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Reminder that THIS is the real Tallgeese. Give it up boys Leofags won.
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>fan favorite
100% field of view was too strong. They had to reduce it to 15%.
Reminder that the lineart Tallgeese would be incapable of turning it's head at all but is constantly shown doing so
>being limited by physical design characteristics
you are not ready for /m/
Leo and Gundam are chopped down Tallgeese. It predates both variants.
Which face reveal was the most disappointing, this, or the Dijeh being retconned into having a Gundam face beneath the mono-eye?
Leo is what happens when you take Tallgeese and strip out anything that makes it good.
The only true upgrade to Tallgeese is Wing Zero after all.
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I honestly like Tallgeese's underneath face. There is something cool about mech with real robot design language being decorated to look more special. Same with Graze, its "head" is fake, only serve as a decoration for actual head inside.
I don't care, I'd still let Tallgeese-sama plow my butthole
Why didn't they make a Leo 1.5 which is part way between a Leo and the Tallgeese?

So it would have the back jetboosters and could fly through the air and generally be more mobile but not to the point its giving you a heart attack just from piloting it.
Also the Dober Gun is the coolest weapon in Wing so they'd also have that as standard.
Leo was a concession to resources and manpower.
Tallgeese was such an intense suit that even the (arguably) most skilled MS pilot around almost couldn't handle it before he just stopped being afraid of death or something(?).

If you don't just dismiss what Heero and Zechs do in a Leo as plot armor it means they're actually fairly capable suits, but the average mook just want to stand around and fire off his gun.
It's a lot like original OYW, where Zakus were almost uncontested on the battlefield simply because there were no other significant threats at the time. It led to complacency among pilots and the average tactic was w+m1.
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it has a neck on paper
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it has no neck on paper
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They literally did. Even if it's an "after the series" retcon, there's also the Leo with the flight backpack that appears in the show a few times.
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>So it would have the back jetboosters and could fly through the air and generally be more mobile but not to the point its giving you a heart attack just from piloting it.
They don't have doberguns because the little flight pack probably can't counter the recoil too well
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It still frustrates me how Wing just mashed projectile and beam weapons into a pile. So you get something that's basically a laser but has recoil and heavyarms ejecting shell casing from a beam gatling.
>heavyarms ejecting shell casing from a beam gatling
When did that happen? I don't think the TV series ever had the detail to bother showing shell casings, while in EW they specifically exclude the word "beam" when referring to Heavyarms' gatling guns
They excluded the word but never said it was physical either.
While TV Heavyarms never drops shells they do directly refer to it's ammunition supply, not an energy one.
Fighter jets never drop shells either. While the jets do it to maintain the weight balance, given the secrecy around the Gundams I could see them doing it to avoid leaving anything to be analyzed.
The Leo with a flight pack had enough power to shift an entire battleship on water and temporarily knock out Wufei in the Shenlong. It's just inexplicably not used
Well there are those OZ prize Leos
>but never said it was physical either
Well my thought was that if they drop the word "beam" then at the very least it's not firing beams anymore, so the only other thing it could be firing is physical ammunition. And then when the Heavyarms finally makes its entrance taking down some Serpents, they even zoom in on the shell casings on the floor.

>While TV Heavyarms never drops shells they do directly refer to it's ammunition supply
I don't really have an answer for that if it's something Trowa said, but if it's something said by the enemy then it might just be the enemy not knowing that like in episode 3.

Also I won't really count it as evidence since back in the 90s since no one would have been autistic enough and it wasn't easy for viewers to see due to low quality recording and pause features back in the 90s, but in the scene where Trowa and Quatre meet Duo and Heero for the first time and get scanned by sensors, the gatling gun is identified as a beam gatling.
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>While TV Heavyarms never drops shells they do directly refer to it's ammunition supply, not an energy one.

