vindictive.
No? I'm just being factual.

>Unfortunately for you there is a way to reverse all of this.
Ending humanity, which is what you want to do. Thankfully a sheep can never oppose a lion.
>Assuming they don't migrate (they are)

if they migrate, their fertility would drop even faster, because they become just like everybody else in the west, unable to afford children
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They really hallucinated an entire history on that almost historically non-existent nog.
I'm talking about oil discoveries going back to the 50s, not short term trends. The data are clear on this, stop acting retarded.

>people have been scaremongering "peak oil" for a hundred years
this is the problem with discussing topics with unstudied morons. it's like talking to a wall, very unproductive like what the permian basin is becoming. peak oil is fully accepted in the industry and by scholars. In the 50s, Hubbert made his prediction of lower 48 production declines by the 70s. People thought he was crazy, but he was proven right in the end with the oil crisis of the 70s. his prediction was right on the money. production rates followed the curve until the late 2000s when shale plays became economical due to the price of oil. the problem now is that it's finally over for shale. pic related. the good stuff has been exploited, and the remainder is shit with terrible EROI. all the biggest wells are in decline and we will enter a post-fossil fuel world in the 2050s-2060s. it's over, kid. start saving seeds.
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Our guy was way closer to the mark and he wasn't even looking for it.
it's funny you post a chart of the lower 48 states as though that's the entire source of global oil. but even then, it's funny how there's a huge jump in production in the mid-2000s, when the "long term trend" had been down since what, 1970?

>peak oil is fully accepted in the industry and by scholars.

yeah it's been accepted for a hundred years and every single time, guess what? more oil. you are just a little boy who is scared about "peak oil" because it's the first time for you hearing about it. here's news though, it's been "over" for a hundred years, but it's never actually over. because... more oil. every single time.
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It's a lie trying to sum up a long copypasta supposedly written by a volunteer teacher in Africa. The interesting part was about how matriarchal everything is. The men are managed by constantly yelling women.
>every single time, guess what? more oil
And every time it's more expensive to extract or refine meaning the economic multiplier you get from each unit of oil is approaching 1 and sometimes less than 1, as in spending a barrel of oil in energy to extract half a barrel. Eventually this means synthetic oil from coal and such, all storing less energy than is put in. It can still be worth it for the density and convenience.
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you are clearly vindictive. and insane. meaning statistically you are probably jewish
Jews are intellectually superior though. Be it IQ or per-capita accomplishments (only race that can say both over Europeans).
I speak as someone who sympathizes heavily with the NSDAP, know it didn't happen etc.
And by the eternal laws of might making right, Jews have simply out-competed Europeans. Today, Europeans are dying out with hardly any resistance; an organism that refuses to lift a finger in self preservation deserves to go extinct.
It also discourages the genetic selection of smart or resourceful people, and greatly rewards aggression.

Literally just depends which is more important to survival. Farming and construction, or being really really good at killing.
>Jews have simply out-competed Europeans.
Through narrative control more than owning the actual accomplishments. The patent clerk considered the archetype of genius and the founding father of modern physics is famous for simply interpreting the math a Scotsman actually figured out. Quantum physics that ignores Einstein still has to use Maxwell's equations. The actual revolution and father of physics is hidden behind layers of jewish theatre centred around their egos.
The iron man jew in Oppenheimer is the rule not the exception.
>this still counts as out-competing
Except it all rests on accomplishments by others. They can't do it themselves meaning they can only survive as parasites.
As opposed to how patriarchal the west is lmao, at least in africa polygamy is allowed
>As opposed to how patriarchal the west is
In the west, India and China the family of the woman pays a dowry for the protection of the male. In Africa the man pays the family of the woman basically to raise his children. The woman's family has all the power. The males are generally irresponsible and don't act as fathers to their own children, they're more responsible for their sister's children which makes evolutionary sense if there's no trust that your woman isn't cheating. I've seen this personally and every source talking about how different Africans are mention this.
>The woman's family has all the power.
This isn't true lmao. This depends on personality not obligation. You are trying to generalize one family to an entire culture. The man is only responsible for paying dowry, if he doesn't then yes, the wife's family becomes a burden, but after the dowry he can do as he wished and decide to shoulder the wife's family burdens or not depending on his personality. You are trying to pass it off as some kind of laid down metaphysics when it isn't Lot's of men worldwide are irresponsible and others are generous and naive, etc.
>This isn't true
You're too braindead to communicate.
>You are trying to pass it off as some kind of laid down metaphysics
Am I now retard?
>not all x are y
Fuck off retard. Just go back to whatever swamp of mindless idiots you come from. You will never have a thought in your life.
the author's name told you everything you needed to know before you even open the book.
>And by the eternal laws of might making right, Jews have simply out-competed Europeans.