I mean that could easily by a translation thing or just how beam rifles have a certain number of prepared shots per mission. Energy weapons having an ammo count isn't that unusual in fiction.
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face guard
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Just call it a charged plasma cartridge like the Tibbana gas cartridges in Star Wars.
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President Washington...
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kinda moe
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the jig is up, the leo is the best mobile suit of all time
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When did that happen?
It's the 1/100 RE/100 Dijeh kit that introduced this retcon, I think. Other recent kits have it too.

Basically, inside the "black shadow" on Dijeh's face you can see it has a Gundam face.
That's fucking trash, the best part of the Dijeh was that Amuro didn't need to be piloting a gundam to wreck house
It is more similar to Silver Bullet and Gundvolva, just pseudo-Gundam and has none of actual Gundam's spec.
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That just makes giving it a secret gundam face via retcon even MORE unnecessary
Technically the eyes are just supposed to be sockets.
It's not a whole gundam face, just twin eyes like most federation MS. The Nemo also has twin eyes underneath the visor and the Dijeh at least partially borrows from the Nemo's engineering
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I'm honestly curious about fed grunts. They are basically the other side of the same coin.
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Most of federation MS are monoeye, though. Jegan, several of GM variants and Jesta are mono eyes, and probably bunch of other federation grunts. They don't have to give gundam head to a monoeye.
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Jegan, Nemo, and I think the Augusta GM types are monoeyes, but IIRC the original GM and GM Kai and their variants are some kind of twin eyes behind the visor.
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Yeah, but very little of them have actual gundam head like Silver Bullet. I believe the Guncannon have monoeye, too.
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Lately, Nemo art show them with a glowing triple eye behind the visor.
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That's Katoki's rendition and also an updated model in Unicorn era. Originally, behind the visor is just machinery with 4 glowing LEDs. You can say they are true visor type with no humanoid traits behind the glass.
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Oof. That's rough. As other anon's have stated part of the appeal of the Dijeh is that Amuro was such a good pilot he could take whatever sloppy seconds Karuba just had laying around and be sucessful. I guess this was a way to try and merge the Dijeh with Amuro's custom Zeta Plus?
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One of the few things I like about CE is that it went full in on the evil Fed aesthetic, unlike Zeta.
Fuck CE, it literally just took all the Zeon suits and repackaged them to sell again, right down to having the same names.
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It ain't like they took the F-type and inserted into CE. The body proportions and aesthetics are pretty different, the only thing that's the same is the name.
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The mainline GMs up to the GM III, ground type, Kai and E type, Custom and Quel, and Nemo use dual eyes. Even the Jesta here is actually double twin eyes + mono eye in the center. IIRC the Gustav Karl is either quad eyes or compound like the jesta, and the rezel is also compound 4 eyes + monoeye. So it's really just the Jegans and the GM Command variants that are mono-eyes.
That's probably just a quirk of the HGUC. The MG has two eyes and the GBO2 version has big double eyes. In Define there are a few panels where it does a single glowing eye meme (not monoeye) which points to two eyes.
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reminds me of the sinanju having feddy-like eye cameras under its mono eye
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That ties into the expanded backstory about it being a remodeled Sinanju Stein, which was more Gundam-like with twin eyes. Oddly it seems that in some versions it has light red eyes and it other depictions it is a very light green.
that is so stupid.
also, fuck that trope of just standing there doing dumb speeches or exposition and not killing protags right off the bat
>Large camera center in head
>cover it with a face plate with a slit opening and visor
I never understood this?
Tallgeese was the real Wing's Devil all along...
You ever thought they just need to stretch time and that talking in moments of action is stylistic and isn't representative of some real overly long sequence of events underneath
It's a TV show, not "make the viewers pause and slow down every moment so they can catch up and do an OSINT analysis with lip reading" real combat footage
>>Large camera center in head
Is it actually all camera and not just transparent visor shielding? What do the official technical arts say?
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>unlike Zeta.
the Titans were Feddies
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>Left: The Cooler Daniel
>Right: Daniel
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Hyuk Hyuk
Say what you will about Wing but it had some of the best designs of all time. Leos literally rival Zakus.
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The Tallgeese being the super up godfather of Leo's is hardly a disappointing fact since it was revealed at its inception. It can't compare to the shitty retcon of the Dijeh.
>only one of him
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as usual, multiple existed before and afterward, just never in the same place at the same time
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Or perhaps he's wondering, why would you shoot a man after throwing him off the plane?
>As other anon's have stated part of the appeal of the Dijeh is that Amuro was such a good pilot he could take whatever sloppy seconds Karuba just had laying around and be sucessful.
Except Dijeh was a highly customized mobile suit based on the most advanced suit AEUG had that isn't a super prototype like Hyaku Shiki or Zeta. It's not like he sortied in GM II or Nemo.
Honestly, having a Gundam head there is kinda cool, because it makes it a Zeon looking Fed suit, as opposed to a ton of Fed looking Zeon suits of the era.
>heavyarms ejecting shell casing from a beam gatling.
The beams are stored in the bullets anon
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They need to make a game like Federation vs Zeon but set in After Colony.
Dearly want to pilot grunts like Leos and Tragos and later get add a Tallgeese-prototype to the pool during campaign mode all with that sort of action gameplay (it was much like a Wing-series Gundam showing up whenever a canon character appeared in that considering they were invincible and did massive damage)
Fuck off Sevakis you queg.
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Was the Tallgeese really so much faster in terms of speed and acceleration compared to every other mobile suit seen in the setting?
Like no other mobile suit seen in Wing gives its pilots heart attacks from the 2FAST2FURIOUS nature of it.
Wouldn't you be more likely to black out mid-combat from the G's involved in these circumstances?
>later get add a Tallgeese-prototype to the pool during campaign mode
No, they were just too retarded to wear a pressure suit and didn't realize the engine throttle works for more than zero and max power
Wufei is by far the worst of the gundam pilots. Would much rather if his wife had been the pilot of the chink gundam. Would have made Wing slightly less gay.
but we like it gay
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No, THIS is the REAL Tallgeese!
It's unlikely. The tallgeese 3 has 95 tons of thrust. Assuming it's around 16 tons fully loaded it should only be capable of around 6Gs of acceleration. All 3 tallgeese are almost identical except equipment. The Wing Zero EW has similar thrust to empty mass ratio so they should both be similar in speed
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>Even the Jesta here is actually double twin eyes + mono eye in the center.

Jesta's "4 eyes" are just additional upgrades to the main monoeye originated from Jegan model, and the design language is more akin to Federation Sniper MS. Basically it is still just monoeye with some extra LEDs. You take those out and it will revert to Jegan.
All feddie suits' main camera is the forehead/crest camera, so you could say the same thing about the monoeye
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Later era of UC completely ditched GM's visor eyes in favor of Jegan's mono eyes with some upgrades. It makes sense, since both sides have been stealing each other's tech for decades.
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Man this design looks like ass, especially the shitty head semi-crest
The geese are It's twin boosters
It's supposed to be "Theurgist" but engrish is too hard prease undastand
That sounds like nonsense someone came up with after the fact because they didn't like it being called bigbird
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Leos are great. Looking forward to using one as the basis of my gunpla in GB4.
Wonder if it will include the Leo Cannon type by default.
I prefer the Tallgeese 2.
Glory to Treize
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He meant the mecha aesthetic. Majority of the Titans suits are monoeyes.
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Double-wielding Dober Guns is so cool.
It is.
were there actually any Wing pilots who weren't fucking insufferable aside from Duo and Trowa? I think Wufei's obnoxiousness would stand out more if he wasn't next to Heero.
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I don't understand what you think makes Heero "insufferable". He's distant and incredibly objective to the point of coming off as brusque. But if you're not too overbearing and take the time to know him by going with his flow, he actually ends up being the best Wingman you could ask for.
>t. Relena
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The Tallgeese is older than the Gundams in Wing.
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The Aries were cool aerial mobile suits but they don't get any respect, apart from their kickass original design compared to pretty much any other MS in the franchise they don't seem to be any better at it when they bring in bullshit flying demigod tallgeese (or even Leos getting their own flight boosters)