running entire nations into the ground just to set up shop on a piece of barren desert does not seem especially smart. far be it from me to question the wisdom of such a plan, i suppose.
Lmao, retard immediately resorts to ad hominem when his paper tower of beliefs and arguments gets poked. Aww did i make you angry anon, did i make chuddy wuddy cross?
You're not literate so you have no clue what I believe or what I presented in my posts. It's completely beyond you to engage and when I point that out you don't even attempt to deny it.
Oh don't worry chuddy wuddy, mommy is going to revenge on your behalf, you are a mommy's boy aren't you, she taught you that honest discourse involves losing your temper and calling names to online strangers when they disagree with you.
The point is you're not disagreeing. You're incapable of engaging with anything actually said. We're not communicating and you're actively trying to undermine any chance of any kind of communication happening. Are you really unable to grasp this demonstrable fact about your posts? It would be so easy to prove me wrong if you weren't actually completely illiterate and braindead but you can't.
You can't even correctly use the reddit memes you're trying to mindlessly parrot. Nothing means anything from retards like you. Pretending you're actually trying to communicate is devaluing real sincere communication and thought. People tolerating retard shit like this is what caused your brain to become mush in the first place.
>ad hominem
I would advise you to look up what that means but it won't help since you're clearly braindead.
/// Crimp the edges to seal them tightly /// The result is that people have exalted expectations and are shocked when they don't materialize /// It is reserved for those who distinguish themselves through "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty" while in action /// The soldiers were ready at a moment's notice /// Additionally, about 96 percent of the land is under conservation easement, meaning it can’t be developed /// He's a mouthpiece for the pharmaceutical industry /// The army has been whipsawed by a shrinking budget and a growing pool of recruits /// It’s been really hectic here. When things settle down, I’ll give you a call /// He had developed a reputation as an automotive savant and tinkered on cars in his spare time /// Although exports are in this sense an epiphenomenon, they are the most measurable of the two /// She strapped the children in and drove away /// The lotion alleviated the itching /// I'm sure they will charge up the wazoo for tickets /// Farming may seem bucolic, but it is an inherently volatile industry, subject to the vicissitudes of weather, disease, and disaster /// Kept the truth from their unwitting friends /// The wily City veteran is rarely caught on the wrong side of a trade /// He saw no fulsome eulogies carved upon the headstones, often nothing but a name and the two dates of birth and death /// Everyone loved her for her blithe spirit /// He's alternately warm and accommodating, then irascible and prickly /// All the world can now peddle its wares on the internet with few restrictions /// In at least some of these alternative ontologies, the visions that come to us unbidden, in the liminal states of insobriety, hypnagogia, or theurgic ecstasy, are not to be dismissed out of hand as obstacles to our apprehension of truth, but may in fact be vehicles of truth themselves /// That practice kept the dynastic line pure but it also increased the risk of passing on congenital defects /// Of course the hoarders' obstreperous attitudes are due, at least in part, to their various illnesses /// As kids got older, their metacognition got better all around /// The film upholds the value of compassion and abjures all forms of retribution /// It is the voice that carries the performance — a voice that sounds, simply, the way Twain’s prose reads ///
Who made mommy's boy angry, tell daddy, he will make things right?
You absolute refuse to even try thinking as an experiment?
Why would I want to seriously engage with a person who throws a tantrum at the first sign of disagreement?
Read the posts you're replying to retard. There is no sign of disagreement. You haven't replied to anything, just made retard noises that don't relate to any post in the thread. All you need to do to absolutely prove that you're not the retard you appear to be is demonstrate the slightest hint of thought. I want you to actually fucking disagree you subhuman piece of shit.
Aren't you the bitchy faggot who replied like this >>23406789?
Why are you still doing it retard? It's so fucking simple. Just don't be a retard and you've completely won. If you can stop being a retard for just one post you've proven me absolutely demonstrably wrong. Why can't you, retard?
Because i am currently fingering your mom who tells me how much of a bitch you turned out to be, i am your daddy now chuddy wuddy
I don't speak ebonics.
but your mom does, doesn't she, it certainly explains why you are a bitchy lightskin with identity issues
But seriously why are you on this board? There can't be that many retards here that are this stupid and triggered but you keep popping up in threads. Threads that are completely civil and sometimes even productive until you show up.
Even if I try to spoonfeed you you're too dumb for the simplest point to register. When it comes to any subject you sincerely believe your private fantasies are always the final authority.
Where did you get the idea that any of your braindead shit is close to reasonable in any way? Why are you unable to see how objectively, demonstrably retarded your posts are? Please ask an AI to help you learn how to read.
Tell me where mommy hurt you and I'll talk to her, we can't have grown men acting like bitchy women. Now write me another paragraph with all the emotional flourish you can muster.
embarrassing. if you find yourself writing out stuff like this go do something else instead.
Oh what's wrong, you can't write another paragraph because the emotional pain is too much, isn't it, you need to organize a picnic to recover from the trauma, don't you?
What are you talking about retard? Why can't you into basic logic and literacy? It can't be this fucking hard.
It seems hard enough for you.
>>23407407 <--- Baited
>>23407303 <--- Quasi-negro
>willingly stumbles into a conversation
You are the special one aren't you?
his source
>my ass
can't say I'm not disappointed
He's a full on 80 IQ gorilla.
Do you think you're making a point? Is the point to condition readers to associate negros with retardation?
No. Its to bait retarded faggots like you into proving how stupid you are, which seems to be especially successful.
Generally, it's futile arguing with low IQ dullards like you, but I'm going to reply in case someone else learns something useful.