They should have had more missiles mounted on them to go along with the chaingun.
Only the Aries and Taurus grunts seemed to be capable of actual flying. The flight pack for Leos didn't allow high altitude and it was more like a high mobility pack that let them hover, hop, and dash.
My headcannon is that they overcompensated when trying to make suits that wouldn't actively kill pilots after making the Tallgeese too strong and put some severe limitations on the grunt suits. Between safe guards and training the average pilot can barely manage to move and shoot.
Aries would be especially difficult to handle for the average soldier.

In real life air force pilots and astronauts are some of the smartest dudes of the bunch, but in gundam they like portraying pilots as just typical soldiers.

I wonder if we can do this in Breaker 4
In breaker 4 I'm gonna use a Leo as my suits base, and give it overwelming firepower with all sorts of option weapons attatched to it.
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We wuz gundam and shiet.
So cool.
The Dober Gun is one of the coolest weapons in Gundam, way cooler than bullshit like remote psychic weapons.
The only stupid bit of it is the series not deciding on if its a physical cannon or also a beam cannon.
No amount of vagina would've made Wing less gay.
It ain't really a gundam head unless you squint really hard.
I agree.
You talking about how Gundam portrays pilots reminds me of Ace Combat Infinity's story. In it, it's stated that with the increasing ease of mass producing fighter planes, official militaries and mercenary groups alike were snapping up any kind of pilot, including flight school dropouts.
With the proliferation of mobile suits in all Gundam settings, perhaps one would wonder if giving every soldier a mobile suit is not unlike throwing crap at a wall and see what sticks before reorganizing the survivors into a team.
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Tallgeese Wing is best Tallgeese.
All the yellow bullshit added to the tallggeese is so fucking ugly. Not to mention the stupid cockerel crest.
>Dijeh casts off its armor reveal a restored RX 78-2 beneath
but that's a chicken
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Just found out this guy hit a million subs. Good for him.
Wonder if he's going to do a video honoring MH3U and 4U before the servers close down next month.
I would've gotten away with it if weren't for you meddling kids.
Leo are literally just Tallgeese that were made poorly on purpose.
No, they are the Tallgeese but made in a way people can actually pilot it without dying.
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>Reminder that THIS is the real Tallgeese. Give it up boys Leofags won.

leos are just a mass produced cheaper tallgeese with everything turned down enough to not risk killing the pilot.

As for the head, we really have no idea what is behind the mono eye. It might not even be an eye or camera. It could be filled with sensors and radar that operate at frequencies that easily penetrate the mask. The mask could be additional armor. It could also be a second set of senors developed by one of the scientists that work better than the sensors that it snaps on top of.
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They never hide this fact though? I mean yeah it is goofy that instead of a unique head they put a face mask on it and call it a new mech. Same with the blue one. But it speaks volumes of how powerful the Talgeese is that reducing visibility on it's head doesn't phase it at all and can take out a base by just charging forward with a palm strike.
>Tallgeese [EW] with the excess yellow painted over
I love how basically everyone does this
The excess yellow is gaudy visual cancer slapped onto a perfect design
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>instead of a unique head they put a face mask on it and call it a new mech
There's a little bit of cope involved if you reach hard enough
Giant face camera is pretty vulnerable, dunno how stylized head protects it while offering not very impaired vision
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I always thought that was just a little hat. That was an eye patch the whole time? Nani the fuck.
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The tallgeese is the original
Well yeah. If Tallgeese the parallel stand in for the Rx 78-2, then Leo is the GM. They were doom to fail
Cucktoki can't help himself
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Yes. Won't happen tho. Japs prefer UC over AC
The flying Leos do a decent job. In hindsight though that makes them closer to the Talgeese and the jet engines it has.
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Its annoying the only "Ace Custom" Oz suits in Wing come from a shitty spinoff manga.
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The Red Leo and the Armoured Leo seems like they make sense, in that they are just Leos with extra components added ontop.
But the Girl leo is physically slimmer than the Leos frame, it would have to be a whole new ms unlike the other two which are modifications. Seems off.
I wish the Gundams in Wing weren't so OP. AC has the best looking gunts. Leo, Taurus, Virgo, not to mention UESA and OZ uniforms.