> it's funny how there's a huge jump in production in the mid-2000s, when the "long term trend" had been down since what, 1970?

What's funny about it? That "huge jump" was shale. The problem with shale is that its EROI is horrible compared to conventional oil. It also has extremely high decline rates.

>While Hubbert’s predictions look ridiculous when considering total US liquids production, focusing only on conventional crude production suggests Peak Oil is alive and well. Last year, the US produced 3 m b/d of conventional crude oil – 7 m b/d or 70% below the peak reached 52 years ago. In other words, the shales bailed out total US production but did nothing to change the forces underpinning Peak Oil and depletion. On a global basis, conventional oil production (total production ex shale and Canadian oil sands) has exhibited no growth in 17 years.


We hit a global peak in 2018. It's over for you. IDK if you're coping because you're a retarded zoomer, but your future is finished. You will experience a terrible future, I'm sorry.
Uncle Adolf relied on synthetic oil. If there was no perceived downside to oil everyone would be producing it. A redneck can make it with wood + barrels + fire.

I think maybe the best example of this process in motion is Jared Diamond's lovable Papuan New Guineans:
By all means he's right when he says the Indigenous people domesticated, built, and maintained, quite an impressive agricultural society. They grew and originally domesticated maybe half a dozen crops, they figured out terracing, nitrogen fixing, managed irrigation & orchards, and had really no issue with soil erosion or feeding their people a really high carbohydrate diet of starchy root vegetables and bananas.

But then pic related is a selection of more or less the extent of their tool development, and they were such persistent cannibals that the act wasn't successfully criminalized, and actually enforced, until maybe 1989 (going by Wikipedia's citation). No masonry, no organized religion, no stratified society - really nothing even remotely resembling a bronze age society. They literally figured out how to "farm really well" and then ceased all development. They're by no means 'stupid' - when they got exposed to new crops, agricultural techniques, they adopted them, but they still persisted in their cock-horn-wearing ways.
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They're smarter than Europeans
Bronze, iron, etc spread out from the middle east, do you expect island dwellers to figure out everything for themselves when they were relatively isolated? Heck south americans were also stone age because of this, not every culture discovers everything for themselves and this is why Europe thrived because it had easy access to technology and trade with the 4 earliest civilizations, all the others were isolated, subsaharan africa, oceania, south america etc. Why is it so hard for you racist retards to understand this?
>They literally figured out how to "farm really well" and then ceased all development. They're by no means 'stupid'
That quite literally makes them stupid, yes.
You probably shouldn't talk about tautology so much when you obviously have no idea what the word means.
if I'm not mistaken the current view on this book is that it's too eurocentric because it still implies that europeans were molded into a successful culture and judges that by european standards, even if it desperately tries to argue that it was just by chance and nothing else
The claim is they're smarter. Measurements say they're not and neither does observing their behaviour.
>all the others were isolated
You can't even get your cope fantasies to fit basic facts. Isolated from what? The fucking glaciers? Sudan is too isolated from the middle-east but Scotland is obviously where the steam engine will come from even if the island is full of Papuan cannibals. Probably faster since they're smarter.
by the ocean, a giant desert, etc. Europe is connected to the middle east via turkey, and to turkey via an extremely navigable river which drains into the black seas, to china and india via the central steppe, everything else is disconnected by sea, desert or unnavigable rivers, you need to go back to school and study some more geography, the claim they are smarter is irrelevant, my claim is that europe was lucky because of all these ease to accesibility
kek, well done
You're incapable of presenting any sort of coherent claim about any subject. When challenged about one you act as if presenting more unjustified claims and made up stories is an answer. You're unable to communicate or think about any subject.
In this fantasy Europe has easy access to all these places but all these places are also somehow too isolated.

The mistake you're making is not some esoteric thing only a few know about, it's the most basic blatant mistake anyone has to know how to mitigate to begin to think about any subject. We don't assume we know the story of what we're trying to explore and then make up whatever fantasy we can to support that. Doing this will ensure with absolute certainty that you're always wrong.
If you have a model the honest way to test it is to try to falsify it. Any counter example to what the model predicts reduces the explanatory power of the model, the more exceptions you have to add the less relevant your actual model is. Simpler models that account for more with fewer exceptions are considered more accurate and true. Simple model that accounts for vast amounts of data: Papuans are dumb and you're dumber.

The dumb shit you say doesn't fit anything, predict anything or do any work at all. You're trying to convince yourself of these stories you like, not thinking or communicating.
Oh you typed another paragraph to say nothing? Why are you making all this effort if i am apparently incapable of communication you self contradictory bitchy faggot? You are incapable of this, and incapable, did you just learn what incapable means and want to flex this knowledge, are you incapable of the need to stop communicating with a person who can't communicate, will you write me another essay contradicting yourself again?
I'm trying to help you and anyone who is as confused as you. It's not complicated so why are you apparently unable to think, communicate or engage with anything written about any subject even when the basics are spoonfed to you?
It's not because you're actually physically incapable, you wilfully retard yourself to maintain your delusions. You've worked hard all your life to be this braindead.
What are illiterates doing on a board about literature? Why come here and ruin thread after thread about subjects you're not even remotely interested in?
>Europe went from a back-water to world dominators in the second millennium.

Rome fell during the first half of the first millennium
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koran belongs in this thread
>defining intelligence solely by performance on intelligence testing
>"huhuhuhuh you dunnno what a tautology is huhuhuh"
You should be beaten into a vegetative state with a tire iron
It's fascinating isn't it how something can seem to make logical sense, when it's almost totally false, and intentionally deceptive.
Mankind is so interesting. I think we understand the power of vicious mass-education. On paper, people who simply have the slight IQ advantage to promulgate ideas shouldn't be decisively dominant, but with other factors at play in their hands like financial clout it becomes a history-changing power.
>feral hogs can be domesticated immediately
Do you know what the word "feral" means?
>I think we understand
I meant overlook
>As far as I know that 'outdated' meme you hear from time to time is maybe just true: that Africans aren't necessarily stupid, but that a warm/tropical predictable climate unironically does discourage innovation and development - for whatever reason.
Reminds me of how survival videogames use cold and/or nighttime as a way to force you to engage in their building and crafting mechanics...
But the native americans have built many monolithic structures and had sophisticated things and large scale civilization despite being much warmer than Europe.
I'm sure some of the more advanced civilizations in the middle east and asia had warmer climates than Europe too.
I'm not a social marxist who thinks all people are genetically equal and equal in intelligence but I really can't believe Africans are the one race of people too dumb to create large scale civilization and monoliths. I wonder what it is really.
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That's the big one.
yes I do. Feral piglets can be domesticated instantly if you take them from the wild. your gotcha failed
>Uncle Adolf relied on synthetic oil.
yea, this is why they lost. btw, in spite of massively subsidizing this industrial process, they still preferred conventional oil and fought with the aim of capturing oil sources.

net energy gains from these processes are low and production costs are massive. inputs like coal also have their own peaks. we have huge proven reserves, but economically recoverable is a different story.

even if you use all current global coal production for liquid coal, you can get only 20% of our daily transportation fuel needs met. majority of coal is used for electricity, production of cement, steel, aluminum etc and can't be diverted from this. liquefaction is also extremely water intensive. just not happening jack.

I will say this - this entire issue can be resolved for the most part by simply abandoning the automobile. but here in the US, we've built the country for cars, not humans. so not possible.
Giving a definition isn't a tautology, you fucking inbred retard.
Tamed =/= domesticated, you utter, utter midwit
ok retard. i guess not a single pig or cattle is "domesticated" then because thats exactly what raised feral piglets are
Kafka trap
a species is only domesticated when humans take control of its reproduction and selectively breed them to suit our purposes. A tamed animal from the wild is not domesticated. Domestication is a process that takes many generations. There are tamed tigers, but there are no domesticated tigers.
>No masonry, no organized religion, no stratified society
Sounds based desu
nope. they are exactly what you described.

His entire premise is on the fall of Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations, and the shit he says is just plain factually incorrect. He ignores the tens of thousands of natives allied to the Conquistadors and acts like just a couple hundred Conquistadors all on their own toppled the Aztec and Inca Empires.
love that show
And here is a far better (though long) critique.
Are you denying the definition of domesticated? Learn to shut up when you're wrong, your yapping just makes you look like the retard you are
Lol did you just call someone a midwit when you dont even know what "domesticated" means? It's so cute watching retards like you flail around and think they're intelligent.
Yeah and lets pretend IQ measurments don't exist and that they dont show us that niggers aren't intelligent
Rome is the reason.

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