We need another series set in AC that animated and isn't Frozen Teardrop.
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The funny thing is that their specs are pretty damn good. They'd be midway suits in UC.
They seem like Zeta-era suits at least, especially since that show loved transforming so much as a gimmick so the Taurus would slot right in.

The Leo is old as shit in AC but its at least better than OYW suits. Has an actual military feel with its lifespan, refurbishments and wide range of equipment.
Honestly I'd love to see a continuation of AC entirely just to see tech advancements. We got such a good taste of it in EW with the Serpent being an advancement of the Leo combined with Heavyarms weaponry.
Sanc Kingdom Taurus's are really cool.
these are cool
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monkey's paw, etc
I highly doubt any of the mechs or even the characters are going to look the way they did in the novel.
IIRC the Virgo IV was apparently intentionally meant to look like the old Virgo II model to be deceptive.

Not that it makes any sense since the only manufacturers of the Virgo II were the White Fang who stole it from Romefeller, and their only factory was the Libra battlestation which no longer exists.
Isn't that just Katoki not playing ball? I know the villains have the original Zero and Epyon and considering what the Zero System can do, I wouldn't put it past those units to have information on the Virgo that can be used to build more.
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I have not watched Wing, but I believe you
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This is not correct. Monoeyed GM types are hallmark trait of Izubuchi-designed GMs such as the Command types and Jegan. Types such as the vanilla GM, II, III, etc. tend to have sensor arrays, dual eyes, etc.
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How often does the Leo bazooka actually get used?
Its a cool version of a mobile suit bazooka/rocket launcher, but for the Leo its overshadowed heavily by the existance of the Dober Gun.
Milliardo looks so lame without the Zechs mask.
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Only show where the drone mechs upstage the generics piloted by humans in looking good.
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How do they explain tallgeese being able to turn its head?
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it's Wing, don't gotta explain shit
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wasn't heero defeated by a leo? why suddenly he could fight 1v1 with the Tallgeese?
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There might be official lore reasons somewhere but mostly just because okay?

Heero was mary sue as fuck but that was still his first real combat deployment and he was up against THE ace pilot of the century.
Cannot dodge well when descending from space.
I think so too

Weird post
>most skilled MS pilot around almost couldn't handle it before he just stopped being afraid of death or something(?).
Zechs just got severe brain damage from it and then it didn't matter anymore. Just listen to the utter nonsense he answers to Noin's questions in the hospital tent after piloting it. Brain was totally fried.
For me, it's the high heels and butterfly wings.
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The Dijeh is like...one of the most advanced suits of the Zeta era, it's basically already a gundam in terms of specs.
Nta but despite being an arm of the Federation military, 90% of their suits look like something Zeon would use.
Thank you but who is this
that would be me having too many fucking tabs open
Well I hope your stream goes well anon, hope driving a stolen car or playing as those Portal robots makes you feel like you're piloting a Tallgoose
>feel like you're piloting a Tallgoose
why would you wish pain on strangers
The pain will make him stronger and keep better track of his tabs
Not exactly. The gundams are decended from the Wing Zero, which was made by the scientists after they got fed up with Earth and Oz and decided to make something new and original to surpass tallgeese. Related but not descended from.
Not true for the graze. The thing on the front is an entirely seperate camera from the inner one. The inner camera is more powerful but more easily damaged during close combat so when not needed it's covered by the armor to protect it.
He got the girl in the end so that nonsense worked.
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>Behold, a Gundam!
the fucking inconsistencies, lmao
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